notapipe @ 2004-01-13 16:22:00 |
(no title)
Mood: embarrassed
Pansy brings us some stellar photoblogging, and I have four questions which are made up of smaller questions that I want to share:
1. So do the Slytherin girls bathrooms have double mirrors? Or are there two sets of sinks with mirrors on opposite sides? Or what? I'm confused by what is in the mirror.
2. If you're going to call someone a "twat" why stop there? Why not go all the way for "cunt"? Is this some british thing?
3. If you plan to write a negative message in lipstick on the bathroom mirror, why the hell would you use your own lipstick?
4. What is the shirt in her icon made of?
lazy_daze @ January 13 2004, 14:27:11 UTC |
A lot of people I know do, indeed, have a large aversion to 'cunt' over and above other swearwords. I really don't know why. It is possibly a British thing, but not for all of us. Just some more sensitive people, I suppose.
(parent)snowballjane @ January 13 2004, 14:44:58 UTC |
IIRC The only two words the BBC bleep out even after the watershed are cunt and motherfucker. So there's obviously some idea of them being on a different level.
(parent)notapipe @ January 13 2004, 15:00:04 UTC |
Maybe it's just me, just that I don't like the word "twat". It's a bad swearword, as swearwords go.
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a_player @ January 13 2004, 15:12:30 UTC |
The post was sort of made just for fun. But in response.
1. It is very likely that one of the bathrooms has two mirrors (as in the picture) and sinks as either side. Hogwarts has several bathrooms so I would hesitate to say specifically the Slytherin bathroom as Pansy never specifically states it is so.
2. Twat. Well, this can be a question of many answers. It is possible Queenie is more comfortable using "twat" verses "cunt." She may find that far too offensive. Or it may be a mere case of "why use Ho verses Slut verses whore" (or even bitch) similar level, but you use whichever pops in your head first, or sounds best to you. You just be used to saying one in conversation more than the others.
3. This may suggestive Queenie is not particularly bright, or that she merely didn't think things through thoroughly. This could have been done on impulse, or she didn't care if Pansy knew it was her. one could argue, she also didn't disguise her writing. There are various ways that could have caused Pansy "to know" it was her. Really, it is all rather circumstantial evidence, as she may not be the only girl in school to own that particular shade of lipstick, but Pansy for numerous reasons may suspect her.
4. It's hard to tell from the picture. Possibly some expensive, rare fabric spun from magical spiders, or possibly simply silk and chiffon.
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a_player @ January 13 2004, 15:18:14 UTC |
I realize I started out my "twat" response, by saying "twat." I hope it wasn't taking as name calling. I sort of just wrote as I thought, and I repeated the word in my head before replying to the question, and so thusly it too was put down. Hopefully, that was obvious! :/
Also, I meant "You could just be used to saying one in conversation more than others." Missing a word there in that sentence.
*rambles on more uselessly*
notapipe @ January 13 2004, 15:42:44 UTC |
My questions were made pretty much just fun as well, so I am far more confused by the in depth response than you, I am sure.
2. So not a british thing. I've never heard the word "twat" used, ever.
3. Yeah, that was meant to be a rhetorical "how fucking dumb can you get" question.
4. *knows nothing of fabrics, doesn't even know what chiffon is*
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a_player @ January 13 2004, 16:03:57 UTC |
Apologies. I am confusing myself badly. In regards to all, meaning is often obscured by lack of tone, and therefore, this must come off as rather silly.
2. I've seen it used in British movies and "british slang dictionaries." So, in a way, "it is a british thing." But that wasn't specifically why Queenie used it as opposed to "cunt."
3. Oops. I just answered seriously because I read it as a serious question.
4. I am not sure you wanted to know more in answer to this. Really there is not much to know about chiffon other than it is a sheer material made of silk (or rayon).
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hobaggins @ January 13 2004, 21:39:19 UTC |
I prefer Slut. It cracks me up that you capitalized Ho and Slut.
maggie_malfoy @ January 13 2004, 15:26:16 UTC |
It is certainly very rare for 'cunt' to be used by UKers, especially is a jovial manner. It tendes to be seen as one of the 'bad' swear words. 'Twat' is considered more as slang, and it used on a much more frequent basis.
(parent)notapipe @ January 13 2004, 15:43:38 UTC |
So it IS a british thing. I never hear the word "twat".
(parent)musesong @ January 13 2004, 17:25:25 UTC |
'Twat', 'wanker' and 'dickhead' are all British slang words meant in a jovial manner, whereas 'cunt' is considered offensive.
From Brit slang dictionary:
twat: Noun. 1. The female genitals. [1600s]2. A contemptible person, an idiot.
wanker Noun. 1. A masturbator. 2. A contemptible person.
dickhead Noun. A stupid person, a contemptible person.
ekaterinn @ January 13 2004, 18:56:51 UTC |
The only place I've heard "twat" has been on the UK version of Queer As Folk. So, yeah, british.
(parent)therealycats @ January 13 2004, 18:29:29 UTC |
I for one happen to enjoy the word cunt, but I realize I'm in quite the minority where this is concerned. I don't know why I like it so much...I guess I've reclaimed it or what have you :p
But "twat" is definitely more English sounding than cunt. Twat, by the way, rhymes with cot and not cat. (Much discussion has been made of this!)
saffronlie @ January 13 2004, 21:12:50 UTC |
If you're British and/or Robbie Williams then twat rhymes with 'cat'. And Robbie Williams is God, so I'm inclined to go with him on this one.
But for the rest of us, twat rhyming with 'cot' is soooo much more satisfactory to say, especially if you put on a toffee English accent.
therealycats @ January 13 2004, 21:19:56 UTC |
Robbie Williams' IMDB profile says that he is 6 feet tall. I find this incredibly hard to believe.