hobaggins @ 2004-01-10 02:05:00

a thought: turpin style
Mood: drained

Turpin just can't get that out of her head, and makes us wonder if the poet who lyricized "I Saw Mommy Kissin' Santa Claus" wasn't intending to portray the boy voicing this story as having an Oedipus complex.


lazy_daze @ January 10 2004, 02:13:41 UTC

Man, I love Lisa. Hahahaha. She's so astute.


notapipe @ January 10 2004, 03:46:07 UTC

She has a point, but she overlooks one important possibility: the kid's parents might be divorced and his father may have a trophy wife. Well, what better way one up a sugar daddy than to have the biggest sugar daddy around, Father Christmas?

Yeah. Okay. That was on crack. But compared to the Oedipus complex idea? Not so bad, really.


dari_brit @ January 10 2004, 07:24:37 UTC

OMFG. I walked around this whole holiday season talking about how horrible it would be if that actually happened to a little kid who was old enough to understand the concept of infidelity, but not old enough to know that there was no Santa Claus! If he kept the secret (perhaps out of loyalty to his mom)Christmas would be absolutely ruined for this kid for the rest of his life, he'd have this trememendous aversion to holidays that no one knew about, and one day it would finally all come out in therapy.

Turpinol, we are psychic.
