petitesl @ 2004-01-04 22:40:00 |
(no title)
Mood: accomplished
Draco reluctantly leaves the luxuries of Malfoy Manor and, following a harrowing ride on the Hogwarts Express, returns to Hogwarts.
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hobaggins @ January 4 2004, 23:11:50 UTC |
I feel awful for him, that journey must have been exhausting. And then, upon return having to face the icy chill of shoddy, never a good meal to be had in, falling-apart Hogwarts? He often suffers unfairly.
(parent)petitesl @ January 5 2004, 00:01:55 UTC |
Yes, I imagine the strain on his vocal chords must have been great after hollering at the inattentive lunch-witch three whole times. However, I am sure with his mind-boggling intelligence he will be able to formulate a spell for hearing loss. It would be but a small marker in his path to greatness.
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hezzabeth @ January 4 2004, 23:58:55 UTC |
Dos'nt any one find it a bit suspicious that his been reading up on the halocaust?
(parent)ekaterinn @ January 5 2004, 00:39:44 UTC |
I found it creepy...not sure what it means though.
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hezzabeth @ January 5 2004, 00:43:51 UTC |
Well I have several theories none of which I like.
One of the most obvious intepretations is that Draco has discovered that Voldemort in a sense with his " lets kill the mudbloods" campaign is a lot like Hitler. But as we've learnt in the past Draco knows hardly any thing about the muggle world unless some one has told him, which makes me believe that possibly Harry has told him about the true implications of what his father is up to. So this leads the the theory that Draco has been reading about the halocaust and lets face it DRACO has obviously learnt some harsh truths. I mean his learnt about the box cars and the showers now has'nt he?
Personally I think Draco's freaking out.
ungemmed @ January 5 2004, 16:51:32 UTC |
I agree with the freakout bit, which makes Snape's question pretty intriguing. I think Snape's wondering not just about who told him about the Holocaust but why. i.e. how intentional was the freakout effect?
(parent)petitesl @ January 5 2004, 00:42:11 UTC |
The question is whether he seeing the similarities of the holocaust and what Voldemort is doing and realizing this is a bad thing or whether he is developing ideas. I'd say judging by the context in which he referred to Muggle concentration camps that he considers them a bad thing.
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hezzabeth @ January 5 2004, 00:45:11 UTC |
Hah I just wrote that in my response to that other chick!
(parent)petitesl @ January 5 2004, 00:56:31 UTC |
Woah, we share brainwaves. I like the idea of Harry telling Draco about the holocaust. Another, though less likely, theory is that the holocaust is part of the Death-Eater-In-Training-Curriculum. However, seeing as they are pretty much anti-anything-muggle I doubt they would study muggle history. I also sincerely doubt Draco is a Death-Eater-In-Training.
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hezzabeth @ January 5 2004, 01:00:21 UTC |
Theres also the fact that any one with half a brain would truly see how disgusting the holocaust is and flee the death eaters boot camp.
Draco can be a little shit some times but his not that deranged in the head, personally I think some one told him.
petitesl @ January 5 2004, 01:26:21 UTC |
This is true and I like your idea way better than mine.
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hezzabeth @ January 5 2004, 01:29:35 UTC |
Judgeing from the lack of stars though I dont think either idea's correct.
Oh well, their good ideas any way.
vassilissa @ January 5 2004, 23:41:21 UTC |
Suspicious? I find it laudable.
He's reading Muggle history, and Muggle history with direct application to his own life at that.
Sounds ilke he's using his intelligence.
deerlike @ January 6 2004, 01:39:43 UTC |
Well, I found it surprising at first, and then I blinked at all the weird parallels my mind conjectured. Conspiracy-theorist, moi?
(parent)deerlike @ January 6 2004, 01:38:01 UTC |
I kind of choked and goggled a bit, so I suppose so.
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hobaggins @ January 6 2004, 02:17:28 UTC |
:D! Ten bucks on "DE Uniforms are far too tacky" as the reason Malfoy doesn't get marked.
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chasingwhispers @ January 6 2004, 14:14:55 UTC |
Am I being stupid, or has Draco just been made Prefect again? Or did he get the position back ages ago and I missed it?
Regardless, I'm loving the Snape and Draco interaction! :D
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chasingwhispers @ January 6 2004, 14:20:31 UTC |
Ahem. Also, if you were trying to be overly-analytical (which I love to do!) and agree with Draco's holocaust discoveries implying that he may be giving deeper thought to DeathEaters, etc. then possibly Snape is inviting him to come discuss these matters with him as a ex-DeathEater and try to help Draco sort through any confusion or doubts... Reformed!Draco! *Cackles*
(parent)saffronlie @ January 6 2004, 17:46:28 UTC |
Ah, that makes a lot of sense. I was wondering why Snape would invite Draco for a chat and all I could come up with was that Snape was very, very lonely. LOL. This is better.
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chasingwhispers @ January 7 2004, 04:40:38 UTC |
Hmm... he's probably a little lonely too. I mean, he's also asked Hermione to come down to his office (supposedly to help with the wolfsbane), and though he'd never admit it, I think the whole fiasco with Lupin has left him feeling extra bitter and angry, but also feeling the loneliness more acutely in Lupin's absence. He may be reaching out in these small, covert ways purely for company...
Or, er, not. Snape bad and need no one. (Except when he's drunk and likes fingerssss...) *Snort* Denial.
vassilissa @ January 7 2004, 00:30:48 UTC |
Forgot to mention that the bit I was squeeing about was:
Indeed, some fashion trends do appear to be coming back, and I cannot say I find them attractive.
He is subtle.
sistermagpie @ January 7 2004, 07:54:10 UTC |
This is Snape at his coolest for me. I keep waiting for something like this in canon!:)
(parent)onthehillside @ January 7 2004, 10:48:31 UTC |
Can someone far smarter than I please translate this? Dammit, Narcissa is a complicated person.
(parent)onthehillside @ January 7 2004, 11:16:57 UTC |
From the Lexicon...
Hengist of Woodcroft
Founder of Hogsmeade
Medieval, dates unknown
Driven away from his home by Muggle persecutors, Hengist is supposed to have settled in Scotland where he founded the village of Hogsmeade. Some say the Three Broomsticks Inn used to be his home (fw11, CS/g).
Hengist was a Saxon King of Britain shortly before King Arthur's time, who helped King Vortigern defeat Scot and Pict rebels. Later, he led a rebellion of his own, and eventually founded the county of Kent.
vassilissa @ January 7 2004, 21:24:52 UTC |
I think she was missing the point of Draco's post. The question is, was she doing so deliberately or unintentionally?
(parent)slightlights @ January 10 2004, 12:46:48 UTC |
Notice Draco's rapid disavowal to Snape now that Narcissa's posted, too. Not that I'd think he'd have originally imagined she and/or His Father weren't watching, admittedly. The question becomes whether he's really backing off or he wants to be seen to be backing off, perhaps.