altricial @ 2003-04-10 02:09:00 |
Mood: weird
There. >:D
I figured I'll post first instead of sitting here waiting for the community to explode all over it. :))
maybethemoon: you need to go on no mail.
maybethemoon: for, like, three days
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 11:20:15 UTC |
sistermagpie @ April 9 2003, 11:21:10 UTC |
anamirza @ April 9 2003, 11:51:10 UTC |
This is the best of these yet, I think.
And yes, just_harry's post is definitely an ALLCAPS-worthy post! Whoa!
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 11:22:36 UTC |
he's, like, asking him on a furkin DATE!!!!!0_0 <33333333
(parent)neviachiel @ April 9 2003, 11:25:30 UTC Just some squeeing...pass this one on by.... |
OMG, he is soooo cute.
He is so in love with PS.
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nefeleo @ April 9 2003, 11:25:38 UTC banana hammock |
ROFL! Thanks for the heads up, and man, I just LOVE Harry. He's unbelievably cute. I wonder if Malfoy will shoot him down? *hits refresh*
Also, your ICON. I love. <3333333
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nefeleo @ April 9 2003, 11:29:12 UTC Re: banana hammock |
I loved her scene with the washing machine. XD
sarahtales @ April 9 2003, 11:29:09 UTC |
<3 <3 <3 Annnnnnna!
<3 <3 <3 Harrrrrrrrrry!
Squee a date did everyone see a real date a proper date he's coming out he loves him oh yes oh please answer ohmigod what will everybody say IT IS TRUE WUV.
/end plebeish squeal.
dancingrain @ April 9 2003, 11:34:43 UTC |
I know! I knowwwwww!! I had to jump up and squeal with glee.
milenalupin @ April 9 2003, 14:34:55 UTC |
dancingrain @ April 9 2003, 14:40:33 UTC Re: |
milenalupin @ April 9 2003, 14:51:14 UTC |
*adds powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood*
*slips Draught of the Living Death into Goblin Creepy's pumpkin juice*
Take That, evil fiend.
zedmeister @ April 9 2003, 11:58:51 UTC |
ohmigod what will everybody saydeanthomas posted "..." but then he deleted the comment. What does it mean?! Or was that just
deanthomas's player changng his/her mind?
zorb @ April 9 2003, 11:32:20 UTC |
Pardon me, my throat hurts too much to scream in RL, so I'll have to be extra loud here:
Ahem. Carry on.
zorb @ April 9 2003, 11:34:03 UTC |
That didn'd do what it was supposed to do. Oh well. But yay, date-ness! *squees*
sistermagpie @ April 9 2003, 11:35:37 UTC |
I'm hoping his recent "troubles" will give him the courage to say what the hell and do it!!!
Especially if Colin jumps in and tells Harry it's a bad idea.;-)
lunadeath02 @ April 9 2003, 11:39:41 UTC |
*must not squeeee, must not squeee, must not squee...* oh to hell with it: SQUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
with that aside, this got me thinking- does this mean that Harry supports Draco? I mean, think about it- he's asking Draco to go with him to Hogsmeade this weekend, after the duel! does this mean that he figures Draco will win? he knows Draco, doesn't he? He should know about what Draco knows for hexes etc... he probably figures that Boot doesn't know as much as Draco does.
so he's secretly displaying a little flag that says 'go draco'! and hoping that Draco would want to go to Hogsmeade with him. maybe he could help him carry stuff, etc, since Draco's got a broken foot. ^_^ I hope Draco doesn't turn him down.potterstinks: Why would I want to go to Hogsmeade with YOU?
just_harry: because... uh... your foot is broken? and because i have no one else to go with.
potterstinks: .... i'll think about it, Potter. Of course, if you were supporting me in the duel...
just_harry: Uh... yeah. I have a feeling you'd win anyways cause you know more hexes and... *insert a bunch of t00by blabbering here* so do you want to?
potterstinks: If you carry me
zedmeister @ April 9 2003, 11:44:24 UTC |
But potterstinks will blow it, I just know... :(
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 11:45:58 UTC Stepping out of lurkville |
I so must step out of lurkville to squee madly!
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 11:53:16 UTC Re: Stepping out of lurkville |
Oh, I'll make that two of us! I can't wait to see Snape's reaction either. "Fifteen points from Gryffindor for inflicting your pathetic attempts at courtship on a Slytherin." Hee hee!
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 11:55:22 UTC Re: Stepping out of lurkville |
i know! i had to too! i have already posted twice cos i am SO FURKIN EXCITED! i have no life.....^_^
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 12:04:35 UTC Re: Stepping out of lurkville |
Ha, me either. ^_^ Still, I hope this shuts up "Colin Creepy" for once and all! It's about time Harry made an actual move instead offering advice on how to remove algae from robes! Lol.
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 14:00:04 UTC Re: Stepping out of lurkville |
Hey...the algae advice was excellent! ;)
I'm so worried that ps is gonna blow it! He has to say yes! They must admit their GATL!!!
*bites fingers*
karabou @ April 9 2003, 11:50:50 UTC |
......! OMG please don't let him be ignored!! OMG...
*dies again*
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kearie @ April 9 2003, 11:55:03 UTC |
<3 <3 <3 ::loves::
My day has been made! If ps messes up I'm sure he will be hunted down by the angry mob (aka all of us). It might be better if he didn't respond on the journal. He could, you know, sneak up to j_h's dormitory at night and let him know... OK never mind, I too want immediate gratification! Respond Draco, respond!!
::loves some more::
sistermagpie @ April 9 2003, 11:56:00 UTC |
What does this mean?
Dean posted (...) in response to Harry's request, which was understandable.
However, the comment is not there anymore. Hmmmm....
zedmeister @ April 9 2003, 12:01:41 UTC |
Heh. These comments are appearing too fast for me to keep up. I just posted about that above... I'm not sure if that's actually a reaction on deanthomas's part (deleting the comment, I mean) or his player changing their mind about what his response would be.
sistermagpie @ April 9 2003, 12:37:42 UTC |
Heh! I had thought that was a possibility but hey, it makes for good conspiracy anyway!
I think the posting and re-posting is completely IC, though. Dean probably posted. Then thought about it and thought, "No, I'm going to have to...form some sort of coherent thing to say to that..."
I loved his next response. Wonder if Harry will feel he needs to answer? This is what I love about j_h. He's got this sort of mixed totally clueless yet totally on the ball personality. So he can post that invitation and just go, "Oh, is that a problem?"
lunadeath02 @ April 9 2003, 12:18:07 UTC |
i noticed that too. i wonder if maybe he didn't want to make just_harry uncomfortable, or if he decided to see what Malfoy would say. of course, him and Dean and Seamus had a talk once, didn't they? or at least spent some time together. you'd think they'd have their 'gaydar' going like crazy when around Harry.
lunadeath02 @ April 9 2003, 12:26:54 UTC |
oh wait, Dean reposted. O_o
yes, Harry did forget... it's so hard for one's feelings to get in the way, huh?
trigaria @ April 9 2003, 11:57:09 UTC |
*is dead*
*hits refresh madly* He'd better accept!! Hisloveissodetermined INDEED!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
maerda_erised @ April 9 2003, 11:59:35 UTC |
(i just joined this community. *waves to everyone*)
okay, back to mad squeeeing...
*glares menacingly at potterstinks* DON'T SCREW THIS UP, MALFOY!
tarie @ April 9 2003, 12:04:32 UTC |
I do believe Draco is supposed to go to Hogsmeade with his mother after the duel. Whatever will he do? -_-
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 12:06:21 UTC |
oh no that means he has a valid excuse not to go :(((((((
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 9 2003, 12:39:40 UTC |
Yes, but I'm hoping the Little Dragon is going to be assertive about it if he decides to go with Harry.
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 12:08:12 UTC |
Well, Harry has two passes for the weekend right? The duel's on Saturday. They can have their date on Sunday if Malfoy doesn't screw it all up! *crosses fingers hopefully*
(parent)kokopoko @ April 9 2003, 12:07:11 UTC |
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nefeleo @ April 9 2003, 12:18:17 UTC |
Yes, I think he's in a bit of a tight spot here. :[ He must be so shocked.
(parent)altricial @ April 9 2003, 12:20:40 UTC Re: |
I'm thinking more along the lines of him getting killed by nraged if/when he rejects :))
(parent)zhonnika @ April 9 2003, 12:16:31 UTC |
O_O I don't even know what to say to that. Honest. Of course, Draco likely won't answer him anyway...
(parent)nightflight @ April 9 2003, 12:19:19 UTC |
And now it seems Dean has responded again.
::sits and waits anxiously::
morganmuffle @ April 9 2003, 12:21:03 UTC |
Dean should so keep his opinions to himself... well on this subject at least!
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 12:24:32 UTC |
exactly! shut up dean! this is between j_h and ps! it prolly took j_h ages to pluck up the courage to ask him and he doesnt need dean telling him its a bad idea! >:0
(parent)moonlitpages @ April 9 2003, 12:34:15 UTC |
*just grins giddily* How fitting is it that the comment is under the "Challenge Accepted" heading? Just_Harry finally steps up to the plate...
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 9 2003, 12:43:28 UTC |
Oh my god--what an excellent call! CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!
Poor thing probably hoped it wouldn't be as noticed under that shorter entry as opposed to the one where ps was fighting with Terry.
I'm waiting for Colin's reponse to it myself. Dean can take it. Not so sure about Colin! (Wondering if Colin thinks Harry's trying to trick Draco into Hogsmeade to kick his butt on Colin's behalf...)
anamirza @ April 9 2003, 12:35:25 UTC |
I am just waiting for Snape to discover this and weave it into his Potter-conspiracy-theories.
You know it's only a matter of time.
moonlitpages @ April 9 2003, 12:42:01 UTC |
Oh, yeah. Clearly, Harry is luring Draco into Hogsmeade so he can copy his homework. *gasp*
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 12:37:30 UTC |
All I can say is it's a good thing Harry's used to not being on speaking terms with Ron, because there's no doubt he's gonna blow a gasket when he finds out about it. Poor, poor Harry!
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 12:39:36 UTC SQEEEEEEEE!!1 <3333333333 |
Oh god hisloveissodetermined is right!! !!!!!!!!!! just_harry has balls, man! I'm so proud of him!!!! *LOVES*
WAAHHH! Why isn't potterstinks answering!! *frets and fidgets* He better respond, I'm dying here. If he shoots him down I will BAWL I swear I will.
I <3333333 Harry sooooo much! Good for you, sweetie! :D!!!!
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 13:03:02 UTC Damned Dean |
Good heavens, j_h's response to Dean is so very sad. Damned Dean.
~ Les
zedmeister @ April 9 2003, 13:15:55 UTC Re: Damned Dean |
Oh, he's not that bad really. He seems concerned for Harry's safety more than anything:
isn't his dad like a big evil Death Eater or something? With the trying to kill you?
he's powerful with the sarcasm. *nodnod*
maybe the malfoy's have given up on the evil and've moved on to cookie baking or kneezle ranching or whatever...
I can't wait to see how j_h responds :D
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 13:18:42 UTC |
*refreshrefreshrefresh* ... *fidget* ... *restless shifting* ... something HAPPEN already! Gah!
(parent)greenapricot @ April 9 2003, 13:22:06 UTC |
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 13:33:52 UTC GRRRR!! |
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 13:37:04 UTC Re: GRRRR!! |
i know i know i know!!! with dean's commenting ps isn't gonna bother replying! harry needs to ask again!!! SHUT UP DEAN!!!!
(parent)kat99999 @ April 9 2003, 13:46:34 UTC |
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 14:20:00 UTC Ug! Colin!!!!!!!! |
Wonder if j_h will say anything about him referring to ps as scum? And what's up Lucius not being surprised at all?
~ Les
karabou @ April 9 2003, 14:20:39 UTC |
Lucius doesn't seem to oppose it, and Colin is so confused and distraught! This is wonderful! XD
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kearie @ April 9 2003, 14:23:18 UTC |
Yes, the Lucius thing gave me a spark of hope. Haha maybe even he's rooting for the H/D...
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flyby @ April 9 2003, 14:22:35 UTC |
Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! ::bounces and squees and dances Haary around the room:: :D :D :D
(parent)tonic_x @ April 9 2003, 14:24:46 UTC |
*reaches for paper bag*
AGghghhhHHH. WHYYYYWHWWYYY. Draco had better answer him or I'll just have to, like, I don't know, but I'll have a fit. Even though I already am.
anjaliesque @ April 9 2003, 14:59:31 UTC |
I never thought the day would come. *has fallen off chair*
To tell the truth, I think Draco is going to ignore this too, sad as it is. What could he say that would be completely original, without giving into anyone? Of coures, if anyone can be original, potterstinks can.
If Draco keeps ignoring though, I'm really afraid Harry is going to get hurt. Getting hurt is impossible to avoid, but it's worse when you haven't even got anywhere. Harry just keeps stretching out more and more on a limb, and I fear that Draco is going to cruelly cut the branch right out from under him. Would he be the one to catch him too?
lore @ April 9 2003, 15:32:38 UTC |
Oh come now, surely the thread has reached 100 posts Fine.
A Haiku In Waiting:
The arm refreshes, waiting.
Will he? Will the dragon bite or burn?
The broom quivers, enraged.
love, lore
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luleh @ April 9 2003, 15:43:41 UTC |
My job has no internet so I'm late to the party as usual, but...
You go Harry!
Get your man!