hobaggins @ 2003-12-23 03:11:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
NA lady of your choice. Who do you want between the sheets?
snackbreak @ December 23 2003, 00:23:22 UTC |
I wanted to vote for some of these girls less because I would want to get it on with them and more because I found the descriptions hilarious :D :D
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hobaggins @ December 23 2003, 00:27:15 UTC |
B-)nraged has been so lacking in hilariousity, recently, man.
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hobaggins @ December 23 2003, 00:39:47 UTC |
(parent)retired_ego @ December 23 2003, 00:49:49 UTC |
Sinistrizzle. OKAY. SHE IS REALLY REALLY HOT. so, so true.
but luna? mm.
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Anonymous @ December 23 2003, 00:55:54 UTC |
Zabini is missing. Should add something for female!Blaise.
(parent)notapipe @ December 23 2003, 01:18:56 UTC |
I had composed a whole angry comment protesting the lack of Lisa when I realized there was a second half.
I may be an idiot, but at least I have good taste.
tabiji @ December 23 2003, 01:59:29 UTC |
I <3 M.B. madly. Her Q&A cemented her place forever as a godly being!
(parent)tabiji @ December 23 2003, 03:57:48 UTC |
This proves that M.B. is so hot even teh gay guys want her!
notapipe @ December 23 2003, 14:38:18 UTC |
It proves that M.B. isn't the one people most want to get it on with, is what it proves.
(parent)tabiji @ December 23 2003, 22:11:40 UTC |
This proves you are using some numerical system known only to yourself!
(parent)notapipe @ December 24 2003, 00:53:34 UTC |
No, it proves that I account for qualitative differences in the quantity of votes M.B. got. In fact, I think one that could be quantified, but this is neither here nor there.
Jude obviously doesn't want to get with M.B. more than, at most, a very very very very very very small fraction of how much I want Lisa, for example. As a matter of fact, Jude CAN'T want M.B. more than, at most, a small fraction of how much I can want Lisa, or M.B., for that matter. So even if 33 Judes voted for M.B. and only I voted for Turpin, people want Lisa more than they want M.B.. It is my hypothesis that most votes for Millicent were by parties, like Jude, who are, by nature, disinterested. Though I also suspect that this sort of a system which weights by orientation, may throw the vote to Pansy. Also, it's unscientific like woah in the first place.
tabiji @ December 24 2003, 03:24:50 UTC |
Awwwwwww, so basically you're saying that your vast and limitless love for Lisa outweighs all the rest of nraged by it's sheer magnitude. That's sooooooo cuuute!!! Pipe, you may as well start spewing sonnets and dot your "i"s with little hearts.
(parent)notapipe @ December 24 2003, 03:56:30 UTC |
No, I'm saying "Jude is gay, his vote is for shit"
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hobaggins @ December 23 2003, 17:49:21 UTC |
Hm. The poll would look something like this.
Who iz tha boy you wanna li-li-li-lick from his head to his toes?
PS is taken, yo. And yo' blood is like filth. Try again:
notapipe @ December 23 2003, 14:39:20 UTC |
I like how you use your one icon that has a guy in it to say that.
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hobaggins @ December 23 2003, 17:31:38 UTC |
I like how you suck it.
That icon got used cause it has melodrama in the keyword. B-)
notapipe @ December 23 2003, 14:34:48 UTC |
Given that only the small minority of us are bi/straight males or bi/gay females, I don't think that is important.
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hobaggins @ December 23 2003, 17:51:45 UTC |
I wonder. About the statistics in the fandom. I think it is skewed up between a quarter of the population and half. Hm.
(parent)vassilissa @ December 23 2003, 04:03:24 UTC |
Darnit! I voted for Padma before I saw Millicent's name.
Why can't I have both, anyway?
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a_player @ December 23 2003, 17:21:10 UTC |
Are people voting twice? Because to me it seems that results of this poll will be inaccurate if people are voting on the two different sections of this poll, without taking into account that you really only should vote once for both polls.
For example, if a person chooses Pansy on the first poll, and turpin on the second. They had two votes. But on the other hand, if you wanted to do two votes and vote for both MB and Hermione, you could not if they were on the same poll.
Clearly, I sound like a nerd, but I'm just saying that in that sense, you are competing two different sets of characters against each other, and not all characters against each other.
Of course this is just a non serious poll so one might question why on earth I pointed that out!
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hobaggins @ December 23 2003, 17:28:59 UTC |
It wouldn't let me include everyone, and I didn't want to Not Include anyone. Unfortunate, eh? And yes, people are voting twice. And after I noticed this would happen I sunglassed myself up and voted for Pansy and Turpin. Because frankly I could not decide. B-)
I love nerds.
What are you talking about non-serious poll!
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hobaggins @ December 23 2003, 17:46:29 UTC |
ALSO: Hmmm.... It is clear that M.B. is winning, that swinger, no matter which was you slice the dice [uh, I can make up my own cliches], however, it is most unfortunate Turpin&Pansy are not in the same poll as the question arose from my inability to decide which was indeed superior. :-?
ALSO: :>, you enjoyed my poll, didn't you. DIDN'T YOU?
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a_player @ December 23 2003, 18:03:31 UTC |
the poll is indeed insanely cool. i <33333 it muchly. it was just a thought that struck me later in the day so i wrote it out. glad you do enjoy the nerdiness.
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hobaggins @ December 23 2003, 19:54:49 UTC |
What I should've done is do the students in the first part, and the Elderly Folk in the next.
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a_player @ December 23 2003, 18:18:44 UTC |
I see. No love for Molly. WOE, lady, WOE.
- Not the same player as before.
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hobaggins @ December 23 2003, 18:29:49 UTC |
FUCK! DAMMIT. I knew I wasn't the proper poll-creater that my forebearers were.