monkiedude @ 2004-03-29 15:25:00 |
Also, I like Ernie saying "dickswab."
Sirius posts and Lupin flirts, causing Severus to react with jealousy? to react with something, at any rate.
And Hermione plays my favorite game with Ernie and doesn't rise to the bait with Draco, who's obviously been reading Harry's posts even if he won't respond to them.
tabiji @ March 29 2004, 12:36:39 UTC |
Draco hasn't answered Narcissa about Easter/his party, yet he's read all about the Ravenclaw party. I'm thinking Draco is missing Harry but wants Harry to make the first move. (Harry probably feels the same way.)
I wonder if Draco is going to keep taking jabs at Hermione until Harry sees this and jumps in. Ernie and Hermione probably won't stick around to let him play his game, though!
tortietta @ March 29 2004, 12:48:01 UTC |
I think what Draco is trying to do is prove to Harry that he was right - that he hasn't changed, and that he isn't going to change for any one person. I find it interesting that this is the first time in long time that Draco has made pointed remarks about Hermione being muggle born. I don't so much think that Draco is trying to get a rise out of Harry, but more proving a point.
(parent)small_rodent @ March 29 2004, 14:23:33 UTC |
His remarks have changed, though, which is what I find most interesting. Before he probably would have laughed down at her and her traitorous pureblood friends, but this time it almost sounded like he was warning her. Which is somewhat ominous, actually, given what his parents have been up to...
(parent)vassilissa @ March 30 2004, 09:01:54 UTC |
Sounded to me not so much like he was threatening her, as that he saw her as a threat.
In fact, he seems to have switched from thinking homosexuality is an infectious disease, to thinking the same thing of muggle-born wizards. Which suggests to me that he's wavering on the muggle-born thing too, and that's why he's fighting it so loudly.
sistermagpie @ March 30 2004, 15:19:43 UTC |
In the other thread I considered that maybe the idea is to plant some paranoia in Ernie's mind as well. He suggests that he's a "marked man" and when Hermione replies that he's already got a muggleborn best friend Draco acts like she's agreed with his point, "Oh, so you do know this puts him in danger but since he's already doomed you figure it's okay...?"
(parent)laurac0re @ March 29 2004, 16:33:05 UTC |
it seems like he's trying to let Harry know that he's reading his posts by putting it somewhere where he will obviously see it.
I also find his "You do realise you've just added Macmillan to the list of people who are now in danger due to consorting with Mudbloods, don't you?" comment to be a little strange. I can't pin point why exactly but it makes me think of his recent "I haven't changed" comments. It strikes me as if he knows something is coming and is freaked out because it's fairly common knowldge (around Hogwarts)that he and Harry are close and he wants to reassure himself that he's not in danger because he is still a Malfoy and he still hates mudbloods and still *acts like* he hates Harry. He isn't one of the Potter loving Good Guys and is therefore safe from possible DE attacks.
I can't explain it very well but his recent comments are giving me very sketchy vibes...
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jacay @ March 29 2004, 23:49:33 UTC |
That combined with Narcissa's post about Lucius always out "on business" kind of worries me, too. Eh. I agree with you, anyway.
(parent)tabiji @ March 30 2004, 07:42:04 UTC |
Hmmm, I don't know. Draco's always been pretty clueless about his parents activities and DE occurrances. I'd be more inclined to think that he's just shooting in the dark and hoping to hit a nerve somewhere.
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ March 29 2004, 12:46:35 UTC |
Words cannot express how much I love Ernie/Hermione. Actually, I like Remus/Sirius too, so this is all working out pretty good for me. *g*
... And now I have a sudden urge to go play 'Cludeo'. Dang.
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Anonymous @ March 29 2004, 12:56:50 UTC |
OMG Ron has new extra userpics! ( I love the POA ones!
But Hermione only has three again. ( I wish I could buy her some paid time, but I'm poor :P.
darththalia @ March 29 2004, 16:23:47 UTC |
I love the labels for his icons. His poor player, having to remember which is "picture" and which is "me again." [g]
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hobaggins @ March 30 2004, 00:54:38 UTC |
I dunno. Harry looks vaguely mentally retarded in this icon.....
snackbreak @ March 30 2004, 08:02:37 UTC the double negative has lead to proof positive |
I've never seen Clue called "Cluedo"... is that in British version or did it come from something else?
Also, I've never heard Mr. Green called Reverend Green either, does anyone know if that is from certain versions or just in the wizarding world or something?
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Anonymous @ March 30 2004, 08:13:39 UTC Re: the double negative has lead to proof positive |
check out!
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neveth @ March 30 2004, 08:53:02 UTC You've given yourself away! |
Sorry. But I will respond to ANYONE who quotes the Clue movie.
(parent)vassilissa @ March 30 2004, 09:03:47 UTC Re: the double negative has lead to proof positive |
It's "Cluedo" and "Reverend Green" in the Australian/British version.
(parent)tabiji @ March 30 2004, 09:11:33 UTC Re: the double negative has lead to proof positive |
To me "Cluedo" sounds like it should be a martial art. When I first read it I was all "huh?"!!