hobaggins @ 2004-01-10 02:00:00 |
Lavender Brown in the hizzouse
Mood: sick
Lavender Brown is my soulmate! :">
It's more than implied that Lav spent vacation avec Dean. Watch everyone's reactions to her suitably large, sparkling, hypnotizing font while I watch her font s'more.
notapipe @ January 10 2004, 01:59:01 UTC |
Death to misuse of style tags!
Though the word "rox" rox, I can't tell what, exactly, rox.
Is it that Dean's parents rock? Or that the house of Dean's parents rocks?
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hobaggins @ January 10 2004, 02:00:32 UTC |
I think she is counting Dean's parents as a single entity.
(parent)notapipe @ January 10 2004, 02:07:21 UTC |
Possible. I don't suppose Dean's parents have a nice pad. But it is still an affront to the word "rox".
I can't imagine why anyone would take Lavender anywhere, or why anyone would like Lavender. Do you suppose she was being a beard?
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hobaggins @ January 10 2004, 02:10:22 UTC |
If she is being a beard, I wonder if she isn't becoming rather fond of the idea. :/
I like Lav, she really doesn't need any more disappointments. Hmmm. And she did post using her "my boyfriend" icon.
notapipe @ January 10 2004, 02:24:43 UTC |
Yeah, the blush smilies, even though she uses smilies all the time, is telling. I'm not sure she understood the situation, she is, after all, REALLY DUMB.
Icon: good catch. Also, the "loved" mood. Which, if it were the case of Dean's parents, might come from her being percieved as a straight match for Dean.
She is evil.
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hobaggins @ January 10 2004, 02:30:41 UTC |
In any case, it doesn't sound like something Dean wanted anyone to know. He didn't mention it in his post, and from the sound of Seamus' comment, he didn't tell his dorm mates.
(parent)notapipe @ January 10 2004, 02:35:10 UTC |
Actually, I think he sort of did. Which just shows why I should pay more attention to posts.
I think the prayers and get well cards should at least come to a halt. Finally. Thanks for your help on that, Lav.
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hobaggins @ January 10 2004, 02:36:41 UTC |
See when I had read that I had just thought it was about the scarf Lav told Dean to bring home. And I didn't reread the post when I just linked it. *facepalm* ALSO: your turn.
(parent)notapipe @ January 10 2004, 02:45:54 UTC |
Hmmmmm. Scarves stop prayers? This must be investigated.
ALSO: It is not fair, you spend time, and I drink during that time, and also you are beating me and that is just against natural law.
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hobaggins @ January 10 2004, 02:52:35 UTC |
Well she told him to go home. And give his mother the scarf. Look I didn't read it closely, that was my point. STFU. You're just mad because when I concentrate I am better than you.
(parent)notapipe @ January 10 2004, 02:58:30 UTC |
So what you're saying is you never concentrated the last n games except the first half of that game last night?
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hobaggins @ January 10 2004, 03:00:30 UTC |
No that's it exactly, :))!! I concentrate for the first 1/3 or first 1/2 of the game!
PLUS: I have beat you before, m8.
notapipe @ January 10 2004, 03:16:20 UTC |
Because at that point I am starting to beat you very very hard and you give up. That's a dumb excuse. Twice.
(parent)notapipe @ January 10 2004, 03:29:21 UTC |
What is not true? The twice? Or the fact that I pwn Literati most of the time?
(parent)vassilissa @ January 10 2004, 02:44:42 UTC |
She is evil.
Also dim.
Ah Lavendar, I love you, but my first thought on reading your post was still "I guess this means they didn't make you eat their cooking?"
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hobaggins @ January 10 2004, 02:46:44 UTC |
What's wrong with their cooking?
*missing something*
tabiji @ January 10 2004, 03:05:02 UTC |
Ahaha! True, true.
I was scratching my head wondering if that was a muggle vs. wizard cooking thing.
tabiji @ January 10 2004, 02:27:26 UTC |
There are some old threads out there where she sounds similarly smitten with him...I think around the time of the Seamus/Dean breakup.
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hobaggins @ January 10 2004, 02:38:20 UTC |
HMmm.... that does sound vaguely familiar. And then again, with NA sexual orientations flipflopping as they do, Lav/Dean wouldn't be the strangest couple to have come out so to speak.
(parent)tabiji @ January 10 2004, 02:40:16 UTC |
We could always check in the nraged memories to for it...
...oh, wait...we're not done with 'em yet!
*cracks up at self*
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hobaggins @ January 10 2004, 02:45:18 UTC |
She's going to make an Elise sim. And have me sex up Draco. B-)
(parent)tabiji @ January 10 2004, 02:49:02 UTC |
And Percy. And Terry. You'll get slammed more times than a dysfunctional family's trailer door!
tabiji @ January 10 2004, 02:57:49 UTC |
That's our girl...
Elise "they don't make 'em big enough" Hobaggins!
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hobaggins @ January 10 2004, 02:59:32 UTC |
You know as sexual as my icons often are, I don't really have any that are just blatant sex. Hmm.
tabiji @ January 10 2004, 03:01:40 UTC |
Somehow I can see a flashing "FUCK ME TIL MY HIPS BREAK!!!11!!" icon for you. Too subtle?
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hobaggins @ January 10 2004, 03:05:25 UTC |
:))!!! I do say "til my hips break" more often than is necessary. :-?
(parent)notapipe @ January 10 2004, 03:00:30 UTC |
Yeah, but I am B-)er, as Sim!pipe sexing up Lisa > Draco.
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hobaggins @ January 10 2004, 02:44:24 UTC |
Oh man, does this mean I've to start organizing the threads I'm supposed to.
(parent)tabiji @ January 10 2004, 02:24:51 UTC |
I don't think she was intentionally being a beard, but she does seem to like Dean an awful lot. Maybe his parents perceived it as Dean being over the gay thing and they were being so nice because he was with a girl?
(parent)notapipe @ January 10 2004, 02:31:42 UTC |
Well, supposing she wasn't intentionally a beard, I still think Dean meant to exploit that.
After all, why would he go to his parent's place or take Lav anywhere?
tabiji @ January 10 2004, 02:34:41 UTC |
Think so? I wouldn't have thought he'd be manipulative like that...especially since she seems to be crushing on him a bit...it seems rather cruel.
(parent)notapipe @ January 10 2004, 03:05:22 UTC |
Yeah, but I think he may be more likely to do that since he spent the summer with Terry and all.
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hobaggins @ January 10 2004, 02:40:44 UTC |
Then again, Dean has been sort of lonely, pipe. And with Terry gone and Seamus and he still on the rocks- at least Lav likes him.
(parent)tabiji @ January 10 2004, 02:47:07 UTC |
Plus it seemed to really be bothering him that he wasn't on good terms with them as the holidays got closer. Good or bad, they are his family...he must have been missing them terribly.
notapipe @ January 10 2004, 03:12:01 UTC |
But it is Lavender.
Maybe I just can't see past the ^_^ and the style tags and the animated gifs and the homophobia and the fact that she is a total homophobe who would clearly drive him INSANE. I suppose if he just wants to fuck something besides his hand...
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hobaggins @ January 10 2004, 03:15:02 UTC |
I just meant to be around in that comment, yo. Not to fuck.
And I mean, you were just whining about your friend who uses "^_^" and isn't like that in real life. Maybe online!Lav is a little more harsh than her reality. And like I said, Dean did seem really lonely.
I mess Terry. :/ That was a good point you made in another comment about Dean being different most likely for having spent the summer with.
notapipe @ January 10 2004, 03:24:03 UTC |
OH. Okay. Possibly.
I think the evidence points to the fact that she is a complete ditz in "reality" as well.
I miss Terry as well. He might be the only really amoral person in the whole thing besides Pansy (Draco is selfish, but there is less moral apathy than Dean). Thank you.
vassilissa @ January 10 2004, 02:45:57 UTC |
Maybe she thinks she can turn him. She is pretty homophobic, and she does like deluding herself.
(parent)notapipe @ January 10 2004, 03:41:02 UTC |
Indeed. It's convinient, Terry abandoned him for christmas, he has lost scruples...
(parent)notapipe @ January 10 2004, 03:53:14 UTC |
Has he? It was over 6 months ago that the computer room thing happened, and I haven't seen him with anyone besides Terry. Which isn't a slut in my book. Hell, 6 months? That's practically married right there.
Well, I am partial to the easy beard theory, something that works better if they're female. Because I agree re the love from LAVENDER *gag* part.
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onewallaway @ January 10 2004, 09:32:19 UTC |
Definitely deluded. Her insensitivty amazes me.
(parent)notapipe @ January 10 2004, 19:02:03 UTC |
Lavender has the best response ever. Lavender's player rocks so hard.
(parent)1anonymous1 @ January 10 2004, 10:27:58 UTC |
Ugh. I am so disappointed in Dean. I cant believe hes doing that. It just...stupid. And Lavender, we hates her right now. Ugh.
The dean/seamus shipper inside hurts.
vassilissa @ January 10 2004, 22:13:16 UTC |
I'm feeling sorry for Lav now I've read more of the thread. Dean *knows* she's vulnerable and not in a good place mentally, and that she's drifted away from her best friend, Parvati. It's not right.
(parent)sistermagpie @ January 12 2004, 10:37:48 UTC |
Poor Lavender. I think Dean's parents were the attraction here more than Dean is. Why wasn't she at home? Are her parents off in different places and not paying attention to her? They may have something in common in feeling suddenly without a family last year. {{Lavender}}
She's not necessarily that stupid for not getting why Seamus is upset. If she was at Dean's house as a friend it might just not have entered her mind that Seamus would perceive her as spending time with his ex-boyfriend in a way that was off-limits. Her line about Seamus "giving all this up" doesn't have to refer to giving Dean up but giving his parents up. Lav is, of course, totally unable to picture the discrimination that Seamus would experience at Dean's house that she doesn't.
I rather like seeing Lavender's impenetrable cluelessness coming up against Seamus--not many things can phase him. He says his problems always stem from caring too much what other people think, but I don't think that's true at all. I think he's ruled by what he thinks first and formost. I always think it's interesting watching him interact with Lavender because she's so immune to anything logical he says.