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greenvarnish @ 2004-04-26 00:47:00 |
first time posting!
Mood: infuriated
Parvati's updated now. About Lavender. And it's enough to make anyone want to break Draco's nose again.
nabiki @ April 26 2004, 04:58:01 UTC |
Ahhh...if everyone at hogwarts wasn't done with him before, I reckon they will be now.
Even though he's managed to alienate himself from everyone except his parents and maybe MB, I still love him :(
jupistrahan @ April 26 2004, 05:27:38 UTC |
*nods* I keep telling myself that he's doing this because he's insecure, and doesn't know where to stand what with the Death Eaters resuming their reign of terror. I think he's deliberately pushing them all away early, so that he's not hurt so badly when things happen to them... and he knows they will... *wibbles*
(parent)ekaterinn @ April 26 2004, 05:10:17 UTC |
Ouch. Poor Lavender! I hope she'll be all right and finally get some real help for her eating disorder. *huggles character*
*ponders* Malfoy's not usually this much of an asshole. Could he be under Imperius or some other curse? Is it just stress? Or could he be deliberately alienating himself from everybody on purpose? And if so, to what end?
*ponders more* So many questions...
pengolodh_sc @ April 26 2004, 07:27:18 UTC |
If the letter from his parents is demanding he do some thing or other that he does not want to do, he may be hoping to be expelled from school, so that he is prevented from doing it. Alternatively, this is the common fanfic-tool of doing something vile and nasty to gain access to the professors without being seen as asking the professors to talk to them.
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greenvarnish @ April 27 2004, 05:47:29 UTC |
That's an understatement. I loved ps, but this sort of behaviour...he's gonna have a hard time digging himself out of the hole full of shit he's thrown himself into.
(parent)cyrindha @ April 26 2004, 06:59:05 UTC |
In some ways reading about Lavender hurts as much as Molly's post before, perhaps because I can so easily see this happening in real life. At least Parvati's defending her and I appreciate her for that.
(parent)slinkhard @ April 26 2004, 10:14:58 UTC |
Day 85867
Still free of the urge to break noses.
I don't think this is gonna do it... ;)
Seriously, maybe it's the best thing that could happen to her.
The injury I mean, not the comment.
A shock will hopefully wake her up to how thin she's become.
And the 'fat girl' comment is reminding me of Martin and Sonia in Eastenders, for some reason.
(OMG, could I have guessed NA's secret ps/pinkstarsgirlie plan?!)
portkey @ April 26 2004, 11:11:36 UTC |
.. I want to gouge my brain out for being able to figure out what that meant, even though it took several seconds.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 26 2004, 14:55:24 UTC |
I'd love to know what exactly she did to ps that started this because he has been encouraging her eating disorder for over a year, and it does seem like some kind of revenge. When I heard about exactly what happened I wondered if Lavender did something like this to him. Did she make some comment that cut him to the quick a long time ago? The whole thing about kissing her and then rejecting her--that sounds like something you'd do to someone who made you feel that way yourself. I feel like she must have humiliated him at some point, though he once hinted she'd done something and he might not have brought that up if she scored a point off him, so maybe it's more something she did rather than humiliating him with a comment. I don't know.
Harry's interest is wonderful, though, because it sounds like a combination of being angry at Draco's kissing anybody else and the more important fact that he kissed someone just to hurt them. Does he feel Draco pulled the same thing with him? (And I do believe Draco that he didn't really mean to physically hurt her.) Maybe Draco overheard Lavender say something??
But maybe I'm wrong because I'm feeling like this is some kind of culmination to a plan when it's just part of his on-going attack on her which poor Lavender falls for. He may have just flailed around and when the eating disorder presented itself he ran with that. And maybe his kissing her was about Harry as well as Lavender. Ugh. no idea.
Also, there's something wonderfully meta about all of this when you consider that Lavender ships herself with Scorpio Nespoir.
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 20:26:13 UTC |
Did you see Neville's comment? I thought it was wonderfully insightful... about how perhaps if perhaps even the skeletal Lavender is too "fat" to date, since he "doesn't date fat girls", then perhaps all Draco is doing is confirming the fact that he doesn't want to date ANY girls.
Yay for Neville.
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 23:11:14 UTC |
acetal @ April 27 2004, 09:31:13 UTC |
I just noticed the subject line of the post. Usually my eyes skip straight over them. The Skinny? I adore gallows humour.