dancingrain @ 2003-04-09 11:51:00 |
(no title)
I cling to the desperate, farfetched and t00by hope that, somehow, some way, we will see just_harry with a "Support Malfoy" icon.
Surely, I'm not the only one...?
sistermagpie @ April 9 2003, 09:10:07 UTC |
**Hangs head in shame.**
No, you're not. And then he'd pretend it was a mistake. He meant to stick up the Boot one and accidentally loaded the Draco one.
I'm so pathetic. Maybe he'll go back to no picture to show he wishes he could put one up that he can't.
lunadeath02 @ April 9 2003, 10:59:48 UTC |
i've been wondering about that. he hadn't said his peace on the subject either. i'm sure he's secretly rooting for Draco.
and i think he should have an icon that says "support Draco" and not "Support Malfoy". ^__^
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 11:14:42 UTC |
He seems to be avoiding discussing who will win... but have you all seen this (http://www.livejournal.com/community/nocturne_alley/112006.html?thread=824710#t824710)? YAY!!
sistermagpie @ April 9 2003, 11:29:29 UTC |
Hey, doesn't that rather imply he supports Malfoy? I mean, clearly he wants him in good condition after the duel.
And even better, clearly he thinks Malfoy will BE in good condition after the duel so he can just trot off to Hogsmeade. If ps blows this I swear I will twist his little nose off. Okay, I won't. But I will seriously want to.
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 19:29:57 UTC |
I see what you mean, and on rereading, that makes more sense. I just thought before that j_h must have reasoned that ps would be pretty safe, considering his mother will be there. Now that I think about it, though, I must admit I have doubts about her dueling abilities. I guess she could always distract Terry with another eyeliner discourse.
(parent)katrionaa @ April 9 2003, 13:07:39 UTC |
Hee. I was wondering where just_harry was. He's a little too defensive here. Hey, Dean. I just thought, you know. It's just Hogsmeade, and no one else could really go. And I have some Potions questions. It was just an idea. 'Cause he just wants to get
potterstinks somewhere private where he can snog him senseless.
p.s. Are you interested in an lj code?
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 19:33:16 UTC |
I think the way you see through j_h's message to his true meaning is simply uncanny. And wow, yes, an lj code would be amazing! My e-mail is underworld_lyre@yahoo.com. :) Thank you!
katrionaa @ April 10 2003, 07:35:08 UTC |
I sent it last night, let me know if you didn't get it.
(parent)hunin_munin @ April 9 2003, 13:21:36 UTC |
Oh, dear, me, that is wonderful. *smiiirrrk* It's things like this that keep me warm in bed at night.
(parent)hunin_munin @ April 9 2003, 13:24:35 UTC |
Deffinently not the only one, dear. I was up most of the morning on the computer just waiting to see some of that. Alas, it has not shown. But we all know that Harry would like to feel as though he is able to do something like that. With the situation as it is now, though, I think a move like that would only push Draco further away.
What did happen that night, anyway? *eg*