tabiji @ 2004-04-22 11:03:00 |
Draco updates
Er, looks like he's actively trying to alienate himself from everything Gryffindor, judging by his comments about Lavender.
pokethegeek @ April 22 2004, 15:36:18 UTC |
I was more thinking about that old tv show but now that you say it..
sistermagpie @ April 22 2004, 15:36:26 UTC |
In my school it was Mansion Apartment Shack House.
(parent)chapstickmess @ April 22 2004, 15:36:38 UTC |
MASH is the name of the game, as well as the choices about what structure you'll live in
M = Mansion
S= Shack
slinkhard @ April 22 2004, 15:41:44 UTC |
Like the skipping game?
And then you say: And my dress will be - SAT-IN, LACE, COT-TON, RAGS!
slinkhard @ April 22 2004, 15:26:11 UTC |
I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh but "It's been five *days*" cracked me up.
and so did the st. mungoes comment. I don't know what to tell you! *facepalms*
sistermagpie @ April 22 2004, 15:33:00 UTC |
Sometimes you can't help it. Especially when Lavender is doing MASH of all things. I so adore Lavender and hope that ps doesn't hasten her horrible death to anorexia.
(parent)slinkhard @ April 22 2004, 15:40:29 UTC |
Kids today.
We did those origami squares, or
FLAMES (Friends, Lovers, Affair, Marriage, Enemies, Sex) - you find all the occurences of LOVES ie.
would be
then go through crossing out FLAMES
That's 6 letters gone, so count through FLAMES six times: equals S or Sex. Hey, 98% sex, I'm a lucky gal.
This boring explanation was brought to you by the letter F!
(I love Lavendar too, and I also hope she pays no heed to PS' sexism <3 )
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Anonymous @ April 22 2004, 15:50:58 UTC |
I have no idea, but I'm American and we did FLAMES, too.
(parent)slinkhard @ April 22 2004, 15:57:09 UTC |
Oh thank god, I thought I'd invented it and was going crazy. (Going?...)
(parent)tabiji @ April 22 2004, 16:04:44 UTC |
You take your full name, and their full name and cross out all common letters between the two. Then you go "love, hate, friendship, marriage" with the remaining letters to find your destiny.
*shifty look*
And, um, no, I haven't done it with my name and Harry or Draco's.
sistermagpie @ April 22 2004, 15:44:08 UTC |
Yes, that's what we did too. You would draw a spiral and tell the person to tell you when to stop, then count the lines in the spiral to do the counting--you can see Lavender's little spiral on the page.
What cracks me up the most is ps' little notes to her. Just the idea of the two of them in conversation is hysterical. Or it would be if poor Lavender wasn't a bunny rabbit and ps licking his chops for stew.
Also, when did Nott move out of the dormitory? And what's with the Icelandic flag?? I swear, Nott is beginning to become one of the most intriguing characters in the game--he's like the Jenny Piccolo/Kenny P. Landers/Maris of NA (with Morgan Mullarkey running a close second).
moocow1985 @ April 22 2004, 17:15:19 UTC |
It seemed to me that Draco wasn't overly upset at Nott moving back in. This in interesting because in the past, he's been extremely opposed to anything involving Nott.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 23 2004, 00:06:48 UTC |
He seemed to be running away from him earlier in the year but as the year's progressed he's become closer to him.
And I don't trust myself to say whether this is new or not, but as Draco always had "The Dark Arts" as one of his interests?
sistermagpie @ April 23 2004, 03:46:58 UTC |
The whole Nott storyline just fascinates me. I'm almost surprised Harry hasn't had some kind of run-in with him yet. I mean, the ladies love him, and he seems like a DE kid (in canon he definitely is), he's Sallie-Anne's cousin. He's become a regular in Draco's postings this year, and it seems like at first Nott was the one pursuing some kind of relationship and Draco wasn't that interested. Strange if Nott had originally moved out of the dorm because of Draco. And given how adept Nott seems to be at charming people, who knows what could be going on?
(parent)onthehillside @ April 23 2004, 03:04:17 UTC |
Yeah, he has.
He's since change "being emulated" to "being imitated", "defeating Harry Potter" to "destroying Harry Potter", and "thwarting Gryffindors plans" to "foiling Gryffindors plans", switched "my cutting wit" with "my piercing wit" and "my brilliant charm" to "my eminent charm".
He's added "my infinite wisdom" and "the malfoy manoeuvre".
The switch from "defeating HP" tp "destroying HP" is a step up in rhetoric; that happened around the time he changed his default icon from Harry's favorite to whatever it is he has now.
Everything else is IMHO opinion, PS's player messing with us. But perhaps there is a deeper meaning.
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 03:05:37 UTC |
No. I changed them because someone made a Mary Sue LJ and added all of the same interests and I was irritated.
(parent)onthehillside @ April 23 2004, 03:10:49 UTC |
Ah, thanks for the pointer! I'll keep that in mind next time I stalk the info page. :D
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 03:14:24 UTC |
If the wording of something changes slightly (like the my ____ wit thing) that is usually why. I have done it a few times now. I am really picky. *crosses arms defensively*
(parent)onthehillside @ April 23 2004, 03:21:07 UTC |
Picky is good. I have a very soft spot in my heart for the info page, especially the memory section.
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 03:23:58 UTC |
I am glad! Hahaha. I am anal about it. I feel badly when people think Draco has changed the wording in order to express something when really, I am just prissy.
(parent)onthehillside @ April 23 2004, 03:30:55 UTC |
I'm trying to teach myself (with varying effects) to not over-analyze everything. It is very hard. Do y'all have to be so damn opaque?
But I love it so.
sistermagpie @ April 23 2004, 03:40:50 UTC |
So the interest "being imitated" is not to be taken literally.:-)
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 23 2004, 03:39:50 UTC |
Thanks! I had a feeling he probably did but for some reason when I looked at it it stood out, like the Malfoy Manouevre.
vassilissa @ April 23 2004, 05:18:50 UTC |
What cracks me up the most is ps' little notes to her. Just the idea of the two of them in conversation is hysterical. Or it would be if poor Lavender wasn't a bunny rabbit and ps licking his chops for stew.
*nod* Plus, I like his handwriting.
snackbreak @ April 22 2004, 16:15:20 UTC question: |
I was going through some old NA entries and I noticed that for "05-20-2003" in potterstinks journal, the one where snape and lupin use pictures of each other during their argument... well, the pictures are tragically gone (at least in my browser they are).
Anyway, the question is: Can I get the pictures from someone? You'd be the coolest EVER. =D
mimulus_arbutus @ April 22 2004, 17:44:43 UTC |
on mash isn't "numbers" supposed to represent the number of children? PS with 11 children? HAHAHAHA!
why would he say she's fat when everyone knows she's practically skeletal from anorexia? why did he go to tea with her in the first place? weird.
sistermagpie @ April 22 2004, 19:55:28 UTC |
Draco has had something against Lavender for a while, though I don't think we know what it is. So this isn't the first time he's gone after her about her weight. In fact, I think he may have started on it before her eating disorder was apparent. When she asked him once what she'd done to her he was very cryptic, I think, but he does resent her for something.
He and Lavender had a brief exchange before Easter, iirc, where she agreed with something he said, perhaps, and he asked her if they should be best friends now and maybe suggested tea. I remember Lavender responding with a picture of a pot of tea.
sistermagpie @ April 24 2004, 03:18:12 UTC |
Yes, I think whatever it is that Lavender did she has no idea or doesn't remember, but it's been a long time and Draco seems to never tire of getting to her when he can.
(parent)lifeinwords @ April 22 2004, 19:30:03 UTC |
I find it amusing that under 'Fame,' the second option begins 'dea.' Which was then changed to 'being rich.' Quick thinking there, Lav.
Also, is anyone else's head spinning with all of these opportunities for another attack? Seamus and Parvati (Twins!) going into Hogsmeade this weekend for a wake (and when alcohol's involved in this game, can anything go well?), Lupin's author signing this weekend when he's admitted he's never met the woman before (and crowds of strangers, I always worry about crowds of strangers, and doesn't Narcissa love her work?), and of course there's Ron announcing over the entire community that he and Ginny will be travelling this weekend/Monday which is not subtle at ALL...
Man, I've been spending too much time over on the TWOP American Idol threads, specifically the Grassy Knoll. Nothing like boning up on conspiracy theories to make you jump at shadows.
...And where was Nott sleeping, if not in his dorm?
nabiki @ April 22 2004, 21:02:14 UTC |
From the glossary: Reportedly sleeps in the first years' dormitory due to Draco Malfoy being angrier than him. And then gave this link referencing it in the rp: crabbes explanation. Hope this helps :D
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jacay @ April 23 2004, 02:15:27 UTC |
Scarier when you see that Lucius's mood is "expectant."
(parent)mahoni @ April 22 2004, 21:01:31 UTC |
You know what interests me in relation to his post, is the exchange between Narcissa and Draco beginning with Narcissa's reply here. Look at Narcissa's words in her second reply:
"I know you wouldn't, Draco. You wouldn't tolerate anything of that nature, I am sure."
She states, and then restates more strongly and more pointedly. And she uses the icon with the key word "Inspired."
There have been allusions to some idea Narcissa has, that Draco (and his father) are against. I wonder if she has conceived of a way to manipulate Draco around to her way of thinking?
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onewallaway @ April 22 2004, 23:07:42 UTC |
You got me thinking...
Draco uses the word "establishment," so I looked it up. Among the definitions:
A permanent civil, political, or military organization.
An established church.
An established social order, as:
1. A group of people holding most of the power and influence in a government or society. Often used with the.
2. A controlling group in a given field of activity. Often used with the.
Which could point to the Death Eaters, meaning that Draco has agreed to join them. (Or, more likely, the typical NA over-analyzation.)
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jacay @ April 23 2004, 02:18:03 UTC |
Assuming this is a scary, unintentionally prophetic thing like the dream Parvati had, I'm going to predict that Malfoy will die of eleven somethings, live the rest of his life leisurely in St. Mungo's and become famous becase of those eleven somethings, and die while sleeping.
But probably not.
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ex_lev195 @ April 23 2004, 02:26:04 UTC |
Is no one else amused by the fact that the owl name (Figulus) Lavendar wrote down is Latin for "Potter," and the one that actually got chosen is Figulus backwards?
(parent)nabiki @ April 23 2004, 03:51:40 UTC |
Whoa :O you are a genius! thats interesting, if not very cute :D
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ex_lev195 @ April 23 2004, 04:03:12 UTC |
*cough* All those years of Latin had to come in handy *sometime.*