maggie_malfoy @ 2003-12-01 12:37:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
potterstinks updates. Pince apparently 'has him'. Oh God, what would I give to be her... *laughs*
*adores PS*
notapipe @ December 1 2003, 04:44:03 UTC |
Pince needs some prozac.
I now have this wonderful image of Remus hiding in an internet cafe, as DEs close in on his computer, furitively photoshopping a missing icon and uploading it, cursing photoshop for taking so long to start up.
noirenails @ December 1 2003, 05:37:55 UTC |
I've always had this image of N_Aers walking around Hogwarts with laptops tied around their necks. They never shout when they bump at each other, they type in caps.
(parent)maggie_malfoy @ December 1 2003, 05:51:32 UTC |
*snorts* Best image ever. Asides PS and J_H getting it on. :)
(parent)notapipe @ December 1 2003, 06:26:57 UTC |
Haha. Alternately, they run to the computer lab to type in caps at each other.
(parent)takeonelook @ December 1 2003, 04:46:19 UTC |
For some reason when reading his comment about Harry falling asleep in his eggs I got this image of Draco looking over at Harry worriedly (as worriedly as he'd allow himself to look in public of course) because he knows Harry hasn't been doing too well with the whole Remus thing, and probably hasn't been sleeping very much either.
maggie_malfoy @ December 1 2003, 04:48:28 UTC |
He's totally smitten really. They're all in denial. Denial, I say!!! *laughs*
(parent)luna_lg @ December 2 2003, 07:05:46 UTC |
Denial...or just pulling the whole "Hollywood pre-dating excuse" of "He/She's just a friend"?
(parent)maggie_malfoy @ December 2 2003, 08:04:52 UTC |
Ahh, trying to keep it on the QT aure they?? Well, boys, we're on to you!
vassilissa @ December 1 2003, 06:30:38 UTC |
and getting as mad at himself as a Malfoy is allowed to, for watching Potter sleep.
(parent)maggie_malfoy @ December 1 2003, 04:49:15 UTC |
*leers* I can think of one or two other measurements of his I wouldn't mind...
*is a pervert*
steph_hime @ December 1 2003, 04:50:04 UTC |
*agrees wholeheartedly* Oh PS, how you torment us!
(parent)therealycats @ December 1 2003, 06:19:43 UTC |
Well, I was looking for the thread, but I can't find it, but in the Q&A, Draco said his...ahem...wand was 9 inches :D
(parent)therealycats @ December 1 2003, 07:07:33 UTC |
Thank you. And I see I left off the crucial 3/4 inch! :o
The ahem, of course, was put in for dramatic effect :p
maggie_malfoy @ December 1 2003, 08:15:44 UTC |
I love you. In my eyes, you are no longer a dork *giggles*
(parent)notapipe @ December 1 2003, 08:51:23 UTC |
*eyes dorkpoll* Actions speak louder than words, honey.
(parent)maggie_malfoy @ December 1 2003, 09:01:58 UTC |
*sigh* Alright, I'll go and change my vote. Honestly, the things I do for some people!
maggie_malfoy @ December 1 2003, 13:56:55 UTC |
But he posted to Draco talking about his wand! I am weak!!! I'm also very shallow, and will change my vote again if you have anything interesting to link me to...
notapipe @ December 2 2003, 02:46:53 UTC |
I liked it better when you linked the thumbs down.
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Anonymous @ December 1 2003, 04:56:39 UTC |
Is it just me, or does it throw anyone else out of the suspension of disbelief gig when potterstinks talks about the oddity of other players' posts and user icons? I realize it's part of potterstinks' character to stark at and make fun of the other characters, but you know what, it *would* be very strange for someone who is in danger to have paused to change their user icon. And now that I'm thinking about that, I'm having a little trouble with the Lupin-in-danger plot. I mean, am I supposed to believe that Lupin is in danger? Or...not?
I guess, until now I'd been reading as if the icons were consistently used sort of as plot devices. You know, to indicate mood, or heighten atmosphere, or explain events. If this is incorrect, then all the icons seem...strange.
I don't know. I'm a little confused is all.
black_dog @ December 1 2003, 05:09:12 UTC |
One of the players could respond authoritatively, but if you want uninformed random opinion, I'm your man . . .
I think, unlike some RPGs, that NA has always been explicit that the use of LJ's is a "project" of Dumbledore's that people resent a little and can talk self-consciously about. So posts and icons would be natural things to refer to. If anything, it reinforces the fact that what we see on LJ isn't everything that's going on.
In the case of Remus' "missing" icon, I sort of fell off my chair laughing when PS mentioned that. (I think one of the few "critical" takes on Remus' personality is that with his highly emotional nature, he can be a bit melodramatic -- though I have always forgiven him for it!) But Draco has a couple of times expressed skepticism about Remus' trip, and Snape was indignant the other day that Remus might be joking, and Harry and Ron seem suspiciously calm. So I think it's at least possible to take Draco's remarks at face value -- that something is fishy about the trip -- and not as breaking the frame. Though I could be completely wrong.
Anyway, my .02. Maybe I'll get shot down now by a player!
maggie_malfoy @ December 1 2003, 05:18:03 UTC |
Remus went on about posting to journal via owl recently, didn't he? I'm assuming that's what he's done here, so perhaps the icon is just chosen for him or something... I don't know. I'm talking out of my arse :)
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a_player @ December 1 2003, 05:21:49 UTC |
I think, unlike some RPGs, that NA has always been explicit that the use of LJ's is a "project" of Dumbledore's that people resent a little and can talk self-consciously about. So posts and icons would be natural things to refer to. If anything, it reinforces the fact that what we see on LJ isn't everything that's going on.
No, you're right, and that IS part of the reason they're referred to -- to reinforce the fact that they're journals kept by people the same as anyone else on LJ, and that they're really talking online, etc. Because different LJ RPGs use different formats, but in this one they have no more things they can do on LJ than you and I can.
vassilissa @ December 1 2003, 06:32:59 UTC |
It made me think of the Weasleys' clock. Like if he didn't already have a 'missing' icon, his Livejournal would make one for him, to fit the emergency.
(parent)maggie_malfoy @ December 1 2003, 08:17:16 UTC |
And so much more eloquently put than I tried to say earlier *giggles* I like the idea of the wizards LJ's having a slightly superatural edge :)
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a_player @ December 1 2003, 12:34:56 UTC |
I was about to comment and say that exact thing. In my head, that's how it works - it's just like the Weasley clock. I won't speak for other players, but as far as Lupin goes, that's how his journal works! :-D
- Lupin's player
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corrupteddreams @ December 2 2003, 18:34:03 UTC |
oooh that's interesting - i've never thought of it like that before, but i like your way of thinking.
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Anonymous @ December 4 2003, 12:19:52 UTC |
but in this one they have no more things they can do on LJ than you and I can.
dragynville @ December 1 2003, 06:07:09 UTC |
sex and stoolie.. Am dying of the happy now. :D
(parent)maggie_malfoy @ December 1 2003, 08:13:47 UTC |
I think this is perhaps quite a nice way to start out December :) I wonder how the players will manage to un-do it? *giggles*
(parent)onthehillside @ December 1 2003, 09:23:29 UTC |
Hmm. I can't remember the last time Draco has been short with Pansy. That actually sounded like some sort of veiled warning.
On another note, I know that on the thread below we were talking about how little sleep Harry has been getting, but Draco's hasn't been sleeping well either. Here and here he makes comments at very early points in the morning. And a month ago he was sleeping all of the time. I can't find the link, but I know it's out there somewhere *shakes fist*
We couldn't figure out the reason why he was stressed then, and I can't think of a specific reason now, other than NEWTS are coming up and his friend/person/thing/whatever is really stressed and he's stressed and he's got a lot of people pointing him in opposite directions.
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hobaggins @ December 1 2003, 13:02:48 UTC |
I can't remember the last time Draco has been short with Pansy.
Last time I remember them speaking Draco had some sort of wound and Pansy didn't offer to give him backrubs and rub in liniment and bake him pastry.
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hobaggins @ December 1 2003, 13:00:58 UTC |
His post reminds me of House of Leaves. Without the Minotaur and with fits of giggles instead of quaking fear.
zionsstarfish @ December 2 2003, 21:20:31 UTC |
I'm curious to know about this 'QUERY' that Draco sent to Millicent, that has possibly the words 'sex', 'bloody', 'murder' and 'death' in it. He must have mentioned it for a reason, right? I'm terrible at putting together clues and coming up with something brilliant, so I thought I'd throw the question out to you all instead :D