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lonelyspade @ 2004-05-13 18:17:00 |
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PS on Lupin, classes, and flossing.
caithion @ May 13 2004, 22:40:23 UTC |
Huh, Millicent has finally left Draco's bed. Does this mean she knew about Pettigrew coming to Hogwarts before Lisa saw him?
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 13 2004, 23:26:12 UTC |
Some things I loved: Is Ernie truly freaked out by teeth? I can't help but wonder if he will have a problem with Hermione's parents profession... Did Draco floss his teeth on purpose in front of him after he freaked out? Again, this could be awkward at the Granger house...
Also, so did he really have a nightmare? We'd been kicking around the idea she was sleeping with him for a reason. Would this be this Tuesday after the Pettigrew scare? Is he mentioning the nightmare to see if anybody cares? (And is it Harry who has the model of the universe, I assume? Did ps give it to him?) Oh and for some reason it cracked me up that he said: "If memory serves, which mine always does..." I don't doubt it.
In other news, I love Millicent.
black_dog @ May 14 2004, 01:18:11 UTC |
Did Draco floss his teeth on purpose in front of him after he freaked out?
Kudos to PS, for making the time and effort, with six weeks left at Hogwarts, to find a brand new way to disturb someone he's known for seven years. Sort of like Socrates learning the flute while waiting for the hemlock . . . I loved the point about Hermione's parents, too.
Also, so did he really have a nightmare?
I wonder if he mentioned his nightmare to be competitive with Harry, although we know he does have nightmares and sleep disturbances all on his own, too. It could be something he thinks JH might want to talk about.
I got the same feeling that the model of the universe was Harry's though I don't remember who gave it to him, either. And of course, it was an astronomy project that first brought JH and PS together at Dogear after the outing. So this could be sentimental. If this is about Harry, the tone is really striking -- it's almost pointedly playful and teasing, he seems to be signalling that he might condescend to interrupt his sulking if Harry came to talk to him. The model "would certainly be of assistance" -- does that mean Harry's too dumb to help himself or does it mean it would also help even an otherwise-competent Slytherin if Harry chose to study with him?
sistermagpie @ May 14 2004, 03:34:42 UTC |
I wonder if he mentioned his nightmare to be competitive with Harry, although we know he does have nightmares and sleep disturbances all on his own, too. It could be something he thinks JH might want to talk about.
I don't know if I can really say why, but it didn't sound competitive to me. The nightmare aspect was a bit too rushed over in favor of complaining about Millicent punching him in the shoulder. (Also, we know he was concerned about Harry's nightmares.) He might have said something about the nightmare being inspired by the idiots at the school or something, or maybe say something about how brave he is about these things. Instead there's something sort of naked about his just saying he had a nightmare on Tuesday and not telling us what it's about (again with the sleep theme this year!!!). I really do hope Harry asks him about it because it does seem like a way of ps being able to open up a conversation with Harry that's about real issues while still dodging things.
The model "would certainly be of assistance" -- does that mean Harry's too dumb to help himself or does it mean it would also help even an otherwise-competent Slytherin if Harry chose to study with him?
Awwww. I thought he was sort of reminding Harry that his good pal Draco had got him a nice astronomy model so he could study with that, or had he forgotten? I like to think of him having a sort of Mommy moment where he just can't say something nice, he has to do it in a bullying way.:-)
tabiji @ May 14 2004, 05:54:20 UTC |
I think in Book 3 Harry was eyeing an Astronomy model that would "make studying unnecessary" or something like that. Maybe that's what Draco got him for Christmas?
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ex_lev195 @ May 15 2004, 20:49:00 UTC |
Plus PS has that particular entry filed away under "Why Potter should not have lived" in his memories with the title "And now we've got into the nauseating portion of term" so there had to be a reference to Harry in there somewhere.
(parent)black_dog @ May 15 2004, 01:50:48 UTC |
I think I may just be slow on the uptake here, but if PS is able to report in detail on Harry's mood -- "panicked" about the exams, "forgetting" about his Astronomy model -- doesn't that imply that they did talk in the Astronomy lesson? And could that be part of PS' good mood? Maybe everyone else got that already and I'm just behind the curve.
PS is also making a bit of a play for Remus, I think. He expresses ridicule at the idea that Dumbledore was worried about R's job prospects during the Pettigrew attack, and sort of snerks at the title of "Assistant Librarian." I think his point may be to wink and imply he knows that Remus is an enforcer, a protector. Then of course he goes on to make fun of how powerful and scary R can be if he forgets to take his potion. If it's true that PS teases people he's interested in, he may be trying to recover the slight connection they had on the thread about Harry's nightmare. It's interesting that Narcissa, too, made a point of posting a "congratulations" greeting on Remus' last thread, although R did not reply. So maybe, as usual, there are more rumblings underground than we are actually seeing.
tabiji @ May 14 2004, 08:33:04 UTC |
I don't remember seeing ps complaining about the heat before. I wonder if the inevitably of the hot weather coming is not about temperature, but anxiety/worries/whatever about having to leave the familiarity of school soon.
The skunk scent in the Astronomy Tower is intriguing. Since others noticed it but Sinistra waived it off, I'm wondering if Remus conjured a skunk into her classroom as payback to her for getting the Gladrags jingle stuck in his head :))
slinkhard @ May 14 2004, 09:53:22 UTC |
"All it takes is one act of carelessness, and everyone could be killed. One of them could even be me.
Nor, for that matter, do I recall anyone being upset about my rights when that brutish hippogriff savagely slashed my arm open in third year. In fact, if memory serves, which mine always does, Turpin called me a beast over that at the time. Yes, that's correct. What a beast I was for getting my arm in the way of its talons. I could have hurt it."
BWHAHAHAHA! I love ps.
And Millicent, of course. Punching him on the shoulder...*giggles* (I have now have the image of Brad from Rocky Horror punching Frank N Furter on the shoulder, and Frank's outraged expression!)
onthehillside @ May 14 2004, 17:44:50 UTC |
I love this. Draco seems to be in a good mood. I love Draco and Millicent in good moods. I'm sure that it won't last, but it's a nice respite from all the angst!
(parent)moojja @ May 14 2004, 20:05:03 UTC |
It sounds suprisisng that Draco is in a good mood, he doesn't seem to be affected by his parent's separation as much as he did last time. Maybe at this point, he is just used to it.