aquagia @ 2004-02-17 11:54:00 |
I am shameless.
Mood: curious
Okay, so maybe I really am just a shameless Tom/Ginny shipper, but I simply can not get over the fact that Ginny's prize possession was a page of the diary. I mean, why was nothing said about it, by Ron/Percy/any Weasley at all? Especially after Ron was trying to get it out of her for such a long time? I understand that it's a touchy subject, but still. Any thoughts?
And also: I can't believe that nobody jumped on the serious denial of Oliver-love from Percy. YEAH PERCE, WHATEVA. You will always be slashy in my heart of hearts.
laurac0re @ February 17 2004, 19:03:37 UTC |
I totally squeed when Percy mentioned Oliver too.
Of course he wouldn't think Ollie was a suitable companion for Ginny as he wants him all to himself.
I was a little surprised about the lack of reaction to Ginny's possession too. Although I guess it would hard to know what to say in that situation...
aquagia @ February 17 2004, 19:57:32 UTC Re: |
Hahaha. Seriously. I mean, I guess he was a little bit provoked, but come on Perce. You aren't fooling anyone.
But you'd just think that SOMEBODY would say SOMETHING! Everyone's just kind of ignored it...even Harry.
tabiji @ February 17 2004, 19:43:08 UTC |
The page thing realllly creeps me out. I'm wondering if it is still functioning? If so, can Voldie get Ginny back under his control? If Voldie wasn't at Hogwarts last year to get to Harry, was he there to get to Ginny?
aquagia @ February 17 2004, 19:55:33 UTC Re: |
I was wondering that same thing!! But then she'd be communicating with Riddle then, wouldn't she? If Voldie is alive and kickin', then she shouldn't be speaking to him...she would be speaking to the 16 year old preservation of him, right?
Though it does raise a good point....I mean, did anyone ever figure out HOW the DEs got into to Hogwarts last semester? And they managed to get Ginny's best friend as well....
And if she can't still use it, then I really want to know what page she kept.
neviachiel @ February 17 2004, 22:13:50 UTC |
Ah, Percy/Oliver has always held a special place in my heart. <333
(parent)redbowties @ February 18 2004, 00:36:36 UTC |
ehehe, I love the Weasleys, and a serious YAY for Percy/Oliver.
Hmmm..Tom/Ginny lol
aquagia @ February 18 2004, 19:57:11 UTC Re: |
Tom/Ginny is one of my favorite pairings!
And the Darkness is the best ever.
redbowties @ February 18 2004, 23:38:50 UTC Re: |
Well, it's one of the few het pairings I can stand. So, power to the Ginny/Tom
Darkness rock beyond words.
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Anonymous @ February 18 2004, 19:34:41 UTC |
!!! It's a deleted post?? What did it say? Where's the Oliver-love??
Also, weren't there Oliver and Marcus players? Whatever happened?
aquagia @ February 18 2004, 19:58:43 UTC Re: |
Hmmm..I have no idea why it was deleted!! It wasn't even that bad.. all it said was something along the lines of "I don't know Evan but I knew Oliver Wood, and if Evan is anything like Oliver Wood then I would be very skeptical." I can't remember what it was exactly.
But I have no clue as to why it was deleted...?
laurac0re @ February 19 2004, 03:16:07 UTC Re: |
Percy knows we're on to him so he tried to get rid of the evidence.
aquagia @ February 19 2004, 14:22:07 UTC Re: |
Ahahhahaha....oh man. I just got the best mental image of Percy doing a "spit take" to the computer screen while reading nraged. Actually, Percy reading nraged is a pretty good image, too.
Don't run from your feelings, Percival!! Dude, Oliver Wood's pretty hot.
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a_player @ February 19 2004, 17:56:49 UTC Re: |
I deleted it because Percy is straight and I did not want people to get the wrong idea. :)
(parent)tabiji @ February 19 2004, 20:03:28 UTC Re: |
You can't fool us! We know Percy is a slash fan that prefers Oliver/Percy to Percy/Ginny!!
aquagia @ February 19 2004, 20:09:07 UTC Re: |
Er. Sorry? =) Haha...I didn't mean to start trouble--okay, maybe I meant to start trouble, but not that kind of trouble, you know?
The more pervy of us tend to see things even where they aren't, because we want to. No offense intended though!