hezzabeth @ 2004-01-19 14:29:00

When Draco met Luna
Mood: amused

Guys how could you miss this?

This has to be the funniest thread I've read in a while, Luna owing Draco favours Hermione being "catty" it's classic NA material.
I am also a full Luna/Ronald shipper sign me up!


alioth @ November 18 2003, 19:31:30 UTC

um yeah so...harry and millicent?

i missed something big here.


Anonymous @ November 18 2003, 19:37:53 UTC

They seemed to be mocking each other at the end there. With the cliché reasons for breaking up and all.

Was the whole thing like this, or did I miss something too?

--Lurker Keri--


alioth @ November 18 2003, 19:38:50 UTC

i don't know. but it's in jh's post too.

ah, the confusion.


Anonymous @ November 18 2003, 19:44:10 UTC

In the comments? Yeah, I saw that. If it is just a joke between them (and for all I know, they could be joking or completely serious), then it's almost like M.B. just continued from before.

--Keri again--


alioth @ November 18 2003, 19:45:52 UTC


either way, it makes me giggle. i find millicent utterly hysterical.


keristars @ Deleted Deleted



alioth @ November 18 2003, 19:53:18 UTC

ah ha! i recognize you anyway, as you used to go to my school. but we'll keep it a secret. shhhh.


Anonymous @ November 18 2003, 19:57:47 UTC

that's where I knew your name from! ahahaha. i'm so re-enrolling when i can. i miss it so much it hurts.

but that's off-topic and i'm shutting up.

except to mention while i'm here that whoever plays Luna is so awesome. i think she's probably the most difficult one to do and not make it completely awful.


alioth @ November 18 2003, 20:04:30 UTC

all the characters in this rp are awesome. i just wish i knew what was going on with severus and remus and sirius.

the angst!


Anonymous @ November 18 2003, 20:13:25 UTC

Right, but it's almost like an extended break-up and my weakness in fanfic is for...break-up fics. So I'm soaking it up.

Even if it does make me want to pull out my hair on occasion.


hezzabeth @ November 19 2003, 00:01:55 UTC

And why dont we move the angst to an actual angsty thread?


Anonymous @ November 18 2003, 19:54:40 UTC

(okay. i'm screwy. because i don't want to be known by my current lj name here, so i use anonymous posting, then i go and post with my lj name TWICE. and you've gone and gotten email notified probably, alioth and hezzabeth. i'm such a doofus brain. so now you're getting the comment notification AGAIN. sorry. really.)


alioth @ November 18 2003, 19:55:41 UTC

bwahahaha. i love livejournal.


hezzabeth @ November 18 2003, 23:44:31 UTC

Millicent and Harry have been going out for months darling where have you been?


alioth @ November 18 2003, 23:58:04 UTC

under a rock, apparently. ::bangs head on keyboard for revealing obvious stupidity::

actually, i only started reading na a couple weeks ago. apparently i didn't go back far enough to be caught up. friends pages on livejournal only go back so far before they start becoming stupid.


Anonymous @ November 19 2003, 12:58:05 UTC

Dude, it is a joke, Millicent and Harry are not dating and never, ever were. They were being sarcastic.


alioth @ November 19 2003, 13:03:23 UTC


::goes back to bed::


maggie_malfoy @ November 18 2003, 19:42:27 UTC

*giggles* Harry/Millicent is now officially my new OTP <333


hezzabeth @ November 18 2003, 23:46:10 UTC

See I did'nt even mention H/M but its the first thing every one floods my inbox with * shakes fists in the air*


maggie_malfoy @ November 19 2003, 03:38:29 UTC

*laughs* But the idea of actual H/M is just ew, so maybe it's for the best they've broken up. They'll be hurting now, but their wounds will heal with time. :D :D


hezzabeth @ November 19 2003, 14:18:10 UTC

It's not ew, its glorious.


divinelight @ November 18 2003, 20:38:01 UTC

Hahaha. Neville knows where Ron is ticklish. Very interesting... but how did he figure this out?


therealycats @ November 18 2003, 21:36:53 UTC

I was wondering that myself...veeeeeeery interesting! :o

Also...Daddy said to me once that to really know a person, the best way is to get in their beds.

Erm...some things are best left unsaid, I imagine :D


divinelight @ November 19 2003, 07:29:07 UTC

Haha. Yeah. Luna cracks me up.


hezzabeth @ November 19 2003, 00:08:17 UTC



divinelight @ November 19 2003, 07:42:01 UTC


I'm still stuck on the Justin/Ron.


saffronlie @ November 19 2003, 00:08:59 UTC

Yes, it's sort of disturbing. The fact that Hermione didn't know Ron was ticklish, and therefore hasn't "tickled", feels like a euphemistic British comedy throwback to all the sock business. After all, nothing like a bit of slap and tickle...


saffronlie @ November 19 2003, 03:18:49 UTC

Hermione also has new icons; 'tired' is cute but sad that it's her default, and 'we're still friends' is especially sad. In her profile, all she has for her bio is the note from Head Boy... interesting.


lazy_daze @ November 19 2003, 05:53:22 UTC

Aw, nice icons. And - huh? to the Head Boy note! What is that all about?


hezzabeth @ November 19 2003, 14:16:36 UTC

Could Hermione be having an affair with the head boy? could Hermione BE the head boy?


queeniefox @ November 19 2003, 07:35:33 UTC

It's odd when adults surprise you and you remember they were just like you once and maybe nothing very much had changed since then.

I would like to announce that I love Luna.


zorb @ November 19 2003, 09:19:00 UTC

As do I. And I so agree with her. <333 Luna, and yay for the return of the kids!


hobaggins @ November 19 2003, 12:37:34 UTC

Too lazy to make an actual post/can't think of anything to say in it.

I just want to know, in Turpin's post, what Muggle band/song this translates into:

Antsy Pine - I Cried All the Way to the Ministry

I bet it's something obvious I'm going to feel like an idiot for not figuring out. *PLEBE*


saffronlie @ November 19 2003, 13:36:58 UTC

Patsy Cline -- I cried all the way to the alter

I only guessed the Patsy Cline bit; Google did the rest. ;)


hobaggins @ November 19 2003, 17:03:52 UTC

