dragynville @ 2004-05-16 01:27:00 |
live thread!
Mood: happy
Remus has posted and, apparently, he and Sirius are still married (or have decided they are anyway). Yay! And Remus and Harry are teasing each other with icons! :D
Puppy love! Finally, something to *squee* about. <3
[eta] And he's pressing Percy for info on Peter's escape!
lazy_daze @ May 16 2004, 08:49:08 UTC |
GAH icons aren't showing up! I wanna seeee. Darn. However, Remus and Sinistra mocking the Malfoys just *killed* me. ahahahaha *dies* So. Funny!
(parent)dragynville @ May 16 2004, 09:01:46 UTC |
Harry has a "gimp" icon for Remus, and Remus has a "brat" icon for Harry. :D
The mocking is utter fabulousness!
lazy_daze @ May 16 2004, 09:11:18 UTC |
Aw, they're working now - so so cute! *squeezes them*
(parent)dragynville @ May 16 2004, 09:21:22 UTC |
They've both got some really nice spiffy new icons! :D I especially like the various pairs ones, but Harry doesn't have a Sirius icon. ;_;
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ May 16 2004, 10:12:43 UTC |
Hooray, us nraged-er need something to squee about from time to time!
Oh, how I love Remus *g*
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Anonymous @ May 16 2004, 10:25:00 UTC |
i love remus to pieces! :) :) and harry! and sinistra!
(and the anniversary! weeee!) :D :D
...but sirius' unexplained absence (from posting and commenting, anyway)(and it has been quite a long time) makes me very sad. :( :(
jiffy_spiffy @ May 17 2004, 06:46:38 UTC |
'Whee' pretty much covers it :D
Yes, I know! I thought it was just me actually, but I haven't seen him commenting/posting in ages! :S I am both sad and distressed ...
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Anonymous @ May 18 2004, 16:21:42 UTC |
I so adored this whole post. I still get amazed that a rpg can make me feel such joy and such sadness. Kudos N_A.
I have been missing Sirius and even Snape a lot also. So many opportunities for the snark that are passing by. I keep holding onto hope that they will start posting again soon.
~ k.
slinkhard @ May 16 2004, 12:49:40 UTC |
Aw. I like their new icons. Clearly every player needs new PoA icons... *whistles innocently*
Lupercus isn't very nice to Percy, is he? *tsks like an old lady* And how come it's ok for him and Sirius to overindulge in drink, but not Narcissa?
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Anonymous @ May 17 2004, 18:27:02 UTC |
I'm just wondering what the "funny idea" that Hermione and Harry are cooking up.
(parent)kenboy @ May 16 2004, 14:53:10 UTC So, Remus is now Giles? |
Working in the library, "watching" over things...
(parent)muggleangel @ May 16 2004, 18:30:41 UTC |
Could someone please translate the French and Italian comments? I hate feeling left out of a joke. :)
(parent)darththalia @ May 16 2004, 19:12:23 UTC |
Je n'ai pas su que vous parlez français, ma chère fille. Où l'avez-vous appris ? C'est une belle langue, oui?
I didn't know you speak French, my dear girl. Where did you learn it? It's a beautiful language, isn't it?
Can't help with the Italian.
muggleangel @ May 16 2004, 19:16:07 UTC |
Ah, thank you.
(wish one of the characters would do something in German, then I'd feel like less of an English-speaking t00b. :) )
gg_83 @ May 17 2004, 02:21:42 UTC |
Altavista's Babelfish translator is often very useful for getting the gist of statements in foreign languages. Using that (and knowing no Italian), I'm guessing what he said was something like:
Now I will say something in Italian, as it makes me look sophisticated and less free. [Not quite sure what he means by the last part, but I couldn't find any other translation for "meno libero."]
Just another way of mocking the elder Malfoys.
gg_83 @ May 17 2004, 02:26:18 UTC |
And I'm guessing lupercus's player uses Babelfish or a similar program after I saw the translation of the Gladrags advert. :)
I love Lupin, and I especially love his interactions with Sinastra!
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Anonymous @ May 16 2004, 20:58:33 UTC |
Yeah, you got the translation about right. 'twas nice seeing some of my mother tongue, though there were some grammar mistakes. Oh, well. French is so difficult a langage we can't really expect foreign people to speak it perfectly. lupercus seems to speak (write?) rather fluently already ;)