intern_alley @ 2003-11-24 11:28:00 |
Mood: severe and Orwellian
After absolutely NO procrastinating on my part (read: I procrastinate more than a sloth), I finished that damn glossary. It's on under backstories. By now there are probably a million other things that should be added, so if there's anything you want added on there say the word. This goes for players who are reading, too. I am too lazy to post in two different places about this.
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intern_alley @ November 24 2003, 03:35:39 UTC |
It says in the entry where it is! If I link directly to the html it won't look as nice. Go to and look under Backstories.
(parent)lazy_daze @ November 24 2003, 03:38:30 UTC |
Wow. That is fantastic. *excited* Thankyouthankyouthankyouuu!
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hobaggins @ November 24 2003, 04:32:13 UTC Re: Good Jub. (Y) |
I assume for the same reason the job with a u. hobaggins is a mystery after three hours of sleep.
notapipe @ November 24 2003, 05:15:02 UTC Re: Good Jub. (Y) |
You just like being difficult, is all.
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the_pot @ November 24 2003, 08:22:50 UTC you're black as black can be |
i suggest throwing caution to the wind.
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the_kettle @ November 24 2003, 08:26:28 UTC not nearly as black as rev. jesse jackson, though. |
throwing things in his glass house?
brilliant plan, pot. cunning.
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the_pot @ November 24 2003, 09:19:31 UTC of course not. he's blacker than black. |
it is a brilliant plan. you know i am ever for throwing, no matter the local.
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hobaggins @ November 24 2003, 19:26:33 UTC Jujubes aren't good. (n) |
Which one am I? The red one?
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hobaggins @ November 24 2003, 19:29:55 UTC You have excellent taste. |
Ah. Is there a rest of the cast? Could you at least tell me who the giant floating baby head in the sky is? It's PS, isn't it.
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intern_alley @ November 24 2003, 19:31:23 UTC I frequently do. |
No, I would not let such a crappy RPG character into my Teletubby cast.
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hobaggins @ November 24 2003, 19:35:00 UTC I concur. |
Too true. I was just letting photoshopping fantasies take hold. Which is the real reason I want a cast. Why do school work when I can put someones head in the Teletubby sky, and mine onto Laa-Laa.
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intern_alley @ November 24 2003, 19:37:08 UTC You would. |
Well, I think the players NA are bad writers, so I wouldn't let them take charge of any of the difficult to grasp Teletubbies. notapipe can be Po.
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hobaggins @ November 24 2003, 19:40:58 UTC Yeah, I'm just buttering you up in hopes of getting you into bed. |
He is very fond of the color purple.
Are you the narrator, then? The periscope voice?
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intern_alley @ November 24 2003, 19:52:08 UTC I may be the wrong sexuality. |
He can be Tinky-Winky then.
I am just the set producer.
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hobaggins @ November 24 2003, 20:01:29 UTC We'll always have Paris. Or at least I will. |
C'est bon.
I like what you did with the grass. And the rabbits.
And now I must bid you adieu until next week. *cries* I will try to let dreams of teletubby land assauge the shakes of internet-withdrawal.
notapipe @ November 24 2003, 23:02:01 UTC Re: You have excellent taste. |
That should be non_inferno, she has the physique for it (that is, she is already a disembodied head).
maggie_malfoy @ November 24 2003, 06:36:18 UTC |
[makes a little love]
[gets down tonight]
Sorry. Couldn't help myself :)
*is six*
morganmuffle @ November 24 2003, 06:50:15 UTC |
*declares eternal love for intern_alley*
'tis absolutely brilliant and is about to become a tool for my procrastintion in the face of essay crisis, thanks :-D
melody2tds @ November 24 2003, 07:05:26 UTC |
hmm... I have a formatting request, rather than an addition.
Could you repeat the alphabetical menu at the bottom of each page? Or move it there rather than the top, perhaps?
It would make it easier to move from section to section after reading a page. Instead of having to scroll back up to the top.
melody2tds @ November 24 2003, 15:38:00 UTC |
beautiful! Much easier now. Thank you. =D
And because I didn't say it before, even though I thought it...
It's wonderful. I know it must have taken a lot of work to put together.
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intern_alley @ November 24 2003, 15:52:04 UTC |
Well, I know it's working right now, but I was having some difficulty connecting to my FTP this morning, so the server may have just been down temporarily.
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Anonymous @ November 24 2003, 12:30:05 UTC |
OMG! So good :) that must have taken so long, labour of love! Excellent!!!! yay!
any chance of a chronology of the NA universe?
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Anonymous @ November 24 2003, 17:10:52 UTC |
Seriously, man, it is too awesome not to put up.
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intern_alley @ November 24 2003, 17:11:36 UTC |
Yeah but I'm worried about breaking that there standard of not doing so.
(parent)tabiji @ November 24 2003, 17:23:04 UTC |
Are you talking about the mysterious missing log from the NA chat ??
Has it been discovered ??
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intern_alley @ November 24 2003, 17:24:53 UTC |
No, unfortunately not. Unless someone on nraged has it we don't have it at all. :( We thought we had it when the chat was going on but then when we left the chat it turned out auto logging didn't work because it wasn't a conference but an actual chat room.
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intern_alley @ November 24 2003, 17:38:26 UTC |
Don't blame me! Blame the overzealous player who was too lazy to email me about it!
(parent)tabiji @ November 24 2003, 17:42:22 UTC |
Yea, plus I think everyone thought someone else was logging it. :(
So if it's not that log, then which ?
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intern_alley @ November 24 2003, 17:45:22 UTC |
Well, exactly. We thought the message archiving thing on YM would get it and beyond that we were going to have someone c/p the whole thing and paste it into Notepad ... until we discovered it was scrolling the whole thing away as we went and it was too late. Maybe we should have another one and be a bit more careful about it.
(parent)tabiji @ November 24 2003, 17:49:59 UTC |
Yes! Have another!
So then what other log are ya talkin' about? Are there sekrit ps/j_h smut logs??
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intern_alley @ November 24 2003, 17:53:19 UTC |
Whoa, not my authority there.
No, it's a silly log, but I don't really like the way some RPGs post logs within entries because I think it sort of takes you out of the game. We were going to post this log of Ron getting found in a lesbian bar in the glossary but I'm not sure if it would sort of defy the point of the RPG or not.
tabiji @ November 24 2003, 17:57:21 UTC |
Ah, pity because careful scientific research by hobaggins shows the demand for such a thing.
Ohhh too funny about a Ron log! We'd love that! Maybe just post it on nraged with the disclaimer that it's just for fun and not NA canon ?
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intern_alley @ November 24 2003, 17:59:46 UTC |
PS and J_H's players have seen said poll and respond via silence.
Oh, it is canon, the scene was RPed out. But I am not sure if stuff like that is better left behind the scenes or not. I have to think on it. I was all amped for it but then after I posted it I felt uneasy and took it down.
tabiji @ November 24 2003, 18:26:33 UTC Re: :)) |
I'm so boggled by pondering what circumstances could have taken Ron to a lesbian bar that I cannot properly beg and plead and bribe for the log now.
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intern_alley @ November 24 2003, 18:29:02 UTC Re: :)) |
bookofjude @ November 24 2003, 18:25:12 UTC |
This is where you play "Gay Bar" by Electric Six.
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intern_alley @ November 24 2003, 18:26:42 UTC |
I just told you my clients have nothing to say about it! >:0
(parent)tabiji @ November 24 2003, 17:43:51 UTC |
Yes, but I like being in denial about the-death-that-must-not-be-named :P
(parent)anjaliesque @ November 24 2003, 15:37:14 UTC My dearest love! |
You come through again!
My love for you is like a
flaming paper bag.
...unnatural. :D
saffronlie @ November 24 2003, 18:19:30 UTC |
Hurrah! This is fabulous, and makes for easier reading of NA Gold. Thankee muchly!
(parent)darththalia @ November 24 2003, 19:58:10 UTC |
Fabulous work. Thanks for feeding my addiction.
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intern_alley @ November 24 2003, 23:13:03 UTC |
Good call on the fish, although ... I have a feeling that the honour of eyebrow concern lies upon you and you alone. It is a high honour, though, possibly deserving a plaque.
(parent)notapipe @ November 24 2003, 23:21:16 UTC |
Quite possibly. You could put the plaque in electronic form in the glossary in the E section, you could even do it with text alone, the site looks so nice and plaque-ish already.
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intern_alley @ November 24 2003, 23:25:36 UTC |
Or under p, for plaque. Perhaps I could make a real one and just scan it.
(parent)notapipe @ November 24 2003, 23:41:24 UTC |
Those are good ideas too. You should do them all, in fact.
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hobaggins @ November 25 2003, 04:08:38 UTC |
You're really not a nEVILle Theorist anymore........... Sort of sad, really. End of an era.
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childofatlantis @ November 25 2003, 10:07:36 UTC |
How about an entry for Veritaserum (and its applications to punch)? And Snape's Trip Around the World?