neviachiel @ 2004-02-02 20:36:00 |
(no title)
Mood: annoyed
I had a huge urge to defend Sirius from the likes of Severus, even though I can't. *glares in the direction of potions_master*
vassilissa @ February 3 2004, 03:04:52 UTC |
Jeez. Either he can't read for humour, or.. yeah. He's still resenting js's treatment of Lupin, a lot. Sweet of him.
It's going to be interesting seeing how those two get on (or don't) without Lupin there to call them to heel.
lore @ February 3 2004, 04:45:51 UTC |
I will remind you of this exchange.
Sirius is as capable of preying on Snape's weak moments as Snape is of Sirius' moments. Besides, Sirius did it first since he was back in Lupin's good graces and Snape was out. It was Snape's turn.
*defends her Potions_Master*
love, lore
oconel @ February 3 2004, 09:19:56 UTC Re: |
I'll defend Snape too!
Er. You do know I can still read this, don't you Padfoot?
Poor Lupin
small_rodent @ February 4 2004, 05:57:30 UTC |
Alas for angst. Although I assumed that Sirius was merely flirting with Sinistra for the friendly fun of it, rather than an actual intent to sleep with her. On the other hand, Lupin took it seriously, so perhaps I'm wrong. Black is quite the horn-dog, after all.
And think! If Black and Sinistra get together (Blanistra? Sinistrack?), then we can have angst free Snupin!
neviachiel @ February 3 2004, 15:02:54 UTC Re: |
How is this a weak moment of Sirius'? He wasn't even trying to start anything. Snape started the conversation by deigning to come over and tell Sirius where Sinistra was while mocking him. I realize that Sirius is not the best guy, but I still like him.
(parent)lore @ February 3 2004, 15:25:13 UTC Re: |
Sirius is displaying a moment of weakness by posting that he's lonely on his journal for all to see. I don't think he's bad for displaying a moment of weakness.
I'm just equating Snape taunting him in the replies now to the way he taunted Snape a few weeks ago when Snape made a similar, if more veiled, "I'm lonely" post. Compare and contrast. :D
love, lore
aquagia @ February 3 2004, 17:46:10 UTC Re: |
I am in complete agreement!
They're both being little babies about everything, but that's just the way they are. But Sirius is just loving this whole "Ha ha you had Remus but now you don't and I do, lonely much??" thing. Snape makes me want to cry, because I really really really think that he cared for Remus more than he ever let on. (I will ship Snape/Lupin til the end of my days, aw snap!)
And the icon of the Azkaban poster? Along with the comment? Dude, I was laughing.
dari_brit @ February 4 2004, 01:50:47 UTC Re: |
I definitely laughed my ass off at that. Severus, you just as vampiric and catty as your pet. ^_-
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hobaggins @ February 3 2004, 05:55:02 UTC |
Someone needs to teach me to love post-Azkaban Sirius Black. It just isn't in me. :/
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Anonymous @ February 3 2004, 06:55:13 UTC Re: |
Sign me up for that class as well.
First off, many stars to Sirius's player, you have captured that annoying young 20-something male attitude so well; keep up your excellent work.
I don't think Sirius has the kind of emotional and mental stability that is needed to carry out an adult relationship; the world moved on while he was in Azkaban. Sometimes I think that his mental age is closer to Harry's than to Remus's.
While I think Sirius and Remus are cute together, I also want Remus to find someone who he has more in common with. I don't want him to waste his life away waiting for someone who may always mentally be 20-something.
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hezzabeth @ February 3 2004, 09:31:06 UTC Re: |
I agree, I think part of Remus's need to be with Sirius was a desire to cling onto a past they no longer had, you know the whole "final two" thing. But Remus has grown up and he cant sit around waiting for Sirius to stop screwing around, no one deserves to live like that.
Remus needs to realise that what they had will always be a lovely memory but it's in the past now and he cant live there, he needs to move on.
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queeniefox @ February 3 2004, 12:55:08 UTC |
I know why he's doing it, but Snape really isn't doing himself any favours by using even a joke to start a row.
Sirius' comments about Sinistra amuse me greatly. :)
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Anonymous @ February 3 2004, 13:59:51 UTC |
^^;; I can just see Remus starting to feel doubtful again - it had been a good... oh, few weeks? But Sirius can't seem to stay serious for long, and if I were Remus, and if one or two similar exchanges popped up after this, I would start wondering whether things truly are any different now than they were before, or if the breath of fresh air was only temporary.
Then again, it could also be that they have truly worked things out between them, and moved on. I guess I'll see after Sirius's reaction to the comments left by Remus and Sinistra is shown - does he respond to the gentle hint, or will he prove that he truly can't approach relationships in a way that Remus feels secure in? *mini wibble*
allthat_jazz @ February 5 2004, 05:30:19 UTC Re: |
Well, Sirius has replied, and he didn't respond to the hint. *shakes head ruefully* This suggests that he STILL hasn't gotten it, after all this time.
I have to congratulate Sirius's player on this. This is so wonderfully in-character for him. I can't help but feel sad about it, though...
Nah. In reality the inner Snupin in me is dancing.
lore @ February 5 2004, 05:59:00 UTC Re: |
Yay! I was hoping someone else would notice! I don't want to be so down on Sirius all the time, but I was sitting there reading his response, thinking: "-the hell?" He was better off not having answered!!
I love how one little post ups the ante. Yes, Sirius' player is to be much admired. But my SS/RL - totally dancing with your Snupin. ;)
love, lore
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Anonymous @ February 6 2004, 03:13:13 UTC Re: |
Gah. I'm unwise to the ways of nraged posting, and have no idea where to put this, so I'll put it here.
The lil' get together Snape was having with Hooch, Sinistra, Trelawney, when he snarked at Sirius? Was also going on in another thread, and Hooch made this post ( therein, containing an interesting offhanded remark.
It's not just us. Hooch sees it too. ;D
lore @ February 6 2004, 21:43:19 UTC Re: |
Yes, I made not of that in the NA Hooch thread. But it's good to file it away here as well. :D Hooch noticing makes me hope the issue is not completely dead between Snape and Lupin. The girls were obviously down there this week trying to cheer him up...and maybe kick him in the arse?
love, lore
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Anonymous @ February 5 2004, 15:46:50 UTC Re: |
Totally. Re his reply to Lupin, I can't figure out if he is clueless, or if he gets why it might upset Lupin and simply doesn't care. I suspect it's the latter. And, you know, if Sirius was *not* the type to cat around with everything on two legs, I would agree with him blowing off Lupin like that. But since he *is* that type, the fact that he made that reply smacks of "has not grown up, will never grow up, will always be self-centered twip."
Very interesting and fab character. So wrong for Lupin.
aquagia @ February 5 2004, 19:09:17 UTC Re: |
Haha, YES! My inner Snupin (aw man, how much do I hate the word 'Snupin?' THIS MUCH.) is dancing unrelentlessly.
And she will keep dancing until the Remus/Sevvie love is back in full swing.
Though I do love Sirius. Lots. =)
aquagia @ February 3 2004, 17:48:23 UTC Re: |
Bah. I want to know what happened between Remus and Severus, like, NOW. Hmmmmmmph
DUDE I KNOW. I'm dying. Dying. I really thought that it would have been explained by now, but we still only have basically what we were given in the first few days after it happened.
aquagia @ February 3 2004, 19:04:35 UTC Re: |
Oh man, please, please do make that icon. With just the image of an upraised, clenched fist or something equally angry. Haha.
In summation: SNAPE. I feel for him. I swear, I'm the only one who liked Lupin better with Snape than with Sirius.
Also: Holy crap, your LJ name almost made me squirt Pepsi out of my nose, and that would have been unfortunate.
allthat_jazz @ February 3 2004, 20:22:38 UTC Re: |
No! You're not the only one! *jumps on the YAYFORSNUPIN! bandwagon*
I understand that NA Sirius and Remus can be very cute together, and that there's something very romantic about the last two Marauders spending the rest of their lives together. But for some reason, I find Snape and Lupin much more interesting. It's almost as if Snape needs someone like Lupin to come along, to help pull him out of that constant bitterness and misery he feels for the rest of the world (and maybe even himself). And Lupin, with all his insecurities, needs to feel needed. Together they create a fascinating dynamic, and they complement each other so well.
lore @ February 3 2004, 22:42:52 UTC Re: |
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
The only thing that scares me is that, at the end of most love triangles, somebody usually dies...
...but as I believe the players of NA know this, I'm even more scared somebody won't die and there will just be: misery, buh-bye!
In the whole of this game, Snape has only ever been involved with Black and Lupin. I'm really afraid the poor man is going to end up alone and eaten by his vampiric cat.
love, lore
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Anonymous @ February 3 2004, 22:48:24 UTC Re: |
Your posts express exactly how I feel about Lupin, Snape & Sirius. Exactly exactly.
(parent)lore @ February 3 2004, 23:15:50 UTC Re: |
*blush* Thank you very much. You're welcome to use the e-mail on my LJ if you'd ever like to discuss.
love, lore
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a_player @ February 3 2004, 22:50:11 UTC Re: |
The only thing that scares me is that, at the end of most love triangles, somebody usually dies...
...but as I believe the players of NA know this
O_O Sorry to interrupt, but I have never heard of this ever! o_O
lore @ February 3 2004, 23:14:55 UTC Re: |
Hurm. Perhaps I did not word this right. It was a compliment to the players that they would never take a cliched route in the storylines.
Or, do you mean you've never heard of love triangles ending in death and destruction? I can look up some examples if that's the case. But if I listed them here, that might be spoiling things for some people. I am also equating classic storylines to NA plotting. Yes, there are many love triangles that do not end in death...but in the classic ones, many do. So, again, I am complimenting the players for potentially plotting on the same level as classic literature. Still, it's what I get for making a generalization. Pardon me.
love, lore
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a_player @ February 3 2004, 23:23:04 UTC Re: |
LOL! You don't need to apologise! I just haven't heard of it, it being the death and destruction. I tend to think more along the lines of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and more modern books than classic literature. But I do not even play Remus or Sirius or Snape so I was really only asking because I was boggled. :D
(parent)lore @ February 4 2004, 03:13:02 UTC Re: |
Oh, thank gawd, I was wondering if I'd broken some unwritten rule about plot speculation. *whew*
Two classic examples of love triangles gone wrong: The legend of King Arthur and, more modern, Wuthering Heights. Very recently, I point to the movies Pearl Harbor and Here on Earth. I suspect you all of big drama, and the end to love triangles when there's Big Drama is...*gack* :D Generally. :D
relived, lore
aquagia @ February 5 2004, 19:06:59 UTC Re: |
Oh man, agreements all around! You know, sometimes I forget that Snape was involved with Sirius, and then I remember the drunk-fest, and much giggling insues, etc etc.
I am so so afraid that Snape will wind up alone. I was dreading it through the entirety of of the Lupin/Snape "thing" (relationship? friendship with benefits? I have no clue.), and then it happened. I feel for Snape so much--and going back to the whole point of the main post--For every day that Sirius was alone in Azkaban, Snape was alone for TWO. He's been alone for so long--basically his whole life which we know of.
It's horribley depressing--yet almost poetic, in a way. But my inner 10 year old will not stop crying for a happy ending* for him, and she will not be shushed.
*And by "ending," I do NOT mean "death." =)
lore @ February 6 2004, 21:55:14 UTC Re: |
Awww, see, and now it's my turn to be in agreement. Snape AND Black are seriously arrested adolescents. But you could see Snape, every once in a while, try to break out of his mold, only to be shoved back in it again.
I still think about Snape's journey over the summer. It wasn't just a journey for whatever faction he was serving by felt like a journey of self-discovery. It was a chance for him to get out of the castle, out of his usual head-space and see what thoughts he would think on his own like that. And who did he gravitate toward: Lupin.
Hurm. I have more thoughts, but probably not the thread. But I'm worried too about Potions_Master. Very, very worried.
love, lore
PS - ICON! Thank Faelin for mine, although I think I have seen many others of the same screenshot. :D
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ex_mahoney365 @ February 6 2004, 22:02:30 UTC Re: |
*very interested in your thoughts & worries re Snape*
(parent)lore @ February 6 2004, 22:33:55 UTC Re: |
*blush* Oh, like you have to twist my arm to get me to talk about NA Snape. :D
Quick and dirty thoughts:
1. Correct me if I'm wrong (PLEASE), but I believe Snape and Lupin both clearly state they are gay. Snape at one point admitted he was afraid of women (the truth party?). Sirius is very much with the bisexual, although I am not sure he's been with any women since NA continuity started. But Lupin and Sirius' many break-ups and get-togethers, along with Sirius' appetites and attitude say to me that he is very much a predator. He still likes the hunt. I think people *generally* like the hunt, up until a certain point when their minds click and decide they want stability - Sirius is not showing signs of having that click.
2. Sirius was just joking? OK, but it was in poor taste if he truly is trying to get back with Remus or IS back with Remus. This close to a renewed relationship is not the time to ask another person to come visit you wearing only a scarf. I CAN, however, buy that NA Sirius really is that thoughtless and was, indeed, making a bad bad joke.
3. Besides both being decidedly gay, Snape and Lupin clearly have more in common than Sirius and Remus - Academics, research, poetry, reading; Snape and Lupin suit each other intellectually; feed each other's brains. I am beginning to wonder if Lupin's choices are going to be between passion or comfort. Sirius represents a life-long passion for living. Snape a life-long comfortable, quiet place. Considering Lupin's current condition, a quiet, stay-at-home lover might be what he needs; or, will he need Sirius' spark, his energy to continue on?
4. Lupin is immortal. This is to be considered. He is supposed to live forever, only now this makes me wonder, will he want to carry on for very long in his partially debilitated state? When I think of the triangle ending in tragedy, it is always Lupin whom I see going, leaving both men bereft.
5. There isn't anyone else for Snape currently being characterized in the game. Lupin has options. Sirius has...many options. Snape - who else is near his age, willing to deal with his temperament and even try to improve him, also gay, also fully aware of his past? Snape has never shown real interest in Lucius, Black broke him once already, none of the women will do, let's hope none of the students will either. When the whole war shakes out and everyone is left staring at each other, if Snape lives, who does he get to go off and live happily ever after with, if not Lupin?
Ok, I must dash. Very rambley, not nearly as intelligent as I would have liked it to be. But there you have it. *rubs arm* :D
love, lore
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ex_mahoney365 @ February 7 2004, 01:52:10 UTC Reply pt. 1 |
1. But Lupin and Sirius' many break-ups and get-togethers, along with Sirius' appetites and attitude say to me that he is very much a predator. He still likes the hunt. I think people *generally* like the hunt, up until a certain point when their minds click and decide they want stability - Sirius is not showing signs of having that click.
That's exactly the read I get. Whereas Lupin (as well as Snape) show very little relationshippy wanderlust. Lupin is very content with one person, and, during the whateveritwas with Lupin, Snape was also. And the thing is, they both seem to want that monogamy from the individual they are with. Which is why it's that much more frustrating to see Lupin dealing with Sirius; and why it's so interesting to see what Snape has to say about Lupin+Sirius, because if you ask me, it frustrates him just as much. :)
2. Ditto squared.
3. Snape and Lupin clearly have more in common than Sirius and Remus
Yes. But:
Sirius represents a life-long passion for living
I think Lupin was drawing this out of Snape. The way I saw it, Snape was a comfortable presence, but the more he relaxed due to interaction with Lupin, the more he seemed to enjoy life. He's not a party animal, but that's not all there is to having a passion for living, which is something imho Lupin gets.
What's interesting (and kind of funny, in wry way) is that what Lupin and Sirius seem to have in common is history, sex, and Harry (not all at the same time, of course. o_O ), but otherwise their relationship is pretty rocky (Sirius being unfaithful and thoughtless, Remus being long-suffering and/or dramatic). I honestly wonder if the players are purposefully creating the kind of relationship which, in real life, would have the child twenty years down the road saying "I know you stuck together for me, but geez, it would have been better for all of us if you'd just gotten a divorce!" Whereas, the nature of Lupin & Snape's relationship, until the end, illustrated that Lupin is in fact capable of being happy in a relationship.
I understand why Lupin would go back to Sirius at this point. Snape apparently cut him off fairly abruptly (and I so want to know why argh) and then Sirius was one of the people to pull him out of a horrible mess (Florence Nightingale syndrome!). But neither are very good reasons, and Sirius really isn't using this opportunity to prove he's any different than he was before. I just wish Lupin would *really* leave Sirius, and maybe, just for a while, be alone, so he can know he is okay being alone - he's strong enough, and he's good company. :) By which time perhaps Snape will have tired of snarking from the sidelines, have dealt with whatever freaked him out before, and...things could progress apace. In a perfect world, and all that....
And I am so blithery that I have to break this into two posts. !
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ex_mahoney365 @ February 7 2004, 01:52:43 UTC Reply pt. 2 |
4. Yeah. I agree with this too. Wah. But perhaps that's one reason he clings so tightly to the past (Sirius). More wah.
5. Totally. Snape really did find the one person right for him - someone who sees past the snarly wall he keeps up, and notices the good side of him, and *likes* him. Lupin and Snape could have in common two out of the three things Lupin and Sirius have in common: history, and sex. But Lupin and Snape could have something Lupin and Sirius seem incapable of: a stable, faithful, healthy relationship. And, like I said earlier, I do think Lupin drew out an enjoyment of life in Snape that Snape has a hard time finding otherwise, which is another reason I agree with your worry for Snape: he's thisclose to ending up as the wierd, emaciated hermit in the big house on the hill who no one hears anything about until one day they realize he hasn't been out in three years, and lo, he's just a lonely ol' skeleton hunched in his tatty recliner.... Okay, overdramatic, but, still.
But I do have hope for Snape. He seems more...outgoing, more open to people, since Lupin (the cozy drinks with Hooch et al was so neat). And he's being very specific in his snarking at Sirius. His reply to Sirius' post was "How can you have two [true loves]?" That was a direct criticism not just of Sirius' actions or personality, but specifically of Sirius' handling of his relationship with Remus. Snape is showing where his interests lie. It just seems promising.
Erg, I hope this makes a modicum of sense - I've been writing it for the last 2-1/2 hours off and on, between making dinner, giving a bath, and playing dinosaurs. :) But, mainly, I very much agree with your assessment. And whee, so much fun rambling about this.
lore @ February 7 2004, 09:25:08 UTC Re: Reply pt. 2 |
NA Snape rambling - Good for the soul.
On thing:
But I do have hope for Snape. He seems more...outgoing, more open to people, since Lupin (the cozy drinks with Hooch et al was so neat).
Actually, in the whole of the game, Snape has often has booze-ups with the various female professors. Trelawney is a new addition, but he used to hang quite often with Hooch and Sinistra. I believe I am recalling a student function where Snape, Hooch and Sinistra were getting quietly drunk in the corner, when Black happened by, punch or something spiked as spilled and Snape and Black ended up glued together for a while.
I think this was just after Black dumped Snape and was back with Lupin (again) and Lupin happened by this scene of Black on top of Snape on the floor and there was much begging by Black done after that.
Lookit me, telling NA tales. The point is, it's not necessarily a sign of hope that Snape is hanging with the ladies. It's actually Snape falling into the same old patterns again. I'm just hoping Hooch won't let him get away with it. :D
Loved the long post! Fun!
love, lore
aquagia @ February 5 2004, 19:16:05 UTC Re: |
Also: That icon makes me want to cry. And, you know, attack/commit indecent acts to him, but mostly cry. Well, cry first, then indecent acts. Anyways, yeah. Right. *ahem*
(parent)herbstchen @ February 3 2004, 20:25:39 UTC |
I am so sorry for Remus. But what did we expect from Sirius? He was never know as a tactful person, was he? *sighs*
Then be it.
No, I didn't believe hope until now there was a chance for Sirius and Remus to get a bit closer again. No. Or, at least, I didn't want to show it...
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Anonymous @ February 3 2004, 22:45:37 UTC |
I understand what you're saying, but honestly, given Sirius' tendencies for infidelity, even an offhanded comment like the one in this post smacks of cuckolding. I mean..."Remus isn't around, so where's Sinistra preferably in nothing but a scarf"? Er? It might be a joke, but it doesn't sound good in context with Sirius' past.
Although I most sad re Lupin's reply. I'd hoped he hadn't backslid and taken Sirius back as anything more than a friend. But it was wishful thinking, as proved here; Lupin's (wonderfully complex and rather realistic) characterization is marked by intense co-dependence on Sirius. Wah. Here's hoping poor Remus grows a backbone in that department, because I adore the guy.
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Anonymous @ February 5 2004, 06:16:04 UTC |
I may be the only one, but I always really enjoy the Sirius and Snape snarkfests.
*waves tiny Snape/Black 'ship flag in the corner*
billywig @ February 5 2004, 07:06:59 UTC |
err... i'm usually perfectly happy to jump on the angst bandwagon, but this isn't doing it for me. i read it all (aside from snape) as perfectly playful and harmless. maybe it's wishful thinking on my part, but i've seen this scenario play out in real life before and it's always been... well, fun. that's all. even if sirius has a bit of a sketchy past, i can't imagine remus (or anyone else, for that matter) taking such an obviously playful post so seriously that we at nraged should already begin to mourn the blupin. :\
(parent)adrienneblack @ February 5 2004, 17:56:30 UTC Re: |
I agree, I just thought it was all a joke, including Remus' reply. Except for Severus coming and trying to turn it in to something else, of course. The post was actually very amusing.
And if Sirius and Remus are going to get back together and put the events of the last few months behind them then I don't think that being constantly serious and too afraid to make jokes is going to help.
*Waves Sirius/Remus shipper flag*
billywig @ February 6 2004, 02:21:27 UTC Re: |
ooh, i'm glad i'm not alone. after all, laughter is the best medicine, right? (or something equally cheesy.) :D
*leans against giant sirius/remus billboard*
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Anonymous @ February 6 2004, 00:48:17 UTC |
I thought Sirius was just kidding around about Sinistra. I don't understand what the big deal is. He was just stating that he missed them both, and they (sirius and sinistra) had talked about the scarf thing before, hadn't they? They're just having a bit of fun. Clearly Remus didn't think so, and maybe Sirius should explain. But snape still equals 'big bastard'. And nothing any of you say will steer me away from that. <3
(parent)allthat_jazz @ February 6 2004, 20:58:55 UTC Re: |
I think Sirius is just kidding around with Sinistra, and while I think that Remus got the joke, I don't know...the way he worded his reply, there still seemed to be a little bit of lingering insecurity there. Though we could all just be overanalyzing; that's the problem with LJ comments such as these, it's so hard to read emotions. What Sirius should have done, anyway, is just reassured Lupin right away. I guess we'll all see if this leads to anything else or not.
(parent)aquagia @ February 7 2004, 02:55:09 UTC Re: |
Seriously. I think that Remus still has a lot of questions about Sirius, and this isn't helping. One would think that Sirius would make an effort to be on his best behavior. Even in the stablest of relationships, I think a comment like this might raise an eyebrow.
Imagine what would have happened if Remus made a post soley concerning the fact that he wants Charlie in only a scarf to knock upon his door? Or Snape? Okay, so he wouldn't at this point have said that to Snape, but let a girl dream.
Sirius would have been straight pissed. He might have tried to make it seem like he didn't mind, but I bet you 32454 bucks that it would have made him a bit angry.