kievstar @ 2003-12-20 18:06:00 |
(no title)
Mood: silly
Seamus smiles and makes me smile too!!!
Being as overobsessed (is there such word anyway?) as I am I loved 2 mentions of Draco, and the mention of Dean made me wibble
sistermagpie @ December 20 2003, 09:32:09 UTC |
Yeah, I couldn't help thinking the same thing about Dean when I read his post. But this was something he had to do, I think. Dean seems to be finding out that his troubles don't all stem from other people. If he and Seamus do get back together, things will probably be better between them.
The grouchy reference made me smile too.
kievstar @ December 20 2003, 12:22:41 UTC |
And I somehow waited for him to comment to Dean, but he didn't...
(parent)black_dog @ December 21 2003, 02:54:57 UTC |
some other people seem to be finally seeing the real meaning of their choices
This seems obviously directed at Dean, but it's interesting that it could also apply to PS. Just as the reference to Seamus' happy home seems to point out a sharp contrast with both Dean and PS. I wonder if the double application is deliberate, or just a product of the density of parallel stories here.
![]() |
fatalseafood @ December 20 2003, 11:20:17 UTC |
I'm off to my ancestral home full of family and friends, a place where I belong, and I cannot wait.
This seems to be a not-so-subtle dig at Dean's family and his relationship issues. Has Seamus been learning the fine art of Evil from Draco?
kievstar @ December 20 2003, 12:52:12 UTC |
Yeah, I thought about it, but.. well he has reasons to be angry... besides everything which has smth to do with Draco is awesome!!! =D
kievstar @ December 20 2003, 12:50:42 UTC |
=D Yeah, and it makes me happy too! (esp. his posting!!!!!!!!!! AND TALKS WITH DRACO!!! TALK!TALK!TALK!)
(parent)vassilissa @ December 20 2003, 21:12:53 UTC |
I think he's going to go too far one of these days. All those jabs at Draco. I know he's trying to be funny, but he's... not.
Not to mention Harry, Ron and Hermione's emotional states. He's trying to say how relieved and pleased for them he is, I guess, but it comes across as complaining, I think.
black_dog @ December 21 2003, 02:50:46 UTC |
All those jabs at Draco.
I was pleasantly surprised, though, that Draco made a "no hard feelings" post, with his joke about Seamus' face sticking in a smile. "That wouldn't be at all ghastly" is nicely ambiguous -- it could be sarcastic, it could be sort of rueful; it's probably both, deliberately. I think Draco behaved terribly, recently, but he also seems to know it, and I think it's somewhat promising that he's conflicted about it.
tabiji @ December 21 2003, 04:24:50 UTC |
I think Draco behaved terribly, recently, but he also seems to know it, and I think it's somewhat promising that he's conflicted about it.
I don't know, I don't think he's been all that bad, considering.
It seems like the ps/j_h relationship has shifted...Draco was bothered when he didn't get to see Harry over summer, and now he'd again found himself in a position where Harry was likely consumed with worry over Remus. Draco's probably not the most nurturing kind of guy, and maybe he just didn't know HOW to be supportive. If the code where kicking = kissing is correct, he did try to distract Harry, and could have been really upset that a his method didn't work on someone that has an "inescapable lust" for him, and he was just sort of dismissed. It didn't seem to me like Harry was mad at him or anything, maybe that just wasn't what Harry wanted or needed from him at that time.
Draco doesn't hold a grudge, he embraces it...he's no fan of Parvati's, and Seamus has alluded to "a certain third party" being ratherterritorial. Maybe he was just feeling sort of out-of-place with Harry having been so preoccupied lately.
black_dog @ December 21 2003, 12:30:23 UTC |
Yeah, I can see it all leaving him at loose ends, if his relationship with Harry is based on just "hanging out" unselfconsciously, not really talking about serious things, which is the impression I got from the Q and A a while back. I suppose it's a double challenge, here, because not only was there the issue of comforting Harry, there was the whole implicit and unmentionable issue of whether Draco's father was involved in any nasty DE stuff that affected Lupin. I can see it just being impossibly awkward, and PS sort of lashing out.
(parent)tabiji @ December 21 2003, 22:40:20 UTC |
...if his relationship with Harry is based on just "hanging out" unselfconsciously, not really talking about serious things, which is the impression I got from the Q and A a while back.
Really? Hmmm...the Q&A actually made me think that they were much closer than I had thought previously. (Not sexually, although we all know about that! Hehe!). Things like asking big questions of each other implied to me that there's a level of trust and understanding between them and that they do talk about serious things.
It's interesting though that NONE of the Q's about DE's or Voldie were really answered by either of them.
black_dog @ December 21 2003, 23:24:19 UTC |
Oh, nice catch on the Q and A! I hadn't remembered that particular exchange. But I wonder if that may be something they only did to clear up some basic understandings, maybe -- because elsewhere Harry says they don't get too self-conscious about what their relationship means.
Actually, looking back at my own question, I see more wiggle room for Harry to be introspective about Draco, but it sounds like Draco firmly refuses to talk about any of the Lucius/DE stuff with Harry.
I don't, by any means, mean to suggest they aren't very close. sistermagpie and I had a couple of great, long conversations recently, speculating about what's going on between them -- first about what seemed like a breakthrough where Draco openly expressed a desire to be closer to Harry, and second about the way the DE thing might be forcing Harry to recognize and enforce some limits. I'd be curious to hear another angle on all this stuff. I think the jury is still out on the second issue; I'm eagerly waiting for a comment from Harry, but knowing NA we could be waiting a long time!
tabiji @ December 22 2003, 02:18:49 UTC |
because elsewhere Harry says they don't get too self-conscious about what their relationship means
Yea, that's what has me kind of intrigued. It seems like things have shifted since last year. Back then it seemed like Harry was more into it (invested) than Draco was, and since summer it seems like Draco is doing all the pursuing.
The DE thing scares the me a lot (alot!). I'm hoping desperately that they HAVE talked about it, but avoided the Q's because they're publicly visible and not because it's a big taboo subject between them. This terrified me when I read it because I saw that as Draco already having DE plans after Hogwarts. I hope that was just me being paranoid and it was really about Draco's wibblyness of feeling more invested and neglected over the summer. Damn their crypticness!
black_dog @ December 23 2003, 00:10:22 UTC |
I'm hoping desperately that they HAVE talked about it, but avoided the Q's because they're publicly visible
Interesting -- you're right that Lucius would come down on him like a ton of bricks if he started dissing the DE's publicly. Although he was pretty obviously creeped out by the DE dinner his father invited him too. But it sort of feels like he doesn't know, yet, how to escape that fate, doesn't it? And I suspect Harry, as much as he cares about PS, is holding back just a bit because he knows how impossible the situation could become.
I loved PS' little digs at his father and his father's family in his latest post. Don't know quite what to make of them, but I played with it a bit on the PS thread above.