bookofjude @ 2004-05-02 20:47:00 |
Millicent post
Slytherin won, but more importantly, NARCISSA IS NOT DEAD.
Also, live thread.
ETA: Proof from the Lady herself.
xnera @ May 2 2004, 10:50:12 UTC |
But NO MENTION OF DRACO == *wibble*!!!
And I am about to keel over from exhaustion. the sun is coming up and I've been awake since noon yesterday. but I am happy to see this thread live. YAY! and yet, *wibble*
vassilissa @ May 3 2004, 02:33:14 UTC |
You icon. I am mesmerised, and also strangely tempted to call it Bunny.
(parent)steph_hime @ May 2 2004, 10:52:14 UTC |
Doesn't say who caught the snitch, only that Slytherin won.
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Anonymous @ May 2 2004, 10:54:14 UTC |
With a score like that I'm assuming j_h caught the snitch...
(parent)pyrae @ May 2 2004, 11:07:15 UTC |
Could go either way, I think...they were definitely playing for a very long time before one of them got it. I hope someone posts with more details.
(parent)xnera @ May 2 2004, 11:22:14 UTC |
Okay, I know I shouldn't laugh at this but I've been up way too long and can barely even sit up and am crazy with exhaustion, so this comment made me burst out laughing. I am sorry for having poor taste.
xnera @ May 2 2004, 11:33:18 UTC |
icon away. be amused at my amusement.
my cat just tried to jump on my filing cabinet and so totally missed. BWAH!!
okay, am too too tired and must sleep. I'm afraid you'll have to wibble without me for a bit. do try not to panic. I'll be back later, refreshed and ready to theorize.
conversant @ May 2 2004, 11:43:34 UTC |
I can't believe nobody died. How anti-climatic
So her point is that it's bad for the weather if no one dies? Huh.
(Sorry, it's naughty to laugh at typos, but sometimes one can scarcely resist.)
And Narcissa's answered. (Or someone using her icon, of course.)
conversant @ May 2 2004, 16:12:01 UTC |
I am sorry to have snickered about that. (I see you've fixed it.) Chalk it up to frustration at having to wait for the NA diarists to reveal whatever truly climactic thing might or might not have happened at Malfoy Manor on Friday night. (And, of course, your comment went up at that most frustrating of moments when we'd not yet had any details of the rumpus at the Quidditch match to placate us.)
In any case, I promise to behave better from now on.
conversant @ May 2 2004, 16:18:02 UTC |
The post has been replaced. The only difference is a spelling correction, but I don't think that those advocating iconage were poking fun at the misspelling (as I rudely did). I take it that the urge to iconize was in appreciation for the meta-textual gallows humour in Padma's observation: "I can't believe nobody died. How anti-climactic."
(parent)pokethegeek @ May 2 2004, 17:36:04 UTC |
Ah okay. Deleted posts bugs me.. You can never be sure, right? N_a is playing games with my mind, I think. hmmm..
(parent)lazy_daze @ May 2 2004, 11:49:18 UTC |
Gah! So if she's not dead, wtf is going on?! Did she defect from the DEs? Well, I don't think she was an actual DE but you know what I mean. Left Lucius, left the side of dark/went to the side of light/the whole thing is some nefarious plan to make us angst and analyse ourselves to death.
(parent)nabiki @ May 2 2004, 12:01:16 UTC |
I remain skeptical!!!!!!
Ahhh, N_A, how you toy with our hearts so....
polina_slosvau @ May 2 2004, 12:27:34 UTC Heh... |
:) Woops. I hadn't seen your post before I posted. But yes, it must be so annoying for them...
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Anonymous @ May 2 2004, 12:33:57 UTC |
And yet would that sentiment be different if they were playing Ravenclaw, or say, Hufflepuff?
Slytherin's play dirty, yes, and against Gryffindor there is always going to be more bloodshed, but I wouldn't lay the blame on the Gryffindor's being sore about the lose unless there was good reason.
After all, it's not Gryffindor who called the re-match, that in itself is out of their power.
steph_hime @ May 2 2004, 12:45:14 UTC |
McG said that both teams got detention for bringing wands and playing dirty.
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Anonymous @ May 2 2004, 12:48:36 UTC |
True, true. But then, Slytherin did win Quidditch last year, and it's not something that Draco or even M.B. will let die easily.
I will also be interested in seeing where this is going. The Slytherin's trained hard for this so it'll be an interesting re-match, considering that no additional magic will be used...
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Anonymous @ May 2 2004, 12:54:43 UTC |
Gryffindor won last year.
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Anonymous @ May 2 2004, 16:13:17 UTC |
semantics. fifth year they won. The point still stands.
(parent)conversant @ May 2 2004, 16:25:35 UTC |
We saw a bit of last-minute training, certainly -- a flurry of instructions for a practice that ps missed. Millicent seemed less than impressed with ps's attention to training in the months leading up to Friday/Saturday, and I had the impression that Ms. Bullstrode was less than convinced that the raw eggs were good for her welfare. I will agree, however, that if ps's instructions were carried out regarding the polishing of his boots and the cleaning of the uniforms, the captain, at least, was well taken care of.
(parent)slinkhard @ May 2 2004, 18:44:28 UTC |
Who did call the rematch, then?
Dumbledore? McGonagall?...;)
Would the rematch still be called if Gryffindor had won is my question?
polina_slosvau @ May 2 2004, 12:24:53 UTC Re-match!! |
Too bad, Slytherin!
Ah, I almost feel sorry for them. ;)
-+- Juwely.
orpheusinjapan @ May 2 2004, 12:55:05 UTC |
Any reason for the big bold font of Narcissa's? Don't recall her ever using it before.
(parent)ungemmed @ May 2 2004, 13:19:53 UTC |
Usually she only uses it when she's really annoyed. It's a step up in anger from the "ring" icon.
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lonelyspade @ May 2 2004, 16:10:31 UTC |
I think the nraged's title is quite fitting right now.
(parent)xnera @ May 2 2004, 21:31:00 UTC |
Heh. I laughed when I noticed the title change. It's funny 'cause it's true!
(parent)bookofjude @ May 3 2004, 09:43:54 UTC |
bookofjude @ May 3 2004, 09:44:35 UTC |
Oh, and I didn't even know you had an icon of him, sorry. If I had, I would've done someone else.
(parent)theantimodel @ May 3 2004, 09:49:53 UTC |
No worries I just thought it was cute that we have such similar icon tastes. evil_man made a set of icons out of those pictures but I hadn't seen the full sized ones, yummy!
bookofjude @ May 3 2004, 10:11:12 UTC |
:D! Oh good! :)) Mmm, he is so pretty. I was going to do one of his foot lying on the floor but it looked awkward. :-?