anjenue @ 2004-04-30 23:40:00 |
(no title)
And we have LuciusPost.
Angst: T minus 5 seconds and counting.
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nyxforsythe @ May 1 2004, 04:45:33 UTC |
What!! WAAAGHH! What is all over? Lucius's player I am trying to write an essay and you are making it impossible. Woe I curse the day I ever got enraptured with this RPG Curse it I say.
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jacay @ May 1 2004, 04:47:50 UTC |
He's listening to the same music he was listening to when he posted this. Bad?
(parent)lostuponme @ May 1 2004, 04:49:13 UTC |
It must be his "pleased" song. He used the icon both times to.
anjenue @ May 1 2004, 05:03:41 UTC |
LOL that is the BEST icon EVER.
(...I think I remember that.)
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nyxforsythe @ May 1 2004, 04:50:04 UTC |
Bad indeed apparently it is supposed to be a piece of music that is used when one is in mourning!! Oh God let nothing have happened to Draco.
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nyxforsythe @ May 1 2004, 04:58:17 UTC |
Do you really think so? It could be. She did seem very reluctant to be involved in well what ever went on tonight. Oh how awful. Are we really certain that someone is dead??
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jacay @ May 1 2004, 04:59:23 UTC |
No, we aren't. I think he would be mourning Narcissa. Maybe this is just Lucius's DE music, and Draco just became a DE.
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jacay @ May 1 2004, 05:02:42 UTC |
Who knows how long it will take for us to find out. Whatever drama plays out on NA can wait until morning, I say. Time for bed. Although I might have to wake up in a couple hours and check it anyway. Heh.
(parent)shamera @ May 1 2004, 06:58:42 UTC |
Arg. 3. Lucky. It's midnight here, and I can't stop F5ing! T_T
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nyxforsythe @ May 1 2004, 05:03:04 UTC |
Yeah That is a definite possibility especially considering his mood is set to 'exhausted' not to any type of sadness or mournful emotion. I am still worried though. I bet that is all we get too. One post by Lucius till tommorrow. I shake my fist at you NA. (with much love and respect of course)
(parent)anjenue @ May 1 2004, 05:02:13 UTC |
It doesn't really seem like anyone is dead. That was just a thought considering the fact that she's been very apprehensive about the whole thing.
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jacay @ May 1 2004, 05:03:51 UTC |
Well, someone very well could be, but I think it would be like the Weasley situation, where Lucius is pleased and not necessarily mourning. I'm going for Draco DE initiation, just because I've been expecting it for months. *wibble, etc.*
(parent)caithion @ May 1 2004, 04:47:54 UTC |
Well, I suppose that answers the question of whether Lucius would literally be giving up his life....
(parent)insanelonewolf @ May 1 2004, 04:49:48 UTC |
Someone better inform us quick otherwise my lungs will explode from waiting with bated breath...
Is it too late for a last minute wibble?
xnera @ May 1 2004, 05:05:41 UTC |
HA! I knew it was the right time to go make the brownies. Need my sugar for the vigil ahead.
Anyone for a wibblechat in AIM? Click here to join.
neviachiel @ May 1 2004, 05:16:10 UTC |
Has anyone else been *really* annoyed at the blatent "something evil's going down" posts from both Lucius and Narcissa?
I'm also amused by the fact that neither of them gets any responses from the community unless it's each other. Like everyone else is thinking, ok, if you don't want to tell us outright, enough with the dramatics already.
jenicomprispas @ May 1 2004, 05:25:42 UTC |
My general response to QUITEEVILTHANKYOU!posts from the past week has been "F*cking Malfoys!" Really, really, really annoyed with them as well. But oh, how I adore their players!
(parent)shamera @ May 1 2004, 07:08:52 UTC |
I think (purely on speculation!) that it was Draco's initiation to the DEs. It could have happened earlier, and this might actually be something else, but I guess I'm easily influenced by the opinions of others, especially those in Nraged. XD
The way that Lucius is so relieved, though, seems like a great cause of both concern and confusion. Was he really trying to tell Draco to do what he wants to earlier on? Or was he trying to convince Draco to "do his duty"? It seems that Narcissa is more reluctant to go with whatever was going to happen tonight (and has already happened, based on Lucius's post) but Lucius also seemed quite hesitent, despite all his confident facade and exterior. (sorry- not being very articulate as it's really, really late)
So Lucius being relieved about whatever happening tonight having already passed can be accounted for in two ways (or maybe more): that Draco is a DE and has fulfilled his duty and Lucius now has a burden taken off his shoulders from having an unmarked child, or that Draco has refused the mark and the burden has been taken off Lucius for him deciding for Draco. Either way, I guess we'll find out what happens later, eh? ^^;; That.. or the players keep us in the dark. >_O!!
shamera @ May 1 2004, 08:19:27 UTC |
*incoherent gurgle* Update on Lucius's post... is Narcissa dead????
jiffy_spiffy @ May 1 2004, 08:44:50 UTC |
Oh, Merlin... my poor, poor Narcissa. What will we do without her?
That's what I thougth straight away, too. If she isn't, she's obviously somewhere where they can't get to her if they're "without her".
black_dog @ May 1 2004, 05:34:51 UTC |
When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
John 19:30, KJV
Anyone want to run with this?
black_dog @ May 1 2004, 05:40:58 UTC |
The saucer people tell me these things, using railroad crossing signals.
(parent)black_dog @ May 1 2004, 06:04:56 UTC |
Hey, I rather like your icon, too. God is giving You -- yes, Y-O-U, a Big! Thumbs! Up! That's what I want from my metaphysics! :)
Where in the world did that come from? I really do like it.
nmalfoy @ May 1 2004, 06:15:05 UTC |
It's the "Buddy Christ" from "Dogma". A cardinal of the Catholic church (played by George Carlin) introduces the Buddy Christ, trying to make religion (and Catholicism) more hip and trendy.
black_dog @ May 1 2004, 06:39:59 UTC |
Never saw it! I really should get out more.
Speaking of Jesus, I suppose Lucius may be rather quiet between tonight and Sunday. Ah, but what tales he could tell, eh?
nmalfoy @ May 1 2004, 07:02:59 UTC |
I'd love to get him shiny and pick his brain; wouldn't you?
(parent)caithion @ May 1 2004, 05:39:41 UTC |
So, are we comparing Lucius = Jesus, or Lucius = God, who is sacrificing his son?
(parent)black_dog @ May 1 2004, 05:42:22 UTC |
Well, it was Jesus' line. And Lucius has been comparing himself to Jesus in the garden, etc. So perhaps it is his last gasp, literally or (I hope!) metaphorically?
(parent)ekaterinn @ May 1 2004, 06:05:00 UTC |
There's that's sense of finality about it. I'll still be inclined to look at Draco has the sacrifice that Lucius has not wanted to give up (Lord, take this cup from me?).
At the risk of sounding both cliche and Star Wars-like, I have a bad feeling about this.
black_dog @ May 1 2004, 06:12:43 UTC |
My late entry in the theory sweepstakes was actually that Narcissa was supposed to "betray" Lucius as a disloyal Death-Eater in front of Voldemort, and when V attempted punishment, Draco was then perhaps expected to step in and defy Voldemort out of filial loyalty. With the danger or risk that Lucius might be fatally injured before anyone could act. I can't actually make the parts add up -- why Draco's intervention would be decisive I don't know -- but like a jigsaw puzzle piece that fits on two of three sides, I keep trying it, hoping womething will change.
(parent)ekaterinn @ May 1 2004, 06:22:29 UTC |
That's very interesting indeed. It could work with Draco wanting to talk to Harry because it would be about what they were going to do to Voldemort. They would have to kill Voldemort to get away with it, right?
Or one can go with my pet theory that Narcissa was had to win Voldie's annual bake-off: The Bake Sale for EVIL with her martini-laced cake. *winks*
black_dog @ May 1 2004, 06:44:02 UTC |
Perhaps Harry found a way to transfer some of his anti-Voldemort skills to Draco during their time together? Or perhaps, if Harry indeed was "top," . . .
*decides not to go there*
shamera @ May 1 2004, 07:10:52 UTC |
Go there, go there! :D We certainly need something nice to talk about amongst all this wibbling and angsting.
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Anonymous @ May 1 2004, 08:39:27 UTC |
Why has Lucius changed his original post from "It is finished." [with "Adagio for Strings" as music and "exhausted" for mood] with the new post mourning Narcissa?
It can now be definitely gathered that Narcissa is dead, and I don't think anyone can have any more lingering doubts over whether Draco has been initiated...My poor, darling Potterstinks! This is ALL j_h's fault. >:(
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Anonymous @ May 1 2004, 11:19:59 UTC |
This is ALL j_h's fault. >:(
Woah, man. Whatever Draco has done, he is entirely responsible for his own actions.
lazy_daze @ May 1 2004, 08:49:01 UTC |
OH my GOD. Is she actually dead dead, do we thing? Or away? Defected? Gone to live in Alaska?? *hopes in vain* And does that mean Draco's a DE now? How will his mother dying (if she has) affect him? omg.
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ May 1 2004, 09:00:46 UTC |
Eeep. Narcissa! It certainly sounds like she's sacrificed herself, or something along those lines.
Eeep, I say!