vassilissa @ 2004-01-12 15:52:00 |
Poor Snape
Mood: sympathetic
'Hermione can help me make the Wolfsbane Potion, Seamus can have some sarcasm, and I'm lonely, so LEAVE ME ALONE.'
He's always detested making the [Wolfsbane Potion] "and now I loathe it even more".
noirenails @ January 11 2004, 22:25:11 UTC |
Poor Snape. He's always so lonely and...Well, I don't know what to say. He deserves some happiness but he never lets anyone near him.
(parent)dr_jekyl @ January 11 2004, 22:49:06 UTC |
*sniff* Yeah. But Remus looked like his best bet and I don't think he's going to let that happen now. Or would even if Remus didn't look like he was gettin back with Sirius.
Curse you, Hermione, and your Inhibition-loss potion too!
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greenvarnish @ January 12 2004, 01:03:15 UTC |
Curse you, Hermione, and your Inhibition-loss potion too!
*seconds the motion*
I just hope this doesn't turn into a Snape/Hermione fest... *shudders*
purplelavender @ January 12 2004, 03:40:14 UTC |
I can see it now, all the HG/SS fan's waiting quietly, repeating the mantra..
if we wait long enough it's bound to happen!
~laughs evily~
dari_brit @ January 12 2004, 19:42:56 UTC |
The NA mods say no student/teacher-- otherwise I'd be wondering meself.
(parent)snowballjane @ January 12 2004, 02:39:27 UTC |
he never lets anyone near him
Except Cho, oddly enough, who he let positively boss him around last summer. It'd be nice if he could have a similar 'friendship' with Hermione (or if Cho could pop over to drag him to the hair salon again). I mean, 'could have done worse' and the comment about NEWTs are high praise indeed from Snape.
::hands Hermione vampire kitty treats and points her towards the dungeon::
lazy_daze @ January 12 2004, 01:31:09 UTC |
I REALLY want to know what went on with all that Luin/Snape stuff a while back - all that stuff about a love spell? Poor Snape - god, that was a bit of a mess, wasn't it? No wonder he thought he may have been imagining the ghost.
(parent)kievstar @ January 12 2004, 02:21:45 UTC |
Perhaps I only imagined the whole thing. Looking back on that particular time, it does not seem unlikely.
this makes me especially sad
snowballjane @ January 12 2004, 02:42:05 UTC |
Hmm, although on first reading the last line looks like a 'go away' I wonder whether it's actually more of an invitation towards the unwise [Snapespeak translation: Lupin}] to open a conversation...
(parent)saffronlie @ January 13 2004, 04:46:08 UTC |
Invitation or not, Lupin's challenged him on it (would link to the comment, but can't find the specific link).
(parent)ekaterinn @ January 13 2004, 07:50:24 UTC |
Snape hasn't replied though. He seems to be trying to get away without any mention of Remus. But I think Remus will keep trying (regardless of any possibilty of getting back with Sirius) because he knows they need to talk. Running away from the problem nearly got Remus killed; I don't think he's going to let Snape ignore it.
(parent)dr_jekyl @ January 13 2004, 12:19:55 UTC |
Remus got an answer!
I, for one, have nothing to say, Lupin. If you do, I suppose I can't stop you.
Coming from Snape, that's practically a framed invitation. Perhaps I was too hasty in my previous pronouncements of Snape/Lupin doom.
Now, where did I put my popcorn?
ekaterinn @ January 13 2004, 16:03:20 UTC |
Coming from Snape, that's practically a framed invitation
True, very true. And did you see that nasty thread between Snape and Black at the bottom of the page? They're practically fighting over Remus...whose either going to have to make a choice or choose to make no choice. Poor guy...silver and N_A certainly hasn't been his couple of months! ^_~
purplelavender @ January 12 2004, 03:41:41 UTC |
I agree, that post just made me want to hug the poor guy..
darththalia @ January 12 2004, 09:17:12 UTC Poor Seamus... |
...he's been fretting, probably unnecessarily, and now he's just going to get more paranoid. Rotten of Snape--but v. amusing.
(parent)1anonymous1 @ January 12 2004, 17:07:53 UTC |
Does anyone else think that theres something going on between hermione and snape? I think the inhibition loss potion might have cause some...interaction between the two. Maybe now that shes maybe impressed him with her potion making skills, hes willing to erm...interact with her again. What do yall think?
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chasingwhispers @ January 13 2004, 15:27:51 UTC |
AH! Snape/Black Warfare!
I'm too tired right now and too stupid figure out what the worm/crow stuff exactly means. Anyone shed some light?
Oh god. Snipe snipe, bitch bitch... They're hurting me. This is blatantly over Lupin. And Snape's not afraid to stir up the past...
Damn Black. I dunno. He finally seems to get back on track a little and then what does he do? Gloat. And be a prick to someone who -- okay, he doesn't like one jot -- but is obviously hurt enough as it is without Sirius rubbing salt into the wounds.
Picking up that I'm on Sev's side here? Good. >:)
snowballjane @ January 13 2004, 15:43:35 UTC |
"Nobody loves me, everybody hates me,
I think I'll go and eat worms,
Short, fat, juicy ones, skinny winny winny ones,
See how they squiggle and squirm."
There are several variations on this...
snowballjane @ January 13 2004, 15:45:22 UTC |
... so, yes, it's really rubbing salt in the wounds. Kind of: "Nobody loves you, nya, nya, nyanana."
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chasingwhispers @ January 13 2004, 15:45:30 UTC |
I should sleep. Yes, I see how that would work. Thanks!
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Anonymous @ January 13 2004, 19:34:04 UTC |
<a href=">Ewan McGregor?</a> *dies of envy* Mr. Black has excellent taste.
(parent)lore @ January 13 2004, 20:23:45 UTC |
Snape is breaking my heart. He always breaks my heart. And contrary to what you might think, I don't like having my heart be broken. *sigh*
And you know, after two years and many w00bie moments here...I still can't bring myself to like Black (the *character*). I want to for Remus' sake...but no.
Just angsting out-loud....
love, lore