comava @ 2004-05-04 12:22:00

Lupin posts
I greatly enjoyed the Malfoy mocking. And the OotP canon (Occlumency) during his comments with Seamus is nice, considering it's AU from then.

EDIT: I somehow got the idea that Evan Landgreen was in Ravenclaw, but according to Ginny and Ernie's last updates, he's in Slytherin. o_0 Why hasn't Ron lost it yet, or did I miss something?


loony_moony @ Deleted Deleted



oconel @ May 4 2004, 11:06:58 UTC

Yes, and Lupin is very nice to Seamus too

I want to hug them both


ungemmed @ May 4 2004, 14:29:50 UTC

<3 icon.


sternel @ Deleted Deleted



Anonymous @ May 4 2004, 12:55:29 UTC

Evan's in Gryffindor. 0_o


comava @ May 4 2004, 18:36:34 UTC

Thanks, no idea where I got that Ravenclaw bit from!


tortietta @ May 4 2004, 13:37:15 UTC

Actually, Evan is in Gryffindor, and Ron did, sort of, lose it over a couple of posts. umm, and there are a couple of others from around the same time but I don't have time to find them at the moment. Sorry.


comava @ May 4 2004, 18:35:44 UTC

Thanks! though..*headdesk* And I thought I could keep up with N_A!

Also, Tim Tam's are very nummy.


tortietta @ May 4 2004, 23:50:15 UTC

And I thought I could keep up with N_A!

Hahaha! That's the thing with n_a, it's nearly impossible to keep up with everything that happens. I've been following since mid-2002 and I feel like half the time I know nothing!


caithion @ May 4 2004, 13:59:44 UTC

I feel I may become a Lupin & Seamus fangirl. *^.^*


kievstar @ May 4 2004, 15:49:20 UTC

I became one long LONG ago!


gg_83 @ May 4 2004, 15:28:03 UTC

I'm only human, contrary to popular belief.

A very interesting comment, I think, coming from a werewolf.

And the sweetness! I love them both so! ::hugs them to pieces::


puddingcat @ May 4 2004, 17:02:48 UTC *Waves at Lupin's player*

For some reason, I don't have posting access to nraged. *is baffled*

But THIS!. Radio 2's a very Lupinesque station, if he's into muggle radio at all :)


Anonymous @ May 6 2004, 10:03:37 UTC

... how do Ginny and Ernie's posts state that Evan Landgreen is anything other than Gryffindor?
