hachi_08 @ 2004-04-14 00:11:00 |
So This is a Few Days Old, But...
Mood: curious
I just noticed missgranger's language when she finally read the Prophet. It caught my eye, namely because I can't remember her being one to use language. Anyone else notice (besides
New to the community - long-time lurker, first-time poster. =D
small_rodent @ April 14 2004, 11:14:27 UTC |
A few others did, but no one really examined it or anything, I believe, other than the one comment about how it's probably from her exposure to Ernie. I'm somewhat skeptical of that, though, since if she managed to survive Ron without turning foul-mouthed, then what possible influence could Ernie have on her? Of course, this was an unusually stressful circumstance, so that probably helped bring out the swear.