beadgalsarita @ 2003-11-28 00:02:00 |
Mood: anxious
oh holy schmuck
imochan @ November 27 2003, 21:06:03 UTC |
beadgalsarita @ November 27 2003, 21:07:04 UTC |
no kidding. I was just going to check out my friend before going to bed...gah..much angst and woe. woe I say! woe woe woe!
jiffy_spiffy @ November 27 2003, 21:08:01 UTC |
Oh, my God!
They can't do that!! I think I'm going to cry ...
jiffy_spiffy @ November 27 2003, 21:11:18 UTC |
His icon just says 'missing', maybe he's just been captured.
Maybe ...
beadgalsarita @ November 27 2003, 21:12:12 UTC |
*crosses fingers and toes..and anything else crossable within my grasp*
jiffy_spiffy @ November 27 2003, 21:14:47 UTC |
Good idea. *worries*
... They can't kill him, they just can't!
tabiji @ November 27 2003, 21:18:00 UTC |
I vaguely remember something about NA never having pregnancies or killing off players in the game.
I hope...
jiffy_spiffy @ November 27 2003, 21:24:02 UTC |
Really? Thank God, I'm holding you to that!
I don't like the way Remus was behaving before he left though, his remarks to Hermione in particular. But if what you said is right ... *dares to breath again*
mayhap @ November 27 2003, 21:20:39 UTC |
You, too, can wibble in style
It almost takes your mind off it.
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neveth @ November 27 2003, 21:14:42 UTC |
*beats Narcissa with a clue-bat* Whales=WALES! DEAR GOD SOMEONE GET OUT THERE NOW!
(parent)beadgalsarita @ November 27 2003, 21:19:13 UTC |
yes, a quick thwap with a clue-by-four and then a bloody reminder that he can't read replys when POSTING BY OWL dammit! get off your lazy prima donna patoot and save your friend. damn.
shusu @ November 27 2003, 21:28:39 UTC Malfoys... everywhere |
Am at first concerned that the Malfoys are the first to answer?
Then realize perhaps the Good guys are saving him! Yes! and cannot journal! Yes... please...... *WIBBLE*
beadgalsarita @ November 27 2003, 21:30:58 UTC Re: Malfoys... everywhere |
no kidding. I saw "what the hell?? why does narcissa have to be the first one to find this. that's about as useful as keanu reeves in a shakespeare production."
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neveth @ November 27 2003, 21:32:50 UTC Re: Malfoys... everywhere |
Which HAS happened.
beadgalsarita @ November 27 2003, 21:41:35 UTC Re: Malfoys... everywhere |
yup, it has indeed. his dramatic reach in that movie went to the extent of growing a beard. for him, that's quite a new level of sophistication. fortunately both kenneth branaugh and emma thompson were in that movie and made it good, despite the keanu effect.
magickslash @ November 27 2003, 21:15:59 UTC |
Please, please, let this just be some dramatic ploy to force Sirius to grow up and that sees Moony and Padfoot reunited ...
(parent)mayhap @ November 27 2003, 21:29:42 UTC |
Your icon is mesmerizing and comforting in this troubling time.
(parent)magickslash @ November 27 2003, 21:33:18 UTC |
And your graceful wibbling is an inspiration to us all.
(parent)shusu @ November 27 2003, 21:18:32 UTC |
*cries* This is just a bad turkey dream, right?
tabiji @ November 27 2003, 21:20:54 UTC |
It figures...I needed to go to bed early. Clearly not an option now!
(parent)beadgalsarita @ November 27 2003, 21:22:22 UTC |
no joke, I'm getting up early tomorrow to go shopping. guess I'll be a weeee bit tired tomorrow. grrr..stupid NA and having big events at bloody midnight. grrrr
beadgalsarita @ November 27 2003, 21:25:39 UTC Re: LUCIUS???! |
no kidding..I saw that and went wtf are you doing there????? bastard..all you men are bastards.
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neveth @ November 27 2003, 21:26:47 UTC Re: LUCIUS???! |
Indeed. Either he doesn't KNOW, or he does and is playing along. If he's playing along, I'll gut him. I really will.
(parent)mayhap @ November 27 2003, 21:28:50 UTC Re: LUCIUS???! |
Seconded. There's evil and then there's eeeeeeeeeevil ...
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neveth @ November 27 2003, 21:30:08 UTC Re: LUCIUS???! |
I adore your icon.
*nodnod* I'm going to be dead by the end of the evening.
shusu @ November 27 2003, 21:31:17 UTC what about her? |
I have always wondered about Narcissa. She does as many errands for the "business associate" as Lucius. How complicit IS she?
(parent)mayhap @ November 27 2003, 21:34:23 UTC Re: what about her? |
Her "Something is terribly wrong here!" is rather ambiguous itself. Something is terribly wrong ... because this doesn't jibe with what she thought was planned?
(parent)shusu @ November 27 2003, 21:37:05 UTC Re: what about her? |
I wonder because Narcissa strikes me as someone adept at fronts. Esp given how she treats Draco. I've always thought she's just lying to us... or at least being two-faced. I do think her friendship with Remus is genuine. But so are her alliances...
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Anonymous @ November 27 2003, 21:58:37 UTC Re: what about her? |
But then... if Lucius is posting, then he can't be with Remus, can he?
(parent)shusu @ November 27 2003, 22:09:25 UTC Re: what about her? |
Yes, but he can still have arranged it, then gone home to have a brandy...
(parent)black_dog @ November 28 2003, 01:53:16 UTC Re: what about her? |
I do think her friendship with Remus is genuine. But so are her alliances...
Nicely put. And we all know what happened to her friend Kiki, whether Narcissa fully approved or not, or even fully acknowledged what she must have understood . . .
I've had a million different theories about Narcissa over time, so let me try another one on and see if it fits: My general hunch is that the extremes of complicity and naivete are both too strong to describe Narcissa's position. To some extent, she's an independent agent and no fool; but she also chooses, most of the time and up to a limit, to stand with Lucius. Earlier this year, when Narcissa implicitly threatened Lucius with exposure during a marital flap, I think she knew exactly what she was doing, and exactly how far to push it. I think she and Lucius are both fundamentally amoral people, and she may be bored by but is not fundamentally outraged by Voldemort and Lucius' DE connections.
I suspect L and N have a genuine relationship, are genuinely fascinated by each other, but their goals diverge sometimes and they certainly don't quite trust each other. So their ability to maintain a relationship on an equal footing depends on a certain amount of hostage-taking, an implicit understanding that they need to tread carefully with each other and not overstep certain limits because each has a certain amount of deterrent force they can use against the other. There are clearly a lot of stresses and strains in the relationship and the resolutions are probably negotiated day to day.
I sense the Princess Bride references are really important here, but I don't know PB so I had to google it and skim. So, forgive me if this is naive or misunderstands the reference, or if I'm just grossly overreading:
I think Lucius' initial Humperdinck reference ("I'll send my four fastest owls") is not simply a code for insincerity but a tweak at Narcissa -- are you Buttercup? are you choosing Remus over me? Narcissa replies immediately by stealing part of Humperdinck's line, "one in each direction," signalling dryly that she understands him perfectly, and that he is hardly seizing the high ground himself. But a moment later she substitutes "that macabre man MacNair" for the "Dread Pirate Roberts" so the parallel with contacting/pining for Remus/Westley breaks down, she refuses the charge of disloyalty and diverts the question to a practical matter of getting the word out amongst the Death Eaters, that Remus has her protection. She's just asserting, in what might be one of many Lucius/Narcissa disputes over boundaries, that she cares about Remus as a friend and that he needs to be off-limits.
Just a theory, in the classic NrAged manner, but I toss it out there to see if it floats.
luna_lg @ November 28 2003, 13:26:56 UTC Re: what about her? |
And yet, a very brilliant and well thoughtout theory. I'd gold star you for your ingenuity, if I could.
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Anonymous @ December 1 2003, 09:07:30 UTC Re: what about her? |
You know, this is an interesting analysis, especially in light of Narcissa's seeming serious reply ( to Sibyll's post about the whales in the tea leaves. Could it be that Narcissa is nudging Sibyll a little? You know, if, for example, Lupin is in Wales, and Narcissa knows it?
black_dog @ November 28 2003, 02:11:33 UTC Re: what about her? |
BTW, what do you make of Draco offering her a gift of a man-eating flytrap? He's obviously playing off his sincere gift the other day, where he gave her a plant when she was upset and bonded with her a little. But last time, the plant wasn't specified, so why now, specifically, a "man-eating fly trap?" That sounds like a bit of a dig at her.
(parent)shusu @ November 28 2003, 04:52:23 UTC |
1. I am really sleepy so may not make sense.
2. *squee* long exposition theory yay
3. very much a dig. and the "I am perfect" icon. methinks Draco does not understand L/N as much as we do, from the outside.
4. also, I vote that he was with jh and he was very Upset and thus did his part to boot 'em in the bum.
5. if so, SQUEE.
onthehillside @ November 29 2003, 10:31:07 UTC Re: what about her? |
I think that you could look at it as a dig for both Narcissa and the general situation. Draco has made clear time and time again that he does hates it when people get emotional and spread their laundry around NA. This is a little different than a break-up played out live, but the end it the same: Narcissa's getting all emotional for everyone to see.
But as other people have said, Draco cannot going any farther than a small slight in his mother's direction because of his SOMETHING (tm knight_to_h3) with Harry.
jiffy_spiffy @ November 27 2003, 21:44:07 UTC |
Close enough ;)
That's very exciting, I don't see many Australian's, let alone Victorian's, in N_A!
jiffy_spiffy @ November 27 2003, 21:49:07 UTC |
Damn straight. I'll be your rock. Or you be mine ... Well, someone should be a rock at any rate!
::clings to you::
jiffy_spiffy @ November 27 2003, 21:53:08 UTC |
Nooo, I don't have AIM *weeps* I wish though. :(
I'm just refreshing nraged hopefully.
jiffy_spiffy @ November 27 2003, 21:58:35 UTC |
Thank you! *bites nails instead of whimpering* What's happening in the Aim chat?
Hey *eyes Lucius suspiciously* Have you seen The Princess Bride? Because he appears to be quoting from the movie ... *wanders off to investigate* Bastard.
samenashi @ November 27 2003, 21:59:34 UTC |
He IS quoting from the movie! I am delighted, yet still hysterical.
Not much is happening, really. :)) I have to go soon, anyway. -.-
jiffy_spiffy @ November 27 2003, 22:08:15 UTC |
I know, lol! I was caught between "Hah! Movie!" and "Argh, you bastard! He probably planned this, don't believe him Narcissa!" thoughts. I ran with the latter ;)
Poor Remus. Someone told me futher up that N_A never kill their characters. They never have death or pregnancy, which makes me think it'll all be okay. I expect Sirius to rescue him ...
samenashi @ November 27 2003, 22:09:15 UTC |
Wah, I HOPE SO. If Remus dies my heart will break. -.- I have to go! <3333 *runs!*
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ November 27 2003, 22:13:50 UTC |
*whimper* Me too. Cross your fingers.
Aw, bye. Nice talking to you <3333 You helped me be strong, lol.
luna_lg @ November 28 2003, 13:28:28 UTC |
I think the ONLY exception to that would be Voldemort; after all, that evil git HAD to bite it sooner or later!!
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ November 28 2003, 17:25:06 UTC |
Oh yes, but I don't think anyone will mourn him. But he doesn't have a journal, does he? *is amused by the thought*
(parent)vassilissa @ November 28 2003, 01:20:04 UTC |
Another Melbourne person here.
I hope Narcissa's seen The Princess Bride too.
jiffy_spiffy @ November 28 2003, 16:56:08 UTC |
Wow, we're coming out in force!
I do too, don't think she has though. Pity, it's a damn good movie!
I've left it a couple of hours, so now I have to go see if Remus is all right. *worries*
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hezzabeth @ November 28 2003, 02:01:55 UTC |
There are many of us, but we proove alusive and we exist in shadows.
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ November 28 2003, 17:10:02 UTC |
I think we must.
Either that, or you're all hiding from me.
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hezzabeth @ November 28 2003, 23:59:35 UTC |
There are at least ten aussie nragers, we just dont run around broad casting it.
(parent)saffronlie @ November 28 2003, 05:29:03 UTC |
Townsville here!
No jokes about Queenslanders, now, okay?
jiffy_spiffy @ November 28 2003, 18:31:05 UTC |
Really? I've never met so many Melbournians in one spot before :)
jiffy_spiffy @ November 29 2003, 03:24:29 UTC |
lol, I walked right into that one! :P
I should be discouraged from talking.
mayhap @ November 27 2003, 21:23:32 UTC |
Right, I just got around to starting one of the papers I need to write ... I really don't think I should turn in five pages of "Remus wah!"
(parent)tabiji @ November 27 2003, 21:25:23 UTC |
... I won't be goin' to sleep anytime soon...
jiffy_spiffy @ November 27 2003, 21:32:24 UTC |
I don't know, at least it'd be something different!
mayhap @ November 27 2003, 21:41:49 UTC |
"Why Remus Lupin Should Be a Saint, and Therefore Relevant to the Material of This Course."
Hmm ... I like it!
jiffy_spiffy @ November 27 2003, 21:44:30 UTC |
Hell, I'd give you an A! Actually, I'd give you an A for the 5 page "wah Remus!" essay ;)
::looks at you icon::
::gives you apples::
samenashi @ November 27 2003, 21:32:02 UTC |
luna_lg @ November 28 2003, 13:30:12 UTC |
BTW...LUV your icon. And I love your stories over at MinkLand, too.
shusu @ November 28 2003, 20:10:35 UTC |
The icon was made for me by wildflower, to protest "Marriage Protection Week".
And thank you! There's, what, a couple of fics in Minkland? Average age two years? *g* Try my memories or even my lame site, there's much more. :DD
jiffy_spiffy @ November 27 2003, 21:34:12 UTC |
Finally someone's doing something!
It's rather unusual for all the players to be online at the same time, isn't it? I think this might have been planned ... or maybe they plan everything, I'll shut up now.
samenashi @ November 27 2003, 21:44:02 UTC |
Anyone who wants to be invited to the collective wibble!chat, you can also IM me at 'Brildane'.
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fourscore @ November 27 2003, 21:49:44 UTC |
I was just going to bed too! WIBBLE WIBBLE WIBBLE!! Now I'm going to be F5ing for an hour at least!
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seren_himitsu @ November 27 2003, 21:54:08 UTC |
*turns pale*
Oh my God, no. Please, no. *bites nails*
*refreshes like mad*
jiffy_spiffy @ November 27 2003, 21:57:51 UTC |
Um ... Lucius does 'The Princess Bride'?
I've seen that movie, he's lying!
athene_51 @ November 27 2003, 22:01:20 UTC |
Hee. I was just going to post about that.
I hope rodents of unusual size figure into this somehow. Also: wibble.
beadgalsarita @ November 27 2003, 22:03:55 UTC |
lucius/rodents of unusual size..theirloveisohsorodentlike
athene_51 @ November 27 2003, 22:15:23 UTC |
...well. I was going to go to sleep, but that obviously won't happen now. I will never be able to get that terrifying mental image out of my head. Scarred for life and I blame you!
*develops crackpot theory about DE being ROUS*
beadgalsarita @ November 27 2003, 22:30:52 UTC |
*develops crackpot theory about DE being ROUS*
that is indeed an interesting theory..would definitely explain draco's rat like appearance in canon :-)
vassilissa @ November 28 2003, 01:21:54 UTC |
*has fit of hysterical laughter*
Thanks for that. The wibbling was getting exhausting.
jiffy_spiffy @ November 27 2003, 22:05:13 UTC |
Oh, good, hehe. I was hoping I wasn't mistaken there! I had visions of everyone stopping their mourning and giving me strange looks.
Pity Narcissa's falling for it though. She obviously hasn't seen it.
I hope rodents of unusual size figure into this somehow.
LOL! I'm sure they will, have faith.
Big wibbles. That sounds wrong, but I don't even care anymore ...
athene_51 @ November 27 2003, 22:18:09 UTC |
I <3 NA players for slipping little things like that into posts that are full of angst and woe.
I guess she hasn't. I think Sirius has though.
*waits for ROUS*
jiffy_spiffy @ November 28 2003, 18:25:40 UTC |
I know, me too. *sniff* But I hate them for doing things like this - I'l have no fingernails left by tomorrow. *gnaws them nervously*
Go Sirius, I'm expecting him to be Remus' knight in shining armour. Or something.
shusu @ November 27 2003, 22:02:04 UTC Apparation? where is he? |
Came up in wibble-chat... why can't he apparate? he's trapped *in* and they're coming in? a place with wards, then...
(parent)woo2step @ November 27 2003, 22:02:34 UTC |
I think Lucius's insincere Princess Bride</i>-y comment -- if that's, in fact, what it is -- was a nice touch.
Now back to your regularly scheduled wibbling.
jiffy_spiffy @ November 27 2003, 22:15:40 UTC |
I liked Sirius' more.
I just posted that PB bit too, great minds ...
woo2step @ November 27 2003, 23:04:26 UTC |
And it could be considered a mildly obscure Princess Bride reference, at that, so I think congratulations is in order to everyone who discovered it. :)
Your icon is so sadness-inducing. I love it.
jiffy_spiffy @ November 28 2003, 17:29:43 UTC |
I think so too! Mainly because I want to congratulate myself, but yay for us all the same :)
Why thank you, dead_lotus made it though. I've been using it all of the "Woe, Remus!" threads, I figure it's appropriate.
lore @ November 27 2003, 23:40:58 UTC |
I have a theory I'm going to hide down here in case it's in any way accurate (and I only sound egotistical; in reality, I just want this to happen so badly that I don't want to inspire any changes in the storyline with any possible whiff of being on-target). Please don't break out into song. ;)
Remember this thread between Snape and Lucius not even a month ago and this followup the next day?
It seems to me that these posts were meant to remind us of where Snape stands with Voldemort and the Death Eaters. But why?
Now Lupin is missing and, yes, he's asked Sirius for help. But...what if it somehow falls to Snape to rescue Lupin, which might put his position in the DEs at risk or out him altogether?
As a final confrontation between Voldemort and Harry draws closer, it would make sense to explore what would happen if Snape's cover was blown...(plus, it could put SS/RL back on track, as they have unfinished business because of Snape's "inner desires").
love, lore
dr_jekyl @ November 28 2003, 00:28:51 UTC |
*waves her little NA SS/RL flag* Snape to the rescue!
But, seriously, Snape blowing his cover is a very interesting prospect, but I doubt he'd actually do it unless there's no other choice. Not exactly your classic knight in shining armour is he, our Sevvie?
dr_jekyl @ November 28 2003, 04:39:38 UTC |
I've got my fingers crossed, believe you me!
I do have to wonder, however, if his desire to be with Remus was the *only* thing exaberated by That Potions Mishaptm. It might also have given a boost to his desire to be done with Voldie.
shusu @ November 28 2003, 04:57:02 UTC a ruse? |
I missed most of the Potions Mishap. So...
Might it all have been a ruse on Snape's part? After all, one can't consort with a known TBWL guardian and Light advocate without repercussions.
oconel @ November 28 2003, 02:13:43 UTC |
*sit in the floor, crying*
No,no, no.... Somebody help him!
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Anonymous @ November 28 2003, 07:33:15 UTC |
What is it all about Draco and plants????
serpensortia @ November 28 2003, 12:13:13 UTC |
*dies* My love for J_H has increased 100000 times over! I'm not sure if that's possible but it has! <33333
(parent)luna_lg @ November 28 2003, 13:35:08 UTC |
N_A Harry roxxors. 50 points to Harry for showing true Gryffindor loyalty and bravery.
Also, 100 points to the player for developing our dear Potter so well.
petitesl @ November 30 2003, 19:39:56 UTC |
Wah, I come back from vacation to this. Wibble times a bajillion.