frozen_jelly @ 2004-04-23 01:39:00 |
(no title)
Mood: worried
What is up with the manic level of Malfoy posting at the moment?
And does anyone speak Italian? (I think its Italian anyway)
1anonymous1 @ April 23 2004, 00:47:59 UTC |
I tried a translator but it didnt make much sense.:(
(parent)darcourt @ April 23 2004, 00:52:59 UTC |
Well, the Italian in his actual entry is quoting "Un bel di vedremo," a famous aria from Puccini's Madama Butterfly. There's a translation of that here. The stuff in the comments is indeed Italian... but it didn't jump out at me as from an opera, lol. So I can't help there.
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 00:55:07 UTC |
The aria is the one Butterfly sings right before she kills herself. The comments aren't from an opera, but the English in his post is Gilbert and Sullivan.
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 00:59:07 UTC |
No, just opera. Gilbert and Sullivan can be considered opera in some definitions.
(parent)vassilissa @ April 23 2004, 05:29:23 UTC |
*bares fangs* Operetta.
Sorry about that, it's a kneejerk response with me.
frozen_jelly @ April 23 2004, 12:02:21 UTC |
Well, I know Gilbert and Sullivan's genre isn't really musicals, but i didn't even think of classing it as opera. But now I know its operetta! Thanks
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 23 2004, 01:05:03 UTC |
Thanks! I didn't even look at the Italian part, thinking it was translated below it!
So the G&S is The Mikado. It's wonderful thinking of Lucius singing anything belonging to anybody called Yum-Yum.
black_dog @ April 23 2004, 07:53:28 UTC |
So, what's the context for the song? I wish I knew the Mikado. Is Yum-Yum a fool? Trying to rise in someone else's shadow? Is a sticky end involved? Just trying to figure out the implied analogy. :)
(parent)nannyo @ April 23 2004, 08:47:23 UTC |
Yum-yum is just singing about how beautiful and gorgeous she is, although it looks as if he has changed the words slightly, and I don't know whether that's signficant.
It looks like , putting the meanings together, he is making a statement about how he will wait, because after all, he's just as good as the sun or the moon (or Voldemort?), and he admires their work, but really, he's even better.
darcourt @ April 23 2004, 01:21:35 UTC |
Er, it's actually near the beginning of Act II, isn't it? Butterfly doesn't die until Act III. Sorry to be obnoxious and pedantic though, because I'm sure that's not really the point anyway. I'm guessing the point is really this:
You see? He has come!
I'll not go down to meet him. Not I.
I shall stay on the hillside and wait,
and wait for a long time,
and I'll not grow weary
of the long wait.
Waiting for Voldemort? I guess?
frozen_jelly @ April 23 2004, 01:24:08 UTC |
But if Voldemort has already "come!" then why is Lucius still waiting?
(parent)darcourt @ April 23 2004, 01:31:03 UTC |
Waiting for him to rule the wizarding world and come into his own, so to speak? Dude, I don't know. What do you think? I'm just randomly guessing here. :)
(parent)morganmuffle @ April 23 2004, 01:33:13 UTC |
See I don't think Voldemort has "come" yet. Not completely openly anyway or we would have DEs everywhere and Lucius wouldn't even be putting up a show of respectability.
Though that's just my idea.
frozen_jelly @ April 23 2004, 01:35:27 UTC |
I always got the feeling from canon that Lucius always had some semblance of respectability, but underneath was the blatant evil.
(parent)frozen_jelly @ April 23 2004, 01:34:25 UTC |
Well I don't know either! Waiting until he fulfills his quoting random bits of poetry and song on lj quota for the year?
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 23 2004, 00:53:30 UTC |
Narcissa's comment means, "Silent waters run deep." (Which I guess is the English expression, "Still waters run deep.")
Lucius' is, presumably, translated within his post.
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 00:56:53 UTC |
I googled some of the phrases and they can be found here.
sistermagpie @ April 23 2004, 01:01:13 UTC |
Sorry, didn't see there was more!
Lucius then says: He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
Narcissa: Those who make themselves sheep will be eaten by the wolf.
Lucius: To trust is good; not to trust is better.
Narcissa: Forewarned is forearmed.
hated_and_loved @ April 23 2004, 01:01:51 UTC |
Could this possibly be viewed as a snide remark to Lucius? I mean, he's been the opposite of silent lately; maybe she thinks he's saying too much?
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 21:31:18 UTC |
sorry, this may sound stupid, but what does STFU stand for?
(parent)morganmuffle @ April 23 2004, 01:01:00 UTC |
Somebody said this above but it's an aria from Madame Butterfly. She's singing about how she believes her husband will return to her, he's been missing for years at this point.
As for the comments,
Narcissa's first one I didn't get.
Lucius: He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.
Narcissa: Something about a wolf eating those who make themselves sheep (?not entirely sure)
Lucius: To trust is good, not to trust is better.
Narcissa: Basically she says knowing that is half the battle.
Sorry this is vague, I'm too tired for accurate translations right now!
athene_51 @ April 23 2004, 01:04:12 UTC |
N: Still waters run deep
L: He who lives by the sword dies by the sword
N: Those who make themselves sheep will be eaten by the wolf
L: To trust is good, not to trust is better
N: Forewarned is forearmed
Those Malfoys. So cryptic.
morganmuffle @ April 23 2004, 01:06:14 UTC |
Thanks for writing that out better than I did. I should know better than to try being intelligent at 2am, Lucius is so much better at this than I could ever be.
Anyone got any idea what they're actually on about?
frozen_jelly @ April 23 2004, 01:12:49 UTC |
To me it seems like a message between them not to reveal too much, not to trust anyone or call attention to themselves ie 'silent waters' I love the way when the Malfoys want to be crypti they ot only use proverbs, but Italian proverbs!
(parent)sunshineyjen @ April 23 2004, 01:04:51 UTC |
Narcissa: Something about a wolf eating those who make themselves sheep (?not entirely sure)
Those who make themselves sheep will be eaten by the wolf
They're all from this:
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 01:06:20 UTC |
Note that Lucius only used the first two verses. It mentions a man, but it doesn't say who. It could be anyone, if you just read what he's quoted. One fine day... indeed. Anticipatory, I think.
(parent)morganmuffle @ April 23 2004, 01:09:18 UTC |
What interest me is what Lucius is saying is that he isn't going down to meet "him" but is waiting for "him".
Makes me wonder just how ACTIVELY invloved Lucius is with the DEs at the moment... is he biding his time and therefore not invloved in George's death...
magickslash @ April 23 2004, 06:16:33 UTC |
I'd say that he's just showing his absolute faith that Voldemort will triumph. I thinks he's implying that he doesn't *have* to do anything to assure Voldemort's victory, not that he's not willing to put his hand in if he can without compromising himself. I'm not at all in a rush to clear him of blame where the Weasley's are concerned.
(parent)black_dog @ April 23 2004, 07:45:28 UTC |
But if he's quoting Butterfly, that faith is misplaced! I mean, the story is: Pinkerton marries Butterfly during his ship's brief visit to Japan. Then he sails away. Butterfly maintains a flame for him, raises his son. When P comes back years later, and Butterfly first hears, she's ecstatic, it's like a dream. But Pinkerton shows up with his new wife; he has simply moved on, married an American, never took his "marriage" with Butterfly seriously. Butterfly kills self. Curtain.
Who is Butterfly here? Is it Lucius waiting faithfully for Voldemort's return, and being disappointed? Perhaps he's jealous of Bellatrix! But isn't it more like Voldemort is Butterfly, and his followers have gone on with their lives?
Sounds like there's trouble in DE Paradise.
sistermagpie @ April 23 2004, 14:38:04 UTC |
Yes, the choice of Butterfly seems the same way to me--as have all Lucius' posts!
What I love about Yum-Yum is that she's one of the, "Three little mates from school are we..." which is delightfully sinister in this context.
Yum-Yum is betrothed to her guardian, Ko-ko, who had been condemned to death for flirting, but then instead was made the Lord High Executioner. Nanki-Poo, the wandering minstrel, is in love with Yum-Yum. Secretly he's the son of the Mikado in disguise so he doesn't have to marry a wicked old lady (Katisha). If she were not betrothed to the Executioner, Yum-Yum and Nanki-Poo would proudly kiss in front of everyone, but she is so they don't.
The Mikado wants to know why the hell nobody's been beheaded in the past year. Since Nanki-poo is going to commit suicide anyway (because he can't have Yum-Yum), Ko-Ko suggests he let him execute him instead. He says yes, if he can marry Yum-Yum and put off death for a month. Katisha appears and tries to out him as the son of the Mikado, but she's drowned out by the chorus of "He's going to marry Yum-Yum."
The song quoted is, I think, the one Yum-Yum sings when getting ready for her wedding--her friends have just made her pretty and left her with the mirror and she's thrilled with her reflection. That is, until she's reminded her that she's only got a month! And if her husband dies, she's supposed to die too, according to custom. So it's be buried alive with Nanki-Poo or marry Ko-Ko--a pretty how-de-do! Ko-Ko agrees to a fictious execution for Nanki-poo to take place immediately.
Obviously, there's more to the story and a happy ending, but what what to make of this? Yum-Yum is singing her song, entranced by her own beauty, when really her position is at its worst. Right after this song she's reminded that not only will her marriage be short, but according to law she'll be buried alive with her husband!
So put that with Butterfly, who kills herself. Nanki-poo loves Yum-Yum, but the law will destroy her. Pinkerton doesn't care about Butterfly, but she seems bound to him by laws as well (laws that she recognizes but he doesn't). So you've got two brides, one killing herself, the other not looking forward to her execution. But the Butterfly aria too comes at a time when Butterfly is deluded, like Yum-Yum, I think. It's when she thinks she's about to be reunited with her love. Both girls are in for a nasty surprise.
black_dog @ April 23 2004, 17:25:27 UTC |
Curiouser and curiouser. I'm sort of divided on whether L is having an authentic crisis, or is just striking a pose, either for some unknown manipulative purpose or out of his own grandiosity. Delusion, misplaced loyalties, second thoughts, impending doom/retribution, longing for escape, all seem to be consistent themes.
Narcissa's reaction is influencing my reading a bit, but I'm still muddling through it all. She's warning him -- shut up, don't be one of the fools/sheep, readiness is half the battle. And he's fatalistic -- he who lives by the sword dies by the sword, have confidence in nothing and no one. But in the end he seems to accept her admonition. Does he recognize some truth to it, that his public "confessions" have gotten out of hand, might get him in trouble? Is Lucius' weak spot his inability to resist his own urge to perform?
All I know is, just when we're most ready to hate Lucius, he's made himself irresistably interesting; there's a seductiveness to his pose of introspection, even if we half expect we're being conned. Look how lame Remus sounds trying to match wits, and quotes with him, even though all our moral instincts are on Remus' side.
For this, L's player can have even the blond cabana boy, if she wishes.
sistermagpie @ April 24 2004, 02:56:22 UTC |
LOL! Well, my mind (fine or not) has been completely turned to mush! If they're trying to confuse me, they've definitely done it.:-D
(parent)black_dog @ April 24 2004, 13:16:20 UTC |
what if Lucius is trying to confuse you
If he's doing that, he's succeeding!
Hmmm. We should start a thread where we assume all his comments lately are actually coded instructions to the DEs. :)
sistermagpie @ April 24 2004, 02:55:08 UTC |
I'm with you on the Narcissa post--if she's telling him to shut up, it seems like he's being indiscreet and giving something away. And then there's their latest conversation, where they talk about the Berlin Wall? The Iron Curtain? The Chamber of Secrets?
The first two were all barriers between two worlds that came down...and in a sense they were artificial boundaries and that's maybe why they didn't stand. But then there's also the Chamber of Secrets! Two Muggle things, one wizard thing.
Is Lucius' weak spot his inability to resist his own urge to perform?
It's a fascinating thought given the whole family. Because if this is the case then ps seems to have inherited some of his father's flaws here--he's always giving too much away by running off his mouth. But then Narcissa is quite possibly a very good actress who IS able to play others and keep quiet when she wants to.
Other times Narcissa hints that she's not shallow at all--you can see the conflict when she argues with people like Hootch or Sinestra or even now Lupin. On one hand she's accused of being just shallow, otoh her ignorance of Lucius' activities is described as her trying to play dumb. Now Lucius might be doing the same thing (pretending to be silly and easily taken care of), since he said it would only help him to be underestimated.
All I know is, just when we're most ready to hate Lucius, he's made himself irresistably interesting; there's a seductiveness to his pose of introspection, even if we half expect we're being conned. Look how lame Remus sounds trying to match wits, and quotes with him, even though all our moral instincts are on Remus' side.
YES!! I mean, leaving aside whatever it is they're up to, I have to so commend all the players in the way they seem to play Slytherin cunning as such an integral part of all the Slyth characters. The Gryffindors are behaving exactly as they would in canon--straightforward, heroic, chivalrous, discussing their dedication to the right cause. Meanwhile all the Slytherins seem to be...well, it's an obvious cliche, but it's like they're all suddenly writhing together like one big snake. I'm so busy watching them twist and turn I'll probably get bitten on the arse any second!
I've never been able to picture just how Slytherins were supposed to be given that description in canon, but this I can believe.
conversant @ April 23 2004, 21:58:46 UTC |
Joany-come-lately here, as usual. I've enjoyed reading all the speculation about these latest quotes. My inclination is to see Lucius (a) as one who is banking on riding the wave of Voldemort's victory [in which he has great faith] to a position as Vice-regent (the moon to Voldemort's sun) in the new empire, but also (b) as one who sees himself as a rival to his Master in cleverness and power, one who anticipates trumping the Master's plan.
Narcissa, bless her, seems to think [I think] that one ought not broadcast such self-aggrandizing ideas where the Master, who is, perhaps, not st00pid, might see them and get a clue.
I'm rather hoping that Lucius' player is reserving the ironic level of these quotes as something we may appreciate (Butterfly will be disappointed; Yum Yum [*giggle*] has a nasty revelation coming; one person's sword is another wolf's sheep [or something like that]), but which Lucius is missing in his current swell of hubris. The more I think about Narcissa's having made a strategic proposal that Draco and Lucius shot down, the more I think Lucius is riding a wave of false optimism in the wake of The Great Weasley Massacre. With all the ostentatiously sly, ambiguously threatening, cleverly double verse he's been pouring out, I think he is pumping himself up for an anticipated moment of triumph, which may not play out as he expects... [Because, okay, I'll admit it, I'm a sucker for poetic justice and pride going before the fall and all that.]
On a larger level, I'm now hoping that the game will soon give us a significant set back for Lucius of a magnitude or particular flavour that will strike at the core of potterstinks' dearest prejudices. [I'll add that my hopes for NA have a way of being disappointed by players with even better ideas, a fact which pleases me no end every time it occurs.]
black_dog @ April 23 2004, 22:42:05 UTC |
Interesting speculation on L's relationship to Voldemort. So will L be there to pick up the pieces once V has, perhaps, alienated too many people and been Savonarola-ized? Or is he Zhou Enlai to Voldemort's Mao, content to be the wise man, the philosopher, the sane one, in an adiministration of lunatics -- and an indispensible buffer between Voldemort and his greater subjects? Or is he reacting, in the wake of the Weasley murders, like that high Nazi official (whose name I cannot remember) who giggled and danced as the gas chambers were switched on, out of sheer inability to contain his sense of transgression?
I'm rather hoping that Lucius' player is reserving the ironic level of these quotes as something we may appreciate . . . but which Lucius is missing in his current swell of hubris.
I think one of the accomplishments of L's player -- and interestingly, this is very much parallel to Narcissa's player -- is to make us never quite feel safe about how many levels of irony the character himself is in control of. Just when you think you've go their number, they do something suggesting they are two steps ahead of you. I had once pinned Lucius down as a bit of a fool, for giving too much away in his conversations with Harry. But the suggestion was recently made (in another context) by L's player, that it's in Lucius' interest to be underestimated.
one person's sword is another wolf's sheep
*Runs away*
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 23:22:33 UTC |
*sings* "We've been spending most our life/living in a DE paradise..."
--his player
black_dog @ April 24 2004, 00:29:18 UTC |
With a time-rusted compass blade
Aladdin and his lamp
Sits with Utopian hermit monks
Side saddle on the Golden Calf
And on their promises of paradise
You will not hear a laugh
At all except inside the Gates of Eden
fluffers @ April 23 2004, 01:06:37 UTC |
The Mikado? Interesting choice, Lucius. I know Gilbert and Sullivan is opera (though penny opera), but it's just so.....silly. I would no sooner peg him as listening to G&S than picture Drakie-doo frollicking about to MMM-Bop.
If he starts into Pirates of Penzance, I'm going to suggest a vacation for Lucius. =o)
frozen_jelly @ April 23 2004, 01:09:54 UTC |
"I mean to rule the earth,
As he the sky-- "
Is this a reference to Voldemort ruling the sky with his dark mark?
morganmuffle @ April 23 2004, 01:11:06 UTC |
Lucius is putting himself on a level with Voldemort from the way the English sounds... pretty high claims really!
(parent)morganmuffle @ April 23 2004, 01:16:23 UTC |
Well no but this is pretty big claims even for him, maybe why Narcissa gives him those warnings in the comments...
(parent)frozen_jelly @ April 23 2004, 01:18:06 UTC |
The music he is listening to is the Sorceror's Apprentice!
(parent)morganmuffle @ April 23 2004, 01:19:34 UTC |
I hadn't even looked at that, so much love for Lucius' player right now <3
(as well as complete terror as to exactly why he's expectant and what he wants Narcissa's advice on)
frozen_jelly @ April 23 2004, 01:22:45 UTC |
And a favour. Could it be something to do with the author who is coming to Wherebooks on saturday? And Lucius knows she is going and wants her to do something, maybe speak to Remus?
(parent)morganmuffle @ April 23 2004, 01:24:52 UTC |
That sounds distinctly possible to me. Although I'm not sure how much Remus will put up with from Naricissa, he's not exactly best pleased with her at the moment
Bed. Now. NA is destroying my sleep. How is 2:30?
frozen_jelly @ April 23 2004, 01:27:00 UTC |
I have to do Ancient Greek in *counts* six and a half hours! I need sleep, but somehow I just keep pressing that refresh button. N_A has me in its thrall.
Remus and Harry too, its Hogsmeade weekend and they are hanging out :S
morganmuffle @ April 23 2004, 01:28:17 UTC |
Hogsmeade weekend... not a good sign. Plus isn't Ginny's birthday coming up kinda soon?
frozen_jelly @ April 23 2004, 01:37:10 UTC |
Ginny's birthday was today accoring to her userinfo. Poor Ginny :(
If its a Hogsmeade weekend do you think Narcissa will be meeting up with Draco?
morganmuffle @ April 23 2004, 01:38:52 UTC |
Could be I suppose.. check on his poor broken nose. I think she's more likely to go to the bookshop though (not sure why I think that).
That has got to be the world's worst birthday for Ginny. Just beyond anything you can imagine :-(
frozen_jelly @ April 23 2004, 01:43:02 UTC |
I feel like we should make her a card or something, like she's really our friend an its her birthday and she needs cheering up! How weird is that?
I somehow think Draco won't want to see Narcissa, after all she took Harry's side (to an extent) about the broken nose incident. But I think she definately will want to see Remus, maybe try and fix their friendship, not that I think its going to work - Remus sees 'Malfoy' and uses his scary wolf icon atm.
morganmuffle @ April 23 2004, 01:46:18 UTC |
I know what you mean. They do feel like people you know sometimes and the idea that Ginny must be sitting there on her birthday thinking about what happened to her brothers... just makes me want to give her a huge hug (or get Cho or Luna over to her quicksmart!)
That scary wolf icon frightens me, seeing Remus lose control is very odd and not nice. I really wouldn't want to upset him. Think about how willing he was to kill Pettigrew in PoA, this is not a fluffy guy!
frozen_jelly @ April 23 2004, 01:48:55 UTC |
Yes, i definately think he has a nasty side, which doesn't come out often. After all the Potters must have had some reason to suspect he was a spy for Voldemort back in the day.
Is Cho going to stay out in Romania, or is she going to come back, do you think?
morganmuffle @ April 23 2004, 01:50:36 UTC |
Not sure. I'd like for her to come back but then again I can see why she wouldn't want to. It'd be nice for Ginny to see her I think, and for Remus maybe (they got on I think) but she's not really close to any of the others except Charlie *sob*
(parent)frozen_jelly @ April 23 2004, 01:53:07 UTC |
And Ginny has kind of moved on what with Luna and Evan. Poor Cho. Its strange even though Charlie wasn't very active, it seemed, his death affects so many people. The Weasleys obviously, Cho, Seamus, Remus, Luna (as a collective Weasley thing), Harry
(parent)morganmuffle @ April 23 2004, 01:44:22 UTC |
Well yes but then a lot of people in RL have birthdays in April too so I suppose it isn't TOO odd.
(parent)morganmuffle @ April 23 2004, 01:48:40 UTC |
Hee. I never thought about that, school holidays seem to have a big effect *giggles*
(parent)darcourt @ April 23 2004, 01:28:23 UTC |
I love the creativity the players put into their musical selections! I almost fell off my chair when he was listening to "Samuel Hexber's 'Adagio for Strings'". It was great, and really appropriate for the content of his post. Lucius' player, I <3 you.
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 01:36:17 UTC |
I'm a music geek, if you couldn't tell. And I do love my classical. Music's what I do for a living, you might say.
(parent)darcourt @ April 23 2004, 02:04:01 UTC |
:) So does Lucius enjoy Wagner? Because that seems fiendishly appropriate. I mean, beyond the Nazi connection, anyone who could sit through the entire Ring cycle *must* be evil. ;)
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 04:08:37 UTC |
I never could bring myself to sit through it! You must be right. He likes Wagner, Mahler, and Bartok. Eeesh.
--his player
vassilissa @ April 23 2004, 05:34:15 UTC |
Mahler. He really is insane, evil and monomanical.
I bet he dislikes Schoenberg. :-D
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 05:42:43 UTC |
He does, and he loathes Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakoff, and Mozart.
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 23:31:31 UTC |
You nailed the Rimsky-Korsakoff. He doesn't like Mozart because his music is so emotionally evocative (to Lucius) and Lucius does. not. like. emotion. (Much like his player) Tchaikovsky is, to Lucius, fluffy and derivative. He'd go insane if he were forced to listen to DeBussy. He does like Shostakovich a lot.
He adores Salieri, however. Think about why he likes Salieri over Mozart and you've got yourself a huge clue.
--his player
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 21:38:06 UTC |
Who is Mozart? Ah, think on that one, darling. There are two likely candidates. One obvious one and one that's not immediately apparent.
--his player
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onewallaway @ April 27 2004, 00:16:47 UTC |
Considering possible candidates:
If Voldemort is one, then it means Lucius doesn't like him, sees him as competition. If I remember correctly, Salieri pretends to... not exactly support, but not directly oppose Mozarrt for some time. Yet he's happy when Mozart dies. Wasn't there a song that we were interpreting as he considers himself on the same level as Voldemort? I can't find it right now, but it would fit.
If Narcissa is one, then she's a hell of a lot more powerful than we usually think she is. Perhaps he's concerned about her interfering with his career (as a Death Eater), as Salieri was concerned about Mozart taking jobs that would previously have gone to Salieri. Is Narcissa is taking a more active role in the DE community? She probably was important in the death of Kiki Leavenshire, and there was another one, too.
Arthur Weasley could be one. Lucius openly hates him, yet as hezzabeth pointed out, he has admitted to being jealous of the Weasleys. Salieri hated Mozart but envied him his success. If we view it as Mozart=entire Weasley family, then Mozart is (at least partially) dead and therefore Lucius has gotten what he wanted. The movie ends there, and I can't recall learning anything more about the rivalry after Mozart dies.
Dumbledore would be a fairly obvious one based on canon, but with his role almost eliminated in this RPG, it's not really necessary.
Remus is a possiblity, too. The DEs have already attacked him, though, and he pulled through OK. It's his (former) closeness to Narcissa that makes him a likely candidate, as a threat to their perfect marriage image, perhaps. Back when Narcissa was being rebellious, Remus as Mozart would make sense. However, now that he's made it clear that he no longer thinks highly of her, he's not much of a threat to Lucius, besides the general hatred that most people have for him.
Could Harry be one? Harry is close to Draco, which Lucius doesn't like. Harry could possibly be closer to Draco than Lucius is, which would make Lucius understandably antsy. If Lucius can get Harry out of Draco's life, Lucius will have better control of his son. Harry is Draco's strongest connection to the good guys. If that connection can be broken, then Draco would be much more inclined to join the DEs.
tabiji @ April 23 2004, 01:59:38 UTC |
Hmm, I was under the impression it's referring to more of a partnership?
Maybe Lucius is moving up in the DE ranks and Narcissa is trying to tell him to watch his back--not to trust Voldie?
fluffers @ April 23 2004, 01:11:22 UTC |
I know, I'm just saying that I'm surprised Lucius used G&S, that's all.
(parent)frozen_jelly @ April 23 2004, 01:21:24 UTC |
"He scorns to tell a story!" seems to me to be Lucius saying he does not lie, or fabricate stories. But we know Lucius isn't honest about things, so how can this be right?
(parent)vassilissa @ April 23 2004, 05:36:04 UTC |
In the context of the song, it means "If I were modest, it'd be a lie."
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 01:44:01 UTC |
For I am a pirate king... and it is, it is a glorious thing, to be a pirate king! *snickers*
--His player
vassilissa @ April 23 2004, 05:36:46 UTC |
Yet everybody says I'm such a disagreeable man,
And I can't think why!
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dry_your_eyes @ April 23 2004, 04:26:09 UTC |
Much love to Lucius and Narcissa (wait, rather to their players!)
Shall we pop over to Kiev for dinner and a samovar of tea?
I'm from Kiev. (it's the capital of Ukraine, btw) And it's so great to see the name of the city spelled properly :) Thank you guys!
and even more love for
Pity we can't dine at that tiny cafe in Pripyat anymore, but the muggles will insist on destroying the land. .
He's refering to Chernobyl nuclear plant explosion in 1986. On the 26th it'll be 18 years since the accident. And Pripyat is a bigger city next to Chernobyl.
If you're interested, you can read more about it here.
Lucius' player, you made my day! <3
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Anonymous @ April 23 2004, 05:09:18 UTC |
That's why I made the reference. I knew the anniversary was coming up and it is something worth remembering, I think. Plus I've always wanted to visit Russia. Such an amazing country, with a rich history and if anyone knows how to survive, it's Russians.
I'm so glad I made your day--I was hoping that wouldn't upset anyone. I felt like it was worth reminding people of.
BTW, you're on my flist and I've got to hit you up for some Russian pop music. (does that give my identity away?)
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dry_your_eyes @ April 23 2004, 12:58:29 UTC |
BTW, you're on my flist
When I read that post I instantly knew who you were =) Then I started to think about Lucius and his character (*coughgreatmusictastecough*) and relized that I should have guessed long ago! oh well, it just proves how daft I am :)
I've got to hit you up for some Russian pop music.
any time! Contact me the way you think is best!
vassilissa @ April 23 2004, 05:28:34 UTC |
*singing student reads the post and bursts out laughing*
Lucius is so an opera queen.
nannyo @ April 23 2004, 08:53:53 UTC |
SO it looks like Lucius is saying he will wait where he is, because after all, he is JUST as good as the sun and the moon (hmmmm). So is he trying to say that all this is his doing? or that it isn't his doing, but other people (the Weasleys etc) were stupid to put themselves in the line of fire (hence all of his pointed comments)?
Then Narcissa warns him to shut up, and distracts him?
Oh, I don't know, I have just started trying to analyse this all, and now I'm fixating on it.