anjaliesque @ 2003-04-07 20:23:00 |
Cake Server Charity
Mood: hopeful
About three posts ago, katrionaa proposed "donating" to a cake server fund for
shusu suggested it involve NasAlley. I had a bit of a proposition, and
lupercus replied with this, which I am hesitatingly taking as general approval. So I thought I'd post the idea here.
There is both a mail address and PayPal account to donate through to NasAlley. Someone involved in it, or someone who could contact someone involved in it, could arrange that a donation made with the specifics "for lupercus's cake server," would be totaled up and posted separately. And then NA's and NrAged's goal would be to raise among ourselves the price of the cake server ($395) by the wedding date (May 10th). And of course the money would be kept by NasAlley, but we could all pride ourselves on having "bought" Remus the cake server.
I'm hopeless with plans, so I thought I'd throw this idea out here where someone would know what to do with it. Maybe NasAlley isn't even a good idea, perhaps there's a better suited place. Maybe we should raise the money separately ourselves and then donate the total to NasAlley. Maybe this just isn't possible in addition to Nimbus and fundraising projects like Slash!Nimbus and Bake A Nimbus Pie.
All I know is that I hadn't consciously planned on donating to NasAlley, but just this idea has made me decide to for sure. I'm thinking that if NA fans were to get involved, it would mean a lot more people aware of the charity drive. It's a really fun thing for the community to do together, as representatives of NA and its legion of fans. A wedding gift to the wonderful couple, it can also serve as a grateful thank-you to NA from NrAged. I passionately believe that NA and NrAged are fantastic communities with fantastic, devoted members. We could really do this.
And, of course, Remus gets his cake server in some way. :D
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kearie @ April 7 2003, 21:09:57 UTC |
I personally think that's a wonderful idea, although I have zero organizational skills myself :-/ Nevertheless...
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 8 2003, 14:10:11 UTC |
Yay! No one was replying to this post earlier so I was just smacking myself for having such a bad idea. Then came your wonderful supportive self! I have no planning skills either, but now there seem to be other wonderful people who can handle it (*looks worshipful in direction of dancingrain,
milenalupin, and
altricial*), and we can be useful by donating. And that's what's really important, isn't it? Specialness all around. :)
dancingrain @ April 8 2003, 02:53:49 UTC |
I think that's a great idea, too. Anything to get more funds for NasAlley - and after all, NasAlley is a short-term project, I think it ends at the end of May or something anyway - so it oughtn't mean that folks who donate now to NasAlley (hehe, another "NA") would be unable to donate to Nimbus projects either now or later.
I don't think it would be too hard to set up: NasAlley could to set up a special paypal account, or else just specify that people have to put "cake server" or "lupercus" in the comment field when they donate. I'm sure we could get one of them to post a regular-ish running total to this community. And we could post paypal buttons for direct linkage to donating here too, and on the community info page.
milenalupin @ April 8 2003, 04:53:08 UTC |
Did you contact Greg, Erica?
I'll be seeing him on Saturday at Heike's birtht00bing - should I bring up the subject then?
altricial @ April 8 2003, 06:36:29 UTC |
Please do, or Erica (assuming she's organising this!) can email me \:D/
(parent)dancingrain @ April 9 2003, 08:51:56 UTC |
Sure, why not, so long as Anjali's fine with us running with her idea. It doesn't sound like it'll take much organizing to me... will mail you, Anna.
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 9 2003, 14:03:39 UTC |
Perfectly all right! Frankly, I'm grateful someone knows how to go about doing this. All I know I know I can do is donate, but you can bet I'll do it well!
(parent)milenalupin @ April 9 2003, 15:51:50 UTC |
Greg asked, if Anna could organise the Nocturne_Alley/NrAged donations thing, since he's not a member of nraged. That okay with the two of you?