nightflight @ 2004-02-09 11:37:00 |
Mood: excited
Draco chimes in.
This is all so lovely. I am so happy. I don't want to go to classes!
nabiki @ February 9 2004, 16:50:30 UTC Re: |
those were wizardified lyrics i think, they rang a bell with me, and when I searched for it on google, the only thing that came up was turpinol so I'd be willing to wager that its hers :/ Strange pairing actually.
Maybe we'll finally find out who head boy is?
polina_slosvau @ February 9 2004, 17:15:44 UTC Haha! |
It does belong to Lisa.
And she got something of Draco's as well. Something... golf... :D *grins stupidly*
-+- Juwely.
lazy_daze @ February 9 2004, 17:17:51 UTC Re: Haha! |
(parent)sistermagpie @ February 9 2004, 17:22:19 UTC Re: Haha! |
You know what breaks my heart about that? The way he threw them back at Harry after the outing. Typical Draco. He wanted to hurt Harry and was tried to do it by giving away the thing that meant most to him.:-(
(parent)lazy_daze @ February 9 2004, 17:24:28 UTC Re: Haha! |
Oh God, yes. I remember that so well - painful to think that it really did mean that much to him, yet look at his reaction back then. Poor, confused boo.
(parent)polina_slosvau @ February 9 2004, 17:36:52 UTC Re: Haha! |
Oh, I hadn't thought about that. But you're right, it's rather sad...
-+- Juwely.
sistermagpie @ February 9 2004, 18:09:29 UTC Re: |
Heh--that's the idea.:-(
I think Harry caught the significance. I love his little, "Hey," and that Draco responds to it with his "I often suffer unfairly," picture, which so fits the moment.
sistermagpie @ February 9 2004, 18:27:18 UTC Re: |
M.B. just referred to whatever her thing is as "them."
My first thought is either Draco's cards, Pansy's poems or both.:-)
sistermagpie @ February 9 2004, 19:28:07 UTC Re: |
They're "badges that say badge."
Well, I know I tend to consider ps the King of Badges, but...??? I eagerly await any explanation.
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hobaggins @ February 9 2004, 20:48:07 UTC Re: |
I think that's it. I think they're his first set of badges. And they just say badges because that's what they are.
Like how MB still has Draco's x-mas cards from childhood.
Tiny little Draco = :x:x:x:x
sistermagpie @ February 9 2004, 21:24:08 UTC Re: |
Hee! Yes!
Also, I'm beginning to think it's interesting that ps and Lisa are paired. Their prized possessions seem a bit related. Like they might have some things in common.
onthehillside @ February 9 2004, 18:17:44 UTC Re: |
And it's something of his Dad's. Oh course Draco and Harry have to have sad things happend to them.
(parent)adrienneblack @ February 9 2004, 18:20:45 UTC Re: |
And Draco's refusing.
Poor Harry, it's something that used to be belong to his dad as well. Though I imgaine it that Draco didn't enjoy everyone finding out what had been taken from him.
sistermagpie @ February 9 2004, 18:24:09 UTC Re: |
I think part of the problem is it's his invisibility cloak which could be scary in the wrong hands. Though of course it's got great sentimental value as well.
I hope Harry will keep on Draco, though. He can pretend to be difficult but he pretty much just had his feelings laid bare there with the golf clubs.
I wonder if Blaise as it??? Though perhaps a Honeydukes box is more his style. Or Crabbe's.
morganmuffle @ February 9 2004, 18:31:17 UTC |
That sounds about right for Draco, he always backs off when it looks like anything about his feelings might be revealed. Harry's last post made me all warm inside though. He's good even though he's lost something of his Father's!
(parent)blankcanvas @ February 9 2004, 20:48:45 UTC On the topic of Blaise... |
I think his thing is the bible and that he has the elephant. I can't remember where, but somewhere in this mess of threads he uses his "oy" icon with the crosses on trees. For some reason, it instantly made me think the bible is his.
A bible is random enough to be his prized possession, I think, and it seems like he might be weirdly into it, what with all of his crazy reaper/shadow icons.
lazy_daze @ February 9 2004, 18:28:00 UTC Re: |
Hmm. Possibly the bringing up of the golf clubs has kinda put PS on his guard, and he's being a bit off with Harry - possibly remembering all the chaos that went with them? I hope not, I would hate for them to falll out again. Don't be pigheaded, Draco...
(parent)sistermagpie @ February 9 2004, 18:34:15 UTC Re: |
I think he's feeling really exposed and trying to make it seem like he doesn't need Harry or anything. He's also maybe a little embarassed about facing him with Harry knowing. The whole thing's just got to be a little uncomfortable for him!
Harry, however, is incredibly sweet without being unbelieveable. I'll bet he wanted to tell Draco something.:-D He's written a sort of long answer to him for Harry, and it seems like he's really wants to say something back to Draco in return for this in a way. Like that even with his Invisibility Cloak gone he feels good knowing that Draco cared about the clubs when Harry "didn't think he wanted them." It's kind of another step in their whole thinking the other one doesn't really care about them. I feel like Harry's glowing a little bit here, in his understated way.
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ex_lev195 @ February 9 2004, 18:36:34 UTC Re: |
Damn Draco and his deliberately ambiguous reply.
(parent)onthehillside @ February 9 2004, 18:39:25 UTC Re: |
I think that it fits the third line best. He used his 'I am perfect' icon, which is vague.
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ex_lev195 @ February 9 2004, 18:41:44 UTC Re: |
Hmm, yes, probably (hopefully?) the third, but it could easily fit the first.
(parent)morganmuffle @ February 9 2004, 18:37:11 UTC |
At least Harry normally writes enough for us to have a go at working out what he means. How are we supposed to interpret Of course"? It's good he's still responding and hasn't run off I suppose.
(parent)black_dog @ February 9 2004, 23:39:21 UTC Re: |
I think he's feeling really exposed and trying to make it seem like he doesn't need Harry or anything.
You know, I think PS is clearly rattled by the exposure, but I also think he's being kind of stand-up about it. I like the way he summoned his dignity in accusing Turpin of "trying to do something ever so awful" -- the facetiousness of his language putting a brave face on his effort to pretend he's not too upset by it. And his response to Harry -- "I have dust to gather" "I'm taking a brief holiday in Sweden" -- is more the response of someone frankly acknowledging his embarassment, who's hurting but still self-possessed, rather than someone who is either caving in completely to awkwardness or desperately denying it. He definitely didn't want this to come out, and he's making that clear, but he's also dealing.
I really love Harry's tact and consideration here. "I want you to come with me, though, is the thing" -- I just melted. He gets a smile out of PS by teasing Lisa, and invites him to come along and make fun of Justin -- how can PS resist making fun of Justin? "Dark Arts Afghan," eh? I think they're going to be fine.
Oh, and not to get sidetracked, but what's up with Harry's random comment (on another thread) about being "better at putting locks on than taking them off"? Did you think what I thought? :)
laurac0re @ February 9 2004, 23:48:26 UTC Re: |
Oh, and not to get sidetracked, but what's up with Harry's random comment (on another thread) about being "better at putting locks on than taking them off"? Did you think what I thought? :)
*mind slips into the gutter*
oh my.
sistermagpie @ February 10 2004, 01:24:25 UTC Re: |
Oh I completely agree. For ps this is practically having no negative reaction at all. There's nothing he's done that's indicated he's angry at Harry for his embarassment, as there would have been in the past. He's also not overly freaking out which draws more attention to the thing he wants to deflect attention from. His response to M.B. especially is pretty cool and collected. His response to Lisa's revealing his secret is almost a first in history--she winds up half-apologizing to him!
Yeah, I see him doing exactly what you see him doing. I think he may not have been quite ready to face Harry right away, but he's not hiding from anything. And jumping in to suggest Justin and Ernie not touch the Invisibility Cloak is another plus.
What specific thing were you thinking of with regards to the lock? (He learned an unlocking spell before the wedding at least.;-)
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a_player @ February 11 2004, 10:51:48 UTC Re: |
(He learned an unlocking spell before the wedding at least.;-)
:D That is indeed what he was talking about.
catiadoodle @ February 12 2004, 13:09:34 UTC Re: |
Argh! I'm lost! Please explain, please, please please???
I remember he learnt an unlocking spell the day he was preparing his speech for Remus and Sirius' wedding, but I never understood what really happened that night...
I don't get what information brings Harry's and "a player"'s comments...
sistermagpie @ February 13 2004, 18:08:58 UTC Re: |
Sadly, I don't think I can give anymore information than that. I'm just as clueless.:-)
I just guessed that when Harry said he was bad at unlocking things he was remembering the unlocking spell he learned the night of the wedding. He learned it, but maybe wasn't very good at it. I'd always gotten that impression about that spell, anyway.
laurac0re @ February 9 2004, 20:00:54 UTC |
well, judging from what we can read of his e-mail to Lisa, he seems very worried about his clubs....
(parent)franticgoddess @ February 9 2004, 21:34:27 UTC |
Just in case....
Went trotting back a few entries with Lisa, and found something
laurac0re @ February 9 2004, 21:52:12 UTC crack pot theory #1. |
that is so cute.
it seems as if these pairings are quite well thought out and that there is some kind of connection between each person (maybe to help them bond?)
Lisa/Draco- both of their prized possessions were gifts from may/do have feelings for. maybe some kind of unrequited crush/love?
Hermione/Ernie- both seem to be big overachievers
Snape/Sirius-Lupin. and mutual hate.
Luna/Colin- both are often ignored and pushed to the side.
Harry/Justin- haven't really been able to think of anything yet...
Ron/Pansy- the only thing I can think of for these two is Harry and Draco. They each seem to be each boy's respective "other" (Ron as Harry's best friend and Pansy as Draco's girlfriend)
Susan/Millicent- again. nothing.
I'm not sure if there is any validity to this theory but it seems as if there must be a reason for why these people are paired up
franticgoddess @ February 9 2004, 22:04:50 UTC Re: crack pot theory #1. |
I definatly think the pairings are well-planned. They might not have anything in common especially, but prehaps if they don't they've had some kind of signifant interaction before? Like for Susan and Millicent? Ron and Pansy seem almost always at odds, so that sort of makes sense. Lisa and Draco is an iteresting one though, I think the best bet is with their items and a crush, like you said :D
(parent)onthehillside @ February 9 2004, 22:06:03 UTC Re: |
I'm feeling it. This may be my favorite live thread explosion thing.