akutenshi2007 @ 2003-12-09 23:27:00 |
(no title)
Mood: interested
Snape's looking for Sirius.
saffronlie @ December 9 2003, 23:08:55 UTC |
Sirius didn't seem to think Lupin had anything to do with the subject of the firechat; I think if he thought Snape had news about Lupin then he would have been a lot more eager or interested. As it is, he doesn't even ask what it's about. This makes me think he's not expecting news, or he's trying not to get his hopes up, or Snape has been largely unconnected with the hunt for Lupin.
(parent)dr_jekyl @ December 9 2003, 23:58:14 UTC |
I'm not sure what else it could be, if not to do with our missing werewolf (unless Harry's just gone and done something stupid, of course). I think he has come into some knowledge of Remus' whereabouts... and I'm starting to wonder if he hasn't had it for some time (budding NA conspiracy theorist here). There are few other things he would burden himself with Sirius for. This statement intrigues me:
Do you think I would entertain even the idea of your presence if it were not important? No. The time is now.
dari_brit @ December 10 2003, 13:10:44 UTC |
Yes, I was confused as to why Sirius didn't automatically jump at the possible hope of learning something about Lupin's whereabouts. I mean, obviously that's the conclusion that all the readers jumped to, and we're not Lupin's past lover or anything. (Though some of us desperately covet that title... ^_^)
Seriously though, I found it odd that Sirius dismissed him so quickly-- it can't be that often that Snape addresses him directly.
Actually, I find it odd that the whole school hasn't been in an uproar about this. I assume that the "death eaters/can't get out" post has been visible to all. I don't live in a community nearly as tight as Hogwarts, and if one of my teachers was kidnapped, things would be hitting the fan. Yes, I know, war work and atmostphere of desperation, I understand....but still. He's a popular teacher, and it's DE connected. Odd, but I suppose that it's in the long NA tradition of showing events indirectly.
windtear @ December 10 2003, 00:18:33 UTC |
Oh, please, please, please let it be about Moony... please.
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ December 10 2003, 00:30:29 UTC |
If it isn't about Remus, I may have to kill someone.
I need news, people!
jiffy_spiffy @ December 10 2003, 17:40:45 UTC |
I love this icon, makes me laugh every time I use it *g*
(parent)vassilissa @ December 10 2003, 01:53:58 UTC |
Am I the only one here getting this perverse, sadistic hope that the players will, in fact, string it out as long as possible, just to make people squirm?
Thought so.
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ex_delz @ December 10 2003, 03:19:35 UTC |
You're not the only one. I call it Dallas Syndrome. You want to know who shot J.R. but you almost like waiting the entire summer before finding out because there's so many people just having fits over it.
Remus is so J.R. without the cheesy white hat and shiny shiny belt buckle.
summate @ December 10 2003, 22:00:02 UTC |
I suggest this should be photoshopped. To pass the time and all. Not for my own perverse amusement.
(parent)thsfuhqinsux @ December 11 2003, 11:44:15 UTC |
Yes. I think you are.
I'm forming wild ass conspiracy theories left and right and am not too fond of several of them. Maybe Snape suspects Sirius knows something he isn't letting on about or he want Sirius to see if he can get any information out of Mr. Malfoy.
magickslash @ December 11 2003, 23:07:13 UTC |
Surely Snape would find it easier to get info out of Lucius? Given the fact that Lucius is a Death Eater and believes Snape is one also.
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Anonymous @ December 10 2003, 03:43:00 UTC |
Well, personally, I think Remus will be back by Christmas. Because he promised. So, he'll be back soon. Yes indeed.
(I have the respiratory flu. I will be checking NA frequently to cheer me up. I'm all gross and sweaty and nasty and I can't sleep. So that's why I'm online at 6:45 in the A.M. posting my ridiculous comment.)
dari_brit @ December 10 2003, 13:02:26 UTC |
Oh, you poor darling. That was me two years ago...not sleeping and feeling miserable and too weak to do anything but sit in front of the TV or computer. Note my journal and leave an email if you'd like some nice long epic fice recs to keep yourself busy.
I wish I'd known about NA back then. =(
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long_goodnights @ December 11 2003, 13:19:37 UTC |
You are a saint. It would be super nice for some entertainment.
(I'm the above anonymous person!)
billywig @ December 11 2003, 02:34:27 UTC |
i think so too, but they'll probably wait till christmas eve, just to torment us. hmph.
hope you feel better soon!
nraged_luthien @ December 10 2003, 19:04:15 UTC |
This is random, but i seriously LOVE how snape's player uses their icons to the greatest extent. It adds to the conversations, because the icon just totally goes with what theyre saying. Well, except the "tools of the trade,", because I suppose bottles of potions cant talk...?
or maybe they can O.o;
summate @ December 10 2003, 22:01:58 UTC |
Hello new life philosophy.
I'm good, and you. Excellent excellent. It's nice to have potionsmastah back in black.
therealycats @ December 11 2003, 09:21:58 UTC |
You could cut the sexual tension with a KNIFE! :D :p
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Anonymous @ December 11 2003, 09:50:52 UTC |
AHHHHHHH your icon goes to fast for my puny earth-eyes!
Yeah, yeah, finals, stressed out, tired, not coherent, I WANT MY NOCTURE_ALLEY. >_<
therealycats @ December 12 2003, 00:18:57 UTC |
You read it right :p I didn't animate it; a friend of mine did. But since it was the first one she's done in months and she'd forgotten how to do it, I figured I'd wait a few days before asking her to slow it down...you know...just be grateful she got it done then ask for a different speed...besides...what Anon said...finals..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
*Sorry, completely off topic but it's late, I'm tired, and most importantly, I'm DONE for a month!*