orpheusinjapan @ 2004-04-28 21:41:00 |
I know the post was awhile ago but...
Where there ever any theories put forth as to what Lavender may have said to PS to make him retaliate. I know there were theories about the increase in his acting out but I don't recall reading anything about what Lavender might have said.
Granted she may have said nothing, but I have trouble believing PS would go from kissing to shoving a girl even if he was trying to get attention from certain others.
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Anonymous @ April 28 2004, 13:55:25 UTC |
I know this is rather random, and someone will have to help out with a link cause I don't know how (idiot)....
I was looking through Lavender's entries in her journal last night and I noticed that in one entry she mentions Draco posting comments in her journal.
"It is still rather quiet in here other than Ron and Malfoy having childish little fights in their journals and Malfoy leaving BIGBIGBIG threatening comments in mine. :c Why can't we all get along???? Oh, those boys. >:/ ".
In the previous entry, her very first I think, dated 18 May, 2002, he yells at her, telling her she "will pay." Lavender responds rather flippantly with a
"What in the world are you whining about now, Malfoy?
and blows him off. He responds by stating "Beware. You were warned." in his especially angry font size. This might be something... although I do not know what she did to create this rage. (And even though it was almost two years ago.... Maybe he's taking the "revenge is a dish best served cold" thing to the extreme.) My only question is, what did she say or do while Malfoy was fighting with Ron oh so long ago??
Anyhoo, that's my 2 cents.
On another note, (and perhaps for another thread), I think it's very sad that parvati has ceased inventive capitalization. ::sniff::
bookofjude @ April 28 2004, 13:59:49 UTC |
I don't recall any mention of Draco having said anything.
Quoting from Parvati's entry here Earlier this afternoon when everyone was in Hogsmeade I was headed up past Madame Puddifoot's - not to meet anyone, mind you, but sometimes it's amusing to look in the window - and I spotted Malfoy and Lavender standing outside. I don't know if they had been in or were heading in, but Malfoy leaned in and kissed her and it gave me the shock of my life, but I stayed quiet - not that I was being quiet or spying or anything of the sort but it might have been a tender moment or something, but on second thought it was Draco Malfoy.
He then shoved her shoulder and knocked her over into a mud puddle, only after telling her that he doesn't "date fat girls".
And the NrAged post is here, and just glancing through it I don't see any theorising. :-?
sistermagpie @ April 28 2004, 14:15:22 UTC |
Heh. I just posted those links elsewhere.:-)
This is Lavender's very first entry, which begins with Draco telling her SHE WILL PAY in big font. He continued to comment on her entries in the beginning. A few days later we hear Malfoy started a petition to get her kicked out of the project. He threatens again that she'll rue the day she set foot in Hogwarts and begins calling her fatso and talking about her eating.
This has been a pretty sustained effort on his part, in a way. She came to his attention somehow and whatever she did hasn't been forgotten, I guess.
Then there's this comment, where Lavender describes a mooncake with a note that says:
Blond Bitch God:
I gave you my heart
you kept it as a trophy
justice is so sweet
Lavender seems to assume Pansy wrote it and tells her to forget about Malfoy because she can do better-girl power!
Malfoy doesn't comment on it, but a while later he calls her thunder thighs (because of her tildes!) and indirectly calls her a cunt. ps doesn't swear, usually, so I'm willing to consider there's some deep anger here on his part, though I don't think we've ever had a clue what Lavender did that made him angry.
orpheusinjapan @ April 28 2004, 14:39:23 UTC |
I was thinking that maybe she made some kind of innocent comment about his sexuality. He does seem to have some grudge against her, and she's really the kind of character that he would barely notice unless she'd done something.
(parent)dragynville @ April 28 2004, 17:05:56 UTC |
Did Harry kiss her before or after Draco started threatening revenge? It was before I started obsessing over following NA.
nabiki @ April 28 2004, 17:20:22 UTC |
I think that it has to do with Harry, honestly...Harry kissed her in 5th year and I guess presumably since then Draco has been acting weird towards her, threatening her, but then also humoring her and going to tea with her, egging on her anorexia, etc.. So maybe he's jealous?