taradiane @ 2004-02-09 18:21:00 |
Been a while since I've posted here.
Mood: amused
Heh...this little thread is classic. Gotta love those screencaps.
steph_hime @ February 9 2004, 23:26:11 UTC |
So Lisa has Draco's golf clubs, golf clubs which were used to play golf with Harry. Draco is obviously upset at losing them (email marked as high priority). Anyone else feeling the PS/J_H love?
(parent)taradiane @ February 9 2004, 23:30:01 UTC Re: |
I'm more amused by the fact that he felt the need to take it 'offline' rather than posting online his vehemence that she take care of them.
Almost as amused as I am by the fact that Millicent's favourite item is something Draco made as a child.
morganmuffle @ February 9 2004, 23:44:46 UTC |
Millicent is rather wonderful in all things but that was terribly sweet. Draco never lets anything that might reveal his feelings show online... very annoying it is too!
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intern_alley @ February 10 2004, 00:30:49 UTC |
Oh! Can I just butt in like a dweeb and clarify/say something? I'm actually not sure if you're reading this the way it's meant and *I'm* just misreading what you mean but just in case--email is just email in NA, it's not really offline. It's really just the same as if I were here thinking, Man, taradiane, you suck, but emailed you to tell you instead. Possibly you guys shall think we are dweebs for having characters actually exchange emails that aren't really going to be seen. Usually when we do that though we try to indicate that it's being done and hint at what's going on (like with the screencap there). But it's not really being taken offline, just out of public like you or I would do, and they do it because they're saying things they wouldn't say in public.
Um. I hope that made sense. I've been awake for 36 hours. Possibly it didn't need clarification at all. I hope I am not being offensive or a jerk by butting in to clarify. :( I fear I sound rude because I am so tired I cannot really comprehend what I am saying. Er, basically I just wanted to clarify that if they're doing it on the computer in NA it's not offline, because I know sometimes that's the case in other RPGs? So I was - okay I'll shut up now.
taradiane @ February 10 2004, 00:37:36 UTC Re: |
Heh, yeah that's exactly how I understood it to be but didn't know how else to phrase it, hence the " around the phrase offline.
Aw, you don't sound rude at all. No worries.
And for God's sake go get some sleep!
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intern_alley @ February 10 2004, 00:45:51 UTC Re: |
Okay cool. *laughs* I just know all RPGs do it differently and never really know how to make sure people understand it for this one when they're readin git.
I will soon! I have to do stuff for plot that I forgot about first or else it'll be all screwy in the a.m.
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ex_orangeglo298 @ February 10 2004, 02:15:57 UTC |
Woe! I cannot see the screencap. Is anyone else having that problem? It starts loading the image, but stops with cutting off the first line "Take care of my golf clubs or I will ensure that you will never again see the person". Can anyone transcribe (is that the right word??) the rest of it or send a better image??