keristars @ 2004-04-30 12:08:00 |
nail-biting or cocktail drinking: choose your weapon
Mood: hopeful
It appears that Narcissa is going to be showing her true colors tonight, but is rather nervous about it. Beyond the anxious mood, she's drinking martinis at some ungodly hour of the morning and is questioning her part in the whole thing.
It's nice to see that she's acknowledging herself as being somewhat... well, mysterious is the only word I can come up with in my pain-med haze - she says Les complications, votre nom est Narcissa. Take that as you will.
onthehillside @ April 30 2004, 17:01:53 UTC |
Oh man. My friends are expecting my to make some sort of an appearance tonight, when all I really want to do is stay by my computer.
(parent)dr_jekyl @ April 30 2004, 17:29:14 UTC |
Bugger! I've got to go to bed with this all just about to happen. Stupid time-zones.
(parent)jupistrahan @ April 30 2004, 19:55:00 UTC |
Your icon never ceases to amuse me. =D *glomps incomprehensible!Snape*
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invisiblehoney @ April 30 2004, 17:40:06 UTC |
So does that mean that she's going to complicate things somehow?? *confused* I'm no good at this speculation thing. Who are these "certain people" who have said she's "miscast" or whatever? Hmm. I dunno. *shrugs*
(parent)dr_jekyl @ April 30 2004, 17:54:32 UTC |
Maybe they're just doing a historical re-enactment to commemerate Walpurgis Night.
Can you tell it's 2am?
keristars @ April 30 2004, 18:04:00 UTC |
I'm willing to bet that she's talking about both sides. She's going to come out as a double agent who isn't, and has an agenda all her own, and then everyone's going to smack their foreheads and go "Oh man! It's so obvious now!"
Hmm. On that note, and the fact that only a gazillion fics like to talk about the DE's picking a new leader and this might be influencing me, maybe they have their own agenda as well, and nothing to do with Voldemort's plan, and that's why there's such a disturbance and the whole Pettigrew thing and the sudden weirdness with Narcissa and Lucius about Draco.
And when this happens, we shall all smack our foreheads and say "It's so obvious now!" because that's how it goes. And also, because I am currently finding such an image very amusing.
anemonerose @ April 30 2004, 21:59:12 UTC |
Could she possibly mean Lupin? He accused her a while back of being too caught up in her lifestyle to realize what was going on. I remember his comment of "As it has nothing to do with shopping or food, I did not think that you would" in the thread to this post after George was killed. It's an idea, anyway. :)
(parent)mamadeb @ April 30 2004, 18:24:05 UTC |
It has to happen tonight. And I'm offline for twenty-five hours. Getting back on the computer after Shabbat is going to be nervewracking.
(parent)vassilissa @ May 1 2004, 03:35:29 UTC |
But it'll save you the 'hit reload' syndrome.
I won't be online tonight either: I've used up my net quota at the 24-hour lab, so my internet hours will be strictly enforced by the library's opening hours.
Playing catch-up is going to be fun, isn't it?
morganmuffle @ April 30 2004, 19:27:51 UTC |
It's awful how much NA effects me. I actually spent the entire day in the library today to make sure I'd got enough work done in case tonight is really huge... So I suppose a big thank you to the players for making me work but now please tell us what's happening.
*sits in a corner biting her nails*
catloveralex @ April 30 2004, 19:53:36 UTC |
Am I the only one who feel's scared to death of the various possibilities of what might happen? >.
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Anonymous @ April 30 2004, 20:32:29 UTC |
"Les complications, votre nom est Narcissa."
We French probably wouldn't have phrased it like that (rather without "Les"), but I'm not going to be picky. :)
In case you were wondering, it means: "Complications, your name is Narcissa." But I'm sure most people translated it with Babelfish already.
Wonder what she means, though.
Just my 2 French knuts,
conversant @ April 30 2004, 20:41:39 UTC |
It took ps a while, but he's finally whinged to his Mother how much he dislikes it when people speak other languages. (Remember that he sneered at Seamus for attempting sophistication by resorting to French in their most recent online spat.) I've been waiting for some confirmation that ps was aware that his aversion to this sort of presumption is a reaction to his own parents' penchant for les bon mots.
That's one hopeful sign...
vassilissa @ May 1 2004, 03:37:17 UTC |
Poor PS. What gets to me is (admittedly my own assumption on no data) that his parents have never made the effort to teach him another language.
(parent)lazy_daze @ April 30 2004, 23:31:27 UTC |
Lucius' comment is - big surprise - worrying, although a little clarifying - it suggests that whatever happens tonight is some kind of test, which possible rules out the Mark? Which is more of an iniation than test-type thing...
(parent)versinae @ May 1 2004, 06:12:13 UTC |
I don't think it rules out the idea that Draco is getting the Mark, as much as I don't want to think about that. I could totally see there being one challenge of some kind that you have to perform that night. It could just be talking to Voldie and answering this questions correctly, or it could be some whole giant "bring me the heads of the first 6 Muggles you see" extravaganza, who knows.
When Lucius says that they as parents are passing or failing, I hear him saying that they've either suceeded at or failed at raising a good Deatheater. Their whole social standing among the DE's would go down dramatically if Draco was deemed unsufficiently evil for the cause, not to mention Voldemort's opinion of them.
bookofjude @ May 1 2004, 00:21:21 UTC |
Complications, thy name is Narcissa. Which is interesting, considering the usual cliché is 'Vanity, thy name is woman' (I believe, correct me if I'm wrong) and also considering Narcissa is named for Narcissus (or the flower, but even then, named after the man) who fell in love with himself.
keristars @ May 1 2004, 00:42:16 UTC |
I said it rather jokingly earlier, but now that you've reminded me of the myth, I'm quite fond of the idea that Narcissa may be following her own agenda and the reason no one can pin her to one side or the other is because she isn't on either side.
I really won't be surprised if something like that happens.
Then again, I won't be surprised if something like that doesn't happen, just because this is NA.
magickslash @ May 1 2004, 02:57:30 UTC |
I think it was actually "Frailty, thy name is woman." From Hamlet. Which may have relevance - Hamlet was angry at his mother for betraying his father, although in that case she'd done it by getting married to soon after his death, to her brother-in-law.
New possibility: Narcissa is contemplating something that she knows Draco may see as a betrayal to Lucius? Given how dotty she is over her son, she'd need a few drinks before seeing it through.
Also, it might not be relevant, but Hamlet was *blonde*.