vassilissa @ 2004-05-11 15:42:00 |
(no title)
Mood: thoughtful
PS updates.
I have to laugh.
Recently I warned Potter that if he didn't answer an inquiry of mine, I'd not speak to him ever again.
I decided to confront Potter myself.
And he really, REALLY doesn't see any incongruity there. I love PS. And j_h for not giving up on the poor little idiot.
More seriously,
It seems I managed to horrify him, so I hope this means he's going to leave me alone now.
It seems like j_h knows whatever happened to him now. I wish we did. And I don't think j_h is going to leave him alone. I adjectival intensifier hope not. And I don't think PS was exactly posting this as an attempt to get j_h to leave him alone, either.
And why is Millicent sleeping in PS's bed?
vassilissa @ May 11 2004, 06:09:00 UTC |
*nod* From the biscuit crumbs and the romance novels, you'd think she was trying to cheer him up. But the taking his bed thing makes me wonder if she's guarding him.
(parent)nabiki @ May 11 2004, 06:16:00 UTC |
those are the two scenarios I thought of! Or a pansy / millicent spat but that seems less likely :P
(parent)vassilissa @ May 11 2004, 07:39:47 UTC |
Oh. That's possible. I hope not, but...
Sometimes I wish Millicent went to Beauxbatons.
This bit's cryptic. I mean apart from the surface-level rudeness of wishing Millicent elsewhere.
Pansy's mother wanted Pansy to go to Beauxbatons, Draco's suddenly pushing Lucius for the Malfoys to spend more time in Paris, and Millicent's camped out in Draco's bed with crumbs, romance novels and a bad temper (OK, so that last bit's always present.) Do you think Pansy's mother might be insisting she go soon, and only a few people know about it?
caithion @ May 11 2004, 12:13:59 UTC |
And now Narcissa says that Lucius is going to be in Paris for an indeterminate amount of time. Did she kick him out of the manor? It sure sounded like they were at outs in their last exchange.
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Anonymous @ May 11 2004, 08:35:55 UTC |
maybe he's having nightmares after whatever happened last Friday or something?
(parent)wedneswolf @ May 11 2004, 07:58:26 UTC |
Phew, I'm so glad I'm not the only one awake and watching the live thread. I keep waiting for each comment to be the last one, but no, Draco just keeps replying.
(parent)xnera @ May 11 2004, 07:59:53 UTC |
I have obviously been eating too many Sinfully Rich Evil Brownies tonight, because this made me squee so loud I startled the cat. Okay, yeah, bitter Draco, but on the other hand, H/D LIVE CONVO!!!!
Note to self: cut down on the sugar.
xnera @ May 11 2004, 08:13:37 UTC |
M.B. wants Harry to bring her food. Obviously this is a flimsy excuse to get him to come there so Harry and Draco can talk in person.
(parent)dragynville @ May 11 2004, 08:22:30 UTC |
Ack! He's saying he must leave! Harry..! (Ever just want to strangle something?)
(parent)dragynville @ May 11 2004, 08:32:09 UTC |
Maybe he's gone after the pasties to take to MB. *hopes pathetically*
(parent)vassilissa @ May 11 2004, 08:18:35 UTC |
Harry, boy, will you not get that she's on your side?
Or at least benevolently neutral?
xnera @ May 11 2004, 08:22:26 UTC |
McGonagall impression, or the real thing?
I don't know whether to laugh or fret. *attempts to do both, and breaks something in the process*
wedneswolf @ May 11 2004, 08:47:05 UTC |
Unless Harry was making a joke or something that went right over my head (in which case, chalk it up to my trying to form coherent thought at 4:30 in the morning), I think it's the real thing. But if they are in different parts of the castle and they can both hear McGonagall, then she must be making some sort of announcement... um, right? So I wonder if something is wrong. Or perhaps it's to do with the Ministry person Percy was speaking of in his last post.
(parent)nabiki @ May 11 2004, 08:55:10 UTC |
yeah i think its the real thing as well, since those posts are the last they made according to the I suppose we should be hearing about it soon :O
(parent)xnera @ May 11 2004, 10:00:04 UTC |
But if they are in different parts of the castle and they can both hear McGonagall, then she must be making some sort of announcement... um, right?
Right. And this is why I fret. *practices her wibbling*
In other news, I <3 the new nraged user icon. Made me laugh, it did.
jupistrahan @ May 11 2004, 15:37:47 UTC |
May it's "Harry, look at my shiny new Dark Mark!"
*hopes not*
sistermagpie @ May 11 2004, 14:15:51 UTC |
Okay, I don't know what's going on but it sounds like we know this much:
Harry tried to talk to Draco all week and Draco dramatically ignored him. They had their last match, which consisted of Harry spotting the Snitch and catching it before anything happened, so that's that.
After the match Draco did go to talk to him--maybe he thought he'd get more of a chance to work up to something during the game but when it was over so quickly he had to improvise. Also maybe he was irritated about having his last match come to nothing and wanted to yell at Potter because it was his fault. (And while I'm not saying the match was in any way unfair, he's right. I think I'd feel silly celebrating it after last week.) It is kind of cute the way he tells them that Harry alone won the game.:-)
So after the match Draco lurked until some of the Gryffindors went to get food, then tried to talk to Harry again about what he wanted to talk to him about the first time. Whatever he said, Harry got upset--understandable if it was, "So I had dinner with the Dark Lord and he killed my house elf." Can't imagine Harry not getting a bit emotional at that. Apparently he was horrified (and Draco hopes he'll leave him alone now--not). This perhaps hurt Draco's feelings if we're to take his descriptions of Harry's looks ("angry and apologetic") as accurate, which I'm inclined to do because those two things seem to suit Harry so well at the same time. Plus Harry's still trying to talk to him.
I particularly like Draco saying that "He's got himself into his own mess, and I'm not going to bother waiting to see if he's able to clean it up." Um, is this one of those times when Harry might ask if Draco is talking about himself instead of Harry (angry and apologetic would suit ps as well)? Because I don't get how Draco would be able to "bother waiting to see if Harry was able to clean it up himself." Harry's not the one in the mess I can see (ps' not speaking to him doesn't seem to qualify even from ps' pov). Was Harry yelling about Draco getting himself into a mess and demanding he let Harry clean it up? Did he yell at him for creating a mess Harry would now have to get him out of because ps was incompetent? Just seems like that whole passage is extremely loaded. ps really does sound at the end of his rope with his, "I'm sick of it!" and saying now he wishes he hadn't spoken to Harry at all and his final, "Everyone in this castle is unfair!"-even France is better.
I also like ps' own thoughts on being team captain--yes, there is a difference between Daddy buying you players and playing a real game against a worthy opponent.
Finally, why is MB in his bed? I don't know. Is she fighting with Pansy or has she decided ps needs a companion? I didn't think she was trying to keep Harry and ps from talking--actually, I thought she was just laughing at their "No you stop it!" idiocy.:-)
black_dog @ May 11 2004, 15:19:38 UTC |
Thanks for the summary. Like everyone else I'm trying, of course, to figure out where PS is coming from. I particularly loved the line: "Now that he's discovered I'm truly ignoring him . . . " in the middle of a long rant that is all about JH.
So why did PS break down and approach Harry? It was obviously premeditated, since he waited so long for the other Gryffindors to go away (I seem him lurking, shifting his feet, biting his tongue, preparing his opening gambit.) Was he genuinely giving in and trying to reopen their communication, only to be put off by Harry's reaction? If so, it would make sense that he wanted to delay any confession of weakness until after the quidditch match. Or was he trying to spite Harry: "See what you made me do!"
I think it's a little of both. I loved the way he made a point of mentioning Harry's "angrily apologetic look." I think he wants Harry to be sorry, wants to make Harry pay for not talking to him when he needed it, but the whole over-elaborate performance suggests he's not really ready to break things off. I suspect the sight of Harry apologizing, making the effort again and again to talk to him, is gratifying him right now and he wants to milk it.
It may be an interesting parallel that he's doing the same thing with his parents -- "I can't decide if I want to go to Paris or the Manor." He wants people to bid for him, make a play for him.
For all his typical attention-seeking, he usually doesn't beg for people's solicitude in such a directly personal way. So what's up with that? Is he feeling unusually insecure and needy, after being shaken by whatever happened at the Manor? Is he testing people to see if they really truly care about him and are on his side?
I agree with you that his "I'm sick of it" has an end-of-his-rope feel to it. It seems to reflect genuinely earned anger, for once. If he's feeling betrayed, let down, by whatever happened at the Manor, then it may actually be a constructive thing for him to test all his relationships right now, trust no one without proof, and stand on his own feet. (I'm glad for his sake that he seems to have reconciled with MB -- and his remark that "yelling is hardly the same" seems like it might be reply to MB pointing out his hypocrisy on the Harry question.)
PS makes an interesting remark about Evan being "practially a child," which may suggests that he's feeling suddenly older, suddenly faced with more serious issues and forced to be self-reliant in dealing with them. The idea of "cleaning up his own mess" may, as you say, really refer to himself, so it may be more evidence that he's thinking about his own ability to rely on himself.
Don't know, but fun to raise possibilities . . .
sistermagpie @ May 11 2004, 16:40:25 UTC |
So why did PS break down and approach Harry?
Good question--especially since ignoring him seemed to be working (maybe he, too, was inspired by this being their last match). This kind of testing is quite an obsession with ps.
He sounds resentful of Harry yelling at him over what happened at the Manor when he says Harry can "yell all he likes" and he'll just get a silencing charm. As we agree, his post does have a believeable edge to it, like he's not sure where to turn. If Lucius let him down at the Manor and he's beginning to doubt him it makes sense he'd be seeking other people out. But to have him go to Harry for assurance and get Harry yelling about his having dinner with the Dark Lord--that's even better, because Harry immediately focuses on what ps did wrong here rather than just making him, in conversant's words, a Damsel in Distress. It also makes it clear that Harry isn't going to be patient on this matter, that anything involving V is going to have consequences. Harry's going to make Draco work on this issue because it's the one that pushes his buttons. Draco's fighting it but he's started speaking again. Lucius, meanwhile, is playing passive-aggressive as well, as is Narcissa, a bit. They all seem to be playing the victim. So one can see from ps' point that the'd feel like everybody had their own agenda for him and isn't giving him time to sort himself out.
PS makes an interesting remark about Evan being "practially a child," which may suggests that he's feeling suddenly older, suddenly faced with more serious issues and forced to be self-reliant in dealing with them. The idea of "cleaning up his own mess" may, as you say, really refer to himself, so it may be more evidence that he's thinking about his own ability to rely on himself.
I thought the Evan comment, too, was an indignation that he wasn't being paired with somebody he'd prefer in his own year. It's almost funny as a meta-joke as well: what do you mean Draco's not being paired with Harry for detention? The fanfic police will come and get you!
It just seems like the "cleaning up messes" remark must refer to something beyond what he's pretending it does because although it makes a little sense (Harry is the one who wouldn't speak to him so now he has to live with being ignored) in this context it really doesn't. ps, imo, sounds more like the one in a mess-he's the one with the choices to make and robes that reek of snake. Actually, it also makes a chillingly good reference to Lucius and possibly Narcissa as well, since they brought Draco into a mess from the past. So it's interesting the way he seems to be wanting other people to bid for his affection while ranting about how people have to accept the consequences of their own actions and clean up their own mess. Harry is still speaking to him and doesn't want a yelling match, but I can imagine ps being even more scared of a serious talk.
His Quidditch talk is kind of nice in that vein too--he says it's the only thing he likes at Hogwarts, which is on one hand a slam at Harry and the school, but also it's something at which he succeeded personally. Unless he's a pro player he may never get that chance again. Plus he liked being captain and according to Harry was good at it. His pro try-out was also something he did on his own and succeeded at. Interesting how often ps throws out ideas about what he'll be when he grows up when Lucius really does seem to be leading him towards a specific "career." Does Draco think his fantasies about this are just as unrealistic as Harry feels any thoughts about his own future are?
So yeah, he sounds like he's at 6's and 7's. Harry, though, has maybe gotten his bearings after ps' revelation and can now be an effective force himself.
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Anonymous @ May 11 2004, 14:30:15 UTC |
NA still kills me. ps is doing a not-very-good-job of ignoring j_h when he replies to him. Wah. :(
(parent)pokethegeek @ May 11 2004, 14:48:29 UTC |
I hate the fact that he mentioned that the school year is almost over ):