silveryouko @ 2004-01-21 18:29:00 |
(no title)
Mood: disappointed
Lupin posts. He's home and as comfortable as he can be. And he wants Sirius to stop by later...
And has anyone seen his new icons. They point to a Blupin reconciliation. *laments*
imochan @ January 21 2004, 23:37:15 UTC |
ICONS, MAN! Hot, hot stuff. :D I mean: Aww, cute. :>
caten @ January 22 2004, 00:04:38 UTC |
There are three of them: us, I go there with you and when we were young. They are so getting back together! *bounces*
(parent)ungemmed @ January 22 2004, 00:09:34 UTC |
"I go there with you" is particularly telling, methinks.
(parent)caten @ January 22 2004, 00:14:56 UTC |
I nearly cried when they broke up, now my heart can finally heal! (but for how long???)
(parent)therealycats @ January 22 2004, 00:09:33 UTC |
I take it you are not one with the Blupin!-ness?
(parent)silveryouko @ January 22 2004, 00:20:15 UTC |
I'm a total Snupin shipper. It makes me saaaad ;_;
(parent)silveryouko @ January 22 2004, 02:13:42 UTC |
*SQUEE!* I love your icon!!!
it's nice to know there's another Snupin shipper!
woo2step @ January 22 2004, 02:24:29 UTC |
It's so sad! There are so few of us and I just don't know why. They're so damned cute.
And thank you! *g*
silveryouko @ January 22 2004, 02:46:10 UTC |
They really are! And Snapie needs someone to love him! I thought Lupin would be the one to do that, but obviously not.
(parent)snackbreak @ January 22 2004, 20:43:12 UTC |
Yes, but there's always the hope it won't work out again and he'll go back to Snape! *crosses fingers*
...or maybe the icons are all about the Remus/Sirius platonic love. Maybe? Hopefully??
dr_jekyl @ January 23 2004, 09:49:10 UTC |
I hope so too... but I know they're not! The icons are too cute for it to be platonic! And the captions!
Snupin is dead! DEAD, I tell you, dead!
*cries disconsolately*
lore @ January 23 2004, 18:14:01 UTC |
I think maybe I need it pointed out to me why THIS Sirius, NA Sirius is deserving of Lupin's love - of a lifetime of happiness with Lupin.
And I don't mean because he rescued Lupin or that he's good in the sack or that he's sometimes very romantic. I mean, what qualities does NA Sirius have that makes him worthy of such happiness?
His bad side seems to stand out to me. I remember the cheating, the He-Tries-to-Kill-My-Godson-But-Whatever-s
I would like to feel good about how Lupin's life turns out. I used to advocate a threesome with Snape, but lately, it's like I've forgotten what was good in NA Sirius.
In a way, I'm with Molly - he's always creeped me out a little; I don't think I've ever trusted him fully in the whole time I've been reading the game. But if this is the way things are going to be, I wouldn't mind some reminding of the good in NA Sirius.
You have to say this for Snape: He's a sarcastic, spiteful bastard. But he never cheated on Lupin, has always been supportive of Lupin in his own twisted ways, and has not knowingly done anything to hurt Lupin - at least not until recent days. That's why NA Snape has always figured into my choices for NA Lupin.
Anyway, convince me about NA Sirius. I am not being confrontational; I WANT to believe. ;)
love, lore
anjaliesque @ January 22 2004, 02:47:33 UTC |
The Dr. MLK Jr. reference rocks my proverbial activist socks.
(parent)ekaterinn @ January 22 2004, 03:15:00 UTC |
*smiles* At last, he's out of St. Mungo's! (And my Blupin angel is dancing for joy right now while my Snupin angel looks sad and inconsolable - only I could be conflicted about a fictional character's love life!) ^^
(parent)divinelight @ January 22 2004, 05:47:13 UTC |
You aren't the only one. I love both the Blupin and the Snupin. I'm torn. Do I want Snape to be happy or Sirius? Tough decisions.
Heh. If it was a threesome would it be called Blapin? Or if Sirius and Snape ever got together it would be Snack... Or I've just completely lost my mind to these stupid allergies that are bothering me.
tabiji @ January 22 2004, 07:23:19 UTC |
Well, Sinistra could always console Snape...I've always wanted to see them get together :D
![]() |
Anonymous @ January 23 2004, 12:55:05 UTC |
She'd better... Sev must have some action love soon or I'll renounce my NA-following forever! You hear?! *looks forlorn*
ekaterinn @ January 22 2004, 07:41:27 UTC |
Heh. Yes, I'm totally for the Snackin (that what I call this particular threesome anyway). Remus should serve both Sirius and Snape tea in order to "make peace" between Sirius's and Snape's lust hatred for each other and then they could all SHAG LIKE BUNNIES!
Yes, that would make me happy.
Perhaps I should get back to my Latin homework now...
divinelight @ January 22 2004, 14:17:19 UTC |
Haha. That's normally what my friend and I call it. Just because it is so much fun to say.
(parent)deerlike @ January 22 2004, 05:42:07 UTC *sickeningly sappy fangirl* |
:DDD I'm very happy that there's going to be a reconciliation, (and for all you know, it could stay very low-key and friendshippy, which is just as good as anything romantic and lovey-dovey), and not just because I am a Sirius/Remus shipper, but also because anything that makes Remus happy is always something that ought to be celebrated. He really deserves it. <3
(parent)ekaterinn @ January 22 2004, 07:45:06 UTC Re: *sickeningly sappy fangirl* |
Amen, sister fangirl!
*loves, loves, loves Remus*
*wants to kidnap him for herself - he could live in my dorm room and help with Latin and look sexy!*