lazy_daze @ 2004-04-25 16:33:00 |
(no title)
Mood: indescribable
Narcissa updates. She has actually got. Draco. A cane. I do not know what to think, except I do share Sinistra's reservations about a miniture Lucius. Just what we need. *sigh* I really cannot imagine Draco clanking around with a cane, though. I imagine he'd look ridiculous.
And there's also the same old 'associate' business. Hmm. Hopefully this has nothing to do with whatever seems to be approaching (judging by what someone said about Lucius' moods recently) *wibbles a bit anyway*
jupistrahan @ April 25 2004, 17:51:06 UTC |
*snogs you for posting this link*
I want it so very much. *melts happily*
pokethegeek @ April 25 2004, 15:51:49 UTC |
hahaha. a cane?! Can't wait for draco's response.
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Anonymous @ April 25 2004, 15:58:32 UTC |
It's not silver like Lucius's. It's gold. As in Gryffindor Gold. Either it's difficult to find an attractive photo of a silver cane, or Narcissa has made her first fashion faux pas in years, or else Narcissa might be trying to say something.
divinelight @ April 25 2004, 16:07:56 UTC |
I noticed that too!!! My first thought was, "Ew. Gold? What's Narcissa thinking?" Then that slowly progressed too: "Gold stands for Gryffindor....J_H/PS!!!!!"
Heh. Takes me awhile sometimes but I tend to get there.
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adolfa @ April 25 2004, 16:23:01 UTC |
Alas. Now Draco, too, cannot wear sunglasses without looking like an idiot. /:)
(parent)jupistrahan @ April 25 2004, 17:52:20 UTC |
Wahh, I think he could pull it off - with the right outfit, of course.
*snogs your icon*
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adolfa @ April 25 2004, 18:18:42 UTC |
I doubt whether even Draco can pull off sunglasses and a cane without looking blind.
jupistrahan @ April 25 2004, 23:27:37 UTC |
Maybe I should try my hand at blind!Draco... Wonder how he'd feel about the inferrence. XD
lazy_daze @ April 25 2004, 17:26:21 UTC |
Gah! Stop scaring me! That whole thing with the silver sounds entirely too plausible for my comfort O_o...
(parent)jupistrahan @ April 25 2004, 17:56:14 UTC |
*wibbles coldly*
For some reason, the silver mine never even occured to me.... *shivers* Don't do it, Narcissa! I adore you too much for you to turn on a long-time friend like this! I'll never forgive you if he's hurt!
bookofjude @ April 26 2004, 03:15:32 UTC |
It's possible, but somehow I doubt it, because why would they need a silver mine when a couple of silver bullets could likely do the trick? Unless they're planning on mass producing bullets, but Remus is the only werewolf around, right?
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greenvarnish @ April 26 2004, 04:59:30 UTC |
The only one, as far as canon seems to go, who is indefinitely on The Good Side.
(parent)bookofjude @ April 26 2004, 05:09:18 UTC |
I do seem to remember other werewolves having been mentioned in NA canon, but can't seem to dredge them out of my mind at the minute. But either way, unless Dumbledore has recruited an army of werewolves and Voldemort has found out about it, I don't think that the silver mine has anything to do with werewolves. Of course, I could me totally wrong! :))
(parent)catloveralex @ April 25 2004, 17:00:22 UTC |
*Chokes* She.Got.Him.A.Cane???
Oh goody. It'll be interesting to see what Lucius-junior- er, Draco posts in response to his present.
pengolodh_sc @ April 25 2004, 22:44:01 UTC |
And now Lucius answers - "as you can imagine, it was rather a hard letter to write but Draco's welfare is of the utmost concern."
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 25 2004, 23:59:39 UTC |
Hmmm...that doesn't sound good. Is the cane supposed to be the spoonful of sugar helping the medicine go down?
(parent)conversant @ April 26 2004, 03:08:36 UTC |
Or an appropriate accessory for his new station in life. They feel confident he won't disappoint them. I wonder. He seemed to admire the idea of a cane in his conversation with Narcissa, and yet also indicated (seemed to) that he had no need of props to make himself commanding. I had the feeling that either he had no inkling what her gift signified or he was hoping that by pretending ignorance he could avoid the issue.
I wonder what Lucius has asked Draco to do. If it was an invitation to appear for an initiation ceremony, they could have done that over the holiday. I think it may be a request that he take some action at Hogwarts that only he is in a position to accomplish. And I wonder how Draco will respond. It doesn't seem as though his usual strategies for fobbing off his parents' inconvenient demands/ideas/plans will work this time around. -- Now, according to Lucius, there is someone other than his parents who will judge Draco's actions: if that doesn't sound ominous, I don't know what would.
sistermagpie @ April 26 2004, 03:20:37 UTC |
Yes, this is definitely a test so they must be asking him to do something...but what? What would he need to do at Hogwarts?
I wonder how Draco will handle it too...he's got a pretty bad record with these things, actually. He slept through his duel with Terry. Also, I got the impression Narcissa had pressured him to lose his virginity (presumably with a girl) by 16 and his frantic dating didn't seem to be successful. The one thing he did well was his try-out for the Cannons, but he didn't accept the position. He did seem to please Lucius by applying for the MoM position, but that was also ridiculous.
It sounds like a DE-type thing, of course, though it's really hard to imagine Voldemort or any DE, really, being impressed by Draco. If I were the Dark Lord I really can't see wanting him in my Death Eaters.:)
But perhaps we're being led down a false path in thinking that way. Lucius starts out saying this was a hard letter to write but he had to do it for Draco's welfare, then both of them refer to it as containing some kind of test. This seems to cast their recent fawning in a more sinister light...were they buttering him up knowing something was going to be asked of him? But what? Maybe they're getting somebody there to protect him and the test would be if Draco could behave well in that situation? I've no clue whatsoever.
He really does seem like a little lamb wandering into a den of wolves sometimes. The one bit of hope is Draco's own bad personality-if this is a test that would be dangerous to him if he passed it, perhaps his bad personality could work in his favor for once.:-D
sistermagpie @ April 26 2004, 03:46:04 UTC |
Also, is it me or does this definitely sound like Narcissa's doing? I notice that when Lucius says it was a difficult letter to write Narcissa responds with her ring icon, which is what she usually uses when she's being intimidating, putting her foot down, getting serious. Lucius sounds like he's not sure about it while Narcissa is telling him it had to be done.
Lucius says *if* Draco passes this test they will know they've done their best by him, but Narcissa replies by saying they have done their best by him, full stop.
black_dog @ April 26 2004, 04:02:31 UTC |
This reasoning sounds pretty persuasive. She also uses the phrase "it inevitably had to be written, as you well know" which sounds almost like a rebuke to Lucius for complaining about having to write it.
If this is Narcissa's project, and we should take seriously her apparent willingess to out-DE the DE's in recent messages, then I tremble a little at the thought of what Draco might be up to. What would still be within his capabilities, whose limits you point out above? Probably not something that requires a face-to-face confrontation then. Something sneaky, like undermining Hogwarts' defenses or stealing some information?
sistermagpie @ April 26 2004, 15:07:41 UTC |
You know what's even more wonderfully sinister in this scenario, is that Narcissa is suggesting she and Draco fly together on Friday (the big day) because they havea lot of things to discuss. And that makes me think about Lupin being the one to suggest Narcissa take up flying so that she would have something in common with Draco. If this whole time Narcissa has had bad designs on Draco it's just so awful to imagine Remus unwittingly helping her along.
I definitely took her comment to Lucius as a rebuke with the "as you well know."
black_dog @ April 26 2004, 16:32:52 UTC |
If this whole time Narcissa has had bad designs on Draco it's just so awful to imagine Remus unwittingly helping her along.
It really is painful to think about. What to make, too, of the big fight in Italy last summer, if she had pro-DE designs? I just have trouble believing that Narcissa means Draco harm, though who knows what she imagines would be to his benefit, as her calculations about survival change and evolve.
OK, just because the situation is wide open, I'm trying to imagine a positive role for Narcissa here -- maybe a Macbeth scenario for Voldemort's visit? That would certainly be a juicy development, and it might make sense of a lot of things. But it's a bit out there.
sistermagpie @ April 26 2004, 17:12:49 UTC |
Wasn't the big fight over Lucius sleeping with Sirius?
I would agree that doing things for Draco's benefit would be the goal here, and the things we should be afraid of. I don't think she'd be actively seeking to harm him.
black_dog @ April 26 2004, 03:46:39 UTC |
Yes, this is definitely a test so they must be asking him to do something...but what?
I wondered briefly if the test were less a specific, tangible thing and more to do with D's reaction to whatever L has up his sleeve. Especially if L is going to run off and put himself in danger, and Draco's "test" is to rise to the occasion as the new Head of the Manor? That might be consistent with his new cane, too! But I'm not sure it works with the comment about "someone else" being the judge of his success -- unless that "someone else" just means that Lucius won't be around to do it.
I'm not wedded to this theory at all -- just turning it over as a possibility. This is definitely one of those cases where it's hard to speculate without more evidence.
He really does seem like a little lamb wandering into a den of wolves sometimes.
Hahahahaha! Well, maybe. ;)
sistermagpie @ April 26 2004, 15:56:27 UTC |
But I'm not sure it works with the comment about "someone else" being the judge of his success -- unless that "someone else" just means that Lucius won't be around to do it.
What else makes me wonder is that Lucius says Draco might need to rest on Friday night, which seems to imply that he'll come home for tea and might need to recover before going back to Hogwarts on Saturday. Narcissa suggests flying Friday evening. Draco had originally suggested coming back Friday night. So it seems like there's not so much he'll be doing that takes up time, but that whatever it is will be overwhelming and require recovery. Draco's withdrawal from the conversation (where he claimed to need more rest) seemed panicky.
This doesn't have to mean he'll be doing something physically taxing-he could just be about to face a mental stress. I still find it hard to believe this is literally about taking the mark, because why give that to him when he's still at school and it would probably be spotted? And wouldn't he have to earn it, anyway? If this involves important DEs or Voldemort personally I'd think it would just be an actual meeting with him to see if he had a future with him (the alternative of which seems to be he'd have no future at all).
black_dog @ April 26 2004, 16:21:13 UTC |
You know I am obsessed with chronology, so I'm trying to get the times straight here. He is to meet with the Headmaster and Snape first thing in the morning -- 7.10. Presumably this is to discuss Lucius' request to excuse him, but hopefully the grownups will be probing, here, and maybe even intervening. He is to return home for tea (4-ish?) so that he "has time to make himself presentable." Presentable for tea, or presentable for dinner since he'll be home a few hours early? Then he is to go flying in the evening. I assume one doesn't actually fly at night, so evening is maybe twilight -- 7:00 or so here in DC, maybe 8:00 at the latitude of Wiltshire (someone might correct me.) I assume this is going to be after whatever is going to happen, since otherwise flying would muss up his efforts to be presentable. So whatever is going to happen, is likely going to happen between tea and early evening. It doesn't even seem likely to be a proper dinner, unless Voldemort is one of those vulgar people who eats at 5:30 or so. :) Afterwards, he is to sleep at home and "rest up" for his Quidditch match.
Hmmm. It just occurred to me that the part that complicates the schedule here is the flying in the evening. Given what you said about flying and Remus, could the reference to flying be yet another code?
Anyway, I agree with you that whatever is going to happen is not going to take much time and is going to be stressful but not actually debilitating. (Unless they are coddling him, letting him believe it won't interfere with his Quidditch match.)
I think your skepticism about whether PS would be much use to Voldemort right now is fully justified, but is that the only criterion for taking the Mark? Given the status of the Malfoys, might PS not be marked before he is much use, either as a courtesy or a sort of family ritual? Or to commit Draco to one side at a vulnerable moment, and continue to work on his development later? Lucius suggests he made a similar choice at a similar age.
Switching threads, poor PS is so terrified that I'm almost willing to revisit your "lamb" imagery. :) I can certainly understand why Harry's through with him, though. Even if he were inclined to help PS, which I don't think he is, I doubt he could face Ron afterward. And the consequence may be to force PS back entirely on his own resources, to see what he's made of, which might also be half of Harry's purpose. (The other half being, that he doesn't care any more.)
Is there anyone who would intercede with Harry on PS' behalf? Presumably none of the adults knows about the hidden thread, though. I wonder if Harry would talk to Remus, or if some information might get back to Remus from the Snape meeting? I wonder if Ron might show an unexpected side and step up despite his pain, but that may be the sentimentalist in me!
Well, I am drifting without an anchor here, not that that isn't fun, but I have really no idea whatsoever what's going on or how it's going to turn out. Time for another bowl of popcorn!
sistermagpie @ April 26 2004, 16:58:29 UTC |
I thought the meeting with the headmaster would be this morning--Monday, to discuss his behavior, and his leaving for the weekend too.
Given what you said about flying and Remus, could the reference to flying be yet another code?
Like the peaches--that kind of code?;-)
And the consequence may be to force PS back entirely on his own resources, to see what he's made of, which might also be half of Harry's purpose. (The other half being, that he doesn't care any more.)
But that assumes Harry's got a real idea of what's going on when they could just be at cross-purposes. I'm just not seeing a Harry here who has some plan for ps or who doesn't care. I thought Harry was furious and hurt in that thread and that it was keeping him from listening to ps in a way that he would have if he wasn't. It didn't seem to me like Harry was thinking of what anybody else would think at all--it sounded like he was personally hurt and needed an explanation for Draco's behavior.
So I thought Harry was completely unaware of any larger danger to ps, that this was one time Harry was the one not paying attention to the bigger picture. Harry wouldn't necessarily have any reason to think that what Draco wants to talk to him about is anything important (really) at all. After all, ps is always making silly demands about things and trying to get Harry to run around for him. Harry wouldn't know about any letter he'd gotten, or what it was about if he did.
So I can understand why Harry's not listening to him but I don't think it's because Harry's happily handing him over to the DEs or wants to see him face that himself. I don't think he wants Draco with Voldemort whether or not the two of them are together. I thought it was more of a boy who cried wolf situation (though not really at all--bad analogy) that Harry figured whatever Draco wanted to talk to him about was more of the same when it wasn't. I thought Harry was having a personal argument with Draco that had nothing whatsoever to do with V issues and everything to do with how Draco treated other people-the Weasleys, Lavender. I thought he really wanted Draco to know he wanted to kill him on the train, wanted him to know how angry Draco makes him and what the hell is wrong with him that makes him act this way?
So yeah, generally Harry seemed very hurt and angry and wanted to know WHY do you do these things? It's like he can't really make a judgment on ps' character because he doesn't understand it--to Harry it seems like he's insane. And Draco, to make things worse, is still trying not to reveal anything, acting like what he said to the Weasleys and Lavender wasn't important, was beside the point, but I think to Harry that's what they're talking about. It's the same trouble they've always had, only now it might get both of them really really in danger.
If Harry understood there was a possibility of V-involvement here, I don't think he'd suddenly stop being furious at ps, but I don't think he'd have just shut him off either. I thought part of the tragedy here was that Harry could get hurt himself because Draco had made him so angry that when he had something Harry really needed to hear Harry wouldn't listen.
black_dog @ April 26 2004, 22:08:29 UTC |
So I thought Harry was completely unaware of any larger danger to ps, that this was one time Harry was the one not paying attention to the bigger picture.
Yeah, or maybe looking for the wrong picture. I think he does register PS' desparation, but hopes it can be attributed to remorse, or panic and regret over his own unbelievably obnoxiou behavior, rather than to any real danger. Maybe he hoped that the injury to Lavender might have finally woken PS up. That's what Harry seemed to be probing for, anyway.
I thought it was interesting that Harry ignored PS until he begged, until he said "Please" in huge letters. And then Harry was willing to at least give him a hearing. But PS blew it, he immediately puffed up his pride again and put Harry right off. What's so sad here is that I think, even now, Harry would forgive, or at least be willing to deal with, a genuinely contrite PS who gave some account of himself. Harry was asking him, over and over, "Are you crazy? What is wrong with you?"
Stupid, stupid PS, for letting his pride get in the way at the most disastrous time, and then for dropping it when it's too late. I'm inclined to agree with you that the screened comment is a declaration of love. Or maybe it's equivalent -- "I need you," "I can't function without you." But how disastrous to couple it with the phrase that consistently infuriates Harry -- "Because it's you." PS maybe could have saved the situation, I think by being a little more forthcoming on Lavender or the Weasleys -- "I don't know, maybe I am crazy, I can't figure it out, I need to talk to you about it."
More to talk about on this, as always, but maybe it's best to shift the discussion up to your new thread.
Like the peaches--that kind of code?;-)
Exactly! Glad you're finally sold on that! ;)
sistermagpie @ April 26 2004, 16:25:36 UTC |
Oh, and presumably April 30th is important because it's Walpurgis night? Draco had, I recall, wanted to have his party on this night, but didn't because of the Quidditch match, holding out hope that he might celebrate it with a few close friends...?
(parent)black_dog @ April 26 2004, 16:49:50 UTC |
holding out hope that he might celebrate it with a few close friends
Oh, the ironies! Oh, woe! This is a great point, actually. So if PS is going to meet Voldemort, it may be as part of a DE holiday or gathering of some sort.
Although -- wait a minute, I'm confused about chronology again. I took Lucius' summons to be for today, for a meeting tonight, then staying for a while at the Manor, though he would return for his Quidditch match. Is the summons for Friday? *facepalms*
sistermagpie @ April 26 2004, 17:13:49 UTC |
Okay, I went back to see and Lucius says he looks forward to seeing Draco on Friday, so I thought that was when he would be going home.
(parent)ekaterinn @ April 26 2004, 02:57:42 UTC |
They're talking about Draco undergoing some kind of test...could it be a Death Eater initiation of some kind? *wibbles*
(parent)ekaterinn @ April 26 2004, 03:12:29 UTC |
I want to tell Harry to take Draco and hide him, but I don't even know if Draco would accept anybody's help at this point...or would even want to.
(parent)vassilissa @ April 26 2004, 01:51:04 UTC |
Pity he's been dedicatedly alienating almost everyone in the school since term started again.
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greenvarnish @ April 26 2004, 05:04:02 UTC I've got a theory! |
It's...a PORTKEY.
It could be. Maybe. *shuts up*
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greenvarnish @ April 27 2004, 05:42:40 UTC Re: I've got a theory! |
Pretty damn silly is what it is, haha.
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 06:12:41 UTC |
x_x It's gotta be DE initiation, or something leading up to it.