maggie_malfoy @ 2003-11-19 02:20:00 |
(no title)
Mood: geeky
For the first time in months, just_harry has an update. And it's a fairly lengthy one too.
ETA: There appears to be a live thread going on between potterstinks and
just_harry. Joy :)
ETS #2: More of this please, and less angst :)
dragynville @ November 18 2003, 18:38:28 UTC |
I'd like to see Harry explain just how he knows that Draco doesn't shave. *leer*
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Anonymous @ November 18 2003, 18:40:23 UTC |
It's been mentioned in NA canon a couple of times... I think Millicent posted about it at some point as well XD
(parent)maggie_malfoy @ November 18 2003, 18:46:53 UTC |
Run for cover! *giggles* Especially now that dear old M_B has joined in :)
(parent)maggie_malfoy @ November 18 2003, 18:50:15 UTC |
Well, you know how it is with celebrity relationships... *giggles*
No more angst!!!! *is joyous*
Wonder how long it lasts. My bet's on at three hours.
anjaliesque @ November 18 2003, 18:41:35 UTC |
Thoughts running through my head:
"'You don't shave?' Ouch."
"Good, now invite him into your washroom to prove it. Maybe for a shower too, you know how these things are."
"Ah, but does Millicent shave?"
maggie_malfoy @ November 18 2003, 18:47:47 UTC |
Hahaha!!! Now now, after the Dogear Wyrde party, I think Harry and Draco have spent enough time together in washrooms ;)
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hobaggins @ November 18 2003, 18:45:56 UTC |
S2-less link if anyone wants it...... *hums contentedly*
(parent)maggie_malfoy @ November 18 2003, 18:52:52 UTC |
Too right we have!!! :D :D
*is far too gleeful for ten to three in the morning*
dragynville @ November 18 2003, 18:55:55 UTC |
To which Harry issues a thinly veiled challenge. :D :D
(parent)maggie_malfoy @ November 18 2003, 18:56:48 UTC |
To quote an nraged icon- I think I just squeed my pants :)
(parent)luna_lg @ November 19 2003, 16:16:58 UTC |
*snorts and giggles* Well, people actually remembered!
(parent)maggie_malfoy @ November 18 2003, 18:58:07 UTC |
Yes, the skull and cross bones symbol- love is in the air...
:D :D
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Anonymous @ November 18 2003, 19:42:04 UTC |
He is so in love with her.
No wonder the R/Hr didn't work out. :-)
maggie_malfoy @ November 18 2003, 19:06:04 UTC |
I have died of squee so many times- especially considering the current Harry/Draco interaction *loffs*
*dies some more*
peccavium @ November 18 2003, 19:16:53 UTC |
I don't know what's subtle and intricate about breaking a towel rack, but that is a fascinating line of dialogue/PS icon use.
(parent)maggie_malfoy @ November 18 2003, 19:18:19 UTC |
Hmm, you make an interesting point. *giggles*
The icons are wonderful :) As is his spoilt child reaction to the fact harry has to go off and do other stuff *contented sigh*
maggie_malfoy @ November 18 2003, 19:37:47 UTC |
Yes. In great detail.
The fact that they're seeming less 'woe is me' and more 'hmm, empty classrooms, eh?' is making me happy. As is the fact that Remust asked for just Sirius (and harry, but that doesn't count) in this post. I never was happy about the Remus/Severus action going on.
maggie_malfoy @ November 18 2003, 19:15:41 UTC |
!!!!!!!!!!! *dies* Aw, he's all upset that Harry's got other things to do!
dragynville @ November 18 2003, 19:23:55 UTC |
He's trying and Harry isn't playing along! *shakes fist*
Maybe Harry will make a long detour? *hopes* ;D
maggie_malfoy @ November 18 2003, 19:25:13 UTC |
*giggles* Oh no, Harry's far too improtant and aloof to do that. Methinks he's playing hard to get ;) ;)
(parent)maggie_malfoy @ November 18 2003, 19:50:10 UTC |
maggie_malfoy @ November 18 2003, 20:01:11 UTC |
With a squeeful reply and a squeeful icon! He is elusively dashing! *fangirls*
(parent)onthehillside @ November 18 2003, 20:06:16 UTC |
*on pins and needles* Say yes Draco! YES!!!!!
(parent)maggie_malfoy @ November 18 2003, 20:07:10 UTC |
I feel a 'theirloveisso...' comming on!
*squees some more*
luna_lg @ November 19 2003, 16:19:04 UTC |
Okay, I'll do it--theirloveissoicyhot! XD
Anyway...sounds like Harry actually got playful around the end of that! *does what her icon says*
maggie_malfoy @ November 18 2003, 20:03:09 UTC |
I'm really enjoying come hither!Draco's icons :)
(parent)dragynville @ November 18 2003, 21:14:58 UTC |
Harry asks "Do you want to go to sleep?" and Draco replies with his Harry icon. Is it wrong of me to have enjoyed that so much? *leer!squee* :D
(parent)saphywaphy @ November 18 2003, 21:19:50 UTC |
And Draco said "Fantastic" - must not forget that detail!
(parent)onthehillside @ November 18 2003, 21:45:33 UTC |
No, that is certainly not to be forgotten. :D
(parent)onthehillside @ November 18 2003, 21:48:09 UTC |
ETA: They stopped commenting at 69. *leers dangerously over the edge*
(parent)noirenails @ November 18 2003, 22:49:41 UTC |
:D First time I saw that Harry has posted my reaction was:
"OMG He's alive, he's alive!"
Then: "OMG 69 comments OMG!"
Then: "Who wants to bet that Draco was the first to comment X)?" Then: "Hah, I was right! Go me!"
Then: "Squeeeeeee!!1"
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Anonymous @ November 19 2003, 11:31:48 UTC |
As a recent NA addict, can you explain why ya'll call it the 'Harry' icon? Or point me in the direction of the thread?
Thank you much.
onthehillside @ November 19 2003, 12:15:41 UTC |
It's because Harry's in it. On the left. He's actually got two.
You can look at them here and here. Actually look at them all. Everyone has their own favorites. Mine is the "delightfully dark" one.
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Anonymous @ November 19 2003, 00:40:21 UTC Just a note here... |
I'm an exhausted anonymous lurker whose brain is just about dead, but after reading this entire post (particularily the conversation between Harry and Draco *squee!*) I can't help but wonder... what was Draco talking about when he said "when you least expect it, Potter"? I mean, he used his Potter icon, the same one that he used when he acquiesced to Harry's *cough* request... I can't help but think there's a meaning there. What is Draco going to spring on Harry? I just get this feeling that they weren't talking about Millicent's lies anymore... at least not in the generic sense.
Sorry I'm so incoherant. Thoughts, anyone?
vassilissa @ November 19 2003, 01:56:11 UTC |
Feel unable to say anything about this but "awww".
(parent)onthehillside @ November 19 2003, 12:19:41 UTC |
Dude, Harry changed his default icon to the one Draco likes!!!1
tabiji @ November 20 2003, 01:13:49 UTC |
Aaaugh! He's changed them again. He added a new one and deleted some... he's down to 7 now :(