lazy_daze @ 2004-04-26 21:47:00 |
(no title)
Mood: wah
Oh dear, more d00m and w0e from Lucius. What *was* the thing Narcissa proposed in Paris? It had to do with Harry, so is Draco's recent Harry-needing (omg) what prompted Lucius to reconsider? Gah, cannot cope with the angst and worry ://!
ungemmed @ April 26 2004, 20:45:52 UTC |
It must have to do with Harry-need. There's no other possible explanation. Omfg wibbling for Harry's sake as well as Draco's now. Don't do anything stupid either of you.....
chinae @ April 26 2004, 20:58:45 UTC |
You know, I used to have a life. Seriously, I don't think I'm the only on who remembers what it is like to go out. Sigh, I keep hitting the refresh button hoping something new will appear. I can't stand this. I don't want Draco to get the mark.
(parent)pornography @ April 27 2004, 04:00:26 UTC |
Sigh, I keep hitting the refresh button hoping something new will appear
Hehe, same here. I cant even remeber what a life feels like any more *refresh* *refresh*
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 20:59:13 UTC |
I swear to god Lucius' player sits around going, "Hmmm, how can I make them freak out even more?"
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 21:34:38 UTC |
Thank you! I do so love being evil and yes, it's fun to tease.
--Lucius' player
ungemmed @ April 26 2004, 21:55:02 UTC |
You have been so cool slumming around with us these past few days. Also you are an amazing RPer.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2004, 04:05:12 UTC |
I'm not slumming! You guys are cool and very smart. You keep me and Narcissa on our toes!
vassilissa @ April 27 2004, 09:58:38 UTC |
And you're a terrible tease, but:
music : Wagner, "The Wand Cycle"
<3 <3 <3
frozen_jelly @ April 26 2004, 21:03:26 UTC |
Is anyone able to make any insightful comments about his music selection? I know nothing about music, but I know with Lucius it tends to be important.
Also: wah! NA is making me crazy and paranoid. I am turning into Ernie :S
xnera @ April 26 2004, 21:22:56 UTC |
Well, there was this exchange, but that's the only thing I know of. Don't know Wagner myself, other than that the Ring cycle is long long long.
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 21:45:10 UTC |
Given current events, he really should be listening to "Faust". It's more appropriate.
*grins wickedly*
--his player
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Anonymous @ April 26 2004, 21:51:16 UTC |
Of course I'm evil. That's why I play him so well. I adore being evil, whether it's RP or ending my fic chapters on a cliffhanger.
--evil Looshie's handler
frozen_jelly @ April 27 2004, 00:41:51 UTC |
Really?! Cos I'd love to hear an interpretation of the Faust thing.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 27 2004, 01:03:33 UTC |
Let's see, Faust starts out thinking about suicide because he can't attain the heights he wants through knowledge, so he makes a deal with the devil (Voldemort?). That seems to go along with Lucius' recent posts about deciding to live, somehow. Faust is turned into a young man to go after Marguerite, the young innocent girl he's into.
The two of them have a child, then Faust abandons her and Marguerite is shunned because of it. Her brother tries to defend her honor and Faust kills him, and he dies blaming Marguerite. She tries to pray for forgiveness but the devil interferes, though she finally finishes the prayer. She kills her child. Should we be worried about that??
Faust and Mephistopheles attend Walpurgis Night (!!). M's imprisoned in the mountain for killing her baby. In the end the devil wants both Faust and M to come with him, but Marguerite calls for mercy and she goes to heaven.
I'm not sure how much we should parallel the Malfoys here. There's Walpurgis Night (Friday) and Lucius' probably deal with the devil. But I don't know if we should see Narcissa as Marguerite (particularly in the child-killing department) or perhaps Draco as Marguerite. It may just be a case of Lucius joining with V to reach new heights, but that still draws into question just how far he's drawing his family in with him, particularly Draco, since he seems more the innocent, as Marguerite is. He definitely seems like he *could* at some point try to appeal for forgiveness to Harry.
frozen_jelly @ April 27 2004, 01:22:06 UTC |
Wow. That was amazing, thank you, although I still have no idea what to think...
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ex_lev195 @ April 27 2004, 03:07:11 UTC |
Oh, shit, it is Walpurgis night isn't it? It absolutely has to be DE stuff, then.
(I shall now paste a thing most people have probably already seen, but I'm sure there's someone who hasn't.)
" is the history of the Death Eaters and I don't know that I'll ever actually need it - but at some point - which were once called something different - they were called the Knights of Walpurgis. I don't know if I'll need it. But I like knowing it. I like to keep that sort of stuff on hand."
pokethegeek @ April 26 2004, 21:30:40 UTC |
this is it. Too much wibble. I'm going to bed and I expect that this is all sorted out when I wake up.
oh god no I can't sleep! *wibble*
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queeniefox @ April 26 2004, 22:09:36 UTC |
Or was Draco trying to talk to Harry because the Thing is now happening?
Life? I had one once...
ungemmed @ April 26 2004, 22:17:27 UTC |
What is the Thing anyway? Why was Narcissa advocating it so highly? Whose side is Narcissa on anyway? Mostly she seems like a perfect DE wife but some bits (asking Harry if he'd seen Pomfrey after she learned why he'd punched Draco, reminding Draco that he was a Peltier as well) seem inconsistent with that.
(parent)tabiji @ April 26 2004, 22:54:19 UTC |
You know, I keep going back and forth about Narcissa. I want her to be a good guy. I want all her heart-to-hearts with Remus to have been genuine and not just a DE/DE's wife probing for information. I want to think that her affection for Remus and Harry both isn't just a put-on. At one point I thought she might have even been passing info on to Remus. At some points I've wondered if she's been controlled by Lucius. Lately I'm getting a creepy vibe that she's actually the mastermind and is the one in control. I've pored over entries for hours to try and figure her out. I have a feeling that she's a mystery we won't figure out until the very end...if that!
(parent)ungemmed @ April 26 2004, 23:05:57 UTC |
I can actually see her being the mastermind. She seems shallow but in a lot of ways she's a much more incisive thinker than Lucius is. Looshie, though I love to hate him, can be awfully heavy-handed sometimes and that impairs how effective he is.
(parent)ungemmed @ April 26 2004, 23:08:25 UTC |
Oh, and I forgot to include this.... ::sweatdrop:: The "you are a Peltier too" comment also makes me REALLY wonder what 'Cissa's up to. In some ways it made her seem like a free agent.... In that case what precisely was she advocating for Draco? A similar free agency?
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chez_caillou @ April 27 2004, 01:18:58 UTC |
*Angsts* :( This RPG is going to kill me.
I don't know if this has to do with anything, but doesn't it look as if Harry has been pasted into these icons?
(Draco used them after the big screened post thing)
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Anonymous @ April 27 2004, 01:35:16 UTC |
A bit, but they are actual scenes from the movies. I think that first one is when he pushes inbetween Harry and Hermione(? or Ron) in the hallway.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2004, 02:06:53 UTC |
no sweets, the Harry images were definitely added to the icons.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 27 2004, 03:35:51 UTC |
There's Draco, in his desperation, frantically photoshopping. Because presentation is important!
(parent)nabiki @ April 27 2004, 04:15:54 UTC |
hmmmm I'm wondering if they were always like that and we've just noticed or if thats a recent change :O
(parent)tabiji @ April 27 2004, 05:19:10 UTC |
He's been using them since August or so...there was mention of them (I believe) back when everyone got the paid accounts.
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Anonymous @ April 27 2004, 04:22:47 UTC |
They were?
This isn't the exact same shot, obviously (this person doesn't have it) as Draco's face is different.
I assume this is where the other was taken from, where Harry is standing behind Draco.
nabiki @ April 27 2004, 04:24:42 UTC |
but they were still deliberately changed to make sure harry was in the frame, since he could've been easily cropped out, right?...hmmm
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Anonymous @ April 27 2004, 04:27:37 UTC |
I don't know. These aren't the exact same pictures, but he's had those icons for a long time.
(parent)pyrae @ April 27 2004, 11:36:16 UTC |
I remember reading old, old posts on nraged where those two were referred to as his "Harry icons," so I don't think they're new or recently altered--but there's sometimes cause to wonder/wibble/squee when he uses them.
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lonelyspade @ April 27 2004, 19:58:26 UTC |
I dunno about the first one, but I think the second one was definitely altered. There's a big black splotch behind Harry's head that wouldn't have been in the real picture.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 27 2004, 20:39:31 UTC |
I remember he had the first one before, regarding harassment, but I thought the second one was new. Though given the number of ps icons I could certainly have missed it!
Interesting that both titles really apply more to Harry--he was the one who did most of the harassing, and Harry is the one who is heroically noble.
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lonelyspade @ April 27 2004, 19:55:36 UTC |
I kinda asked this in a post...*newbie* because I thought maybe people would notice it more that way, but notice how those icons have the keywords "I am heroically noble" and "I will not stand for harassment" and that Harry's now hovering above Draco's right shoulder.
I thought it might be something worth discussing...
I hope I didn't do anything wrong by posting it instead of just commenting it [squirms]. ^_^;