tabiji @ 2004-04-20 03:13:00 |
Goyle posts
A new rhyming Goyle post with his take on current events
Laughter (hereafter)
Well, feel stupid (cupid), crunkul sound (hound) was apparently Crabbe's wrappers lying (dying) on the floor (door). It's only taken a week to figure out haha. Anyways. The whole place here is weird. So many people are storming around with evil looks on their faces and people are crying for no apparent reason (season). Anyway it's bugging me and should be stopped (popped).
That's my thought on that manner. So someone died (fried). happens all the time (rhyme! hooha). One person in the world dies every second and three babies. So what's to be sad about? You is getting three other babies in the world to make up for it.
Bytheway (apparently those words go together) violence on the train (pain) is not appreciated. Do I go around cursing people? No! And it's not just 'cause I'm no good at cursing - it's a moral decision (circumcision?) Ho yes (bless).
I have only one more thing to say on the Weasley matter, though.
lindra @ April 20 2004, 07:32:29 UTC |
.... Fuck. The Weasleys have (or had) seven children, right? Then the nine would include Molly and Arthur. Are they going for the parents too? Are they going to try and.... eradicate the entire Weasley family?
Why are they so dangerous to the Death Eaters? What do they know that the others don't? They seem to almost be exclusively targeted lately...
oconel @ April 20 2004, 14:16:31 UTC |
English is not my mother tongue I guess it's "How"
I was talking about this
tabiji @ April 20 2004, 09:32:30 UTC |
It could be. Or maybe it's not even about the Weasleys...maybe it's about Goyle's FINGERS! :))
(parent)tabiji @ April 20 2004, 19:16:16 UTC |
*last ditch attempt at being optimistic*
Or, or ...maybe it's about students that may have been DE sympathizers that he's secretly and brilliantly converting?
nabiki @ April 20 2004, 09:30:42 UTC |
I thought maybe nine because: one dies, you get three more, so 6 + 3 is 9? "total" "weasley" babies, as far as Goyles theory goes :P I have no idea though, he probably is just an idiot :P
(parent)pengolodh_sc @ April 20 2004, 10:35:29 UTC |
"One down, nine to go" is likely to include the Weasleys (living and dead - and catatonic) and either Harry or Hermione, I would think.
(parent)theantimodel @ April 20 2004, 08:01:34 UTC |
Ugh, I saw that, you know, he's just so tactless you have to wonder if it's actually intentional instead of just stupidity.
(parent)vassilissa @ April 20 2004, 09:43:38 UTC |
Unlike the Ministry, at least he bothered to check.
slinkhard @ April 20 2004, 08:17:10 UTC |
Man, "So someone died (fried). happens all the time (rhryme! hooha). One person in the world dies every second and three babies. So what's to be sad about? You is getting three other babies in the world to make up for it."
Goyle is so Zen. *fangirls*
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hezzabeth @ April 20 2004, 09:49:54 UTC |
His to childlike to be deliberatly cruel, and as he said death to him is'nt a big deal.
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jacay @ April 20 2004, 10:42:27 UTC |
I think that first word is laughter, not later. And the one down nine to go is probably just Goyle not being able to count, or including some other kid we just don't know about. Hm.
(parent)allthat_jazz @ April 20 2004, 13:02:44 UTC |
Did anyone else find it interesting that he said people are 'storming around with evil looks on their faces and people are crying for no reason'? Who did he see that was crying?
(parent)comava @ April 20 2004, 13:43:30 UTC |
I just figured that he meant other Hogwarts attendees. After all, I'm sure a lot of people must be upset, not only close friends and family, even if they didn't know George or Charlie that well.
Also, I thought if he'd seen Herm or Harry crying, for instance, he'd be sure to mention them by name. I don't think Goyle is capable of acting mysterious or purposely cruel, he really seems too simple. And it would add up with his not counting right.
Of course, it could all be the opposite and then Goyle would be really cunning and evil.
vassilissa @ April 21 2004, 02:24:33 UTC |
I assumed it'd be the same people who posted their condolences earliest on, and I probably should stick to that theory, but.
What if it was Draco?
He's called Draco 'people' before, hasn't he? (or am I on crack?) And he certainly wouldn't name him as crying.
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Anonymous @ April 20 2004, 20:45:11 UTC |
I am shocked and amazed that he managed to reply to Narcissa using actual words. o_o
(parent)dr_jekyl @ April 20 2004, 21:04:07 UTC |
Dear gods... Actual *spelling*, if not punctuation. I could read it without wanting to spork my eyes out.
You know, whatever else she may have done or said recently, Narcissa deserves major kudos for this, if it lasts.
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Anonymous @ April 20 2004, 21:08:11 UTC |
do you really want it to last? Goyle's spelling is what makes him distinctive... We should vote! Stay or go!
(parent)dr_jekyl @ April 20 2004, 21:11:13 UTC |
I'm of two minds about it, actually. One is that the character isn't all about the bad spelling and having his posts written out in something resembling English would make my brain hurt a lot less. On the other, Goyle's player obviously puts a lot of time and effort into those posts, and it is part of the character's flavour...
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Anonymous @ April 20 2004, 21:18:50 UTC |
time and effort, hah. i know Goyle's player personally, and know he's studying Phonetics at college.
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Anonymous @ April 20 2004, 23:52:58 UTC |
Wow, I never realized until I read that how rarely I picture NA players as guys. Interesting, psychologically, I don't know why I would picture it one way or the other.
But v. cool that there's at least one guy involved!
vassilissa @ April 21 2004, 02:28:47 UTC |
Goyle explains where he got the number nine.
*glares at him*
tabiji @ April 21 2004, 07:37:46 UTC |
Hmm. That's disappointing. My gut is saying that Goyle is more anti-Weasley than pro-DE, though.