tabiji @ 2004-05-28 07:10:00 |
Mood: enraged
Sleep Duel update:
Draco is awake , hungry, and bored.
edit 1: really bored
edit 2: and enraged
xnera @ May 28 2004, 11:14:49 UTC |
It's about time! I was waiting for him or M.B. to update. I needed some entertainment in my own Sleep Duel: xnera vs.
nocturne_alley. (sadly, I suspect that NA will be the ultimate winner of this battle)
tabiji @ May 28 2004, 11:19:44 UTC |
He's so bored he's commented to Ginny.......but not Harry.
(parent)xnera @ May 28 2004, 11:25:53 UTC |
That's some pretty serious boredom.
My shrink says that people decide to change when their current situation becomes more painful than the change would be. Maybe Draco will get so freakin' bored that commenting to harry will start to look fun? *hopes*
xnera @ May 28 2004, 11:35:07 UTC |
It so could. She is such the H/D shipper.
Note to self: make an M.B. icon. She deserves one.
vassilissa @ May 30 2004, 03:12:32 UTC |
You know, my guess (which has been proved wrong by now) was that she wanted to get him all sleep deprived before his meeting with Harry, to soften him up so he'd fall asleep in Gryffindor Tower.
It might not have gotten them talking, but it would have suited her sense of humour.
sistermagpie @ May 28 2004, 22:33:32 UTC |
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that comment made me wonder if he just really doesn't like being alone and awake with the world asleep. Like, it's not boredom so much as when he's alone by himself he thinks too much so he really wants to talk to someone, be it Ginny or the Bloody Baron.
I just still remember in the Q&A when somebody asked him what he heard when the Dementors were near (the way Harry hears his parents dying) and he said he heard "silence, just like everyone else," or something like that. Seemed like...I don't know...for somebody who seems to talk so compulsively that seemed interesting. When he's upset he goes into almost an enforced isolation in his hole or in his theater where he's going to brood and has to be dragged out. He can't stop speaking to Harry forever even if he wants to.
Plus, given the things he's said to the Weasleys...I know he's insensitive so he probably would think he could just talk to Ginny even though he was cruel to her mother, but I still wondered if that comment was sort of a moment of weakness that he wanted to talk to someone and know somebody else was awake. It just feels like on one hand of course there's no point in his staying awake if everybody doesn't hear about it and he's going to complain about being bored, but on the other hand it just sort of seems to hit him in a sort of sensitive area, being all alone and awake. Maybe because it seems like he's had some his ore honest conversations then.
Or maybe I'm just overreaching completely and I should just appreciate teh funny! *hides*
xnera @ May 29 2004, 06:24:34 UTC |
No, speculate, please! I love your speculations. Besides, last night I was way too sleep-deprived, and everything was striking me as funny.
I really like this idea. Especially the remark about what he hears with the Dementors. That does seem pretty telling. Unless he's right that most people don't hear anything when dementors are around. It's possible, because we really have only seen how the dementors affect Harry, and we know they affect him more than they affect others. Also, I'm forgetting, but did Harry hear anything when he had his first encounter with dementors? I know he heard more as time went on, but I can't recall if he heard anything the first time.
But yes, Draco does seem to be the kind of person who doesn't like being alone, since he posts so much. And the fact that he tried talking to a Weasley really is telling, isn't it? That he was so desparate for conversation that he was willing to overlook his hatred on them.
Plus, someone (I think Nancy) commented in wibblechat when we first saw his comment to Ginny that it looked like Draco was going through the journals looking to see who was awake, so this backs up your theory as well. We were really hoping he would reply to Harry, since Harry had replied to M.B.'s comment on his (harry's) journal shortly before Draco commented to Ginny, but I guess Draco wasn't up to speaking with Harry yet.
tabiji @ May 29 2004, 09:41:40 UTC |
Harry heard his parents being killed, but I think that was because of the Dementors' ability to make one think of/remember horrible things. I'm guessing that the sound was coming from Harry's own memory, and that ps meant that the Dementors themselves are noiseless?
(parent)xnera @ May 29 2004, 10:09:58 UTC |
That is very possible, as ps is so very literal at times.
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 29 2004, 17:41:36 UTC |
Oh yes, I agree with both of you. Harry only heard sounds later, I think, and there's no reason to think everybody would hear something. It was more the way he phrased it that sounded like more to me. Like, that when he was asked what he heard when the dementors were around he said silence rather than just being confused why anyone would ask that. Like, if I were to ask what I heard when my dog was around I wouldn't say "silence" I'd say it depended on what the dog was doing and where I was etc...does that make sense? So I thought maybe part of the feeling of awfulness he got when Dementors were near was that everything was silent.
I dunno, it just seemed like one of those ps answers where he thought he was getting off easy but was really revealing something without knowing it. If he was telling the truth, of course. (Perhaps the truth was that he heard the sound of his own frantically beating heart or something!)
sistermagpie @ May 31 2004, 16:00:36 UTC |
*does happy dance*
That's one of my favorite little gems of ps characterization--whatever it means. I have to remind myself it's not technically HP canon.:DDD
saltroseortopaz @ May 28 2004, 11:29:24 UTC |
He's not the only one, poor, pointy little darling.
(parent)xnera @ May 28 2004, 12:06:37 UTC |
edit 2: enragedly bored
*ponders* This seems so contadictory. I mean, boredom is usually "blah blah blah I don't know what to do blah blah blah". Though sometimes you get fidgety. But I supposedly being enragedly bored would come naturally to potterstinks, since he appears to be permanently enraged anyway.
Also, hella funny post.
tabiji @ May 28 2004, 12:08:15 UTC |
Actually, he didn't mention boredom there. I was just on a roll. I will re-edit.
(parent)xnera @ May 28 2004, 12:19:51 UTC |
Oh, no need to edit on my part. I was actually attempting some silliness, but perhaps it didn't come through. You would think it would, since I am on another bout of sleep deprivation.
(parent)notapipe @ May 28 2004, 12:25:10 UTC |
He's got a good complaint about that damn sun. Just an hour or two ago I leaned back and lo and behold, the sun was up, which is completely unfair as I was completely not expecting it.
But at least I had more fun than Draco. J'adore Battlefield: Vietnam.
tabiji @ May 28 2004, 12:31:03 UTC |
PIPE! Good to see ya!
Keeping on topic: I suppose poor Draco could work on his anti-Sun spell, to counter boredom.
xnera @ May 28 2004, 12:32:39 UTC |
I still say Harry needs to show Draco how to use sunblock. Draco's skin DOES chafe, after all.
(parent)xnera @ May 28 2004, 12:31:22 UTC |
That tricksy sun, always sneaking up on a person. You wouldn't think it'd be able to, since it's so BIG, but yet it manages to do so anyway.
(parent)lazy_daze @ May 28 2004, 13:44:13 UTC |
Ahahaha!! My mum is always curious as to what I'm laughing out loud about when I'm reading NA and I'm always like, 'nothing'. I could say I find Draco's house elf plight so fucking hilarious, but I think she'd be a little confused. But I do, I adore their little feud :D :D 'You're just paranoid, Malfoy,' everyone says. 'Of course no one's lowering your bed bit by bit. You're just imagining it.' When, of course, it got so low that no one could pretend they hadn't noticed, people told me that the bed had, perhaps, got old. What sort of bed gets old and starts removing bits of its own legs? *loud gigglesnort*
(parent)pornography @ May 29 2004, 00:24:28 UTC |
people told me that the bed had, perhaps, got old. What sort of bed gets old and starts removing bits of its own legs?
Hee. I love PS and his player. So much love <33
the_plebe @ May 29 2004, 01:46:22 UTC |
Heeheehee! That's just like me and my brother. :D He just wouldn't get it.
And PS vs the house-elves -> *cracks up laughing*
moocow1985 @ May 29 2004, 16:26:59 UTC |
Does anyone else suspect that M.B. just went to bed and is letting Draco make a very tired fool out of himself?
(parent)sistermagpie @ May 29 2004, 17:42:40 UTC |
I have wondered that, yes. I mean, why aren't they sitting with each other to make sure they're both awake???