allthat_jazz @ 2004-04-28 09:54:00 |
(no title)
Narcissa posts about preparing for Friday. What's this about 'the tide shall soon be changing'?
bookofjude @ April 28 2004, 14:11:23 UTC |
I am starting to get worried. Perhaps the Death Eaters are having a soirée.
(parent)black_dog @ April 28 2004, 15:00:44 UTC |
I like your icon. Railroad crossing signals = scary fetish objects. The wierd shapes, the flashing lights, the bells, the suggestive raising and lowering of the gate. So much the opposite of the average cool, discreet highway sign.
Um, good morning. No, I haven't had my coffee yet. :)
onthehillside @ April 28 2004, 17:13:37 UTC |
I am starting to get worried.
*sputters* What?! Starting? I need some to figure out how to steal of of your Zen.
moocow1985 @ April 28 2004, 14:24:48 UTC |
She keeps talking about things that may or may not happen. Makes me nervous!
Harry, pleeeeeeeease talk to Draco!!!!
vassilissa @ April 29 2004, 07:10:09 UTC |
I am determined to believe that they are talking, face to face, and that that's why Draco's stopped yelling for Harry. I have no logic behind this, I'm just believing it to keep me sane (what?) until Friday.
It's the waiting that's worst about this game.
oconel @ April 29 2004, 07:16:30 UTC |
I want to think they're talking. C'mon, we've freaked out about Lucius-Draco chat. I'm sure Harry has seen that, and has done something about it.
I hope
bsafemydeers @ April 28 2004, 19:04:55 UTC |
I am definitely most disturbed by her mood icon.
It's so ugly.
Narcissa, WTF? I thought that if nothing else, you were stylish. The Evita of Death Eater society, and the mood icons looks like a blob face wearing curlers.
magickslash @ April 29 2004, 04:08:03 UTC |
Which icon do you mean? I saw the power-of-my-ring one.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 28 2004, 19:43:01 UTC |
I was wondering about why solicitude is rather passe. Is she trying to tell herself that she's not worried about Draco or Lucius when she is?
(parent)conversant @ April 29 2004, 01:00:14 UTC A good question |
I am projecting emotions that may or may not occur on Friday now as if to pre-emptively purge the Manor of such things. After all, solicitude is rather passé.
So is solicitude one of the emotions that may or may not occur on Friday?
Is it anxiety that's out of fashion (Quick! Someone tell ps!) or showing concern for others? (Both are connotations of "solicitude.")
Was it ever really in fashion amongst the Malfoys to show concern for others? (I suppose it is like Narcissa to display the appearance of concern... witness her kind solicitation when Harry hurt his hand socking Draco in the nose.)
sistermagpie @ April 29 2004, 01:12:19 UTC Re: A good question |
Yeah, I couldn't figure out what that meant--I looked at both definitions and couldn't even really decide which one she was using. I leaned towards showing concern for others, maybe because it opened up more possibilities for specific meanings. It is interesting to think that Narcissa was referring to the breaking off of relations with others, not just Harry but Remus. Like maybe she was trying to help them but since they didn't show solicitude for her she'd decided it was passe and wouldn't show it to them.
(parent)conversant @ April 29 2004, 01:03:28 UTC |
Can I just say that with Narcissa's latest post, her player and Lucius' have skipped well beyond the pale into the realm of overtly teasing us. "Blood will run true." Indeed.
I say, "Pfffft!" to that.
sistermagpie @ April 29 2004, 01:19:18 UTC |
I started laughing today wondering what it would be like if one time one of the Malfoys posted something to the other like: "I have no idea what you're talking about. Seriously. Am I Madam Butterfly or is that you? Are you just talking about opera or are we hatching a plan? Because over Easter I swear I thought we were talking about redecorating the dining room and ordered that hit on George Weasley totally by accident."
(parent)hated_and_loved @ April 28 2004, 21:21:07 UTC |
Lucius responds, and his last comment is absolutely beyond me:
You shall soon reap the rewards of one little kiss.
Kiss? What? Who else thought "Dementor"? What possible rewards could there be to a Dementor's Kiss?
Or should I be thinking of a Jesus/Judas betrayal-type kiss? A farewell to Draco just before they throw him to the wolves?
It's time for another round of "we don't know what the hell is going on."
oneminutemovies @ April 28 2004, 21:28:14 UTC |
The only thing that I can think of that possibly seems relevant is when Harry tried to kiss Draco a year ago. Dunno who's on what side or what anybody's plan is, but maybe they're trying to capitalize on Harry and Draco's relationship in some way.
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 28 2004, 21:37:14 UTC |
Haha. I should really read all the comments before I reply :> *has posted same below* >.>
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 28 2004, 21:36:27 UTC |
I know!! I was like, wtf? Of course in the HP world the most logical conclusion is the Dementor's Kiss - but he seemed to imply it was a kiss that had already occured, and we haven't heard about anyone being Kissed. Or! Maybe it is to do with Harry and Draco and their relationship - like Lucius is going to lure Harry by using Draoc as bait! And the little kiss he is talking about is the time Harry tried to kiss Draco and that lead to their relationship! Oh, I don't know, I'm reaching, and worrying myself...
(parent)hated_and_loved @ April 28 2004, 23:23:08 UTC |
So the Jesus/Judas kiss it is, then!
I'm liking the idea that Draco is supposed to lead the DEs to Harry.
I love this reference, by the way—I was in Jesus Christ Superstar when I was 15. I was a whore in the temple scene and Holy Mary in the crucifixion scene. It was a really high-class production. ;)
conversant @ April 29 2004, 00:52:57 UTC |
Lyrics for Judas' conversation with Annas and Caiaphas in Jesus Christ Superstar.
If this is indeed Lucius's citation, it works with pretty much all of the current theories, but is certainly chilling if the allusion is to a Death Eater context, particularly if we imagine that ps has been cast as Judas. (But need we make this assumption?) In that case, Judas's reprise of "I don't know how to love him" suggests something very, very terrible for our OTP.
Judas: "I'd save him if I could..."
Annas: "Cut the confessions, forget the excuses./ I don't understand why you're filled with remorse./ All that you've said has come true with a vengeance./ The mob turned against him, you backed the right horse."
Caiaphas: "What you have done will be the saving of everyone./ You'll be remembered forever for this./ And not only that, you've been paid for your efforts./ Pretty good wages for one little kiss."
I especially like Lucius as Caiaphas, the rotter, and I'd like to imagine that the most feared scenario is not the one planned. What if, in fact, what's planned is a DE coup against Voldemort. Certainly all of Narcissa's trooping about to visit the "associates" could have been a matter of lining up support for such a thing. Could ps have been invited home to watch his father take control of the Dark Lord's movement? (That bit of over-reaching would mesh with all of Lucius's recent lyrical citations.)
Or, indeed, what if Narcissa is to be cast as Judas, as Lucius's application of the "pretty good wages" line might suggest.
Of course, there's another kiss that hadn't been mentioned when I began typing this comment: what of ps's kiss with Lavender? What if that was not as unmotivated as it's seemed? I'm not sure where that line of plotting might lead, but I'd be keen to see it made into a relevant plot point. (In my zeal to keep all theories in play, it crossed my mind that maybe what L & N have lined up is an auction in which ps's eligible, young body and its implied alliance to the Malfoy Family will be sold to the highest bidding bride/family-of-bride. Perhaps Lavender's family expressed a desire to have her reputation repaired after the young man's cavalier treatment of her... but that's diving off the cliff into very murky water.)
sistermagpie @ April 29 2004, 01:10:21 UTC |
Heh. So many possibilities. The thing is, if Draco was being cast as Judas against Harry then what would it say that he tried to speak to Harry immediately? Whatever Draco wanted to tell him, the last we heard he still wanted to tell him. I can imagine him getting mad over Harry not speaking to him and so doing whatever thing it was ("I'll do something stupid...") to spite him, but ps sounded like he had actually reached a point where he had a clue about things in that conversation. That is, he sounded like his point was he wanted the games to stop so that they could just speak plainly. When Harry said good-night he continued to post to him and then did that one whole post shouting out to him again (this time openly, not hiding in an old entry).
The first kiss I thought about was Narcissa's wedding kiss that would have gotten her married to Lucius, thus producing Draco. But I didn't think through what that would really mean. It would be kind of interesting if it was Draco's kissing Lavender, since that was something Harry repeated about the incident. And after Harry and Draco's fight Lucius changed his mind about Narcissa's plan, so I guess he could be referring to that kiss because it somehow changed their fortunes.
Or it could refer to something Lucius and Narcissa are doing against Voldemort.
Iow, I have no clue.:-)
ungemmed @ April 29 2004, 02:53:56 UTC |
Ooooh, what if Sally-Anne is Judas?
Bear with me a moment, then feel free to tear my theory to pieces. During the invisible-stair incident Draco was talking to Sally-Anne, right? Now, you can take the stairs in various degrees of "metaphorically" but in general the accident was a Bad Thing. It's implied that the reason he missed the stairs was because Sally-Anne was distracting him.
Pansy and MB both dislike her extremely. Why? We can't be sure of their motivations in re ethical issues, at all, but they probably want what's best for Draco. How irrational is their hate of Sally-Anne? They're roommates, so they'd probably have a better grasp of her motive than Draco would. And they've continually tried to keep her away from Draco; also, they've dealt with her in a far more serious manner than they dealt with, say, Queenie, which could imply that they consider her more dangerous.
I don't know: maybe overall I'm fixating on Sally-Anne's role too much. But I have a feeling she'll be very, very, important.
Attack away!
sistermagpie @ April 29 2004, 03:16:06 UTC |
I can't attack, I'm afraid! I just keep thinking about how Sally-Anne came up with the brilliant idea of dropping mud and fake blood on other students which eventually led to Draco hiding himself in a hole from which MB had to drag him out!
(parent)ungemmed @ April 29 2004, 03:26:26 UTC |
She's an NPC, so we don't get much chance to sympathize with her because we never get her point of view. That said, I think that essentially every time we've seen her she's been a thoroughly nasty sort. At least the Unholy Trio know how to temper their bad sides into some semblance of civility....
(parent)lisdelacroix @ April 28 2004, 22:42:47 UTC |
When I read the line re: "one little kiss," I jumped to two conclusions, naturally both doom and gloom.
1. The Judas kiss of betrayal, handing someone beloved (Harry?) over to the "bad guys" (DEs?), Draco might somehow capture Harry and bring him to his parents, bringing him to Voldemort.
2. Kissing the Dark Lord's robes, as the whole crawling newly dedicated follower thing ... maybe the Initiation of Draco, bringing pride to his mother and father for following their path?
Of course, both theories are equally wibble-worthy, and I've still got a tiny bit of me sitting in a dusty corner going "Hey! It could be a GOOD thing, you know..." but then the pessimist in me beats it to death with clubs, so you know. Not really working. Argh, why are there so many connotations for "one little kiss?" Now that I've started, I've just thought of it being a marriage type of "I do" kiss, between Draco and some appropriately beneficial wife-to-be?
N_A is doing wonders for my paranoia. [/sarcasm]
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hezzabeth @ April 29 2004, 01:14:10 UTC |
But was'nt the line directed to Narcissa? I feel like Lucius is implying she's going to betray her son who she loves to the De's.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 29 2004, 01:22:26 UTC |
As mean as it sounds, that's just so compelling. I mean, it seems like if Draco were ever going to wake up to right and wrong he would almost have to feel betrayed by his parents--look at how he reacted to finding out they'd lied to him about gay people. It's just so awful but in a dramatic way...
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hezzabeth @ April 29 2004, 09:12:29 UTC |
Exactly, awfull but good plot wise.
Betraying Harry just seems too obvious.
sistermagpie @ April 29 2004, 13:55:04 UTC |
Not to mention, it would have been easier to betray him when they were friends. Harry understandably won't even go near him now.
(parent)lisdelacroix @ April 29 2004, 04:15:47 UTC |
Yeah, she's sort of got that nervous tone, regarding her Little Dragon, but in another line of paranoia, I was wondering if she was to get the Mark as well.. does she already officially have it, or has she just been sort of a "business associate" with the DEs? It could be like, mother son bonding over new tattoos and pain!
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hezzabeth @ April 29 2004, 09:13:26 UTC |
But would she allow herself to become a DE? she seems to slippery for that.
(parent)magickslash @ April 29 2004, 04:13:52 UTC |
I kind of suspect Lucius is planning to overthrow Voldemort himself, which would make Jesus=Voldemort and Lucius/Narcissa=Judas.
(parent)lisdelacroix @ April 29 2004, 04:22:30 UTC |
With all the fancy literature and such he's been posing, with mentions of uprising and ruling, I'd figure that a good idea as well ... they certainly are ambitious enough. All the dinners they've been having, and chats ... I can't wait until we find out what everyone's part in this is.
Maybe they're just having the Bicentennial Malfoy Lemonade Stand. Who knows, man?
I think we should skip the Thursday and move right on to the Friday, because this whole speculating thing and endless theories bit is doing horrors for my studying levels.
pengolodh_sc @ April 28 2004, 23:25:12 UTC |
Whatever it is, Narcissa vows she will see it through to the end nomatter how she feels about it, and is looking forward to it, towhich Lucius responds with the promise that blood will run true that night, and all her efforts will come to fruition. To this Narcissa notes that she would not want to claim credit for things in which she is not responsible.
(parent)blankcanvas @ April 29 2004, 00:30:28 UTC |
she would not want to claim credit for things in which she is not responsible
Or she would not want to claim credit for things that might go wrong... that's what I thought, anyway
sistermagpie @ April 29 2004, 03:17:42 UTC |
I remember thinking it was funny how they seem to be talking about some big event that concerns their son and they're sort of talking about him like he doesn't exist apart from being the product of their efforts. But maybe that was just me.
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Anonymous @ April 28 2004, 22:24:52 UTC |
You guys dont think this has anything to do with Remus, do you?
"You shall soon reap the rewards of one little kiss."
Doom and Woe. *hides*