oconel @ 2004-04-26 08:45:00 |
(no title)
Draco wants Harry to answer him
Wasn't him the one running away every time Harry posted?
nabiki @ April 26 2004, 06:41:05 UTC |
this post has me both very sad for draco and also very excited :>
(parent)tabiji @ April 26 2004, 06:45:44 UTC |
I wonder if they're emailing, or whether they're communicating on old posts again?
(parent)bookofjude @ April 26 2004, 06:46:11 UTC |
How interesting I wonder if this is about the Lavender incident, or perhaps something else...
(parent)bookofjude @ April 26 2004, 06:49:29 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
omg. :|
(parent)bookofjude @ April 26 2004, 06:50:42 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
What is the screened comment?
(parent)tabiji @ April 26 2004, 06:54:43 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
My guess is the L word...but Harry doesn't believe him because ps has been such an ass. Also maybe Harry thinks that he's saying it now because he wants something from Harry?
bookofjude @ April 26 2004, 06:55:51 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
It's possible. The shipper in me screams at it. :)) but it's also possible that he said something entirely innocent, or perhaps related to the L word but not involving the L word. Sexuality, etc.
(parent)tabiji @ April 26 2004, 06:57:43 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
Look, if I say it's Love every time anything happens on NA, eventually I will be correct. :))
(parent)bookofjude @ April 26 2004, 06:58:33 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
Yes, and I am just here to stick a pin in the balloon of your hope.
(parent)nabiki @ April 26 2004, 06:59:53 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
hahaha well I think this time you'd probably be correct...magic 8 ball says all signs point to yes :_;
AH MAN I HATE YOU N_A I'm never sleeping now :/
nabiki @ April 26 2004, 06:52:57 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
Ahhhhhhh I just found this as well and was going to blab!
Ok going back to reading! AHHHHH
oconel @ April 26 2004, 06:54:10 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
Do Malfoys say please and need?
The screened comment!!!
tabiji @ April 26 2004, 06:56:36 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
Draco is really acting desperate. I didn't think the correspondence from Lucius and Narcissa was really anything sinister, but now I'm starting to second guess that.
(parent)oconel @ April 26 2004, 07:01:18 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
I hope Dumbledore would talk to him about it
(parent)eponis @ April 26 2004, 06:57:25 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
He said "Because I love you, Potter."
I know he said it.
I know he did.
Is there, like, a chat going on?
tabiji @ April 26 2004, 06:58:41 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
If there isn't there really really needs to be one! :D
(parent)bookofjude @ April 26 2004, 07:00:52 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
Are you leaving me standing in the rain?
(parent)oconel @ April 26 2004, 06:58:57 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
I'm sure he said that!!!
(parent)bookofjude @ April 26 2004, 06:59:13 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
We could do one on Y!M if you were on. I don't have AIM installed on this PC or I'd start a wibblechat.
(parent)eponis @ April 26 2004, 07:01:31 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
::weeps:: I'm in the library and on a computer that won't do Y!M. All I can do is AIM. Um . . . ?
P.S. to Draco's player: If you give me a star on my previous comment, I will mail you bouquets, dedicate my next story to you, and send you a real print of my most recent drawing! Really!
bookofjude @ April 26 2004, 07:03:11 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
I shall install Trillian then. And your most recent drawing is just a photoshopped version of a photo, I know your ways. *leer*
(parent)eponis @ April 26 2004, 07:05:11 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
Nooo! You have discovered me!
(draco's hed iz pastede on yay!)
jupistrahan @ April 26 2004, 08:16:12 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
I just can't help but wonder how this live thread was found so quickly! *nudge nudge*
(parent)oconel @ April 27 2004, 10:22:04 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
I agree.
It took only 5 min.
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 18:31:23 UTC Re: THEY ARE COMMENTING ON AN OLD JH POST!! |
Oh my god. Hopefully he is appealing to Harry for help because he doesn't want to go home and to his DE initiation and eeeeeeeeeek!
(parent)_deliquesce @ April 26 2004, 06:58:00 UTC |
Could it be that Lucius and Narcissa is taking ps out of Hogwarts? ps seems pretty panicked.
(parent)firewalkwithme @ April 26 2004, 19:29:12 UTC |
Hahaha, look what you've done to me. I love you. I won't tell you what I thought this community was at first when I saw it on your friends list.
(parent)laurac0re @ April 26 2004, 07:29:37 UTC |
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oconel @ April 26 2004, 07:35:09 UTC |
you've far more important things to worry about.
I don't like that!!!
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nyxforsythe @ April 26 2004, 07:38:41 UTC |
It sounds like he is being taken out of school to me in Draco's reply.
oconel @ April 26 2004, 07:40:47 UTC |
Harry. Answer him. Right now. Please
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nyxforsythe @ April 26 2004, 07:47:20 UTC |
Dark Mark Time?? No it can't be.!!! For Gods sake Harry Answer HIM!!!!
(parent)oconel @ April 26 2004, 07:56:50 UTC |
I'd suggest staying at the Manor Friday night; you might need some rest
Know that your mother and I are very proud of you
Sounds like Dark mark time
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nyxforsythe @ April 26 2004, 08:00:38 UTC |
I cannot believe how upset over this I am. I am far too involved in this RPG. *cries* I am supposed to be writing an essay, But Draco! And Harry! And evil evil Lucius! He is emotionally blackmailing Draco!!
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nyxforsythe @ April 26 2004, 08:14:14 UTC |
Shite I wrote a really long response to this but it wouldn't post. Basically it said after reading a few more posts I take back my original statement. I think Lucius is really encouraging Draco to choose his own path.
(parent)oconel @ April 26 2004, 08:24:26 UTC |
He sounds like a loving father, doesnt he?
I still don't trust him.
ungemmed @ April 26 2004, 09:52:48 UTC |
He does and he doesn't. "I'm proud of you," from Lucius, inevitably sounds like emotional blackmail. While there's been a lot of speculation from the community as to faint-spark-of-good!Lucius (based on the poetry posts, and to some extent his old envy of the Weasley's closeness) his remark about never looking back makes it seem like he's resolved those issues. Either that or he's put on a front of resolving those issues because he thinks that his decision to join Voldie was overall the right one. Needless to say, either of those cases are ones where he wouldn't support Draco's decision either way.
Either that or (Ernie time!) because of the necessity of putting on this united-front pose in regard to the DEs, and his historical emotional distance from Draco, he doesn't feel that he can express these emotions to Draco in any way besides this pseudo-blackmail.... if that makes any sense? I don't know. Whatever they are saying it probably isn't straightforward as the Malfoys never seem to be straightforward about anything. (Except peach.)
zedmeister @ April 26 2004, 07:58:11 UTC |
I have faith in Harry. I really do. For all that Draco really doesn't deserve it, he *will* come to his rescue. He wouldn't be Harry otherwise. And even though N_A is now exploring the pain inherent in growing up, I don't think that this is a quality Harry will lose as he gains maturity and perspective. He's already been through so much that could have obliterated his noble side, I don't think this will be the thing that hardens him.
Or, well, I hope it won't. *wibbles*
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 08:19:42 UTC |
I hope you are right. I'm also hoping that this is it takes for Draco to figure out what is really important to him and, if need be, BEG Harry's forgiveness. He's got a lot of work ahead of him if he wants to Harry to think well of him--in any form.
But the hat didn't put him in Slytherin just to boost house numbers; if he wants something, he knows how to go about getting it. That's part of what it means to be in Slytherin.
jupistrahan @ April 26 2004, 08:23:57 UTC |
Must you add in the last part? It makes me wibble something fierce.
I think I'll stop caring about what is actually right, and keep my thinking going "He can get what he wants, which is why he's in Slytherin; all he wants right now is Harry's forgiveness and to have crazy nookie once everything is cleared up."
Don't try to disuade me. If I think it hard enough, it will come true.
oconel @ April 26 2004, 08:46:34 UTC |
If Harry reads that I guess he'll talk to Draco.
I really hope so.
vassilissa @ April 26 2004, 07:38:39 UTC |
He says he's 'heroically noble' when he begs Harry not to abandon him now, not now he's said it.
I'm scared for him. Particularly since he already said he'd 'do something stupid' if Harry didn't talk to him.
I'm scared for him, but (for once) in the right way.
vassilissa @ April 26 2004, 07:41:45 UTC |
Dumbledore wants to see him at the same time his parents expect him.
His Time of Choosing? I think it's now.
oconel @ April 26 2004, 07:43:27 UTC |
I guess you're right.
He's suposed to make himself presentable
for Voldemort????
I want to be wrong
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 07:44:30 UTC |
From the way his parents were talking earlier, I was worried that it had to do with Voldemort and the Dark Mark. Now I'm more worried. : (
(parent)monkiedude @ April 26 2004, 07:45:21 UTC |
Oh, this is painful. Well; it sounds like he'll be meeting Voldemort, to me -- with all of Lucius and Narcissa's talk about it being time for someone else to judge how they've done raising him, and Lucius replying to Draco that he's expected to look presentable when he goes home for tea.
As for the stuff with Harry ... ouch. I'm really touched by the way he doesn't fly off the handle at Harry when Harry says he's lying about whatever he said (and yeah, it had to be "I love you"), he just simply states that it wasn't a lie. I'm most curious about Harry saying "YOU NEVER." That sounds more like a "you never say that," not "you never HAVE said that" to me.
taradiane @ April 26 2004, 07:59:27 UTC |
It makes a lot more sense for the screened comment to have read something along the lines of, "I'm taking the Mark" or something to do with his meeting Voldemort. I doubt it was a declaration of love.
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 08:03:24 UTC |
But he did state that Harry still doesn't know what he wanted to talk to him about.
(parent)tortietta @ April 26 2004, 08:09:55 UTC |
If you look at it though, taradiane has a really good point. In Draco's current state he would probably be more likely to say something like "I've chosen my path" rather than "I love you". It could very well be that the thing that Draco wanted to talk to Harry about had nothing (or at least, not directly) to do with the letter from Lucius and Narcissa.
I sort of read it as Draco saying "I've chosen my path", Harry responding with "But you don't choose paths", and then Draco getting annoyed with Harry because maybe he wanted clear the air (etc etc) with Harry before everything hits the fan.
*wibble* I would much rather it be an "I love you", but I just can't see that.
taradiane @ April 26 2004, 08:13:23 UTC |
Yeah, and Draco's response that Harry doesn't know what he wants to talk to him about could easily follow that - because Draco has yet to mention why he wants to talk to Harry about that subject after making that statement. It's the why that matters, and Harry's rage is most likely over the fact that Draco didn't come to him about this sooner - since they are friends, even if only tenatively.
monkiedude @ April 26 2004, 08:06:26 UTC |
I disagree, for two reasons:
1) Harry replies that he can't believe Draco is saying that now. If it had to do with Voldemort or taking the mark, given how Draco's been acting the last week, I think Harry very well could believe it.
2) Draco says that Harry didn't even bother to find out what he needed to talk to him about. Assuming that it's Voldemort or DE stuff, if the screened comment had been about that, then Harry would know what Draco needed to talk about so desperately.
vassilissa @ April 26 2004, 08:12:24 UTC |
) Draco says that Harry didn't even bother to find out what he needed to talk to him about. Assuming that it's Voldemort or DE stuff, if the screened comment had been about that, then Harry would know what Draco needed to talk about so desperately.
Unless what he needed to talk to Harry about was a declaration of love. I mean, if he knew he was going to have to choose, but that wasn't what he wanted to talk to Harry about right before he ran off to make his choice.
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 08:06:35 UTC |
I'm not saying that I think it was definitely a declaration of love, but the rest of the conversation doesn't follow for me if the comment was about the Dark Mark or Voldemort. I don't think Harry would say "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE SAYING THAT NOW" to those. His response and the rest of the conversation just don't jive with Malfoy saying something along those lines.
Also Draco says "You haven't even found out why I needed to talk to you." If the comment was about V or the Dark Mark, then that would have been pretty clear what he wanted to talk about.
zedmeister @ April 26 2004, 08:17:42 UTC |
Well, I was reluctant to think that it was love, either, but I can't come up with anything else that would completely fit with Harry's reply.
I mean, it's obviously something Harry would *like* to hear from ps, but doesn't believe now, after everything. That rules out "I'm taking the Mark" but still leaves the possibility of something like "I don't support Voldemort anymore."
Except that " I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! WHAT DO YOU THINK IT'S FOR?" from Harry leads me to believe the words he screened are something Harry would hold precious, which points back to love.
wedneswolf @ April 26 2004, 08:21:30 UTC |
I saw Harry's "What do you think it's for?" as an answer to Draco's "What the sod is that for?"
(parent)zedmeister @ April 26 2004, 08:25:21 UTC |
Yeah, it can definitely be read that way, although it didn't occur to me until you said it. Damn.
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 08:26:38 UTC |
zedmeister may have also meant that Draco was asking Harry why he was upset (because he may have said something good), and Harry was answering why do you think I'm upset, because Draco just sprung it on him from nowhere.
Or she meant what you thought. It was a tad unclear.
tortietta @ April 26 2004, 08:24:42 UTC |
I tend to feel that he would more likely being saying something along the lines of "I've chosen my path". Draco has always made a point of labeling Harry as the hero, but has never stated where he stands.
I think most recently the interaction with Draco and M.B with regards to George and Charlie, as well as Harry's reaction to Draco on the train, would indicate that Draco has clearly not, up until now, chosen which path to take. Also, the fight between Harry and Draco before the Easter break could indicate that Harry is annoyed with Draco for not standing up for himself and choosing a path.
If you take all this into consideration, it could very well read that this is what Draco has said, and the thing that Draco wanted to talk with Harry about was something more personal? :-?
jupistrahan @ April 26 2004, 15:26:34 UTC |
*grins and snogs your icon* I don't know how people come up with such wonderful things. This is going to be running through my head all day now. [/OT]
*hopes it's a love confession*
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 08:58:07 UTC |
but it looks like this was all about:
Because it's you, Potter!
and I think the screened post is supposed to be an answer to Harry's:
You always say that. And you never say what it means.
So. Perhaps ps has said what it means finally?
I'm not saying it was the L word, maybe just something along the lines why Harry is so special to him.
Just my two cents.
ungemmed @ April 26 2004, 09:58:00 UTC |
Yeah, that's the way I read it. Kinda sorta like Draco's screaming and kicking and screaming some more, but finally permanent his temper tantrum breaks and he mutters out the truth because this time it matters.
(parent)ungemmed @ April 26 2004, 09:58:30 UTC |
I meant that to be "his permanent." Sorry for the dyslexic brainfart.
(parent)zedmeister @ April 26 2004, 08:04:26 UTC |
"We trust your judgement."! From Lucius! Does this mean they really are going to let Draco make up his own mind?
(parent)oconel @ April 26 2004, 08:07:17 UTC |
No, I don't think so. It sounds more like a warning to me, because he could stay at school and refuse the mark, but I don't think his parents would be happyu about it and respect what he chooses.
(parent)lilychick @ April 26 2004, 08:12:36 UTC |
I agree that it sounds like a warning...but then there's this:
"Above all, Draco, be sure that any decision you make is one that you'll never look back upon with regret. You deserve to be happy."
And with all the ambiguous messages Lucius has been sending out lately this made me do a "WTF?"
lazy_daze @ April 26 2004, 09:05:14 UTC |
I know, it's almost like he's having second thoughts, and is actually worried about Draco's feelings and wellbeing for once, maybe even not sure if he wants his son to do anything he's not sure about. But no, cause he's Lucius, and the world will implode if that's true...
(parent)oconel @ April 26 2004, 09:15:48 UTC |
I think he's playing the loving father role--like the let's-keep-the-family-together dinner--, trying to make Draco choose the Mark
I made them, and I haven't looked back.
vassilissa @ April 26 2004, 10:03:55 UTC |
I made them, and I haven't looked back.
Or at least, sleeping with Sirius didn't turn him into a pillar of salt. PS might find things a bit more difficult.
ungemmed @ April 26 2004, 10:05:53 UTC |
I posted something similar to this above—my main quibble with straight emotional blackmail on Lucius's part is that (given the poetry thread, and his "I envy the Weasleys" bit) he obviously does have regrets. He has been looking back recently unless we've completely misread things. (Always a possibility.) So why is he lying here? Of course it's possible that he's made up his mind again and is now just as much a DE as ever.
On the other hand, my Ernie-reading of it is that Lucius wants to express some kind of fatherly sentiment to Draco but either can't afford to (given the DEs) or is trying but utterly failing because it seems so OOC for him.
sistermagpie @ April 26 2004, 15:34:18 UTC |
But...when have they ever really let Draco make up his own mind on anything besides...well, really on anything? His mother even bought him robes in puce. Seems like they give him false situations where there's the illusion his opinion matters and that's it.
"We trust your judgment" from the Malfoys always seems to mean, "We know you'll do what we tell you to do," to me. I mean, they're telling him to come home, Narcissa says this letter "had to be written" because it was inevitable, they're talking about somebody else judging their parenting, they seem to know they've put Draco in a position that's upset him, Lucius is telling him to stop running after Harry to talk.
So it sounds to me like they've made it clear exactly what Draco is supposed to do, and the "judgment" part is just a way of pretending they're not influencing him while reminding him that "good judgment" would lead him to do what they want. There's even been talk recently about Voldemort only taking willing volunteers while others have said Lucius is going to force Draco to follow his path. That's what it sounds like he's doing--I mean, he's talking about how he was once where Draco is now, but Draco's not the one asking for whatever this is.
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 08:08:31 UTC |
Oh my gawd..
I am now suspecting that ps's nastiness over the last week has to do with trying to get Harry's attention. After all, ps directed his comments towards people associated with Harry, i.e Fred, Mrs Weasley, as Harry says so himself. I think ps might've been trying to make Harry angry enough to confront him so they could talk or something, but failing that, well..
jupistrahan @ April 26 2004, 08:13:21 UTC |
You know, I think you're on to something, there. I mean, he's often spiteful in his words, but ever since they broke up, he's been downright malicious to those close Harry, then to Lavender - possibly trying the jealousy tact - and now he's gone straight to begging... *wibbles*
Answer him, Harry!
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 08:25:14 UTC |
Yes! There was just something *deliberate* about his comments which I honestly did not find very very nasty and mean, because they just seemed a little odd to me instead, esp when he backed off so quickly whenever Harry cut him off.
So he goes around being mean to people near Harry because Harry would probably ignore him instead if he directed his nastiness to Harry.
And is there a possibility of an attack on Hogwarts in the future? Since ps is being pulled out of Hogwarts.. It may be to keep him out of the fire..
dammit, Answer him, Harry!
lisdelacroix @ April 27 2004, 03:11:47 UTC |
What comes to mind is the kid type of romance and flirting, where you kick them and pull their hair and push them down and chase them, you know? Doing stuff to them to get their attention, and I think that Draco is doing exactly that to Harry, because its always worked in the past, but now Harry's not really reacting to it, other than variations of "ignore him" and "piss off."
Poor Draco. [wibbles] I won't have to clip my nails this week because I'll have chewed them all off.
lazy_daze @ April 26 2004, 08:33:39 UTC |
(parent)jupistrahan @ April 26 2004, 08:36:05 UTC |
*edits your post*
bookofjude @ April 26 2004, 08:51:30 UTC |
I'm more inclined to believe that Draco is merely undergoing a test of loyalties on Friday, and that, if he succeeds, he might be marked sometime in the future. :|
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 26 2004, 08:53:30 UTC |
I am possibly overreacting :-? BUT IT IS NOT GOOD WHATEVER, Especially if it's bothered him enough to be so desperate to talk to Harry :((
(parent)oconel @ April 26 2004, 08:55:59 UTC |
He'll need to rest after a test?
I don't know, I'm more inclined to think about the mark.
bookofjude @ April 26 2004, 09:19:25 UTC |
Well, I think Voldemort would be slightly off his trolley if he just outright marked his Death Eaters without checking to see if there was the slight chance that they might suddenly defect. :-?
(parent)oconel @ April 26 2004, 09:27:36 UTC |
I don’t know, really, maybe that was what the whole wrist accident incident was about.
But I have to admit that it sounds difficult that they would send a Death Eater back to school. Unless there’s school to go back to.
Gah, I don’t know.
oconel @ April 26 2004, 13:38:06 UTC |
I meant "Unless there is NO school to go back to"
blame it on the angst
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 18:36:39 UTC |
OH MY GOD I'm going to freaking DIE if this does not all get resolved quickly and I'm going to CRY well not really but it's the thought that counts.
Oh. My. GOD.
lazy_daze @ April 26 2004, 19:24:25 UTC |
I SYMPATHISE, OH ANON ANGSTER. They are going to leave us hanging till Friday with nothing, I can *tell*, possibly even *longer* *cannot cope* *slitz wristz*
(parent)comava @ April 27 2004, 20:50:47 UTC |
I sympathise also. This is leaving me a messy wibbling bunch and N_A PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON US!!
I can't seem to comment anywhere cause I'm late and everything is said already. :-/
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 08:43:51 UTC |
Hell, maybe he said something and actually called him Harry for once at the end.
(parent)jupistrahan @ April 26 2004, 15:32:44 UTC |
OMG, That's perfect. You are a genius. That fits even better than most of the other theories combined. It was probably something semi-important, but he uses "Harry," and that's by Harry fritzes on him. *wibblyhope*
(parent)darlulu @ April 26 2004, 09:15:36 UTC |
Total randomness, but...
The shifting use of caps and non-caps in j_h's comment here - 'Why? WHY SHOULD I? YOU BROKE! HER! ARM! You were awful to the Weasleys. LOOK WHAT YOU SAID TO FRED. WHY? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? I wanted to kill you on the train. AND YOU JUST WENT ON AND YOU WERE EVEN WORSE AND YOU BROKE LAVENDER'S ARM. AND YOU KISSED HER. LOOK WHAT YOU SAID TO MRS WEASLEY. WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE THIS? If you want to talk to me you're going to have to talk to me here because I'm not going anywhere with you.' - I found really very effective with the 'I wanted to kill you on the train' contextually packing a particularly powerful punch.
Meanwhile, ps' utter desperation in his string of posts makes me hurt...I feel sick to my stomach even now, and that's kinda surprising, considering his recent inexcusably hateful behavior I was sure he would be unable to return from in my eyes.
lazy_daze @ April 26 2004, 09:19:14 UTC |
Also!! I missed the interesting implication in this as I was wibblingly speed reading, but it's stated by Harry that the only reason Harry thinks Draco kissed Lav is because Hary once kissed her and he thinks Draco is jealous. It is probably inappropriate for part of me to squee quietly at that, but, am a rabid shiper, so *does so a little bit*
(parent)ungemmed @ April 26 2004, 10:13:08 UTC |
I'm really wondering what Draco's motivation in re Lav was. It's clear from the way he's treating it with Harry that he didn't expect it to become as big a deal as it did, partly because he didn't mean to break her arm. So he wasn't doing it just to be nasty....
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 26 2004, 10:24:04 UTC |
I know - did he possibly *really* do it out of jealousy...? He can't seriously see Lav as a serious threat to his relationship with Harry!
(parent)dragynville @ April 26 2004, 16:32:29 UTC |
I thought he did it just to get Harry's attention. You know, a 'bad attention is better than no attention' sort of thing. Beacause the whole kissing part seemed to really bother Harry, he mentions it twice. And if Draco had just kissed her and nothing else, Harry would've been upset and would have withdrawn more. By shoving her in the mud, he guarantees both that Harry will hear about the whole incident, and also that Harry will be angry (and likely confrontational) about it.
(parent)ungemmed @ April 26 2004, 20:30:22 UTC |
Yes and no because that seems a little too malicious for Draco's "Hey! Innocent here!" reaction.
After all, he did play MASH with her. For him, that's putting up with a lot.
Lavvie's Pureblood, right?
dragynville @ April 27 2004, 01:36:21 UTC |
I didn't read his reaction as a declaration of innocence, but rather him saying that it's irrelevant right now because of whatever it is he's in a panic to discuss (i.e. that they have other, bigger issues to worry about).
I don't know.. Draco seems to like being adored and fawned over and admired, and then making fun of the people afterwards. Like with Colin Creevey's anti-Harry thing.
Hmm.. assumably so because a muggle parent has never been mentioned.
breze @ April 26 2004, 09:48:45 UTC |
Well, my opinion was that Draco has already received the Mark over the holidays (though I'm not sure about the spy part). And because we all know Draco is never as obvious as he is when he is trying not to be, his attempts have made him even more nasty than usual, something only Harry seemed to have picked up, "WHY HAVE YOU BEEN ACTING LIKE THIS ALL WEEK?".
And Lucius probably wants him home because Voldemort has a mission for him. Draco has second thoughts, and wants to talk to Harry before he goes off to Dumbledore, and leave Hogwarts (for good...?).
Or the meeting could just be about Lavender, but somehow I doubt because McGonagall mentions nothing about her or Lavender in the same meeting.
Then again...
lazy_daze @ April 26 2004, 10:13:50 UTC |
OMG. He was using his default icon for most of his panicked talking to Harry, probably as he couldn't be bothered picking one out each time, he was too stressed, but then in his final desperate comments to this he used both the icons that have Harry discreetly nmanipped into them! Aw! *dies of teh cute* Utter git as he has been recently I really, really feel for him now :((
(parent)portkey @ April 26 2004, 10:36:06 UTC |
Oh. Fuck. I should *not* be thinking of anything Draco doing as "cute", but those manips.. *bah*. Damn you for pointing them out to me and making me briefly not-hate Draco. :p
(parent)oconel @ April 26 2004, 11:26:53 UTC |
Narcisa posts
She's a loving mother and I wonder what does this means: I want you to remember that I have always been proud of you and I trust that, no matter what happens, you know you are a Peltier as well as a Malfoy and we Peltiers always have a means to an end--no matter what the end may be.
akutenshi2007 @ April 26 2004, 20:11:51 UTC |
oh definitely noticed. (makes me wish for a wibble icon, for now i have fight club to make up for it ^^) wibbling in process as well.
(parent)pokethegeek @ April 26 2004, 20:15:44 UTC |
I also have this very cool one with skiing glasses. i had fun.
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ April 26 2004, 20:19:04 UTC |
Fueled by my jealousy of the very cool, my Gogo icon kills yours. XD
(parent)pokethegeek @ April 26 2004, 20:21:19 UTC |
oh snap. but I have the "hey, ma, look i'm harry potter's best friend!"icon that also rocks. haaha.
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ April 26 2004, 20:31:57 UTC |
hahaha, you win. all i have left is Eva Gabor and she doesn't beat Ron. Tis a sad sad day. XD
(parent)pokethegeek @ April 26 2004, 20:34:33 UTC |
haha so it is. Oh the joys of my newly repaid account <3
hahaha I love my darkmark icons aswell. I love having cool icons (:
akutenshi2007 @ April 26 2004, 21:02:32 UTC |
hahahaha, you have my M.B. god icon. *so friends* XD
(parent)pokethegeek @ April 26 2004, 21:22:53 UTC |
it's yours?! I didn't know who to give credit! we are SO much friends now! :D *heads off to add you*
(parent)woo2step @ April 26 2004, 12:22:54 UTC |
Not to downplay the OMGWIBBLE, but I really want to apologize to Harry's player for accidentally misreading Harry's "NO. NEVER MIND. I WILL. FUCK YOU, DRACO" comment as "NO. NEVER MIND. I WILL FUCK YOU, DRACO." Seriously. I am so sorry. For many reasons. ::cough::
Now back to your regularly scheduled OMGWIBBLE, already in progress.
![]() |
brangwern @ April 26 2004, 12:30:39 UTC |
Hahaha! OMG! YES! I thought I was the only one, but I've been half-blind for days now and I blamed it on that! I nearly died when I first read it though! :))
(parent)jupistrahan @ April 26 2004, 15:39:16 UTC |
*giggles gleefully* It would be absolutely wonderful if that's what he'd *meant* to say, but in his rush he accidentally put a period in. XD *molests your icon*
Oh, silly Harry, just snog him already. Begging certainly doesn't fit Young Master Draco, after all.
comava @ April 27 2004, 20:54:08 UTC |
*nods* Me too.
I can't help thinking that was intentional to mess with our heads. :-/
onthehillside @ April 26 2004, 12:32:18 UTC |
I cannot believe this.
sistermagpie @ April 26 2004, 15:13:28 UTC |
Jesus Christ! Never expected to wake up to this! Aaaahhh!
Bravo NA--this is like the scariest thing ever. And as awful as Draco's been there's something still so sad about how he seems to finally be able to be truthful but Harry's too angry to listen to him finally because of the buttons he's pushed. In their conversation it's like Harry keeps demanding to know why Draco has been behaving the way he's been behaving all week and Draco is all, "That's not important!" when OF COURSE it's what's important! Poor Draco finally has to learn the things you don't mean still have meaning. He's so like the little kid with his, "I'm through with my tantrum now so everything's okay!"
I don't know what all to comment on this because it seems like it's just ps in the worst possible situation that he's put himself in. I was especially worried about his, "If you don't answer me I'll do something stupid and then you'll be sorry." Seems to me like we've finally gotten to the line that ps himself won't cross, but Draco's stupid enough to cross it just so Harry will "be sorry" and then act like it's Harry's fault. Although I guess I shouldn't completely rule out the more positive but potentially dangerous possibility that Draco's "something stupid" means the type of thing a Gryffindor might like.
Still, I'm intrigued at the way he's kept his cool with his parents and wondering what that says about him in general. I mean, presumably the thing he's reacting to so wildly is the letter, but when he talks to them he's all, "I am your pride and joy." And with Harry he's, "OMG I need to talk to you PLEEEEAAASE!" Why does he need to talk to Harry, exactly? There's many different reasons he could, depending on the scenario. But Lucius has noticed his "desperation."
Okay, on to the screened comment. As schmoopy as it sounds, I can see the interpretation of Draco telling Harry he loves him, and Harry's reaction would fit given what he thinks of love. He would think it was a lie because Draco doesn't act like he does. That especially fits with Harry telling Draco he was lying when Draco says he wasn't, like even if Draco doesn't think he was lying he was because whatever he feels isn't love. Which is pretty tragic but logical given how Draco is. Would Draco have said that out loud in the journals? Because whatever he needs to talk to Harry about he can't talk about there, so maybe finally hiding feelings isn't as important? But presumably he's still trying to hide it from his parents so...I dunno.
My one question, though, is that Harry says he, "Made it up," which makes it sound like Draco told him a piece of information, like a story, not just a statement of his feelings. Although Harry might have just used that phrase because it fit well with what he was saying, "You made it up so I'd listen to you." But Draco is actually strangely resolute concerning it, telling Harry to just delete it if he wants and insisting he's not lying. Usually one would expect him to jump on the opportunity to back out of a declaration of feeling that wasn't returned so publically.
Whatever Draco said, his explanation seems like something that's an important fact to him through all things. It's what he constantly repeats: Because he's Potter. He says it when he's accusing Harry of telling Ron they are dating, he uses it to explain why he's nasty. So this is something that was always in his mind, presumably from even before they were together, which would probably not be love.
So we've got until Friday, with the match Saturday. The Malfoys will be there (as per Draco's suggestion), and it's against Gryffindor. Draco seems to be freaking out and can't talk to anyone but Harry. Goyle says he hasn't wanted to talk. He was freaked out by the DEs once before and ran to talk to MB and Pansy--those are the two he's wanted to speak to recently as well. So why, suddenly, will only Harry do? Lucius suggests he might "need some rest" Friday night, when he comes home in time for tea.
I wonder if Draco might pull something dramatic at the match. I am also very much hoping his meeting with Dumbledore and Snape (Snape!) be significant, though his behavior with Lavender and the Weasleys might ruin his chances there too.
sistermagpie @ April 26 2004, 17:11:14 UTC |
Yeah, that's a big possibility. Watch out, Harry.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 26 2004, 17:10:21 UTC |
LOL--what a great description of Draco! I just love the idea of him putting on the cool "good son" front and then literally running to his friends in a cold sweat.
I think this is, for Draco, a desperate measure. He's not the type of person to say it, and I doubt he ever said it like this to Harry either.
And it's sad how childish it is as well. For him saying it is so scary he's sure it should have some effect on Harry, but to Harry it's nothing because he doesn't believe it. He's hidden it all too well. If that is indeed what he said, that is. "Surely you can't abandon me when I've told you I love you," but of course words are cheap after what he's done.
But that could be a good thing if ps could figure out just why Harry thinks he's lying. And he's got a history of being pretty persistant with Harry. It would be great if he found a way to get Harry to talk to him, although having Draco have to face up to Friday on his own could maybe be what he needs-just as he needed the weekend alone in the theater last year.
He's not trying to give Harry information online, but he's hinting that what his parents told him would greatly influence Harry too. I think it IS about Harry.
Ah! So you're thinking Draco's using that line slightly differently in this instance? That he's not saying, "Because you're Potter," the way he usually does, but is trying to tell him he needs to speak to him because this concerns a plot against him in some way? It certainly could be.
I mean, in general he seems to feel like Harry is the only person he can talk to about this summons to the Manor he's gotten--why? Why can't he talk to MB or Pansy? Or Snape? Could it have anything to do with Harry's having faced Voldemort before? Or what?
arisato @ April 26 2004, 17:33:32 UTC |
Everything worth saying's been said, so I'll leave it at this:
wednesday_tea @ April 26 2004, 18:35:55 UTC |
I can totally understand where Harry is coming from here-- Draco has been a MASSIVE FUCKFACE (as usual, but it seems worse) lately, but still. *Wibbles muchly over Draco's possible imminent Voldie-attachments*
Was it just me, or was Harry's whole "Oh. I see. So I'm supposed to do what you ask me to now?" thing harkening back to Draco's hissy fit over Harry wanting him to be a little nicer?
brane ded frum wibble.
onthehillside @ April 26 2004, 19:10:38 UTC |
Yes, that does describe him perfectly.
gracefulfool @ April 26 2004, 19:46:39 UTC |
oh, i can hardly bring myself to watch, except that i can't bring myself not to! i so totally don't trust n_a not to bring this to a close with the wibble of the century... *hides eyes and peeks between fingers*
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ April 26 2004, 20:11:59 UTC |
Is there a wibblechat still going on? If so on what?
(parent)conversant @ April 26 2004, 21:54:48 UTC An alternative |
Okay, what follows may be a great effort in stupidity because I missed a great chunk of NA this past Autumn. If ps has openly acknowledged that he's gay, then this post rests on false suppositions. However, for the sake of argument I'll propose the following...
Let's suppose that potterstinks did not say "I love you" in that deleted post, but also did not say "They're going to make me take the Mark." (The two best theories I've seen on this thread.)
What if the letter from his parents does not speak of an immediate DE initiation but of a DE-suitable engagement to Sally-Anne Perks? [I'll come back to wrinkles in this proposal, but hang with me...]
If the letter from home invites ps to a marriage-negotiation dinner, it would make sense in light of Lucius's comments about the magnitude of the decision to be made, a decision he once made for himself and hasn't regretted. Of course, those comments make sense if the invitation is to come home for a DE initiation, too, but let's imagine that the players want us to think the latter... while they really have an alternative up their sleeves for this particular juncture. [Again, I can think of problems to raise about this, but wait for the rest...]
So perhaps ps did not declare his Histrionic and Enraged Lurve for j_h but *did* say, "Look, I admit it, okay: I'm gay, and I need your help 'because it's you, Potter.'" Only j_h will do as a confidant because he's not just another gay bloke, he's the one to whom ps continues to be attracted. (I'm suggesting that it's another step down the pike from here before we see ps use the L-word. Of course, given the players' fondness for the deleted comment, we may never see such an admission at all, even when it's finally made.)
In the theory I'm proposing, then, ps's "because it's you, Potter" is a simultaneous acknowledgment that he's still/only attracted to j_h and that he's giving up on his pursuit of a suitable girlfriend. It suggests that he's not only realised that he doesn't want Sally Anne or anyone else on her side of the gender line, he's downright panicked at the idea of being forced to bed one. (Perhaps aristocratic engagements begin with a sewing-into-the-sheets ceremony to verify that all parties are competent in the necessary areas. That could explain why Lucius has suggested that ps should plan to stay the night.)
This line of reasoning makes poor Lavender (least 'womanly' of all the girls at Hogwarts according to ps) the last of his attempts to see if he might be able to tolerate girls; her fate suggests that the answer was pretty bloody clear to ps -- and that it was a resounding NO.
If you buy this line of suggestion, consider the next step in the hypothesis and imagine that ps returned from the Lavender fiasco in Hogsmeade to find an owl from home telling him that Mummy and Daddy have finished lining up a lovely marriage contract for him complete with gifts from their recent shopping trips hither and yon. (Perhaps that lovely property she admired in Morocco or a nice, ickle silver mine in the Atlas mountains, though I'll happily concede that Narcissa's visits with those 'associates' may have had little to do with procuring stuff for ps's hope chest. Still, something about her tone in yearning after the place in Marrakesh made me wonder if its current owners would remain in possession for long...)
This hypothesis ends with ps's frantic attempts to reconcile with j_h and, when that fails, his "I'm your perfectly obedient son" communications with Mummy and Daddy at midnight.
This post is running long, so I won't debunk my own proposal. Someone else may have that pleasure.
conversant @ April 26 2004, 22:01:33 UTC Oh, what the heck |
I'll kick off the dunking of my theory here. Just for fun. Here are some of the problems with it...
     (1) As with the theory that ps has been summoned home for a DE initiation, one wonders why the arrangements were not finalised during the holidays.
     (2) It doesn't clarify Lucius' recent hints of more violence to come in the service of his own ambitions, though an alliance with the Perks could be important to Lucius, whether or not his plans are loyal to Voldemort or rebellious.
     (3) If it's a marriage contract, why is it not a marriage ceremony? Why wait? Surely not because it is really important that ps finish his education, and yet they are allowing ps to believe he can go back to Hogwarts to play Quidditch on Saturday. (Not that they are above deceiving him, of course.)
sistermagpie @ April 27 2004, 00:51:46 UTC Re: Oh, what the heck |
OMG, this too funny. I was just wondering about the exact same theory. I no longer think it's as crazy as I feared it was.
I went along the same lines. I don't think it's a marriage anymore than it would be a "marking" because both of those things, imo, would take time and aren't the type of thing you pop home from school for and then go back to play Quidditch. He's only in school for another few months, and any marriage between these families would be huge.
But I wondered the same thing concerning Lavender, whether the kiss was an acting-out of his own anxieties about girls in general. On one hand one could say that calling any girl "fat" could just be his unhealthy way of saying he's gay, because of course one of the things about the female body is that it's rounder etc. But I don't want to go too far with that because, as Harry says, Draco's been "stalking" (interesting term given Draco stalked Harry) her for a year and vowing revenge. Still, his kissing her seems like something new, and she's possibly the first girls he's attempted to kiss since his mad-dating spree after the non-kiss with Harry.
The thing with the engagement too, is that it's the type of thing his parents could subtly pressure while pretending it was up to him, and Narcissa, as the mother, would be particularly involved in it. She was the one who was pressuring him to find a girl, iirc, more than Lucius. Pansy, we know, is right out, but they went out with Narcissa last year and played bf/gf to the hilt and she loved it.
This idea is far from perfect, of course--and the night of Walpurgis seems important (especially with the Faust hint). But I definitely found myself thinking down these lines as well!
catiadoodle @ April 26 2004, 22:27:26 UTC Re: An alternative |
Hey, I was wondering if someone else but me had this crazy theory too...
Nobody was mentioning it and I was starting to thing my thoughts were ridiculous and then here you are! I'm of course not sure at all about this, but I did think about it as a possibility.
I don't think the marriage contract awaits Draco friday, though, just an engagement meeting with the Perks.
However, I'm not sure why Draco should be so panicked... Okay, he's (probably) gay and the idea of bedding a girl, any girl is close to intolerable, but he does want heirs, he does want to perpetuate the Malfoy line, and I used to think he intends to marry someday...
Just one thing, I really hope everything will be sorted out someday by the players, because I don't want to die not knowing what was this screened comment(among a lot of other things). By the way, I can't believe nobody at nraged catched this comment before it was screened. Too bad...
conversant @ April 27 2004, 02:14:54 UTC Re: An alternative |
It's a bandwagon! I'm still waiting for the nay-sayers to come along and shoot us down, but I'm glad for the company. (And I share your hope that the players will fess up about that deleted post.)
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ April 27 2004, 02:50:06 UTC |
Also, I just noticed that one year ago yesterday was when draco "outed" harry...interesting
(parent)jupistrahan @ April 27 2004, 06:15:18 UTC |
*taps foot* You mention, but you don't link?? *pouts* Now I must actually look for it myself... *needful*
(parent)nabiki @ April 27 2004, 06:38:31 UTC |
Oops! My bad, here it is! I meant to post sooner but I got sidetracked looking at the Nraged q&a post with draco and harry :P
(parent)jupistrahan @ April 27 2004, 16:18:49 UTC |
I dreamed last night that Draco went to Sirius's room last night and asked him to summon Harry. o_O
And then I dreamt that he posted to one of the old threads in Susan Bones' journal in another attempt to talk to Harry, hoping that his father wouldn't find it.
I'm losing sleep over this. ((O_O))
snackbreak @ April 27 2004, 19:13:32 UTC |
Is it wrong that I now want to search through all of Susan Bones' old entries? =D
(parent)onthehillside @ April 27 2004, 19:39:01 UTC |
Not really.
I dreamt the other night that Draco kissed Harry after the quidditch final in front of everyone. It was awesome.