lore @ 2003-04-09 17:47:00 |
Mood: perplexed
Gah! p_s is posting, but not to j_h!
love, lore
anjaliesque @ April 9 2003, 15:51:12 UTC |
Avoidance maneuvers once again. I can feel my blood pressure rising.
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 15:51:31 UTC Ahhhhhh! |
I feel madness coming on! This is going to drive me insane!
~ Les
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nefeleo @ April 9 2003, 15:55:31 UTC |
Notice that he is attacking those who are trying to discourage Harry, though.
(parent)dancingrain @ April 9 2003, 15:59:02 UTC |
Good point. This is what I will cling to instead of screaming "AUGH!!" and running crazily around the room in pent-up frustration.
And in other news, I now have no legs to stand on if i ever criticise a friend's soap opera addiction again. :D
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 16:00:25 UTC |
LOL! But there isn't anyone who isn't discouraging Harry!
(parent)dancingrain @ April 9 2003, 16:18:27 UTC |
Another totally good point.
And by not *discouraging* it's practically the same as encouragement, in contrast to everyone else.
And your userpic is awesome.
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 16:22:34 UTC |
Yeah, but... is he going to attack Lucius? For making fun of Dean??
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nefeleo @ April 9 2003, 16:25:52 UTC |
jescaflowne drew it for me, it's H/D, and it's
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nefeleo @ April 9 2003, 16:27:44 UTC |
Wah! link got messed up. It's here:
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nefeleo @ April 9 2003, 16:03:09 UTC |
Nor is Narcissa. (yes I know they're family, but but but. Let me hang onto my shreds.)
(parent)dancingrain @ April 9 2003, 16:23:24 UTC |
teehee - again, it's almost-encouragement by not actively *discouraging*. Probably about the best he can think of for a public forum, since throwing himself at Harry's feet and screaming "YES!!" wouldn't likely be befitting of a Malfoy, after all... :D
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 9 2003, 16:32:36 UTC |
It does seem that this is happening. Not exactly that he's trying to protect j_h, but that he's sitting there and sneering, "Who wouldn't want to go out with me?" And so he attacks everyone who attacks Harry for wanting to go out with him. <333
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 15:55:36 UTC |
well i think this clinches that they're not together yet. harry wouldn't have posted that to draco in public if they were. so now at least we get to watch a relationship build! *squees*
(parent)non_inferno @ April 9 2003, 15:55:40 UTC |
He is getting closer to just_harry's post with each comment. Maybe he is working his way up the page. I hope.
ishuca @ April 9 2003, 16:03:50 UTC |
well, considering that most of this was built up in private, -hopefully-.
:hits refresh:
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luleh @ April 9 2003, 16:30:57 UTC |
Well, we don't know what happened the night of the party....
Something must have happened. Cause after that night, Draco started ignoring Harry and Harry started with the oh so solicitous posts about laundry tips and asking about Sally-Anne.
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luleh @ April 9 2003, 16:28:56 UTC |
Come on, potterstinks! Respond! Respond!
I could see Harry doing something really drastic if you keep ignoring him!
kat99999 @ April 9 2003, 16:37:25 UTC |
Wouldn't it be great to have him on NRaged, responding? We could make him listen. lmao then again, perhaps not. He'd only make a mockery of us all and leave us wanting more. *lusts*
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luleh @ April 9 2003, 19:26:40 UTC |
But if I wanted anyone to mock me, it would be potterstinks!
*fangirls potterstinks*
kat99999 @ April 10 2003, 05:20:47 UTC Re: |
Heeeh! *fangirls also*
He would make being mocked seem like being taken out for drinks on a warm summer day. *worships*
morganmuffle @ April 9 2003, 16:40:22 UTC NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO |
He's going to meet his mum still!!!
Stupid boy!!!
lore @ April 9 2003, 16:56:28 UTC Re: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO |
What a butt. He doesn't even have the guts to turn Harry down to his face. Has to do it through mummy. Blarrgh!
Bring on Saturday's duel! I'm 100% behind Boot_Boy!! His androgynous good looks and open-minded dating practices are just what I need to clear away this Malfoy-induced ANGST.
love, lore
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 16:51:45 UTC eeaarrggh! |
He's ignoring him! He's going with his mum!
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kearie @ April 9 2003, 17:23:00 UTC |
Bah. This is very upsetting, although I still shamelessly cling to hope! Maybe, as someone suggested earlier, they can go on Sunday. Or maybe Harry can go with Draco and Narcissa....The possibilities are endless! Or at least twofold...
I don't even read fics anymore, just follow this! :( That's pretty sad.