frances_potter @ 2003-04-09 10:10:00 |
(no title)
Mood: enraged
How did potterstinks get to be a Prefect when he uses his 'powers' to threaten like this!?!
ishuca @ April 9 2003, 02:15:25 UTC |
his cutting smirk?
force of personality?
a careful weeding out of the competition?
frances_potter @ April 9 2003, 02:33:16 UTC |
It's abuse of power! You'd never catch a Gryffindor doing this sort of this *smug look*
(parent)ishuca @ April 9 2003, 02:44:47 UTC |
and it's so fun to watch. ;)
i'm looking forward to seeing him eliminate boot_boy from the running... in any way he can.
frances_potter @ April 9 2003, 03:15:06 UTC |
And that is the only way he'll win ... by cheating, just like he did when he duelled with Harry in the second year.
(parent)ishuca @ April 9 2003, 04:04:27 UTC |
but he didn't win with harry, did he?
and though i don't think terry is going to be anywhere near the opponent that harry was, even back then draco did have decent skills (gun jumping aside).
either he's going to be better at his cheating than he was before (he'd have to be, considering) or he'll find another way to win. there is much to be said for cleverness, and we can only hope that draco is possessed of that.
no, honestly, if draco's opponent was someone else (like M.B.:) i might be worried, but nothing i have seen from boot_boy leads me to expect much from him. of course, i may be proven wrong.
and yes draco did cheat back then. but i find it interesting that the duel was not stopped immediately after that; it perhaps shows that in an out and out fight there really are no rules. ;)
hunin_munin @ April 9 2003, 05:12:13 UTC |
Oh, I would hardly call that cheating. Everything is fair in love and war, don't you see?
It is just like a Gryffindor to not take an opening when one presents itself.
milenalupin @ April 9 2003, 06:32:08 UTC |
Besides, he was using it in answer to la_pensee, so it was only a Slytherin in-house joke, and if Gryffindor supporters feel threatened with that...
Well. That speaks for itself, doesn't it??
milenalupin @ April 9 2003, 07:52:01 UTC |
And it takes a lot of guts to talk back like THAT to a professor.
(parent)frances_potter @ April 9 2003, 08:00:59 UTC |
Guts? Stupidity more like. That boy really has it coming......
(parent)bookshop @ April 9 2003, 07:51:45 UTC |
oh, i disagree--no one's smugger than Colin lately, the little bastard. i really like his character but at the moment i just want to throttle him!!!
(parent)frances_potter @ April 9 2003, 07:58:59 UTC |
Whereas I, on the other hand, am starting to get quite a soft spot for Colin.
If he carries on like this I may very well change my opinin of him completely.
*Hugs Colin's camera*
colin__creevey @ April 9 2003, 08:29:16 UTC |
Thank you, Ms. Potter!!! You and Harry have the same last name!! Are you any relation to Harry--the books have never mentioned any other natural wizarding relations--but maybe you're a cousin of those Muggles he used to live with!! You seem nicer than them, though! Very nice of you, thanks for your support! And your flowers are very nice also! They remind of the best house in Hogwarts--that's Gryffindor!
(parent)frances_potter @ April 9 2003, 08:38:39 UTC |
Hello Colin
My mother's maiden name is Potter, so that's where it comes from. So maybe she is a relative of Harry's father James. In fact my gran's name is Lillian Potter! I also have a brother called Colin, so maybe that's why I have a soft spot for you.
I'm always happy to support Gryffindor and and if I was a witch I'm sure that is the house I would be in.
What camera are you using now? And as you are clearly so good with computers, have you considered getting a digital camera?
Here are some more flowers for you.
sistermagpie @ April 9 2003, 08:56:47 UTC |
Actually I think you would absolutely see a Gryff doing this soft of thing, just in a different way. Gryffs have a tendency to be self-righteous (although of course not all of them are). Once they decide someone is "bad" anything is justified against them. It's not really about the ethics of the actions but about an idealized "Good vs. Bad" and that makes me very uncomfortable. This bothers me about the ethics of the book in general. It's fine to judge Slytherin actions as bad when they are, but the constant suggestion that they are somehow less human and innately incapable of the higher morals of Gryffindors is ridiculous, imo. They're kids who've adapted to their own circumstances just like everyone else. It drives me nuts the way sometimes actions by Gryffindors get glossed over or considered good when had a Slytherin done it it would have been seen as further proof of their evilness.
Colin is a great example of a Gryffindor doing something that would never be cheered for if he were a Slytherin. As much as I love the character for the way he's being played right now, and as sympathetic as I still am to him, what he's doing is Not Good. How can one claim to be in any way better than Malfoy when you're teasing him for having parents that don't care about him? Sure it may be true and Malfoy may be a git, but still the type who takes particular pleasure in that, well...I can understand why it was satisfying to Colin for a that one moment but now he's feeding on it. He's seen that Malfoy's human now and rather than feeling less insecure himself (and so calming down) he's just using him to climb higher himself. Just like Draco, he's putting others down to make himself feel better. Only to me Draco's doing it from a more sympathetic place to begin with. This kind of joy in others pain is a turn off to me no matter who's doing it. Since Draco's always been more vulnerable it's even more repulsive to me to see somebody going overboard in hurting him. Draco knows there's nothing he can really say to hurt Colin deeply because he's not Harry.
So, yeah, I can just easily see true villains and abuses of power easily coming out of all the houses. Gryff and Slyth are the two dominant and so so far have produced the most well-known villains (Voldemort and Peter, whom I assume was a Gryffindor) but I'm sure there have been plenty of bad Hufflepuffs (the house that's always a step away from being an angry mob!) and evil Ravenclaws.
Just some thoughts of Ravenclaw here.;-)
frances_potter @ April 9 2003, 10:54:35 UTC |
Actually I agree with very much of what you’ve said. Slytherin have been given a very bad press in the books, and I hope that this will be rectified at some point.
My comments are only with regards to this:
“Who, let us not forget, is a Prefect and thus can take points from your House if he feels so inclined.”
Here Draco is using a position of authority and trust he has been given to threaten other students. He is saying, “If you don’t support me, you will be in trouble.” My views would be the same for ANY Prefect who made the same comment.
sistermagpie @ April 9 2003, 11:14:00 UTC |
Very true--you'd think a teacher would nip that in the bud. I like the other one much better--about the detention as a house elf!
(parent)frances_potter @ April 9 2003, 03:13:05 UTC |
Thank you, sir, I'm so pleased you agree, especially as I think the Weasleys are such a lovely family. If anyone should be Minister of Magic, it should be you.
(parent)hunin_munin @ April 9 2003, 05:15:31 UTC |
Oh, no, sir, I beg to differ. It's natural resources. Ends to justify the means and all that. Draco-dear just has the sense to use what he has to his benefit.
I see you have the large type figured out now. Bravo.
milenalupin @ April 9 2003, 06:33:55 UTC |
Where's that infamous Gryffindor - strike that: Weasley sense of humour?
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 03:43:25 UTC |
Snape's strip poker skills (
(parent)frances_potter @ April 9 2003, 03:47:16 UTC |
Ah right, thank you, I missed that one. It just goes to confirm that Slytherins only ever get anywhere by cheating.
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 04:02:03 UTC |
I'm more inclined to think that Snape's poker victory arises from a combination of superior skill and superior ability to hold his liquor. However, if he WERE cheating, and got it past McGonnagal, that would be quite impressive, more so than winning by playing by the rules.
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 04:15:34 UTC |
Not to mention all the board games. I don't think you even CAN cheat at Candy Land (well, I suppose if you stack the deck...).
(parent)milenalupin @ April 9 2003, 06:36:39 UTC |
It just goes to confirm that Gryffindors are easily tricked. Even the more clever ones.
Another proof for potions_master's brilliance.
greenapricot @ April 9 2003, 06:11:58 UTC |
I've been wondering that almost since I started reading NA and I was really bothered by it at first. The more I read, though, the more I love PS and the less I really care. It just seems fitting somehow that he would manage to be a Prefect even if (or maybe especially if) he got the title through devious means. Besides, who else would be the Slytherin 6th year Prefect?
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 9 2003, 07:31:27 UTC |
How does one get chosen for Prefect? Do the heads of houses recommend the people from their house as long as they fill certain requirements (like grades)?
(parent)katrionaa @ April 9 2003, 07:54:22 UTC |
I know, it's outrageous! I am not at all surprised that it was because of Snape's influence. Hmph.