dragynville @ 2004-04-28 02:26:00 |
in vino veritas , indeed.. 0.0
Mood: curious
Harry and Remus went out drinking, Sirius found it amusing, and whatever did Remus mean by "Top."? *is terribly intrigued*
oconel @ April 28 2004, 09:44:31 UTC |
Me too.
Harry: Top, Draco: Bottom
I wonder if Remus wanted to cheer Harry up.
bookofjude @ April 28 2004, 09:45:45 UTC |
I'm actually more of a fan of versatility, myself.
(parent)vassilissa @ April 28 2004, 09:56:32 UTC |
I was thinking more "Which drawer is the hangover potion in?" "Top."
(parent)xnera @ April 28 2004, 09:59:41 UTC |
That's what I immediately thought, which disturbed me. Remus/Harry is one of my few squicks.
(parent)vassilissa @ April 28 2004, 11:26:37 UTC |
Mine too, as it happens.
I have a theory. I think. I think Harry was asking nosy questions about Remus and Sirius all night. Like, is Lupin the top or the bottom. Remus could have kept refusing to answer all night, then have given in just to drive him crazy.
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a_player @ April 28 2004, 19:00:47 UTC |
Remus/Harry squicks me beyond belief, also.
- Harry's player.
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a_player @ April 29 2004, 05:29:44 UTC |
What? I just wanted to make it clear that there will never, ever be Remus/Harry in NA.
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a_player @ April 29 2004, 07:48:37 UTC |
Well, of course there won't be! That would be a world of wrong.
I'm just stating that in general it doesn't squick meeeee.
- Remus's dirty, dirty player
anjenue @ April 28 2004, 21:54:42 UTC |
Didn't they say N_A would never have teacher/student or other cross-gen relationships? About the same time they said pregnancy wouldn't ever be addressed back when there was the contemplation about whether Narcissa was pregnant. *too lazy to go back through and find the actual post*
(more's the shame, but ya know. :p)
eponis @ April 28 2004, 22:26:06 UTC |
Yeah, they did. I don't think this is serious speculation, more amusement at how Remus phrased his entry. :-)
"And neither is Harry, if all the moaning was any indication."
anjenue @ April 28 2004, 22:47:34 UTC |
*snickers* Can't argue with that.
*goes off to bemoan the impossibility of N_A Remus/Harry*
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a_player @ April 29 2004, 05:31:27 UTC |
Yep. Plus, Remus/Harry really makes some of us want to throw up. :D
(parent)anjenue @ April 29 2004, 07:35:30 UTC |
In the realm of N_A, I can certainly see that. But there's something...I don't know. Endearing? about Remus/Harry. Like. Remus is the only one left, and then Harry, and...
*shrugs* But I'm weird.
jumeau @ April 28 2004, 09:59:32 UTC |
And the fangirls come out to play.
PS for Harry:
Says it all, really. >u>
portkey @ April 28 2004, 10:16:32 UTC |
And the fanboys, too! Don't forget us. (We're a dying breed, alas.)
(parent)portkey @ April 28 2004, 10:32:15 UTC |
Yes, at this point we've nearly reached the status of mythical creature, right up there with the unicorns.
(parent)jumeau @ April 28 2004, 10:41:59 UTC |
Ahhh! Not forgotten! :} Disappointing, really, that there's so few of them. Fanboys are the best breed. <3
(parent)portkey @ April 28 2004, 10:13:45 UTC |
Personally, the "top" thing made me think more like Harry had drunkenly inquired into Remus and Sirius' sex life, and Remus was responding. Although the the thing about what drawer the hangover potion being in seems very likely.
Although yes, I had a brief moment of fanboyance at what I momentarily perceived to be Remus/Harry undertones. I can't help it. :p
It's my OTP!!`111one.
portkey @ April 28 2004, 10:15:27 UTC |
Oh, bah, and because I'm pedantic; I wasn't mocking the Remus/Harry pairing, as it's probably closest to anything to being my "OTP" currently (if I had one), I was mocking the idea of OTPs in the first place. :P
(parent)tortietta @ April 28 2004, 10:23:18 UTC |
the "top" thing made me think more like Harry had drunkenly inquired into Remus and Sirius' sex life,
Actually, that was my first thought too.
portkey @ April 28 2004, 11:27:24 UTC |
Oh, hell, that reminds me that I never got caught up on those like I intended to.. I read most of the Draco and Harry one, and a couple of the others, but there were just way, way, way, way too many comments for me to read them all at one time and it eventually slipped my mind to finish doing so. :p
But thanks for the info. *grins*
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Anonymous @ April 28 2004, 11:49:47 UTC |
if it is knowledge that you are seeking
into the Q&A's you should be peeking
portkey @ April 28 2004, 11:57:40 UTC |
Alas, I must first have a sleep,
But upon waking I shall peep,
Into those things of which you speak.
Their vastness one time made me meek,
But this time I shall overcome,
Even if it makes my brain numb.
Hahaha, way too tired to be spouting random poetry. But being me, I won't sleep for another hour or two.
vassilissa @ April 28 2004, 12:08:25 UTC |
I have this strong feeling that Lupin tops from the bottom.
(parent)magickslash @ April 29 2004, 04:01:00 UTC |
He didn't say he *normally* bottoms with Remus. And if you look at the posts from around where they first got together, there's a remark from Lupercus where he complains about being sore from all of Sirius's, er, attentions.
(parent)vassilissa @ April 28 2004, 11:27:41 UTC |
Personally, the "top" thing made me think more like Harry had drunkenly inquired into Remus and Sirius' sex life, and Remus was responding.
Yet another reason why I should finish reading the comments before posting theories.
portkey @ April 28 2004, 11:38:02 UTC |
*grins* Great minds, something or other?
And I know what you mean. It's happened to me several times as well, and never ceases to be annoying.
versinae @ April 28 2004, 15:23:42 UTC |
That's exactly what I though! Go go Alpha!Lupercus go! Hehe, silly Harry. ;)
(parent)dragynville @ April 28 2004, 16:45:00 UTC |
Maybe he was asking Remus about him and Professor Snape. *grin*
(parent)slinkhard @ April 28 2004, 11:23:11 UTC |
Really don't approve of Lupin taking Harry out drinking.
Sirius is clearly Teh Bottom.
frozen_jelly @ April 28 2004, 16:26:52 UTC |
Why don't you approve? To me it sems like a nice thing to do, take harry's mind off all the big bad evilness going on.
(parent)slinkhard @ April 28 2004, 16:30:01 UTC |
I just don't think getting drunk is the way to deal with stuff.
But as we all do when we're young...
There's something pathetic about those two drinking together. Ron and Harry, maybe; or Seamus and Harry, or *insert Harry friend*; but drinking with your fatherfigure...
Just my feeling, though.
dragynville @ April 28 2004, 16:43:39 UTC |
It's rather sad somehow but, on the other hand, who better to be with? Remus will certainly watch out for Harry and take care of him.
Didn't he take him out drinking several times over the summer too, while he was still stuck at #4?
slinkhard @ April 28 2004, 16:48:16 UTC |
Didn't like that either ;P
Remus has a tendency to wallow in his problems and not face them, judging by canon and Nraged.
So does Harry. Hence the two of them together, drinking, likely leads to more wallowing and self pity.
Plus, Harry's a young boy. Remus is a middle aged man. They should find some *friends*.
dragynville @ April 28 2004, 16:57:27 UTC |
I see it as Remus feeling that if Harry's going to go drinking, it's better if he's with him so he can watch over him and see him home safely. At least, that's what I hope. I am bothered by the idea of him teaching this behavior to Harry, who might not otherwise have been inclined.
Actually, they seem to get rather silly when drinking together, I don't think they do too much wallowing.
slinkhard @ April 28 2004, 17:00:50 UTC |
But would he be going out drinking at all if Remus wasn't going with him?
"I am bothered by the idea of him teaching this behavior to Harry, who might not otherwise have been inclined."
Why is everyone at nraged better at summing up my points than me? I KEEL YOU!11 ;)
I don't really approve of Sirius and Remus as parents anyway.
(Not because of the gay thing, before I get 586894475 flames ;p
I think the players do an excellent job, and make the characters frankly more sympathetic than in canon.
BUT I have such a strong dislike for Canon!Sirius and Remus that I find it hard to put aside even for nraged.)
dragynville @ April 28 2004, 17:13:13 UTC |
Why is everyone at nraged better at summing up my points than me? I KEEL YOU!11 ;)
I don't really approve of Sirius and Remus as parents anyway.
I know, talk about 'who's minding the store?'..! XD And yes, they're much more likable (and three-dimensional) in NA.
frozen_jelly @ April 28 2004, 16:59:18 UTC |
Plenty of my male friends go out drinking with their Dads, so I suppose I see it as a family gesture rather than anything else. And its not as though they are drinking with each other because they have no alternative.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 28 2004, 17:18:43 UTC |
Plus, Harry's a young boy. Remus is a middle aged man. They should find some *friends*.
This is just something that creeps me out in general about all Remus/Harry interaction. Not that they're friends with each other or even that they might have a drink together because having a drink with your dead father's best friend seems just fine. It's just when *this* kid and his dad's best friend go drinking.
It's that Remus isn't his dad's best friend. He's Harry's best friend, and also his mother, his father, his dad's best friend, his mom's best friend, his mentor, his godfather-of course there's R/H vibes.
slinkhard @ April 28 2004, 17:23:42 UTC |
It's the kind of squick I got in OotP with Sirius trying to get Harry to be James.
Harry is Remus' adopted son, emotional support, hero of the wizarding world, going through constant crisises himself, including sexuality...
Lot of pressure for a kid, and encouraging him to drink it away with the man who's emotionally...weak? = not healthy.
comava @ April 28 2004, 19:48:33 UTC |
Now it's my turn to say you're better at summing things up than me. Kill!!1!
slinkhard @ April 28 2004, 19:50:12 UTC |
I defined something accurately? Check me out, I'm done with the book learning.
slinkhard @ April 29 2004, 14:02:44 UTC |
Exams are totally fascist, and they discriminate against the uninformed.
Words to live by, this June ;)
vassilissa @ April 29 2004, 07:19:52 UTC |
What bothers me about it is that it's *dangerous*. If you have to get drunk in the present situation, do it at home with the doors locked and the wards up. You're just too vulnerable otherwise.
(parent)slinkhard @ April 29 2004, 14:00:17 UTC |
Good point.
If you *have* to get drunk, then for godsakes, work on why that is.
If you don't, then don't encourage your teenage godson into drowning his sorrows every time he has a problem.
divinelight @ April 28 2004, 12:40:42 UTC |
Shouldn't there be punctuation in the PS?
Remus' player is just driving the slasher inside all of us mad.
dragynville @ April 28 2004, 16:47:10 UTC |
Passing coded messages? Now there's an intriguing thought!
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Anonymous @ April 28 2004, 17:26:22 UTC |
PS=Potter Stinks
Hence, Remus thinks Draco is a top.
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lonelyspade @ April 28 2004, 19:23:15 UTC |
I was thinking PotterStinks=PS too, but I don't think it had anything to do with tops or bottoms in that sense. Perhaps it had something to do with whatever it was Draco wanted to talk to him about?
(parent)divinelight @ April 30 2004, 12:20:06 UTC |
I seriously read it as "Potterstinks" at first. Had to re-read it to realize it might be a postscript.