maggie_malfoy @ 2003-11-12 00:20:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
In which Lupin uses an amusing icon, needs more coffee, and challenges Harry to a rematch.
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Anonymous @ November 11 2003, 22:30:00 UTC |
woohoo! sirius and remus are making me squee so hard right now, and i never ever squee at all! :D :D
massive <3's to them both!
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Anonymous @ November 11 2003, 22:43:20 UTC |
(i know it's in a totally random spot, sorry, but i couldn't find an original post for sinistra's entry...)
has anyone seen this? he's so nasty! i love it! (though i majorly <3 sinistra, too... hehe)
kenboy @ November 13 2003, 20:18:01 UTC |
What's really disturbing (other than that I haven't read NA in three days) is that I initially glanced at this comment and missed your first "squee."
Eyebrows seriously raised, I re-read more carefully. Um, whew.
therealycats @ November 11 2003, 23:17:22 UTC |
Yay! for NA!Blupin!!!
Full moon's upon us isn't it? Doggy lovin! :o :D
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tymbrimi @ November 12 2003, 04:45:33 UTC |
Yeah. Maybe. I don't know.
Something's wrong with Harry?? Doesn't sound too serious, but very wibbly...
is wibbly even a word? oh nvm hehe
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tymbrimi @ November 12 2003, 05:08:25 UTC |
apparent Sirius/Remus?
I wouldn't assume Remus was that flighty. I thought they were just starting to talk...
would Harry be that unsettled by any reconciliation?
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tymbrimi @ November 12 2003, 05:21:29 UTC |
Remus has been friendly with Sirius for a while now though...
*frantically searches for link*
He said he and Sirius had a tentative friendship a month ago now and Harry didn't seem to mind. potions_master might have, which makes me wonder about his reaction this time hehe
Now I just really wonder whats up with just_harry...
snowballjane @ November 12 2003, 05:46:02 UTC |
Are we seeing Snape's reaction here? Things do seem to have chilled. Please tell me he's not backing away now Sirius is back on the scene...
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tymbrimi @ November 12 2003, 05:56:53 UTC *confused* |
I'd say thats exactly what he's doing, now that you mention it. I don't understand why, but the moment Remus got in contact with Sirius he got... distant. Wouldn't Snape try and keep Remus from Sirius though? We know he cares about him and doesn't think his dependence on his relatonship with Sirius was a good thing.
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hobaggins @ November 12 2003, 12:22:06 UTC |
I sort of get the feeling from Snape though, at the same time, that he doesn't feel like he deserves the company, that he deserves Lupin. This is probably just reading too much fanfic, but all his responses... all the action, it's been Lupin who has been the agressor. If Snape sees Lupin going back to Black, I can see him completely backing down. He was never really in your face pursuing Lupin to begin with.
Actually that's not really true, there were all those discussions where he shot down Black when Lucius was around. But it really was just defense when Lupin couldn't handle it himself. I just don't see Snape as the initiator.
I can see him thinking that Lupin should have what he wants. And even though I don't necessarily feel Lupin and Black have a healthy relationship, and it makes me anxious to think of Lupin having to go through another harrowing ordeal, because he realyl was torn apart..... I bet Lupin is a lot stronger now. And wouldn't put up with things. And maybe it would work out.
I feel so awful for Snape though. Even though I should clearly trust him to hold his own, I just don't want him to give up Lupin because he thinks that Lupin really wants Black. *cries* Oh the angst!
zorb @ November 12 2003, 12:35:53 UTC |
I totally agree with your assessment of Snape. Definitely fits him.
And even though I don't necessarily feel Lupin and Black have a healthy relationship, and it makes me anxious to think of Lupin having to go through another harrowing ordeal, because he realyl was torn apart..... I bet Lupin is a lot stronger now. And wouldn't put up with things. And maybe it would work out.
However, I am seriously skeptical about a Lupin/Black relationship ever working out in the NA-verse. Because we've seen this pattern with them before - together, split up, back together - and it didn't work out that time. It's all happy puppy love for a very brief time, and then it's misery and angst and woe.
And when it's bad, it doesn't just affect them. Harry gets caught up in it, as well as many other characters, due to both Lupin and Black being rather demonstrative, showy people. No wonder Harry is more willing to accept Snupin - it doesn't cause half the trouble, and it might even help Harry out in the end. ;-)
Heh, I can't belive I'm so strongly anti-Sirius/Remus in this RPG. It's warped, dude.
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hobaggins @ November 12 2003, 15:40:53 UTC |
Heh, I can't belive I'm so strongly anti-Sirius/Remus in this RPG. It's warped, dude.
Haha. OMG, I am too. I'm just afraid of the "Blupin-ers" ganging up on me. *ducks*
And when it's bad, it doesn't just affect them. Harry gets caught up in it, as well as many other characters, due to both Lupin and Black being rather demonstrative, showy people. No wonder Harry is more willing to accept Snupin - it doesn't cause half the trouble, and it might even help Harry out in the end. ;-)
I wouldn't know that I'd agree with Harry accepting Lupin/Snape so much as understanding it, I suppose. And not saying something because after all, he knows all about lusting after Slytherins.
And yeah, it absolutely just doesn't affect them. It was so awful for Harry too, and oh god I really hated reading all those threads over the summer. On NA, and on NrAged too. I mean there's not much you can say to people who think that Lupin should deal with horrible things just because he loves Sirius....
Ahm, I'm sorry I can't form coherent thoughts, I had this half written then I saw the trailer and I don't think I can speak for awhile. OH MY GOD.
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Anonymous @ November 12 2003, 18:54:28 UTC |
No wonder Harry is more willing to accept Snupin - it doesn't cause half the trouble, and it might even help Harry out in the end.
oh my god, why would harry be more willing to accept SNAPE into his life than sirius? would you prefer your mother to be with your father, or the guy you hate? just because you get angry at a family member doesn't mean you want them completely out of your life. sirius is the only actual family harry has. i can't believe you think he'd be more willing to accept snape into his life than sirius.
zorb @ November 12 2003, 20:17:12 UTC |
1) Sirius is not Harry's only family. Remus has pretty much become a second godfather to Harry, and Harry's much closer to him now than he is to Sirius.
2) Harry did accept Sirius into his life before, and Sirius failed him by repeatedly hooking up with someone who actively wants Harry dead.
3) Snape may be a nasty bugger, but he is on Harry's side where it counts. Snape has repeatedly helped to save Harry's life. Harry's an adult now, not an eleven year old kid. He knows how much House points don't matter in the grand scheme of things. I don't think he hates Snape anymore.
4) Lupin, whose judgment Harry trusts (see: reaction to Lucius), likes him. Hell, Sirius had a fling with him the last time the two of them broke up, and I don't recall Harry having any problem with it then. So that's points in Snape's favor.
5) As hobaggins said, Harry understands that Slytherins can seem nasty, petty, and vindictive, but some of them have cubic zirconium hearts.
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Anonymous @ November 13 2003, 00:18:13 UTC |
but harry nEVER understands that about snape. you know, i've told my mother to fuck off, but it never meant i no longer wanted her in my life. i'm sorry, but that you'd just write sirius out that way and say having snape as some sort of surrogate godfather is preferred is really offensive to me.
(parent)zorb @ November 13 2003, 09:35:32 UTC |
Well, I never said I think Harry wants Snape as a godfather! Huge difference between accepting Lupin's relationship with him and making him a family member. Huge. Also, there's a huge difference between being angry with your mother and having your godfather repeatedly sleep with the man who is trying to kill you. Just MHO, of course. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, O Anonymous One. :-)
(parent)la_trix @ November 12 2003, 10:52:54 UTC |
From your link:
Tea with Sirius went well, better than I expected I admit, though really I don't feel any different now than I did before ... I would rather exist in civility.
That's toleration of Sirius, not exactly glasses of wine and reminiscing in front of a roaring fire, as this latest encounter was. And they've made another "date." I think it's pretty obvious that Harry's kind of pissed off. He's just not ready to forgive Sirius for this August yet.
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Anonymous @ November 12 2003, 11:32:05 UTC |
I don't understand. Is Harry maybe upset at Remus sleeping with Severus? That makes more sense to me than him being upset about Remus and Sirius starting to talk again. Just a thought, though. Well, maybe upset isn't the right word...I don't know!
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Anonymous @ November 12 2003, 11:39:10 UTC |
yeah, that's exactly what i was about to say too.
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hobaggins @ November 12 2003, 12:13:38 UTC |
Ahm. I wouldn't say so. The only thing we've heard straight from Harry re: Sirius was the back-post.
We have no idea how Harry feels about Lupin/Snape. Snape and Harry aren't exactly in any way tolerant of one another, but there hasn't been anything said.
All we know about this is that Harry was wicked pissed at Sirius. Time passed. Lupin apparently slept with Snape. Harry and Lupin hung out. Lupin met and now is apparently on good terms with Sirius. And now Harry wants to talk.
It could be about anything, there's not much to base what Harry has to say on. If it had been about Snape he would have had the opportunity this past weekend. Logic says it's re: Sirius. However, who knows. It could be anything. It could be Snape. It could be Sirius. It could be his scar hurting. It could be about Hulk. We can't really know.
onthehillside @ November 12 2003, 12:52:23 UTC |
I thought Harry seemed distracted, not angry about Sirus or Severus. I'm probably reading it wrong, but I got the feeling that something else had come up that Harry wanted to talk to Lupin about.
What that could possibly be, I don't know. Harry's no drama queen -if he's having a problem with something he's not going to talk about it on lj.
vassilissa @ November 13 2003, 22:03:58 UTC |
That's what I thought, too.
He's not just not a drama queen, he's really understated in everything - even his sense of humour runs dry to very dry.
"You don't have to if you're busy or anything, it's not that important and I don't want to bother you anyway," from Harry, sounds quite urgent to me.
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tymbrimi @ November 12 2003, 15:03:37 UTC |
I don't think Harry would be that distracted and worried over a reconciliation. It would be a bit heartless of him to deny Lupin a little closure after all the attention he's been lavishing on Harry lately. His relationship with either of them is seperate, and he's kept a pretty low profile every other time they talked. Or rather maybe this us just how I think Harry should feel hehe
so,as above, I think something new is up with Harry. What about when sirius said
I did run into Dumbledore in the corridor a moment ago, and he asked me to tell you that he'd like to see you when you're free.
to Remus? I'm just going to wait patiently now. yup...
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Anonymous @ November 12 2003, 18:46:48 UTC |
Snape and Harry aren't exactly in any way tolerant of one another, but there hasn't been anything said.
draco has never said he had any remotely slashy feelings for harry. ;D
jacinthsong @ November 12 2003, 11:17:53 UTC |
*snickers at icon* Lupin + Tea = OTP.
Come on, the Remus/Severus vs Remus/Sirius tension is, like, so last year.
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Anonymous @ November 12 2003, 16:20:29 UTC |
I'm sorry to be completely OT, but did everyone get a chance to see the trailer yet??
It's here ( if you want to check it out.
I thought Harry was pissed off about Sirius and Remus talking again too. Hopefully not though.
therealycats @ November 12 2003, 16:51:20 UTC |
TRAILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*