ishuca @ 2003-04-10 08:38:00 |
Mood: enraged
he's going with his mother!
non_inferno @ April 9 2003, 16:53:09 UTC |
I have a strange and uncontrollable desire to crush his toes. Every one of them.
(parent)karabou @ April 9 2003, 16:53:15 UTC |
Yes! I mean.. Lucius seems pretty mellow about the whole thing, and I'm sure Harry can win Narcissa over... ;)
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 16:46:21 UTC Noooo!!!!! |
::Grabs onto wormhole:: Ok, not freaking out yet ...
~ Les
whoyouinvent @ April 9 2003, 16:48:26 UTC |
Sigh. All that tension and build-up and what? He doesn't even respond to just_harry and ends up going to Hogsmede with his mother, anyway. Ah, well.
Maybe they'll run into each other there... hm. But now who will Harry give the pass to?
At least we can still hang on to the fact that potterstinks hasn't outright turned j_h down... I expected a stronger reply to the invite... but there was really none at all.
What *is* going on between them?
karabou @ April 9 2003, 16:51:41 UTC |
What *is* going on between them?
That is the $64,000 question. :/
karabou @ April 9 2003, 16:49:54 UTC |
Augh! And Harry needs to clear this up!
Maybe Harry's undergoing a certain saturnine mood swing but just because he may be feeling more affable towards you because he's had a falling out with Ron doesn't mean the rest of us have changed any.
It's not just because of that, right Harry??
metaphoracle @ April 9 2003, 16:54:41 UTC |
I'm suspicious.
I think if the invitation had not been so squeed over by fangirls Draco would not be saying he's going to Hogsmeade with his mother.
That's tacit rejection. There was no reason to post that he hopes they will meet in Hogsmeade as planned if not to inform OTHERS that he's busy. Without him replying directly to Harry.
Poor Harry.
Reaffirms my belief in the inherent sadistic nature of NA players.
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 16:55:53 UTC |
yeah, like informing harry he's busy... :( ::stabs potterstinks!::
(parent)katrionaa @ April 9 2003, 17:28:19 UTC |
Um. Nothing against potterstinks but what teenage boy goes somewhere with his mother instead of someone his own age? What's up with that?
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Anonymous @ April 9 2003, 17:29:22 UTC |
But Narcissa posted on 4/8/03 that she had spoken to Snape and will be present for The Dual:
"I am proud of you, darling. I have arranged things with Professor Snape and shall be there just to ensure my boy does not get hurt. Afterwards perhaps we could travel down to Hogsmeade, no?" (
So, much to everyone's angst, she has had him booked since yesterday. The Little Dragon's response is him simply informing his mother of his commitment to her. But never fear, Sunday is still part of the weekend and I'm sure Harry would be willing to wait.
Going to cry now.
sistermagpie @ April 9 2003, 17:33:24 UTC |
That does definitely see to be what he's doing but...WTF????
He's not saying no to Harry right out, or enjoying rejecting him. He's obviously making a big deal of ignoring him...It just seems like he's doing something Very Specific here that Harry understands, even if it's obnoxious.
Because think of Harry...this is a kid who, yes, can be pretty patient. He put up with the Dursleys. But to keep coming back for more when he's not getting any just seems like he must know that hope is not lost.
He just...doesn't j_h seem like he's very much in control of the situation? I mean, obviously he's not in control of ps but he just seems very much aware of what he's doing. Like, he must have been prepared for comments like Dean's. And he delivered smackdown to Colin very efficiently. It's like...he just seems like he's ready to wait this out somehow. Doesn't he?
And I can't figure out exactly what ps is doing. I mean, yeah, he's ignoring j_h. But that's not usually his style. And what's stranger is he's not COMPLETELY ignoring him at all. His line to his mother did seem to be some sort of way to tell Harry that he wasn't accepting his invitation. (Unless, of course, he was really just letting him know he had a standing engagement with his mother--one she might easily break.) And then there were the little echoes of things "Harry said" in his angry posts. The last time Harry brought up a possible trip to Hogsmeade--in the form of suggesting that Draco could go to Hogsmeade with someone other than those people he usually went with--Draco just said, "If I wanted to go with someone else, I would." Or something like that. I just...can't figure him out.
But if he's really being as stupid as he seems to be than I really would like to twist his pointy nose off. Arrgggh! Love Harry openly as you know you do in your heart!!!
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flyby @ April 9 2003, 19:03:12 UTC |
Now I shall have to desperately hope that Narcissa will get completely distracted by something sparkly in a shop, and Draco will get bored and wander off, and oh, look, who's that walking down the street...? ::hopes::
(parent)elite_stoat @ April 10 2003, 01:48:38 UTC |
Yeah, I saw that, too. The little fucker.
He'd better meet up with Harry in Hogsmeade or I'll kill him. After he beats Boot, I mean.