oconel @ 2004-04-17 22:21:00 |
Oh. NO!!!!
Mood: scared
What has happened????????????????
bookwench31 @ April 17 2004, 20:27:22 UTC |
There are so many of them that there's just too many things this could be about. I can't even speculate, just wibble. But the first thing that pops into my head is something happened to the Twins. Didn't Molly say that they had left their shop unlocked and unattended?
mordororbust @ April 17 2004, 20:27:47 UTC |
Aaaaah! *freaking out* Just came back from a lovely walk under the sun to find this. =/ Boo. Now I'll have to sit here updating furiously instead of writing my essay. GAH. SUSPENSE.
(parent)oconel @ April 17 2004, 20:35:43 UTC |
Pray it's polyjuice because pinkstarsgirlie mum seems to know what this is about
morganmuffle @ April 17 2004, 20:28:56 UTC |
That's it. I'm not moving till somebody explains :-S
(parent)comava @ April 17 2004, 20:43:14 UTC |
"The body of George Weasley... and his twin, George Weasley.."
"... George Weasley is coherent..."
The it's a typo at the beginning and Fred is dead, right?
Still wishing for Polyjuice.
pokethegeek @ April 17 2004, 20:37:02 UTC |
pokethegeek @ April 17 2004, 20:44:02 UTC |
i'm so confused right now. and i HATE the daily prophet font..
(parent)pokethegeek @ April 17 2004, 20:52:42 UTC |
I just bit my toung of pure pressure! I don't think I can take it! >_< I CANT EVEN BLODDY MOVE TO GET A CUP OF COFFEE! oh wibble. my tounge is bleeding. *refresh*
(parent)pokethegeek @ April 17 2004, 20:56:03 UTC |
I EVEN PUT ON MY WIBBLE USERPIC ON MSN! this is too much. i should just go to bed and read about it in the morning. HELL NO I CANT! *wibble* UPDATE!!!
(parent)pokethegeek @ April 17 2004, 20:58:41 UTC |
oh god. no I dont believe in god. But still! OH MY! now my mouse is out of order. INTENSE!! *wibble*
(parent)pokethegeek @ April 17 2004, 21:01:30 UTC |
>_< why? WHY?! I don't like the thing where they say that he is in the same condition as alice and frank. Shit. my feet are cold.
(parent)pokethegeek @ April 17 2004, 21:03:52 UTC |
OH SHIT! my brother needs his computer. WHY?! WHYYYY?! i'll have to fetch the media pc. NO! ITS NOT HOME! THIS IS SO NOT HAPPENING!
(parent)pokethegeek @ April 17 2004, 23:00:30 UTC |
apparently not!! But i'm here now. wow. I just ate 743928748923 portions of cereal. how intense, thats what i do when im nerveous. ;_; i'm crying now.
(parent)bookwench31 @ April 17 2004, 21:05:35 UTC |
It had been all nice and fun. There was happiness. I knew it was too good to last. I've been worried about the twins since Molly's post
*hands over blanket to help keep you warm*
bookwench31 @ April 17 2004, 21:12:16 UTC |
ARGH. I'm at work. I can't YM. I only have AIM.
I shall have to content myself with wibbling here.
Poor Molly. This is terrible. Were they in the backroom when she locked up? Oh god...
bookwench31 @ April 17 2004, 21:19:43 UTC |
This is so much worse than August ever was.
Which is so completely terrible and awful and her stomach must just have dropped completely hollow and out...it doesn't bear thinking about.
I can't even imagine. damn the players for being so skillful and good at this that I'm completely drawn in and worried and upset.
I want extra protection on Parvati and Padma.
the ministry is denying that Petter is related to this, but how much do I not trust what they say.
bookwench31 @ April 17 2004, 21:31:54 UTC |
That sounds like me during that time. I work at a library and I was constantly checking. I got some odd looks from patrons then.
I have a couple of RL people to talk to but only one that I see all the time. She is not home right now. I have called her house twice since this has started. I'm going to demand that she get a cell phone just for RPG related wibbles.
bookwench31 @ April 17 2004, 21:42:13 UTC |
Plus she'll be rather drunk and probably just implode silently on the pavement and have to be dragged carefully home by her hair and put to bed by our other friends. *snerks*
*dies laughing*
I'm glad I'm not the only person who is dorkily sitting at her computer. My friends all look at us with an expressions close to awe when Alyssa and I get started on what's happened today on Nocturne or Triumvirate. We have to tell them that yes we know it's just a game. But the story is So Good.
At least things seem to have quieted down a bit. I can leave my computer and get something to drink. knowing NA they won't post again for hours. Oh how they torment us. *theatrically throws hand over forehead and falls into an NA induced faint*
bookwench31 @ April 17 2004, 21:57:41 UTC |
*falls into cushion* Thanks for that.
*friends* I can't wibble with someone for so long and not friend them.
NA was the first one I ever read and I've only ever gotten involved with one other one. This one is still my favorite. Nothing could surpass my love of NA.
Now I have to run, because work is closing and I have to shut everything down.
*remains in woe for the rest of the evening*
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 22:21:32 UTC |
Oh, I know. There's one I've almost joined a few times (an RL friend of mine runs it) but being such an NA fangirl and knowing that nothing I did could ever measure up....
And what makes it worst is that it's Charlie! I love Charlie!
pengolodh_sc @ April 18 2004, 00:45:02 UTC |
If you're using a PC, try using the key-combination Ctrl R instead - the keyboard can take refreshing better than a mouse can.
(parent)pokethegeek @ April 18 2004, 09:29:55 UTC |
oh I know and f5 too.. and I have a touchpad too. But I couldn't move to get another new mourse or even restart the computer.. Way too intense.
(parent)bookwench31 @ April 17 2004, 20:58:08 UTC |
I know. I'm at work and people keep wanting things and all I want to say is "CAN'T YOU PEOPLE FIND YOUR OWN BOOKS? I MUST REFRESH!"
Am a massive mess of wibble.
pokethegeek @ April 17 2004, 20:59:21 UTC |
haha, yes. My just rang and I didn't pick it up. No time. too much wibble.
(parent)steph_hime @ April 17 2004, 20:52:43 UTC |
I want Ron to do the same, poor twins and Charlie.
(parent)steph_hime @ April 17 2004, 20:57:12 UTC |
Urgh, what's freaking me is out is that I play Charlie in a RPG and it's like it's happening to my character!
bookwench31 @ April 17 2004, 20:41:36 UTC |
I can't tell. And Charlie!! *sobs* I can't stand the Daily Prophet font. It gives me a massive headache trying to read it.
Is it George or Fred?
xnera @ April 17 2004, 20:38:00 UTC |
The first thing I noticed was that it was Hannah posting, and I squeed in delight because I love Hannah and had missed her posts. Then I clicked here and saw this post. Then I went back to NA, read, and commenced wibbling. *bites fingernails*
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corrupteddreams @ April 17 2004, 20:47:00 UTC |
I thought NA didn't kill anyone.
I'm convincing myself it's Polyjuice.
steph_hime @ April 17 2004, 20:50:14 UTC |
I thought the same (about N_A not killing any one). I'm sure it was a rule.
(parent)comava @ April 17 2004, 20:52:00 UTC |
Where does it say that they won't kill anyone? I've never heard of it before, but I'm feverently hoping it's true!
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Anonymous @ April 17 2004, 20:55:29 UTC |
it doesn't.
Does NA kill players?
Players, yes, but as for characters, that I'm not free to divulge.
nabiki @ April 17 2004, 21:08:48 UTC |
I think the only rule about killing charactres they had where they said they WOULDN'T kill someone was for whoever died in book 5, they weren't just going to kill them off because the book did...so I guess its open season on everyone anyways..if thats the way they want the story to go!
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adolfa @ April 17 2004, 21:09:51 UTC |
I thought they only said they weren't going to kill Sirius. :-?
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greenvarnish @ April 19 2004, 02:22:36 UTC |
I wish a_player or someone would pop in and tell us straight out if they ever said that they killed off characters or not! Ahhhh!!! *rips hair out*
(parent)nabiki @ April 17 2004, 21:14:02 UTC |
maybe they're not safe for long though, if they realise they didn't find the right twins...
(parent)steph_hime @ April 17 2004, 21:15:46 UTC |
*wibbles* Why would they go after Parvati and Padma though? Have I missed some vital information?
(parent)bookwench31 @ April 17 2004, 21:26:08 UTC |
At the bottem of the article it says "word got out that a twin had a prophetic dream about last years attack on Hogwarts. Looks like they got the worng twin, didn't they. The twin in question, Parvati Patil, is a seventh year of hogwarts..."
(parent)bookwench31 @ April 17 2004, 21:22:27 UTC |
I can't beleive the Prophet. Getting the names wrong is horrible but then to go and inform the badguys that they got the wrong twins and then to give them Parvati's name!
(parent)pornography @ April 17 2004, 21:34:57 UTC |
I know. They are complete morons. Its almost like they want the badguys to go after Parvati.
(parent)pengolodh_sc @ April 18 2004, 00:47:40 UTC |
Of course they do - then they can get another equally tragic headline at a later time, and they will sell more papers.
(parent)darththalia @ April 17 2004, 21:42:01 UTC |
I dunno... that's the Ministry's theory, and they tend to be pretty clueless. I think it was Pettigrew that was responsible, and he knew went after who he meant to. JMHO.
(parent)bookwench31 @ April 17 2004, 21:45:15 UTC |
I hadn't thought of that. Well I mean I think Pettigrew is involved, mainly because the Ministry so flatly denies it. You have a point.
So then my question is Why the twins? Were they working on something that would cause Peter to go after them?
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 22:18:22 UTC |
The twins could easily have been working on something that would cause Peter/other DEs to go after them. They're portrayed as being ruddy brilliant, generally, just anarchistic in the way they express it. So it's quite possible that in their research into the useless they stumbled upon something quite useful and important in the process. I mean, things like the Canary Creams had to be some pretty powerful Transfigurative magic.
My real question is why the Ministry is being so adamantly incompetent this time around. Both the "Look out for toeless rats!" fuckup and now this... it's almost like they're deliberately trying to be idiots, or rather deliberately trying to misinform. I can't remember.... how has Fudge historically been portrayed in NA? Because the way he's portrayed in the books has often made me wonder if he has DE ties himself.
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greenvarnish @ April 19 2004, 02:32:24 UTC |
I'm wondering if the Ministry, as well as the media, are being absolute wankers because of Lucius. I mean, he's always had considerable influence over the Ministry in canon.
(parent)ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 21:20:22 UTC |
And now that my gut reaction is out of the way (well, it isn't, but) a practical question: what happens to Polyjuiced corpses? Do they revert and if so after how long? If they don't, is there any method to tell whether Polyjuiced tissue is Polyjuiced? Is it possible to make any kind of replica corpse via magic? Etcetera.
PLEASE be a hoax but I've got a gut feeling that's not. Shut up, gut. Or change your mind.
pornography @ April 17 2004, 21:42:32 UTC |
If it is Polyjuice, then where are the real Fred and George? :/
I'm hoping that the prophet got it wrong. Maybe Fred isnt dead -just badly hurt? Please, please may he not be dead. I hate hate all this wondering.
xnera @ April 17 2004, 22:03:27 UTC |
I wondered this, myself.
I'm almost certain that Charlie and the non-dead twin are NOT Polyjuiced, because it sounds like they were locked up for several days before being found, so the Polyjuice would have had to wear off. Unless they kept taking it, but I doubt it, since it sounds like Charlie, at least, wasn't in any condition to do so. Also, it'd take some time for the Prophet to be printed and delivered (even if it can be printed magically, owls only fly so fast), so my guess is they're been at St. Mungo's for a couple hours at least. And I doubt the healers would let them keep taking Polyjuice.
I'm less certain about the dead twin. He may or may not be Polyjuiced--it all depends on what happens to Polyjuiced corpses. We can assume it'd turn back to normal since there's no way for a corpse to continue taking Polyjuice... or we can assume that it'd stay in its Polyjuiced form because dead tissue can't change.
Now I'm wondering if Polyjuice and other potions work on Muggles and Squibs. Is the magic in the potion or the person whose taking it? And does a corpse still hold a person's magic ability, or does that die with death as well? Wow, this is really making me think.
The other thought I had is that it's NOT Polyjuice, but it also really isn't the twins and Charlie. I mean, who knows what the twins have been up to in their shop? What if something they were working on could give the illusion of being someone else, like a glamour? It's something to think about, anyway.
ungemmed @ April 17 2004, 22:11:50 UTC |
Well, that's why I was asking about the possibility of fabricating "corpses." Because that might mean that Gred's corpse actually isn't anything dead. The big problem with it being a Polyjuiced corpse is that that means someone else is dead even if it's not one of the twins. While that could mean it's some random Muggle or even a wizard that's not an active character (although it being a Muggle is more likely given that it's probably DE-related even if Pettigrew isn't behind it, and I don't trust the Ministry at all on that) it could also mean that some NA character besides Fred or George had died. So that would be a mixed blessing.
(parent)laurac0re @ April 17 2004, 22:11:16 UTC |
lazy_daze @ April 17 2004, 22:24:29 UTC |
OMG I don't know which thread to post on. *frets* I'm all a quiver. omg no. Wah, losing a twin would be the worst, if I lost my twin I don't know what I'd DO omg *wells up* WAHHHH this is so horrible :( :(
(parent)azryal @ April 18 2004, 00:38:57 UTC Well |
Did anyone else notice the typo?
The first line states that George is the deceased. Later, it says that George and Charles were found, bound and gagged, and that Fred is the deceased.
Either the writer was distraught, or their little joke has turned on them. I don't buy it. Fred and George were too darned smart to get jumped in their own place.
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greenvarnish @ April 19 2004, 02:34:46 UTC Re: Well |
merlion @ April 18 2004, 04:21:01 UTC |
Lupin has two comments to Seamus, neither of which are completed, that indicate either extreme distress (his own or perhaps Harry's) or immenent danger. Either way, I'm speechless.