noirenails @ 2003-11-27 10:20:00 |
Mood: giddy
First a j_h/ps conversation and now a m.b/ps! This is just too good. Sorry if this has already been discussed somewhere.
notapipe @ November 27 2003, 00:41:57 UTC |
Also, poor PS. I don't envy his situation at the moment (the Harry adoration, tons of money and being an utter badass is slightly more enviable, though.)
tabiji @ November 27 2003, 00:45:01 UTC | I'm feeling all the sympathy for M.B.
(parent)notapipe @ November 27 2003, 00:51:30 UTC |
I'm sure she isn't having all hugs and puppies either. That said, M.B. is scary enough normally. Now? Well.
And it's useful to remember that M.B. is not a victim of any person, just nature, PS is.
tabiji @ November 27 2003, 00:54:32 UTC |
That's the thing...ordinarily she's tough and intimidating, but she's all miserable and it doesn't like she even has the energy to be a hardass. :(
(parent)quixotic_sense @ November 27 2003, 01:20:05 UTC I feel her pain. |
What she needs is a box of these:
thessamunga @ November 27 2003, 01:21:54 UTC |
Oh my god they look good I want some, NOW!!!
Millicent has nothing but sympathy from me right now -.-
luna_lg @ November 27 2003, 08:01:39 UTC |
Considering that I have JUST gone thru the same thing...I, too, completely sympathize with the poor girl. Draco should just shut his trap and be the good lil friend he truly is to her!
(parent)![]() |
kearie @ November 27 2003, 09:22:37 UTC |
You can take your love and shove it up your fallopian tubes.
Best line ever. Or at least best line this 5 minutes...N_A really churns them out!
deerlike @ November 27 2003, 12:28:05 UTC |
Hee, yes! *grin* Best part was that the song was playing on my RealOne at that very moment -- coincidence? I think not. Tricksy NA. >:D
Your name rocks, by the way. XD "LMFAO" indeed.
deerlike @ November 27 2003, 23:27:04 UTC |
Freakay. :D
(haha, I bet most of them say, "wtf?", and then go, "mmm..." because no one can resist Looshie. no one. ;)
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childofatlantis @ November 27 2003, 08:52:24 UTC |
*snicker* Watch PS run like a little girl from the woman with PMS. ;)
(parent)deerlike @ November 27 2003, 12:31:15 UTC |
XD to the conversation, and :( to M.B.
Though I have a feeling that if Draco provoked her, my icon would resemble her expression rather well. Ah, the wonders of PMS. *wryly*