ex_lev195 @ 2004-04-21 10:40:00 |
Little Theory
Sorry if this has already been said in comments somewhere, but...
Why did the DEs choose NOW to go after the twin with prophetic dreams? They could have easily gone after who they thought it was earlier than this--unless they JUST found out about it, which I'm kind of skeptical about.
To me, this implies that they are planning something else (probably to do with Hogwarts) and don't want Parvati Seeing it ahead of time.
So, um, eep?
quixotic_sense @ April 21 2004, 15:49:32 UTC |
This is what's puzzling me so much about the whole thing. Lucius is able to read the students' journals -- surely he would have known that Parvati was the one who had the prophetic dreams. While she's been very reticent on the subject, I think it's fairly obvious from little throwaway comments like the bad feeling she had before the camping trip and, much earlier, her telling people who're going out on a particular day to bring their umbrellas.
(parent)hated_and_loved @ April 21 2004, 15:55:34 UTC |
Yeah, I'm skeptical of the prophetic twin thing being the reason for the attack, myself. I've been thinking lately that the timing is more related to the date of Draco's party. Percy was at the Malfoys' with Minister Fudge two days before the Weasleys were attacked ... maybe he said something he shouldn't have while he was there?
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 21 2004, 16:02:11 UTC |
Also Lucius and others keep hinting that this is exactly what the Weasleys should be asking--what did they do to provoke this attack? Molly says the attackers did keep saying something about a Prophesy, and perhaps this is where the Prophet got its idea, but that doesn't have to be correct. Narcissa seems to have described their behavior as "base" and that they should feel shame for it, so I don't see how it could be a mistake.
(parent)quixotic_sense @ April 21 2004, 16:14:42 UTC |
Hmm. What other prophecies are there in HP-verse canon?
... shit. Do you think it has something to do with Harry? This is what would happen to supporters of the one prophesied to have the power to defeat Voldemort?
Maybe it's not even prophecy in the magical/religious sense of the word -- maybe it's meant more broadly. Sic semper tyrannis. What happened to the Weasley is fated to happen to the likes of them?
I don't know. I'm confused.
comava @ April 21 2004, 18:29:44 UTC |
Well, that particular prophecy was in OotP and as of June last year this became AU, so I doubt that would matter.
It might have to do with Percy at Malfoy Manor, and then the whole "Prophecy" thing might be an elaborate ruse to hit out at the Weasleys.
Also, I think every DE, provided they had any muggle devices like computers, could read Parvati's journal, it's public enough for us, after all.
serpensortia @ April 21 2004, 17:02:19 UTC |
If the attack was an order from Voldemort to go after the Weasley twins because he thought it was one of them who had the prophetic dreams, maybe it makes sense that Lucius said nothing.
Is it stretching the imagination too far to think that Lucius knew they were the wrong twins, but felt that any damage done to the Weasleys wouldn't be a bad thing? Even if the attack simply had them scared, he might have thought it worth it. Would that perhaps explain why he seems so satisfied with the outcome?
Or maybe it is something else. I'm scared for Parvati though...
cyrindha @ April 21 2004, 18:30:22 UTC |
I can see Lucius going for Weasley suffering if there's an opportunity for it. I wouldn't quite say that's what happened here. Wouldn't Voldemort be angry that he intentionally messed things up just to get at the Weasleys? It wouldn't be that hard for him to figure it out. These journals are relatively public so for Lucius to make this mistake, when he has a journal of his own and frequently comments, should at best be proof that he's pretty bad at connecting the dots, missed seeing crucial information that was available to him and may not be DE leader material after all.
I can't help but feel that this wasn't just a case of Weasley/Patil confusion. Right now I have no idea what else it could be but there has to be something more to this.
I like the Patils so I share the fear.
steph_hime @ April 21 2004, 16:32:34 UTC |
Maybe it was their intention to go after George, for some reason unknown.
(parent)frozen_jelly @ April 21 2004, 17:17:38 UTC |
Yes, why George and not Fred. Unlike Padma and Parvati, Fred and George always seemed just so identical, so how did they know which it was; presuming the DP is correct and the reason behind the attack is the prophetic dream.
(parent)frozen_jelly @ April 22 2004, 18:35:23 UTC |
Oh. Of course.... That makes me feel sad all over again.
(parent)onthehillside @ April 21 2004, 18:07:13 UTC |
Maybe it is connected with Neville. His memory is on the list (I know that there was a list going round) of unsolved mysteries. It seems to me that there might be a connection between the Longbottoms and Charlie; one that goes beyond being in the same condition.
And the ammount of blood is odd. I can't think of a reason to explain it, other than they wanted the Weasley's to suffer.
comava @ April 21 2004, 18:32:27 UTC |
Yes, I always assumed crucio made you experience pain inside your body, like really really bad cramps and not necessarily cuts on the outside or anything. Or maybe that happens with time or maybe they tortured them muggle-like on purpose and it's all very confusing.
Also, I love your icon. EW is getting so pretty!
onthehillside @ April 21 2004, 21:27:36 UTC |
Thanks. the pretty is so not canon, but I love it. And I think your icon is very very cute!
(parent)bookofjude @ April 22 2004, 13:07:34 UTC |
It's possible, but I really think that even if they were trying to do something major to Hogwarts, Harry would dream about it himself, and therefore the need for the Prophesies of the twin would therefore become redundant. That's just my opinion though.
(parent)![]() |
greenvarnish @ April 23 2004, 08:20:40 UTC |
Well, one reason could be convenience? Especially since Pettigrew was said to have been in Wales during that time.
At the same time, a player says something that has me thinking that the Weasleys are a bigger threat than anyone realizes.