eponis @ 2004-05-22 19:43:00 |
potions_master IS BACK!!!
Mood: overjoyed
And there was much rejoicing.
Albeit no real content.
Edit: But Snape has posting problems, so he yells for Black.
dr_jekyl @ May 22 2004, 23:50:03 UTC |
*squees like a fangirl*
It's silly, I know, but right now I have the biggest grin on my face.
He's back! He's back!
ekaterinn @ May 23 2004, 06:42:23 UTC |
*looks at icon* *DIES* Is there any way I could take? I'll credit, of course.
(parent)xnera @ May 22 2004, 23:52:06 UTC |
In honor of his return I will use my Lilitou icon.
small_rodent @ May 23 2004, 16:00:24 UTC |
Hahaha, bunnies. Not that I have a theory or anything...
(parent)laurac0re @ May 23 2004, 00:41:01 UTC |
they're from the new parade magazine...I found them on danradcliffe.com.
The icon was made by so_called but there's lots of different versions (including some from the other photos) floating around
sistermagpie @ May 23 2004, 00:05:40 UTC |
I think that was the best entrance I've ever seen. Bravo Snape!
(parent)murgandy @ May 23 2004, 00:16:31 UTC |
I have never delurked to post, but this a thing of great rejoicing, so, YAY!!!!
(parent)woo2step @ May 23 2004, 01:00:41 UTC |
::dances The Dance of Joy::
If he ever has computer problems again, I shall be very cross.
darththalia @ May 23 2004, 01:48:07 UTC |
Yay!!! I've been in potions_master withdrawal. Now we just need
jadedsirius, and everything will be fine.
Yay, yay, yay!!!
![]() |
Anonymous @ May 24 2004, 08:01:59 UTC |
This (http://www.livejournal.com/users/perfectprefect/5220.html?thread=58468#t58468) might be of interest! ^_^
(parent)dr_jekyl @ May 26 2004, 06:09:12 UTC |
I wonder if Snape did something to piss off Remus in the intervening months. Remus has been rather touchy about comments Snape has made in regards to Sirius, and this comment, if I read the subtext right, is downright *nasty*.
allthat_jazz @ May 27 2004, 18:05:45 UTC |
I was wondering if someone else noticed this! Lupin has never been so hostile to Snape before. This comment, too, seems particularly nasty. As well as his sarcasm about Snape finally coming back to the journals. Perhaps p_m's continued nastiness towards Sirius has finally made Lupin snap? I'm not sure what else it could be, really.
This makes me sad. I was a big Snupin fan, but if this is the result of the relationship, I'd rather they had not gotten involved at all. At least Snape would still have Lupin's friendship.