ungemmed @ 2004-05-16 10:04:00 |
bunnies aren't just cute and nice like everyone supposes
Mood: dorky
I've got a theory. Crazy one but that's par for the course here, ne?
What if Mullarkey's the head boy? I don't really have much backup for this other than the tone of his last note to Lisa. Also, Lisa would probably recognize his handwriting. But still. I can't get it out of my mind because in some ways it would be so appropriate.a_slytherin is in some ways too obvious.... meh. Shoot me down here, I'm crazy.
Also, wouldn't we have handwriting samples from the both of them? I'm sure we saw a Mullarkey sample somewhere along the road, though I don't remember where, and wasn't there something from a_slytherin during Gulf? ::runs off to check::
ungemmed @ May 16 2004, 16:32:10 UTC |
Damnit, that messes up my theory.
Those "g"s are pretty distinctive, aren't they?
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jacay @ May 16 2004, 21:49:16 UTC |
Dude, what's up with that I there? "I am sorry that I was unable..." Or is that some other character? Like a $ sign?
(parent)lilychick @ May 16 2004, 22:55:12 UTC |
It does look an awful lot like a $, doesn't it. Assuming that it really is an "I" (hi, I'm paranoid), it probably just looks weird because the bottom line was made first, then the top, leaving the ink trail to cross over the middle of the line.
Okay, I have no life.
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carinmlp @ May 17 2004, 00:44:44 UTC |
It's entirely possible that that was an S with and I written over it in correction.
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greenvarnish @ May 17 2004, 03:03:43 UTC |
But it's too light to be a proper s. If that made sense. Ahh, we'll pretend it's s and go into a crazy tangent of what Head Boy wanted to *really* say.
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jacay @ May 17 2004, 03:40:03 UTC |
:O! You are so right. That's probably it. It's not like he would be writing his name there, either, because why would he refer to himself in third person? Unless he was writing someone else's name. Like Snape's, which happens to be the only S name I can think of right now. Thanks!
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a_player @ May 17 2004, 07:13:55 UTC |
it probably just looks weird because the bottom line was made first, then the top, leaving the ink trail to cross over the middle of the line.
Er, yes.
lilychick @ May 18 2004, 13:58:19 UTC |
Hee, my first gold star!
Probably the *only* time I'll ever get one, too, so I guess having no life paid off in this case. (*grin*)
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chez_caillou @ May 17 2004, 01:47:05 UTC |
This has probably been discussed already, but I think the handwriting looks a little like Harry's or Dean's. But then again, that seems too obvious. And why would the head boy want to hide? :\
I wonder if he will come out at the end of the school year. Argh. Too many unanswered questions NA! :0
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jacay @ May 17 2004, 03:38:39 UTC |
Wait, I thought Harry's writing there was actually a font?
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jacay @ May 17 2004, 03:41:43 UTC |
I would also like to say that isn't Dean good at forging signatures? Meaning maybe good at changing his handwriting? Eh?
*leaves, finally*
ungemmed @ May 17 2004, 21:06:05 UTC |
Dean's handwriting isn't far off, especially if he's disguising it. So is Ernie's, actually, dontcha think? Now wouldn't that be interesting.
(parent)ungemmed @ May 17 2004, 21:03:30 UTC |
Ah. That makes it kinda impossible, then.
Incidentally, you're my favorite character.
ungemmed @ May 19 2004, 02:58:30 UTC |
Well, I do write my "g"s like that, sometimes.
On the other hand I am somewhat female. I wonder if Hogwarts is progressive in that area?